Expand description

Instructions provided by the ZK Token proof program.

There are two types of instructions in the proof program: proof verification instructions and the CloseContextState instruction.

Each proof verification instruction verifies a certain type of zero-knowledge proof. These instructions are processed by the program in two steps:

  1. The program verifies the zero-knowledge proof.
  2. The program optionally stores the context component of the instruction data to a dedicated context-state account. If no accounts are provided with the instruction, the program simply verifies the proofs. If accounts are provided with the instruction, then the program writes the context data to the specified context-state account.

NOTE: A context-state account must be pre-allocated to the exact size of the context data that is expected for a proof type before it is included in a proof verification instruction.

The CloseContextState instruction closes a context state account. A transaction containing this instruction must be signed by the context account’s owner. This instruction can be used by the account owner to reclaim lamports for storage.



  • Pubkeys associated with a context state account to be used as parameters to functions.

