Module auth

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§Auth conceptual overview

This module is responsible for two separate tasks (both starting with “auth”):

  • Authorization: deciding if some action should be allowed by some policy.
  • Authentication: deciding if some credential or signature is authentic.

As one would expect, authorization can (though doesn’t always) depend on authentication: part of judging whether some action is allowed may depend on someone presenting a signed credential, at which point one must evaluate the credential’s authenticity.

Moreover this subsystem is responsible (as will be discussed in detail below) with facilitating two different directions for each of these tasks:

  • Contracts can require auth services provided by this module.
  • Contracts can provide auth services required by this module.

And again, in both directions the “auth services” required or provided may be either of authorization, authentication, or both.

All auth services reason about invocations and authorizations, so we next turn our attention to these.


A Soroban transaction can be seen as a tree of invocations: these are usually invocations of contract functions, but may also be other host functions requiring authorization, such as the ‘create contract’ function.

The “invocation tree” corresponds to the fact that each invocation may cause sub-invocations, each of which may have sub-sub-invocations, and so on. Contracts often invoke other contracts.

Each invocation in the tree is mediated by the Soroban host, and typically represents a transition between trust domains (as different contracts are written by different authors), so invocations are the natural boundary at which to evaluate authorization.

In other words: authorization happens in terms of invocations; they are the conceptual units for which authorization is granted or denied.

Note that invocations are not function calls within a contract’s own WASM bytecode. The host can’t see a call from one WASM function to another inside a single WASM blob, and in general it does not concern itself with authorizing those. Invocations are bigger: what are often called “cross-contract calls”, that transfer control from one WASM VM to another.

§Authorized Invocations

Each invocation may – usually early on – call the host function require_auth(Address): this is the main entrypoint to the auth module.

The require_auth function takes an Address that the contract provides, that identifies some abstract entity responsible for authorizing the current invocation. The contract calling require_auth must therefore somehow select (directly or indirectly, perhaps from its own internal configuration or from some argument it was passed associated with the operation it’s performing) which entity it wishes to predicate its execution on the authorization of. As we’ll see, there are multiple ways this entity may provide authorization. It may also require authorization from multiple entities!

(There is also a secondary entrypoint called require_auth_for_args that allows customizing the invocation being authorized, in case the current contract invocation – function name and argument list – isn’t quite the one desired, but this distinction is unimportant in this discussion.)

For a given Address, the auth module maintains one or more tree-shaped data structures called the AuthorizedInvocations of the Address, which are incrementally matched by each invocation’s calls to require_auth(Address).

Each such tree essentially represents a pattern of invocations the Address authorizes, that the actual execution context of a running tree of contract invocations needs to match when it calls require_auth. Any pattern node that matches an invocation is then permanently associated with the actual invocation it matched, such that sub-patterns can only match at actual sub-invocations, allowing the authorizing party to globally restrict the contexts in which a sub-invocation may match.

Furthermore each pattern node is permanently invalidated as it matches so that it can never match more than once per transaction. If a user wishes to authorize two instances of the same pattern within a transaction, they must provide two separate copies.


As described above, AuthorizedInvocations define the trees of invocations that are authorized by some Address. But what is an Address? Concretely it is either a Stellar AccountID or the Hash identity of some contract. But conceptually the Address used to authorize an invocation may be one of 4 different types.

  1. The address of a contract that is an invoker. We say that if contract C invokes contract D, then C authorized D. This is simple and requires no credentials as the host literally observes the call from C to D. It is a slight conceptual stretch but makes sense: if C didn’t want to authorize D, it wouldn’t have invoked it! Further invoker-contract authorizations for indirect calls (C calls D calls E, C wants to authorize sub-calls to E) can also be provided on the fly by contracts calling authorize_as_curr_contract, passing a vector of the Val-encoded type InvokerContractAuthEntry.

  2. The address of a Stellar classic account, identified by AccountID, that must supply SorobanAddressCredentials for any AuthorizedInvocation it authorizes, satisfying the account’s classic multisig authorization to its medium threshold.

  3. The address of a Stellar classic account that happens to be the transaction source account. In this case we assume the transaction signatures already met the requirements of the account before the Soroban host was even instantiated, and so the AuthorizedInvocation for such an address can be accompanied by the constant credential SOROBAN_CREDENTIALS_SOURCE_ACCOUNT that’s considered authentic by assumption.

  4. The address of a contract that is a custom account. In this case the AuthorizedInvocation is still accompanied by SorobanAddressCredentials but interpreting those credentials (and indeed interpreting the entire authorization request) is delegated to a contract. The contract must export a function called __check_auth and it will be passed the abstract, uninterpreted Val from the credential’s “signature” field, along with a hash of the material it expects the signature to authenticate, and a structured summary of the auth context. The __check_auth function may potentially re-enter the auth module by calling require_auth on some other Address.

Each of these 4 forms of address may be passed to require_auth, which will then serve as a key to look up an AuthorizedInvocation to match against the invocation being authorized, and potentially perform further authentication or custom-auth logic.

The first type – contract invoker address – is associated with a set of AuthorizedInvocations that is dynamic, evolves during execution of the transaction, and requires no credentials. The other 3 types are static, are provided as input to the transaction, and carry credentials that may require authentication. Therefore the first type and the latter 3 types are tracked in different data structures. But this is merely an implementation detail; addresses in all 4 conceptual roles can be passed to require_auth without any concern for which kind fulfils the requirement at runtime.

In the cases with nontrivial SorobanAddressCredentials (2 and 4), the auth module takes care of evaluating signature expiration times and recording nonces to the ledger automatically, to prevent replay.

