
1// This file is part of Substrate.
3// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
4// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
6// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8// You may obtain a copy of the License at
10// 	http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16// limitations under the License.
18//! # Substrate Primitives: IO
20//! This crate contains interfaces for the runtime to communicate with the outside world, ergo `io`.
21//! In other context, such interfaces are referred to as "**host functions**".
23//! Each set of host functions are defined with an instance of the
24//! [`sp_runtime_interface::runtime_interface`] macro.
26//! Most notably, this crate contains host functions for:
28//! - [`hashing`]
29//! - [`crypto`]
30//! - [`trie`]
31//! - [`offchain`]
32//! - [`storage`]
33//! - [`allocator`]
34//! - [`logging`]
36//! All of the default host functions provided by this crate, and by default contained in all
37//! substrate-based clients are amalgamated in [`SubstrateHostFunctions`].
39//! ## Externalities
41//! Host functions go hand in hand with the concept of externalities. Externalities are an
42//! environment in which host functions are provided, and thus can be accessed. Some host functions
43//! are only accessible in an externality environment that provides it.
45//! A typical error for substrate developers is the following:
47//! ```should_panic
48//! use sp_io::storage::get;
49//! # fn main() {
50//! let data = get(b"hello world");
51//! # }
52//! ```
54//! This code will panic with the following error:
56//! ```no_compile
57//! thread 'main' panicked at '`get_version_1` called outside of an Externalities-provided environment.'
58//! ```
60//! Such error messages should always be interpreted as "code accessing host functions accessed
61//! outside of externalities".
63//! An externality is any type that implements [`sp_externalities::Externalities`]. A simple example
64//! of which is [`TestExternalities`], which is commonly used in tests and is exported from this
65//! crate.
67//! ```
68//! use sp_io::{storage::get, TestExternalities};
69//! # fn main() {
70//! TestExternalities::default().execute_with(|| {
71//! 	let data = get(b"hello world");
72//! });
73//! # }
74//! ```
77#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
78#![cfg_attr(enable_alloc_error_handler, feature(alloc_error_handler))]
80extern crate alloc;
82use alloc::vec::Vec;
84#[cfg(feature = "std")]
85use tracing;
87#[cfg(feature = "std")]
88use sp_core::{
89	crypto::Pair,
90	hexdisplay::HexDisplay,
91	offchain::{OffchainDbExt, OffchainWorkerExt, TransactionPoolExt},
92	storage::ChildInfo,
94#[cfg(feature = "std")]
95use sp_keystore::KeystoreExt;
97#[cfg(feature = "bandersnatch-experimental")]
98use sp_core::bandersnatch;
99use sp_core::{
100	crypto::KeyTypeId,
101	ecdsa, ed25519,
102	offchain::{
103		HttpError, HttpRequestId, HttpRequestStatus, OpaqueNetworkState, StorageKind, Timestamp,
104	},
105	sr25519,
106	storage::StateVersion,
107	LogLevel, LogLevelFilter, OpaquePeerId, H256,
110#[cfg(feature = "bls-experimental")]
111use sp_core::{bls381, ecdsa_bls381};
113#[cfg(feature = "std")]
114use sp_trie::{LayoutV0, LayoutV1, TrieConfiguration};
116use sp_runtime_interface::{
117	pass_by::{PassBy, PassByCodec},
118	runtime_interface, Pointer,
121use codec::{Decode, Encode};
123#[cfg(feature = "std")]
124use secp256k1::{
125	ecdsa::{RecoverableSignature, RecoveryId},
126	Message, SECP256K1,
129#[cfg(feature = "std")]
130use sp_externalities::{Externalities, ExternalitiesExt};
132pub use sp_externalities::MultiRemovalResults;
134#[cfg(all(not(feature = "disable_allocator"), substrate_runtime, target_family = "wasm"))]
135mod global_alloc_wasm;
138	not(feature = "disable_allocator"),
139	substrate_runtime,
140	any(target_arch = "riscv32", target_arch = "riscv64")
142mod global_alloc_riscv;
144#[cfg(feature = "std")]
145const LOG_TARGET: &str = "runtime::io";
147/// Error verifying ECDSA signature
148#[derive(Encode, Decode)]
149pub enum EcdsaVerifyError {
150	/// Incorrect value of R or S
151	BadRS,
152	/// Incorrect value of V
153	BadV,
154	/// Invalid signature
155	BadSignature,
158/// The outcome of calling `storage_kill`. Returned value is the number of storage items
159/// removed from the backend from making the `storage_kill` call.
160#[derive(PassByCodec, Encode, Decode)]
161pub enum KillStorageResult {
162	/// All keys to remove were removed, return number of iterations performed during the
163	/// operation.
164	AllRemoved(u32),
165	/// Not all key to remove were removed, return number of iterations performed during the
166	/// operation.
167	SomeRemaining(u32),
170impl From<MultiRemovalResults> for KillStorageResult {
171	fn from(r: MultiRemovalResults) -> Self {
172		// We use `loops` here rather than `backend` because that's the same as the original
173		// functionality pre-#11490. This won't matter once we switch to the new host function
174		// since we won't be using the `KillStorageResult` type in the runtime any more.
175		match r.maybe_cursor {
176			None => Self::AllRemoved(r.loops),
177			Some(..) => Self::SomeRemaining(r.loops),
178		}
179	}
182/// Interface for accessing the storage from within the runtime.
184pub trait Storage {
185	/// Returns the data for `key` in the storage or `None` if the key can not be found.
186	fn get(&mut self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<bytes::Bytes> {
187		self.storage(key).map(bytes::Bytes::from)
188	}
190	/// Get `key` from storage, placing the value into `value_out` and return the number of
191	/// bytes that the entry in storage has beyond the offset or `None` if the storage entry
192	/// doesn't exist at all.
193	/// If `value_out` length is smaller than the returned length, only `value_out` length bytes
194	/// are copied into `value_out`.
195	fn read(&mut self, key: &[u8], value_out: &mut [u8], value_offset: u32) -> Option<u32> {
196		self.storage(key).map(|value| {
197			let value_offset = value_offset as usize;
198			let data = &value[value_offset.min(value.len())..];
199			let written = std::cmp::min(data.len(), value_out.len());
200			value_out[..written].copy_from_slice(&data[..written]);
201			data.len() as u32
202		})
203	}
205	/// Set `key` to `value` in the storage.
206	fn set(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) {
207		self.set_storage(key.to_vec(), value.to_vec());
208	}
210	/// Clear the storage of the given `key` and its value.
211	fn clear(&mut self, key: &[u8]) {
212		self.clear_storage(key)
213	}
215	/// Check whether the given `key` exists in storage.
216	fn exists(&mut self, key: &[u8]) -> bool {
217		self.exists_storage(key)
218	}
220	/// Clear the storage of each key-value pair where the key starts with the given `prefix`.
221	fn clear_prefix(&mut self, prefix: &[u8]) {
222		let _ = Externalities::clear_prefix(*self, prefix, None, None);
223	}
225	/// Clear the storage of each key-value pair where the key starts with the given `prefix`.
226	///
227	/// # Limit
228	///
229	/// Deletes all keys from the overlay and up to `limit` keys from the backend if
230	/// it is set to `Some`. No limit is applied when `limit` is set to `None`.
231	///
232	/// The limit can be used to partially delete a prefix storage in case it is too large
233	/// to delete in one go (block).
234	///
235	/// Returns [`KillStorageResult`] to inform about the result.
236	///
237	/// # Note
238	///
239	/// Please note that keys that are residing in the overlay for that prefix when
240	/// issuing this call are all deleted without counting towards the `limit`. Only keys
241	/// written during the current block are part of the overlay. Deleting with a `limit`
242	/// mostly makes sense with an empty overlay for that prefix.
243	///
244	/// Calling this function multiple times per block for the same `prefix` does
245	/// not make much sense because it is not cumulative when called inside the same block.
246	/// The deletion would always start from `prefix` resulting in the same keys being deleted
247	/// every time this function is called with the exact same arguments per block. This happens
248	/// because the keys in the overlay are not taken into account when deleting keys in the
249	/// backend.
250	#[version(2)]
251	fn clear_prefix(&mut self, prefix: &[u8], limit: Option<u32>) -> KillStorageResult {
252		Externalities::clear_prefix(*self, prefix, limit, None).into()
253	}
255	/// Partially clear the storage of each key-value pair where the key starts with the given
256	/// prefix.
257	///
258	/// # Limit
259	///
260	/// A *limit* should always be provided through `maybe_limit`. This is one fewer than the
261	/// maximum number of backend iterations which may be done by this operation and as such
262	/// represents the maximum number of backend deletions which may happen. A *limit* of zero
263	/// implies that no keys will be deleted, though there may be a single iteration done.
264	///
265	/// The limit can be used to partially delete a prefix storage in case it is too large or costly
266	/// to delete in a single operation.
267	///
268	/// # Cursor
269	///
270	/// A *cursor* may be passed in to this operation with `maybe_cursor`. `None` should only be
271	/// passed once (in the initial call) for any given `maybe_prefix` value. Subsequent calls
272	/// operating on the same prefix should always pass `Some`, and this should be equal to the
273	/// previous call result's `maybe_cursor` field.
274	///
275	/// Returns [`MultiRemovalResults`](sp_io::MultiRemovalResults) to inform about the result. Once
276	/// the resultant `maybe_cursor` field is `None`, then no further items remain to be deleted.
277	///
278	/// NOTE: After the initial call for any given prefix, it is important that no keys further
279	/// keys under the same prefix are inserted. If so, then they may or may not be deleted by
280	/// subsequent calls.
281	///
282	/// # Note
283	///
284	/// Please note that keys which are residing in the overlay for that prefix when
285	/// issuing this call are deleted without counting towards the `limit`.
286	#[version(3, register_only)]
287	fn clear_prefix(
288		&mut self,
289		maybe_prefix: &[u8],
290		maybe_limit: Option<u32>,
291		maybe_cursor: Option<Vec<u8>>, //< TODO Make work or just Option<Vec<u8>>?
292	) -> MultiRemovalResults {
293		Externalities::clear_prefix(
294			*self,
295			maybe_prefix,
296			maybe_limit,
297			maybe_cursor.as_ref().map(|x| &x[..]),
298		)
299		.into()
300	}
302	/// Append the encoded `value` to the storage item at `key`.
303	///
304	/// The storage item needs to implement [`EncodeAppend`](codec::EncodeAppend).
305	///
306	/// # Warning
307	///
308	/// If the storage item does not support [`EncodeAppend`](codec::EncodeAppend) or
309	/// something else fails at appending, the storage item will be set to `[value]`.
310	fn append(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: Vec<u8>) {
311		self.storage_append(key.to_vec(), value);
312	}
314	/// "Commit" all existing operations and compute the resulting storage root.
315	///
316	/// The hashing algorithm is defined by the `Block`.
317	///
318	/// Returns a `Vec<u8>` that holds the SCALE encoded hash.
319	fn root(&mut self) -> Vec<u8> {
320		self.storage_root(StateVersion::V0)
321	}
323	/// "Commit" all existing operations and compute the resulting storage root.
324	///
325	/// The hashing algorithm is defined by the `Block`.
326	///
327	/// Returns a `Vec<u8>` that holds the SCALE encoded hash.
328	#[version(2)]
329	fn root(&mut self, version: StateVersion) -> Vec<u8> {
330		self.storage_root(version)
331	}
333	/// Always returns `None`. This function exists for compatibility reasons.
334	fn changes_root(&mut self, _parent_hash: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
335		None
336	}
338	/// Get the next key in storage after the given one in lexicographic order.
339	fn next_key(&mut self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
340		self.next_storage_key(key)
341	}
343	/// Start a new nested transaction.
344	///
345	/// This allows to either commit or roll back all changes that are made after this call.
346	/// For every transaction there must be a matching call to either `rollback_transaction`
347	/// or `commit_transaction`. This is also effective for all values manipulated using the
348	/// `DefaultChildStorage` API.
349	///
350	/// # Warning
351	///
352	/// This is a low level API that is potentially dangerous as it can easily result
353	/// in unbalanced transactions. For example, FRAME users should use high level storage
354	/// abstractions.
355	fn start_transaction(&mut self) {
356		self.storage_start_transaction();
357	}
359	/// Rollback the last transaction started by `start_transaction`.
360	///
361	/// Any changes made during that transaction are discarded.
362	///
363	/// # Panics
364	///
365	/// Will panic if there is no open transaction.
366	fn rollback_transaction(&mut self) {
367		self.storage_rollback_transaction()
368			.expect("No open transaction that can be rolled back.");
369	}
371	/// Commit the last transaction started by `start_transaction`.
372	///
373	/// Any changes made during that transaction are committed.
374	///
375	/// # Panics
376	///
377	/// Will panic if there is no open transaction.
378	fn commit_transaction(&mut self) {
379		self.storage_commit_transaction()
380			.expect("No open transaction that can be committed.");
381	}
384/// Interface for accessing the child storage for default child trie,
385/// from within the runtime.
387pub trait DefaultChildStorage {
388	/// Get a default child storage value for a given key.
389	///
390	/// Parameter `storage_key` is the unprefixed location of the root of the child trie in the
391	/// parent trie. Result is `None` if the value for `key` in the child storage can not be found.
392	fn get(&mut self, storage_key: &[u8], key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
393		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
394		self.child_storage(&child_info, key).map(|s| s.to_vec())
395	}
397	/// Allocation efficient variant of `get`.
398	///
399	/// Get `key` from child storage, placing the value into `value_out` and return the number
400	/// of bytes that the entry in storage has beyond the offset or `None` if the storage entry
401	/// doesn't exist at all.
402	/// If `value_out` length is smaller than the returned length, only `value_out` length bytes
403	/// are copied into `value_out`.
404	fn read(
405		&mut self,
406		storage_key: &[u8],
407		key: &[u8],
408		value_out: &mut [u8],
409		value_offset: u32,
410	) -> Option<u32> {
411		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
412		self.child_storage(&child_info, key).map(|value| {
413			let value_offset = value_offset as usize;
414			let data = &value[value_offset.min(value.len())..];
415			let written = std::cmp::min(data.len(), value_out.len());
416			value_out[..written].copy_from_slice(&data[..written]);
417			data.len() as u32
418		})
419	}
421	/// Set a child storage value.
422	///
423	/// Set `key` to `value` in the child storage denoted by `storage_key`.
424	fn set(&mut self, storage_key: &[u8], key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) {
425		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
426		self.set_child_storage(&child_info, key.to_vec(), value.to_vec());
427	}
429	/// Clear a child storage key.
430	///
431	/// For the default child storage at `storage_key`, clear value at `key`.
432	fn clear(&mut self, storage_key: &[u8], key: &[u8]) {
433		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
434		self.clear_child_storage(&child_info, key);
435	}
437	/// Clear an entire child storage.
438	///
439	/// If it exists, the child storage for `storage_key`
440	/// is removed.
441	fn storage_kill(&mut self, storage_key: &[u8]) {
442		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
443		let _ = self.kill_child_storage(&child_info, None, None);
444	}
446	/// Clear a child storage key.
447	///
448	/// See `Storage` module `clear_prefix` documentation for `limit` usage.
449	#[version(2)]
450	fn storage_kill(&mut self, storage_key: &[u8], limit: Option<u32>) -> bool {
451		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
452		let r = self.kill_child_storage(&child_info, limit, None);
453		r.maybe_cursor.is_none()
454	}
456	/// Clear a child storage key.
457	///
458	/// See `Storage` module `clear_prefix` documentation for `limit` usage.
459	#[version(3)]
460	fn storage_kill(&mut self, storage_key: &[u8], limit: Option<u32>) -> KillStorageResult {
461		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
462		self.kill_child_storage(&child_info, limit, None).into()
463	}
465	/// Clear a child storage key.
466	///
467	/// See `Storage` module `clear_prefix` documentation for `limit` usage.
468	#[version(4, register_only)]
469	fn storage_kill(
470		&mut self,
471		storage_key: &[u8],
472		maybe_limit: Option<u32>,
473		maybe_cursor: Option<Vec<u8>>,
474	) -> MultiRemovalResults {
475		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
476		self.kill_child_storage(&child_info, maybe_limit, maybe_cursor.as_ref().map(|x| &x[..]))
477			.into()
478	}
480	/// Check a child storage key.
481	///
482	/// Check whether the given `key` exists in default child defined at `storage_key`.
483	fn exists(&mut self, storage_key: &[u8], key: &[u8]) -> bool {
484		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
485		self.exists_child_storage(&child_info, key)
486	}
488	/// Clear child default key by prefix.
489	///
490	/// Clear the child storage of each key-value pair where the key starts with the given `prefix`.
491	fn clear_prefix(&mut self, storage_key: &[u8], prefix: &[u8]) {
492		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
493		let _ = self.clear_child_prefix(&child_info, prefix, None, None);
494	}
496	/// Clear the child storage of each key-value pair where the key starts with the given `prefix`.
497	///
498	/// See `Storage` module `clear_prefix` documentation for `limit` usage.
499	#[version(2)]
500	fn clear_prefix(
501		&mut self,
502		storage_key: &[u8],
503		prefix: &[u8],
504		limit: Option<u32>,
505	) -> KillStorageResult {
506		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
507		self.clear_child_prefix(&child_info, prefix, limit, None).into()
508	}
510	/// Clear the child storage of each key-value pair where the key starts with the given `prefix`.
511	///
512	/// See `Storage` module `clear_prefix` documentation for `limit` usage.
513	#[version(3, register_only)]
514	fn clear_prefix(
515		&mut self,
516		storage_key: &[u8],
517		prefix: &[u8],
518		maybe_limit: Option<u32>,
519		maybe_cursor: Option<Vec<u8>>,
520	) -> MultiRemovalResults {
521		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
522		self.clear_child_prefix(
523			&child_info,
524			prefix,
525			maybe_limit,
526			maybe_cursor.as_ref().map(|x| &x[..]),
527		)
528		.into()
529	}
531	/// Default child root calculation.
532	///
533	/// "Commit" all existing operations and compute the resulting child storage root.
534	/// The hashing algorithm is defined by the `Block`.
535	///
536	/// Returns a `Vec<u8>` that holds the SCALE encoded hash.
537	fn root(&mut self, storage_key: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
538		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
539		self.child_storage_root(&child_info, StateVersion::V0)
540	}
542	/// Default child root calculation.
543	///
544	/// "Commit" all existing operations and compute the resulting child storage root.
545	/// The hashing algorithm is defined by the `Block`.
546	///
547	/// Returns a `Vec<u8>` that holds the SCALE encoded hash.
548	#[version(2)]
549	fn root(&mut self, storage_key: &[u8], version: StateVersion) -> Vec<u8> {
550		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
551		self.child_storage_root(&child_info, version)
552	}
554	/// Child storage key iteration.
555	///
556	/// Get the next key in storage after the given one in lexicographic order in child storage.
557	fn next_key(&mut self, storage_key: &[u8], key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
558		let child_info = ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key);
559		self.next_child_storage_key(&child_info, key)
560	}
563/// Interface that provides trie related functionality.
565pub trait Trie {
566	/// A trie root formed from the iterated items.
567	fn blake2_256_root(input: Vec<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>) -> H256 {
568		LayoutV0::<sp_core::Blake2Hasher>::trie_root(input)
569	}
571	/// A trie root formed from the iterated items.
572	#[version(2)]
573	fn blake2_256_root(input: Vec<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>, version: StateVersion) -> H256 {
574		match version {
575			StateVersion::V0 => LayoutV0::<sp_core::Blake2Hasher>::trie_root(input),
576			StateVersion::V1 => LayoutV1::<sp_core::Blake2Hasher>::trie_root(input),
577		}
578	}
580	/// A trie root formed from the enumerated items.
581	fn blake2_256_ordered_root(input: Vec<Vec<u8>>) -> H256 {
582		LayoutV0::<sp_core::Blake2Hasher>::ordered_trie_root(input)
583	}
585	/// A trie root formed from the enumerated items.
586	#[version(2)]
587	fn blake2_256_ordered_root(input: Vec<Vec<u8>>, version: StateVersion) -> H256 {
588		match version {
589			StateVersion::V0 => LayoutV0::<sp_core::Blake2Hasher>::ordered_trie_root(input),
590			StateVersion::V1 => LayoutV1::<sp_core::Blake2Hasher>::ordered_trie_root(input),
591		}
592	}
594	/// A trie root formed from the iterated items.
595	fn keccak_256_root(input: Vec<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>) -> H256 {
596		LayoutV0::<sp_core::KeccakHasher>::trie_root(input)
597	}
599	/// A trie root formed from the iterated items.
600	#[version(2)]
601	fn keccak_256_root(input: Vec<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>, version: StateVersion) -> H256 {
602		match version {
603			StateVersion::V0 => LayoutV0::<sp_core::KeccakHasher>::trie_root(input),
604			StateVersion::V1 => LayoutV1::<sp_core::KeccakHasher>::trie_root(input),
605		}
606	}
608	/// A trie root formed from the enumerated items.
609	fn keccak_256_ordered_root(input: Vec<Vec<u8>>) -> H256 {
610		LayoutV0::<sp_core::KeccakHasher>::ordered_trie_root(input)
611	}
613	/// A trie root formed from the enumerated items.
614	#[version(2)]
615	fn keccak_256_ordered_root(input: Vec<Vec<u8>>, version: StateVersion) -> H256 {
616		match version {
617			StateVersion::V0 => LayoutV0::<sp_core::KeccakHasher>::ordered_trie_root(input),
618			StateVersion::V1 => LayoutV1::<sp_core::KeccakHasher>::ordered_trie_root(input),
619		}
620	}
622	/// Verify trie proof
623	fn blake2_256_verify_proof(root: H256, proof: &[Vec<u8>], key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> bool {
624		sp_trie::verify_trie_proof::<LayoutV0<sp_core::Blake2Hasher>, _, _, _>(
625			&root,
626			proof,
627			&[(key, Some(value))],
628		)
629		.is_ok()
630	}
632	/// Verify trie proof
633	#[version(2)]
634	fn blake2_256_verify_proof(
635		root: H256,
636		proof: &[Vec<u8>],
637		key: &[u8],
638		value: &[u8],
639		version: StateVersion,
640	) -> bool {
641		match version {
642			StateVersion::V0 => sp_trie::verify_trie_proof::<
643				LayoutV0<sp_core::Blake2Hasher>,
644				_,
645				_,
646				_,
647			>(&root, proof, &[(key, Some(value))])
648			.is_ok(),
649			StateVersion::V1 => sp_trie::verify_trie_proof::<
650				LayoutV1<sp_core::Blake2Hasher>,
651				_,
652				_,
653				_,
654			>(&root, proof, &[(key, Some(value))])
655			.is_ok(),
656		}
657	}
659	/// Verify trie proof
660	fn keccak_256_verify_proof(root: H256, proof: &[Vec<u8>], key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> bool {
661		sp_trie::verify_trie_proof::<LayoutV0<sp_core::KeccakHasher>, _, _, _>(
662			&root,
663			proof,
664			&[(key, Some(value))],
665		)
666		.is_ok()
667	}
669	/// Verify trie proof
670	#[version(2)]
671	fn keccak_256_verify_proof(
672		root: H256,
673		proof: &[Vec<u8>],
674		key: &[u8],
675		value: &[u8],
676		version: StateVersion,
677	) -> bool {
678		match version {
679			StateVersion::V0 => sp_trie::verify_trie_proof::<
680				LayoutV0<sp_core::KeccakHasher>,
681				_,
682				_,
683				_,
684			>(&root, proof, &[(key, Some(value))])
685			.is_ok(),
686			StateVersion::V1 => sp_trie::verify_trie_proof::<
687				LayoutV1<sp_core::KeccakHasher>,
688				_,
689				_,
690				_,
691			>(&root, proof, &[(key, Some(value))])
692			.is_ok(),
693		}
694	}
697/// Interface that provides miscellaneous functions for communicating between the runtime and the
698/// node.
700pub trait Misc {
701	// NOTE: We use the target 'runtime' for messages produced by general printing functions,
702	// instead of LOG_TARGET.
704	/// Print a number.
705	fn print_num(val: u64) {
706		log::debug!(target: "runtime", "{}", val);
707	}
709	/// Print any valid `utf8` buffer.
710	fn print_utf8(utf8: &[u8]) {
711		if let Ok(data) = std::str::from_utf8(utf8) {
712			log::debug!(target: "runtime", "{}", data)
713		}
714	}
716	/// Print any `u8` slice as hex.
717	fn print_hex(data: &[u8]) {
718		log::debug!(target: "runtime", "{}", HexDisplay::from(&data));
719	}
721	/// Extract the runtime version of the given wasm blob by calling `Core_version`.
722	///
723	/// Returns `None` if calling the function failed for any reason or `Some(Vec<u8>)` where
724	/// the `Vec<u8>` holds the SCALE encoded runtime version.
725	///
726	/// # Performance
727	///
728	/// This function may be very expensive to call depending on the wasm binary. It may be
729	/// relatively cheap if the wasm binary contains version information. In that case,
730	/// uncompression of the wasm blob is the dominating factor.
731	///
732	/// If the wasm binary does not have the version information attached, then a legacy mechanism
733	/// may be involved. This means that a runtime call will be performed to query the version.
734	///
735	/// Calling into the runtime may be incredible expensive and should be approached with care.
736	fn runtime_version(&mut self, wasm: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
737		use sp_core::traits::ReadRuntimeVersionExt;
739		let mut ext = sp_state_machine::BasicExternalities::default();
741		match self
742			.extension::<ReadRuntimeVersionExt>()
743			.expect("No `ReadRuntimeVersionExt` associated for the current context!")
744			.read_runtime_version(wasm, &mut ext)
745		{
746			Ok(v) => Some(v),
747			Err(err) => {
748				log::debug!(
749					target: LOG_TARGET,
750					"cannot read version from the given runtime: {}",
751					err,
752				);
753				None
754			},
755		}
756	}
759#[cfg(feature = "std")]
760sp_externalities::decl_extension! {
761	/// Extension to signal to [`crypt::ed25519_verify`] to use the dalek crate.
762	///
763	/// The switch from `ed25519-dalek` to `ed25519-zebra` was a breaking change.
764	/// `ed25519-zebra` is more permissive when it comes to the verification of signatures.
765	/// This means that some chains may fail to sync from genesis when using `ed25519-zebra`.
766	/// So, this extension can be registered to the runtime execution environment to signal
767	/// that `ed25519-dalek` should be used for verification. The extension can be registered
768	/// in the following way:
769	///
770	/// ```nocompile
771	/// client.execution_extensions().set_extensions_factory(
772	/// 	// Let the `UseDalekExt` extension being registered for each runtime invocation
773	/// 	// until the execution happens in the context of block `1000`.
774	/// 	sc_client_api::execution_extensions::ExtensionBeforeBlock::<Block, UseDalekExt>::new(1000)
775	/// );
776	/// ```
777	pub struct UseDalekExt;
780#[cfg(feature = "std")]
781impl Default for UseDalekExt {
782	fn default() -> Self {
783		Self
784	}
787/// Interfaces for working with crypto related types from within the runtime.
789pub trait Crypto {
790	/// Returns all `ed25519` public keys for the given key id from the keystore.
791	fn ed25519_public_keys(&mut self, id: KeyTypeId) -> Vec<ed25519::Public> {
792		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
793			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
794			.ed25519_public_keys(id)
795	}
797	/// Generate an `ed22519` key for the given key type using an optional `seed` and
798	/// store it in the keystore.
799	///
800	/// The `seed` needs to be a valid utf8.
801	///
802	/// Returns the public key.
803	fn ed25519_generate(&mut self, id: KeyTypeId, seed: Option<Vec<u8>>) -> ed25519::Public {
804		let seed = seed.as_ref().map(|s| std::str::from_utf8(s).expect("Seed is valid utf8!"));
805		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
806			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
807			.ed25519_generate_new(id, seed)
808			.expect("`ed25519_generate` failed")
809	}
811	/// Sign the given `msg` with the `ed25519` key that corresponds to the given public key and
812	/// key type in the keystore.
813	///
814	/// Returns the signature.
815	fn ed25519_sign(
816		&mut self,
817		id: KeyTypeId,
818		pub_key: &ed25519::Public,
819		msg: &[u8],
820	) -> Option<ed25519::Signature> {
821		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
822			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
823			.ed25519_sign(id, pub_key, msg)
824			.ok()
825			.flatten()
826	}
828	/// Verify `ed25519` signature.
829	///
830	/// Returns `true` when the verification was successful.
831	fn ed25519_verify(sig: &ed25519::Signature, msg: &[u8], pub_key: &ed25519::Public) -> bool {
832		// We don't want to force everyone needing to call the function in an externalities context.
833		// So, we assume that we should not use dalek when we are not in externalities context.
834		// Otherwise, we check if the extension is present.
835		if sp_externalities::with_externalities(|mut e| e.extension::<UseDalekExt>().is_some())
836			.unwrap_or_default()
837		{
838			use ed25519_dalek::Verifier;
840			let Ok(public_key) = ed25519_dalek::VerifyingKey::from_bytes(&pub_key.0) else {
841				return false
842			};
844			let sig = ed25519_dalek::Signature::from_bytes(&sig.0);
846			public_key.verify(msg, &sig).is_ok()
847		} else {
848			ed25519::Pair::verify(sig, msg, pub_key)
849		}
850	}
852	/// Register a `ed25519` signature for batch verification.
853	///
854	/// Batch verification must be enabled by calling [`start_batch_verify`].
855	/// If batch verification is not enabled, the signature will be verified immediately.
856	/// To get the result of the batch verification, [`finish_batch_verify`]
857	/// needs to be called.
858	///
859	/// Returns `true` when the verification is either successful or batched.
860	///
861	/// NOTE: Is tagged with `register_only` to keep the functions around for backwards
862	/// compatibility with old runtimes, but it should not be used anymore by new runtimes.
863	/// The implementation emulates the old behavior, but isn't doing any batch verification
864	/// anymore.
865	#[version(1, register_only)]
866	fn ed25519_batch_verify(
867		&mut self,
868		sig: &ed25519::Signature,
869		msg: &[u8],
870		pub_key: &ed25519::Public,
871	) -> bool {
872		let res = ed25519_verify(sig, msg, pub_key);
874		if let Some(ext) = self.extension::<VerificationExtDeprecated>() {
875			ext.0 &= res;
876		}
878		res
879	}
881	/// Verify `sr25519` signature.
882	///
883	/// Returns `true` when the verification was successful.
884	#[version(2)]
885	fn sr25519_verify(sig: &sr25519::Signature, msg: &[u8], pub_key: &sr25519::Public) -> bool {
886		sr25519::Pair::verify(sig, msg, pub_key)
887	}
889	/// Register a `sr25519` signature for batch verification.
890	///
891	/// Batch verification must be enabled by calling [`start_batch_verify`].
892	/// If batch verification is not enabled, the signature will be verified immediately.
893	/// To get the result of the batch verification, [`finish_batch_verify`]
894	/// needs to be called.
895	///
896	/// Returns `true` when the verification is either successful or batched.
897	///
898	/// NOTE: Is tagged with `register_only` to keep the functions around for backwards
899	/// compatibility with old runtimes, but it should not be used anymore by new runtimes.
900	/// The implementation emulates the old behavior, but isn't doing any batch verification
901	/// anymore.
902	#[version(1, register_only)]
903	fn sr25519_batch_verify(
904		&mut self,
905		sig: &sr25519::Signature,
906		msg: &[u8],
907		pub_key: &sr25519::Public,
908	) -> bool {
909		let res = sr25519_verify(sig, msg, pub_key);
911		if let Some(ext) = self.extension::<VerificationExtDeprecated>() {
912			ext.0 &= res;
913		}
915		res
916	}
918	/// Start verification extension.
919	///
920	/// NOTE: Is tagged with `register_only` to keep the functions around for backwards
921	/// compatibility with old runtimes, but it should not be used anymore by new runtimes.
922	/// The implementation emulates the old behavior, but isn't doing any batch verification
923	/// anymore.
924	#[version(1, register_only)]
925	fn start_batch_verify(&mut self) {
926		self.register_extension(VerificationExtDeprecated(true))
927			.expect("Failed to register required extension: `VerificationExt`");
928	}
930	/// Finish batch-verification of signatures.
931	///
932	/// Verify or wait for verification to finish for all signatures which were previously
933	/// deferred by `sr25519_verify`/`ed25519_verify`.
934	///
935	/// Will panic if no `VerificationExt` is registered (`start_batch_verify` was not called).
936	///
937	/// NOTE: Is tagged with `register_only` to keep the functions around for backwards
938	/// compatibility with old runtimes, but it should not be used anymore by new runtimes.
939	/// The implementation emulates the old behavior, but isn't doing any batch verification
940	/// anymore.
941	#[version(1, register_only)]
942	fn finish_batch_verify(&mut self) -> bool {
943		let result = self
944			.extension::<VerificationExtDeprecated>()
945			.expect("`finish_batch_verify` should only be called after `start_batch_verify`")
946			.0;
948		self.deregister_extension::<VerificationExtDeprecated>()
949			.expect("No verification extension in current context!");
951		result
952	}
954	/// Returns all `sr25519` public keys for the given key id from the keystore.
955	fn sr25519_public_keys(&mut self, id: KeyTypeId) -> Vec<sr25519::Public> {
956		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
957			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
958			.sr25519_public_keys(id)
959	}
961	/// Generate an `sr22519` key for the given key type using an optional seed and
962	/// store it in the keystore.
963	///
964	/// The `seed` needs to be a valid utf8.
965	///
966	/// Returns the public key.
967	fn sr25519_generate(&mut self, id: KeyTypeId, seed: Option<Vec<u8>>) -> sr25519::Public {
968		let seed = seed.as_ref().map(|s| std::str::from_utf8(s).expect("Seed is valid utf8!"));
969		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
970			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
971			.sr25519_generate_new(id, seed)
972			.expect("`sr25519_generate` failed")
973	}
975	/// Sign the given `msg` with the `sr25519` key that corresponds to the given public key and
976	/// key type in the keystore.
977	///
978	/// Returns the signature.
979	fn sr25519_sign(
980		&mut self,
981		id: KeyTypeId,
982		pub_key: &sr25519::Public,
983		msg: &[u8],
984	) -> Option<sr25519::Signature> {
985		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
986			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
987			.sr25519_sign(id, pub_key, msg)
988			.ok()
989			.flatten()
990	}
992	/// Verify an `sr25519` signature.
993	///
994	/// Returns `true` when the verification in successful regardless of
995	/// signature version.
996	fn sr25519_verify(sig: &sr25519::Signature, msg: &[u8], pubkey: &sr25519::Public) -> bool {
997		sr25519::Pair::verify_deprecated(sig, msg, pubkey)
998	}
1000	/// Returns all `ecdsa` public keys for the given key id from the keystore.
1001	fn ecdsa_public_keys(&mut self, id: KeyTypeId) -> Vec<ecdsa::Public> {
1002		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
1003			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
1004			.ecdsa_public_keys(id)
1005	}
1007	/// Generate an `ecdsa` key for the given key type using an optional `seed` and
1008	/// store it in the keystore.
1009	///
1010	/// The `seed` needs to be a valid utf8.
1011	///
1012	/// Returns the public key.
1013	fn ecdsa_generate(&mut self, id: KeyTypeId, seed: Option<Vec<u8>>) -> ecdsa::Public {
1014		let seed = seed.as_ref().map(|s| std::str::from_utf8(s).expect("Seed is valid utf8!"));
1015		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
1016			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
1017			.ecdsa_generate_new(id, seed)
1018			.expect("`ecdsa_generate` failed")
1019	}
1021	/// Sign the given `msg` with the `ecdsa` key that corresponds to the given public key and
1022	/// key type in the keystore.
1023	///
1024	/// Returns the signature.
1025	fn ecdsa_sign(
1026		&mut self,
1027		id: KeyTypeId,
1028		pub_key: &ecdsa::Public,
1029		msg: &[u8],
1030	) -> Option<ecdsa::Signature> {
1031		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
1032			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
1033			.ecdsa_sign(id, pub_key, msg)
1034			.ok()
1035			.flatten()
1036	}
1038	/// Sign the given a pre-hashed `msg` with the `ecdsa` key that corresponds to the given public
1039	/// key and key type in the keystore.
1040	///
1041	/// Returns the signature.
1042	fn ecdsa_sign_prehashed(
1043		&mut self,
1044		id: KeyTypeId,
1045		pub_key: &ecdsa::Public,
1046		msg: &[u8; 32],
1047	) -> Option<ecdsa::Signature> {
1048		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
1049			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
1050			.ecdsa_sign_prehashed(id, pub_key, msg)
1051			.ok()
1052			.flatten()
1053	}
1055	/// Verify `ecdsa` signature.
1056	///
1057	/// Returns `true` when the verification was successful.
1058	/// This version is able to handle, non-standard, overflowing signatures.
1059	fn ecdsa_verify(sig: &ecdsa::Signature, msg: &[u8], pub_key: &ecdsa::Public) -> bool {
1060		#[allow(deprecated)]
1061		ecdsa::Pair::verify_deprecated(sig, msg, pub_key)
1062	}
1064	/// Verify `ecdsa` signature.
1065	///
1066	/// Returns `true` when the verification was successful.
1067	#[version(2)]
1068	fn ecdsa_verify(sig: &ecdsa::Signature, msg: &[u8], pub_key: &ecdsa::Public) -> bool {
1069		ecdsa::Pair::verify(sig, msg, pub_key)
1070	}
1072	/// Verify `ecdsa` signature with pre-hashed `msg`.
1073	///
1074	/// Returns `true` when the verification was successful.
1075	fn ecdsa_verify_prehashed(
1076		sig: &ecdsa::Signature,
1077		msg: &[u8; 32],
1078		pub_key: &ecdsa::Public,
1079	) -> bool {
1080		ecdsa::Pair::verify_prehashed(sig, msg, pub_key)
1081	}
1083	/// Register a `ecdsa` signature for batch verification.
1084	///
1085	/// Batch verification must be enabled by calling [`start_batch_verify`].
1086	/// If batch verification is not enabled, the signature will be verified immediately.
1087	/// To get the result of the batch verification, [`finish_batch_verify`]
1088	/// needs to be called.
1089	///
1090	/// Returns `true` when the verification is either successful or batched.
1091	///
1092	/// NOTE: Is tagged with `register_only` to keep the functions around for backwards
1093	/// compatibility with old runtimes, but it should not be used anymore by new runtimes.
1094	/// The implementation emulates the old behavior, but isn't doing any batch verification
1095	/// anymore.
1096	#[version(1, register_only)]
1097	fn ecdsa_batch_verify(
1098		&mut self,
1099		sig: &ecdsa::Signature,
1100		msg: &[u8],
1101		pub_key: &ecdsa::Public,
1102	) -> bool {
1103		let res = ecdsa_verify(sig, msg, pub_key);
1105		if let Some(ext) = self.extension::<VerificationExtDeprecated>() {
1106			ext.0 &= res;
1107		}
1109		res
1110	}
1112	/// Verify and recover a SECP256k1 ECDSA signature.
1113	///
1114	/// - `sig` is passed in RSV format. V should be either `0/1` or `27/28`.
1115	/// - `msg` is the blake2-256 hash of the message.
1116	///
1117	/// Returns `Err` if the signature is bad, otherwise the 64-byte pubkey
1118	/// (doesn't include the 0x04 prefix).
1119	/// This version is able to handle, non-standard, overflowing signatures.
1120	fn secp256k1_ecdsa_recover(
1121		sig: &[u8; 65],
1122		msg: &[u8; 32],
1123	) -> Result<[u8; 64], EcdsaVerifyError> {
1124		let rid = libsecp256k1::RecoveryId::parse(
1125			if sig[64] > 26 { sig[64] - 27 } else { sig[64] } as u8,
1126		)
1127		.map_err(|_| EcdsaVerifyError::BadV)?;
1128		let sig = libsecp256k1::Signature::parse_overflowing_slice(&sig[..64])
1129			.map_err(|_| EcdsaVerifyError::BadRS)?;
1130		let msg = libsecp256k1::Message::parse(msg);
1131		let pubkey =
1132			libsecp256k1::recover(&msg, &sig, &rid).map_err(|_| EcdsaVerifyError::BadSignature)?;
1133		let mut res = [0u8; 64];
1134		res.copy_from_slice(&pubkey.serialize()[1..65]);
1135		Ok(res)
1136	}
1138	/// Verify and recover a SECP256k1 ECDSA signature.
1139	///
1140	/// - `sig` is passed in RSV format. V should be either `0/1` or `27/28`.
1141	/// - `msg` is the blake2-256 hash of the message.
1142	///
1143	/// Returns `Err` if the signature is bad, otherwise the 64-byte pubkey
1144	/// (doesn't include the 0x04 prefix).
1145	#[version(2)]
1146	fn secp256k1_ecdsa_recover(
1147		sig: &[u8; 65],
1148		msg: &[u8; 32],
1149	) -> Result<[u8; 64], EcdsaVerifyError> {
1150		let rid = RecoveryId::from_i32(if sig[64] > 26 { sig[64] - 27 } else { sig[64] } as i32)
1151			.map_err(|_| EcdsaVerifyError::BadV)?;
1152		let sig = RecoverableSignature::from_compact(&sig[..64], rid)
1153			.map_err(|_| EcdsaVerifyError::BadRS)?;
1154		let msg = Message::from_digest_slice(msg).expect("Message is 32 bytes; qed");
1155		let pubkey = SECP256K1
1156			.recover_ecdsa(&msg, &sig)
1157			.map_err(|_| EcdsaVerifyError::BadSignature)?;
1158		let mut res = [0u8; 64];
1159		res.copy_from_slice(&pubkey.serialize_uncompressed()[1..]);
1160		Ok(res)
1161	}
1163	/// Verify and recover a SECP256k1 ECDSA signature.
1164	///
1165	/// - `sig` is passed in RSV format. V should be either `0/1` or `27/28`.
1166	/// - `msg` is the blake2-256 hash of the message.
1167	///
1168	/// Returns `Err` if the signature is bad, otherwise the 33-byte compressed pubkey.
1169	fn secp256k1_ecdsa_recover_compressed(
1170		sig: &[u8; 65],
1171		msg: &[u8; 32],
1172	) -> Result<[u8; 33], EcdsaVerifyError> {
1173		let rid = libsecp256k1::RecoveryId::parse(
1174			if sig[64] > 26 { sig[64] - 27 } else { sig[64] } as u8,
1175		)
1176		.map_err(|_| EcdsaVerifyError::BadV)?;
1177		let sig = libsecp256k1::Signature::parse_overflowing_slice(&sig[0..64])
1178			.map_err(|_| EcdsaVerifyError::BadRS)?;
1179		let msg = libsecp256k1::Message::parse(msg);
1180		let pubkey =
1181			libsecp256k1::recover(&msg, &sig, &rid).map_err(|_| EcdsaVerifyError::BadSignature)?;
1182		Ok(pubkey.serialize_compressed())
1183	}
1185	/// Verify and recover a SECP256k1 ECDSA signature.
1186	///
1187	/// - `sig` is passed in RSV format. V should be either `0/1` or `27/28`.
1188	/// - `msg` is the blake2-256 hash of the message.
1189	///
1190	/// Returns `Err` if the signature is bad, otherwise the 33-byte compressed pubkey.
1191	#[version(2)]
1192	fn secp256k1_ecdsa_recover_compressed(
1193		sig: &[u8; 65],
1194		msg: &[u8; 32],
1195	) -> Result<[u8; 33], EcdsaVerifyError> {
1196		let rid = RecoveryId::from_i32(if sig[64] > 26 { sig[64] - 27 } else { sig[64] } as i32)
1197			.map_err(|_| EcdsaVerifyError::BadV)?;
1198		let sig = RecoverableSignature::from_compact(&sig[..64], rid)
1199			.map_err(|_| EcdsaVerifyError::BadRS)?;
1200		let msg = Message::from_digest_slice(msg).expect("Message is 32 bytes; qed");
1201		let pubkey = SECP256K1
1202			.recover_ecdsa(&msg, &sig)
1203			.map_err(|_| EcdsaVerifyError::BadSignature)?;
1204		Ok(pubkey.serialize())
1205	}
1207	/// Generate an `bls12-381` key for the given key type using an optional `seed` and
1208	/// store it in the keystore.
1209	///
1210	/// The `seed` needs to be a valid utf8.
1211	///
1212	/// Returns the public key.
1213	#[cfg(feature = "bls-experimental")]
1214	fn bls381_generate(&mut self, id: KeyTypeId, seed: Option<Vec<u8>>) -> bls381::Public {
1215		let seed = seed.as_ref().map(|s| std::str::from_utf8(s).expect("Seed is valid utf8!"));
1216		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
1217			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
1218			.bls381_generate_new(id, seed)
1219			.expect("`bls381_generate` failed")
1220	}
1222	/// Generate an `(ecdsa,bls12-381)` key for the given key type using an optional `seed` and
1223	/// store it in the keystore.
1224	///
1225	/// The `seed` needs to be a valid utf8.
1226	///
1227	/// Returns the public key.
1228	#[cfg(feature = "bls-experimental")]
1229	fn ecdsa_bls381_generate(
1230		&mut self,
1231		id: KeyTypeId,
1232		seed: Option<Vec<u8>>,
1233	) -> ecdsa_bls381::Public {
1234		let seed = seed.as_ref().map(|s| std::str::from_utf8(s).expect("Seed is valid utf8!"));
1235		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
1236			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
1237			.ecdsa_bls381_generate_new(id, seed)
1238			.expect("`ecdsa_bls381_generate` failed")
1239	}
1241	/// Generate a `bandersnatch` key pair for the given key type using an optional
1242	/// `seed` and store it in the keystore.
1243	///
1244	/// The `seed` needs to be a valid utf8.
1245	///
1246	/// Returns the public key.
1247	#[cfg(feature = "bandersnatch-experimental")]
1248	fn bandersnatch_generate(
1249		&mut self,
1250		id: KeyTypeId,
1251		seed: Option<Vec<u8>>,
1252	) -> bandersnatch::Public {
1253		let seed = seed.as_ref().map(|s| std::str::from_utf8(s).expect("Seed is valid utf8!"));
1254		self.extension::<KeystoreExt>()
1255			.expect("No `keystore` associated for the current context!")
1256			.bandersnatch_generate_new(id, seed)
1257			.expect("`bandernatch_generate` failed")
1258	}
1261/// Interface that provides functions for hashing with different algorithms.
1263pub trait Hashing {
1264	/// Conduct a 256-bit Keccak hash.
1265	fn keccak_256(data: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
1266		sp_crypto_hashing::keccak_256(data)
1267	}
1269	/// Conduct a 512-bit Keccak hash.
1270	fn keccak_512(data: &[u8]) -> [u8; 64] {
1271		sp_crypto_hashing::keccak_512(data)
1272	}
1274	/// Conduct a 256-bit Sha2 hash.
1275	fn sha2_256(data: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
1276		sp_crypto_hashing::sha2_256(data)
1277	}
1279	/// Conduct a 128-bit Blake2 hash.
1280	fn blake2_128(data: &[u8]) -> [u8; 16] {
1281		sp_crypto_hashing::blake2_128(data)
1282	}
1284	/// Conduct a 256-bit Blake2 hash.
1285	fn blake2_256(data: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
1286		sp_crypto_hashing::blake2_256(data)
1287	}
1289	/// Conduct four XX hashes to give a 256-bit result.
1290	fn twox_256(data: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
1291		sp_crypto_hashing::twox_256(data)
1292	}
1294	/// Conduct two XX hashes to give a 128-bit result.
1295	fn twox_128(data: &[u8]) -> [u8; 16] {
1296		sp_crypto_hashing::twox_128(data)
1297	}
1299	/// Conduct two XX hashes to give a 64-bit result.
1300	fn twox_64(data: &[u8]) -> [u8; 8] {
1301		sp_crypto_hashing::twox_64(data)
1302	}
1305/// Interface that provides transaction indexing API.
1307pub trait TransactionIndex {
1308	/// Add transaction index. Returns indexed content hash.
1309	fn index(&mut self, extrinsic: u32, size: u32, context_hash: [u8; 32]) {
1310		self.storage_index_transaction(extrinsic, &context_hash, size);
1311	}
1313	/// Conduct a 512-bit Keccak hash.
1314	fn renew(&mut self, extrinsic: u32, context_hash: [u8; 32]) {
1315		self.storage_renew_transaction_index(extrinsic, &context_hash);
1316	}
1319/// Interface that provides functions to access the Offchain DB.
1321pub trait OffchainIndex {
1322	/// Write a key value pair to the Offchain DB database in a buffered fashion.
1323	fn set(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) {
1324		self.set_offchain_storage(key, Some(value));
1325	}
1327	/// Remove a key and its associated value from the Offchain DB.
1328	fn clear(&mut self, key: &[u8]) {
1329		self.set_offchain_storage(key, None);
1330	}
1333#[cfg(feature = "std")]
1334sp_externalities::decl_extension! {
1335	/// Deprecated verification context.
1336	///
1337	/// Stores the combined result of all verifications that are done in the same context.
1338	struct VerificationExtDeprecated(bool);
1341/// Interface that provides functions to access the offchain functionality.
1343/// These functions are being made available to the runtime and are called by the runtime.
1345pub trait Offchain {
1346	/// Returns if the local node is a potential validator.
1347	///
1348	/// Even if this function returns `true`, it does not mean that any keys are configured
1349	/// and that the validator is registered in the chain.
1350	fn is_validator(&mut self) -> bool {
1351		self.extension::<OffchainWorkerExt>()
1352			.expect("is_validator can be called only in the offchain worker context")
1353			.is_validator()
1354	}
1356	/// Submit an encoded transaction to the pool.
1357	///
1358	/// The transaction will end up in the pool.
1359	fn submit_transaction(&mut self, data: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), ()> {
1360		self.extension::<TransactionPoolExt>()
1361			.expect(
1362				"submit_transaction can be called only in the offchain call context with
1363				TransactionPool capabilities enabled",
1364			)
1365			.submit_transaction(data)
1366	}
1368	/// Returns information about the local node's network state.
1369	fn network_state(&mut self) -> Result<OpaqueNetworkState, ()> {
1370		self.extension::<OffchainWorkerExt>()
1371			.expect("network_state can be called only in the offchain worker context")
1372			.network_state()
1373	}
1375	/// Returns current UNIX timestamp (in millis)
1376	fn timestamp(&mut self) -> Timestamp {
1377		self.extension::<OffchainWorkerExt>()
1378			.expect("timestamp can be called only in the offchain worker context")
1379			.timestamp()
1380	}
1382	/// Pause the execution until `deadline` is reached.
1383	fn sleep_until(&mut self, deadline: Timestamp) {
1384		self.extension::<OffchainWorkerExt>()
1385			.expect("sleep_until can be called only in the offchain worker context")
1386			.sleep_until(deadline)
1387	}
1389	/// Returns a random seed.
1390	///
1391	/// This is a truly random, non-deterministic seed generated by host environment.
1392	/// Obviously fine in the off-chain worker context.
1393	fn random_seed(&mut self) -> [u8; 32] {
1394		self.extension::<OffchainWorkerExt>()
1395			.expect("random_seed can be called only in the offchain worker context")
1396			.random_seed()
1397	}
1399	/// Sets a value in the local storage.
1400	///
1401	/// Note this storage is not part of the consensus, it's only accessible by
1402	/// offchain worker tasks running on the same machine. It IS persisted between runs.
1403	fn local_storage_set(&mut self, kind: StorageKind, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) {
1404		self.extension::<OffchainDbExt>()
1405			.expect(
1406				"local_storage_set can be called only in the offchain call context with
1407				OffchainDb extension",
1408			)
1409			.local_storage_set(kind, key, value)
1410	}
1412	/// Remove a value from the local storage.
1413	///
1414	/// Note this storage is not part of the consensus, it's only accessible by
1415	/// offchain worker tasks running on the same machine. It IS persisted between runs.
1416	fn local_storage_clear(&mut self, kind: StorageKind, key: &[u8]) {
1417		self.extension::<OffchainDbExt>()
1418			.expect(
1419				"local_storage_clear can be called only in the offchain call context with
1420				OffchainDb extension",
1421			)
1422			.local_storage_clear(kind, key)
1423	}
1425	/// Sets a value in the local storage if it matches current value.
1426	///
1427	/// Since multiple offchain workers may be running concurrently, to prevent
1428	/// data races use CAS to coordinate between them.
1429	///
1430	/// Returns `true` if the value has been set, `false` otherwise.
1431	///
1432	/// Note this storage is not part of the consensus, it's only accessible by
1433	/// offchain worker tasks running on the same machine. It IS persisted between runs.
1434	fn local_storage_compare_and_set(
1435		&mut self,
1436		kind: StorageKind,
1437		key: &[u8],
1438		old_value: Option<Vec<u8>>,
1439		new_value: &[u8],
1440	) -> bool {
1441		self.extension::<OffchainDbExt>()
1442			.expect(
1443				"local_storage_compare_and_set can be called only in the offchain call context
1444				with OffchainDb extension",
1445			)
1446			.local_storage_compare_and_set(kind, key, old_value.as_deref(), new_value)
1447	}
1449	/// Gets a value from the local storage.
1450	///
1451	/// If the value does not exist in the storage `None` will be returned.
1452	/// Note this storage is not part of the consensus, it's only accessible by
1453	/// offchain worker tasks running on the same machine. It IS persisted between runs.
1454	fn local_storage_get(&mut self, kind: StorageKind, key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
1455		self.extension::<OffchainDbExt>()
1456			.expect(
1457				"local_storage_get can be called only in the offchain call context with
1458				OffchainDb extension",
1459			)
1460			.local_storage_get(kind, key)
1461	}
1463	/// Initiates a http request given HTTP verb and the URL.
1464	///
1465	/// Meta is a future-reserved field containing additional, parity-scale-codec encoded
1466	/// parameters. Returns the id of newly started request.
1467	fn http_request_start(
1468		&mut self,
1469		method: &str,
1470		uri: &str,
1471		meta: &[u8],
1472	) -> Result<HttpRequestId, ()> {
1473		self.extension::<OffchainWorkerExt>()
1474			.expect("http_request_start can be called only in the offchain worker context")
1475			.http_request_start(method, uri, meta)
1476	}
1478	/// Append header to the request.
1479	fn http_request_add_header(
1480		&mut self,
1481		request_id: HttpRequestId,
1482		name: &str,
1483		value: &str,
1484	) -> Result<(), ()> {
1485		self.extension::<OffchainWorkerExt>()
1486			.expect("http_request_add_header can be called only in the offchain worker context")
1487			.http_request_add_header(request_id, name, value)
1488	}
1490	/// Write a chunk of request body.
1491	///
1492	/// Writing an empty chunks finalizes the request.
1493	/// Passing `None` as deadline blocks forever.
1494	///
1495	/// Returns an error in case deadline is reached or the chunk couldn't be written.
1496	fn http_request_write_body(
1497		&mut self,
1498		request_id: HttpRequestId,
1499		chunk: &[u8],
1500		deadline: Option<Timestamp>,
1501	) -> Result<(), HttpError> {
1502		self.extension::<OffchainWorkerExt>()
1503			.expect("http_request_write_body can be called only in the offchain worker context")
1504			.http_request_write_body(request_id, chunk, deadline)
1505	}
1507	/// Block and wait for the responses for given requests.
1508	///
1509	/// Returns a vector of request statuses (the len is the same as ids).
1510	/// Note that if deadline is not provided the method will block indefinitely,
1511	/// otherwise unready responses will produce `DeadlineReached` status.
1512	///
1513	/// Passing `None` as deadline blocks forever.
1514	fn http_response_wait(
1515		&mut self,
1516		ids: &[HttpRequestId],
1517		deadline: Option<Timestamp>,
1518	) -> Vec<HttpRequestStatus> {
1519		self.extension::<OffchainWorkerExt>()
1520			.expect("http_response_wait can be called only in the offchain worker context")
1521			.http_response_wait(ids, deadline)
1522	}
1524	/// Read all response headers.
1525	///
1526	/// Returns a vector of pairs `(HeaderKey, HeaderValue)`.
1527	/// NOTE: response headers have to be read before response body.
1528	fn http_response_headers(&mut self, request_id: HttpRequestId) -> Vec<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)> {
1529		self.extension::<OffchainWorkerExt>()
1530			.expect("http_response_headers can be called only in the offchain worker context")
1531			.http_response_headers(request_id)
1532	}
1534	/// Read a chunk of body response to given buffer.
1535	///
1536	/// Returns the number of bytes written or an error in case a deadline
1537	/// is reached or server closed the connection.
1538	/// If `0` is returned it means that the response has been fully consumed
1539	/// and the `request_id` is now invalid.
1540	/// NOTE: this implies that response headers must be read before draining the body.
1541	/// Passing `None` as a deadline blocks forever.
1542	fn http_response_read_body(
1543		&mut self,
1544		request_id: HttpRequestId,
1545		buffer: &mut [u8],
1546		deadline: Option<Timestamp>,
1547	) -> Result<u32, HttpError> {
1548		self.extension::<OffchainWorkerExt>()
1549			.expect("http_response_read_body can be called only in the offchain worker context")
1550			.http_response_read_body(request_id, buffer, deadline)
1551			.map(|r| r as u32)
1552	}
1554	/// Set the authorized nodes and authorized_only flag.
1555	fn set_authorized_nodes(&mut self, nodes: Vec<OpaquePeerId>, authorized_only: bool) {
1556		self.extension::<OffchainWorkerExt>()
1557			.expect("set_authorized_nodes can be called only in the offchain worker context")
1558			.set_authorized_nodes(nodes, authorized_only)
1559	}
1562/// Wasm only interface that provides functions for calling into the allocator.
1564pub trait Allocator {
1565	/// Malloc the given number of bytes and return the pointer to the allocated memory location.
1566	fn malloc(&mut self, size: u32) -> Pointer<u8> {
1567		self.allocate_memory(size).expect("Failed to allocate memory")
1568	}
1570	/// Free the given pointer.
1571	fn free(&mut self, ptr: Pointer<u8>) {
1572		self.deallocate_memory(ptr).expect("Failed to deallocate memory")
1573	}
1576/// WASM-only interface which allows for aborting the execution in case
1577/// of an unrecoverable error.
1579pub trait PanicHandler {
1580	/// Aborts the current execution with the given error message.
1581	#[trap_on_return]
1582	fn abort_on_panic(&mut self, message: &str) {
1583		self.register_panic_error_message(message);
1584	}
1587/// Interface that provides functions for logging from within the runtime.
1589pub trait Logging {
1590	/// Request to print a log message on the host.
1591	///
1592	/// Note that this will be only displayed if the host is enabled to display log messages with
1593	/// given level and target.
1594	///
1595	/// Instead of using directly, prefer setting up `RuntimeLogger` and using `log` macros.
1596	fn log(level: LogLevel, target: &str, message: &[u8]) {
1597		if let Ok(message) = std::str::from_utf8(message) {
1598			log::log!(target: target, log::Level::from(level), "{}", message)
1599		}
1600	}
1602	/// Returns the max log level used by the host.
1603	fn max_level() -> LogLevelFilter {
1604		log::max_level().into()
1605	}
1608#[derive(Encode, Decode)]
1609/// Crossing is a helper wrapping any Encode-Decodeable type
1610/// for transferring over the wasm barrier.
1611pub struct Crossing<T: Encode + Decode>(T);
1613impl<T: Encode + Decode> PassBy for Crossing<T> {
1614	type PassBy = sp_runtime_interface::pass_by::Codec<Self>;
1617impl<T: Encode + Decode> Crossing<T> {
1618	/// Convert into the inner type
1619	pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
1620		self.0
1621	}
1624// useful for testing
1625impl<T> core::default::Default for Crossing<T>
1627	T: core::default::Default + Encode + Decode,
1629	fn default() -> Self {
1630		Self(Default::default())
1631	}
1634/// Interface to provide tracing facilities for wasm. Modelled after tokios `tracing`-crate
1635/// interfaces. See `sp-tracing` for more information.
1636#[runtime_interface(wasm_only, no_tracing)]
1637pub trait WasmTracing {
1638	/// Whether the span described in `WasmMetadata` should be traced wasm-side
1639	/// On the host converts into a static Metadata and checks against the global `tracing`
1640	/// dispatcher.
1641	///
1642	/// When returning false the calling code should skip any tracing-related execution. In general
1643	/// within the same block execution this is not expected to change and it doesn't have to be
1644	/// checked more than once per metadata. This exists for optimisation purposes but is still not
1645	/// cheap as it will jump the wasm-native-barrier every time it is called. So an implementation
1646	/// might chose to cache the result for the execution of the entire block.
1647	fn enabled(&mut self, metadata: Crossing<sp_tracing::WasmMetadata>) -> bool {
1648		let metadata: &tracing_core::metadata::Metadata<'static> = (&metadata.into_inner()).into();
1649		tracing::dispatcher::get_default(|d| d.enabled(metadata))
1650	}
1652	/// Open a new span with the given attributes. Return the u64 Id of the span.
1653	///
1654	/// On the native side this goes through the default `tracing` dispatcher to register the span
1655	/// and then calls `clone_span` with the ID to signal that we are keeping it around on the wasm-
1656	/// side even after the local span is dropped. The resulting ID is then handed over to the wasm-
1657	/// side.
1658	fn enter_span(&mut self, span: Crossing<sp_tracing::WasmEntryAttributes>) -> u64 {
1659		let span: tracing::Span = span.into_inner().into();
1660		match span.id() {
1661			Some(id) => tracing::dispatcher::get_default(|d| {
1662				// inform dispatch that we'll keep the ID around
1663				// then enter it immediately
1664				let final_id = d.clone_span(&id);
1665				d.enter(&final_id);
1666				final_id.into_u64()
1667			}),
1668			_ => 0,
1669		}
1670	}
1672	/// Emit the given event to the global tracer on the native side
1673	fn event(&mut self, event: Crossing<sp_tracing::WasmEntryAttributes>) {
1674		event.into_inner().emit();
1675	}
1677	/// Signal that a given span-id has been exited. On native, this directly
1678	/// proxies the span to the global dispatcher.
1679	fn exit(&mut self, span: u64) {
1680		tracing::dispatcher::get_default(|d| {
1681			let id = tracing_core::span::Id::from_u64(span);
1682			d.exit(&id);
1683		});
1684	}
1687#[cfg(all(not(feature = "std"), feature = "with-tracing"))]
1688mod tracing_setup {
1689	use super::{wasm_tracing, Crossing};
1690	use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
1691	use tracing_core::{
1692		dispatcher::{set_global_default, Dispatch},
1693		span::{Attributes, Id, Record},
1694		Event, Metadata,
1695	};
1697	static TRACING_SET: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
1699	/// The PassingTracingSubscriber implements `tracing_core::Subscriber`
1700	/// and pushes the information across the runtime interface to the host
1701	struct PassingTracingSubscriber;
1703	impl tracing_core::Subscriber for PassingTracingSubscriber {
1704		fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> bool {
1705			wasm_tracing::enabled(Crossing(metadata.into()))
1706		}
1707		fn new_span(&self, attrs: &Attributes<'_>) -> Id {
1708			Id::from_u64(wasm_tracing::enter_span(Crossing(attrs.into())))
1709		}
1710		fn enter(&self, _: &Id) {
1711			// Do nothing, we already entered the span previously
1712		}
1713		/// Not implemented! We do not support recording values later
1714		/// Will panic when used.
1715		fn record(&self, _: &Id, _: &Record<'_>) {
1716			unimplemented! {} // this usage is not supported
1717		}
1718		/// Not implemented! We do not support recording values later
1719		/// Will panic when used.
1720		fn record_follows_from(&self, _: &Id, _: &Id) {
1721			unimplemented! {} // this usage is not supported
1722		}
1723		fn event(&self, event: &Event<'_>) {
1724			wasm_tracing::event(Crossing(event.into()))
1725		}
1726		fn exit(&self, span: &Id) {
1727			wasm_tracing::exit(span.into_u64())
1728		}
1729	}
1731	/// Initialize tracing of sp_tracing on wasm with `with-tracing` enabled.
1732	/// Can be called multiple times from within the same process and will only
1733	/// set the global bridging subscriber once.
1734	pub fn init_tracing() {
1735		if TRACING_SET.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == false {
1736			set_global_default(Dispatch::new(PassingTracingSubscriber {}))
1737				.expect("We only ever call this once");
1738			TRACING_SET.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
1739		}
1740	}
1743#[cfg(not(all(not(feature = "std"), feature = "with-tracing")))]
1744mod tracing_setup {
1745	/// Initialize tracing of sp_tracing not necessary – noop. To enable build
1746	/// without std and with the `with-tracing`-feature.
1747	pub fn init_tracing() {}
1750pub use tracing_setup::init_tracing;
1752/// Crashes the execution of the program.
1754/// Equivalent to the WASM `unreachable` instruction, RISC-V `unimp` instruction,
1755/// or just the `unreachable!()` macro everywhere else.
1756pub fn unreachable() -> ! {
1757	#[cfg(target_family = "wasm")]
1758	{
1759		core::arch::wasm32::unreachable();
1760	}
1762	#[cfg(any(target_arch = "riscv32", target_arch = "riscv64"))]
1763	unsafe {
1764		core::arch::asm!("unimp", options(noreturn));
1765	}
1767	#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "riscv32", target_arch = "riscv64", target_family = "wasm")))]
1768	unreachable!();
1771/// A default panic handler for the runtime environment.
1772#[cfg(all(not(feature = "disable_panic_handler"), substrate_runtime))]
1775pub fn panic(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
1776	let message = alloc::format!("{}", info);
1777	#[cfg(feature = "improved_panic_error_reporting")]
1778	{
1779		panic_handler::abort_on_panic(&message);
1780	}
1781	#[cfg(not(feature = "improved_panic_error_reporting"))]
1782	{
1783		logging::log(LogLevel::Error, "runtime", message.as_bytes());
1784		unreachable();
1785	}
1788/// A default OOM handler for the runtime environment.
1789#[cfg(all(not(feature = "disable_oom"), enable_alloc_error_handler))]
1791pub fn oom(_: core::alloc::Layout) -> ! {
1792	#[cfg(feature = "improved_panic_error_reporting")]
1793	{
1794		panic_handler::abort_on_panic("Runtime memory exhausted.");
1795	}
1796	#[cfg(not(feature = "improved_panic_error_reporting"))]
1797	{
1798		logging::log(LogLevel::Error, "runtime", b"Runtime memory exhausted. Aborting");
1799		unreachable();
1800	}
1803/// Type alias for Externalities implementation used in tests.
1804#[cfg(feature = "std")]
1805pub type TestExternalities = sp_state_machine::TestExternalities<sp_core::Blake2Hasher>;
1807/// The host functions Substrate provides for the Wasm runtime environment.
1809/// All these host functions will be callable from inside the Wasm environment.
1811#[cfg(feature = "std")]
1812pub type SubstrateHostFunctions = (
1813	storage::HostFunctions,
1814	default_child_storage::HostFunctions,
1815	misc::HostFunctions,
1816	wasm_tracing::HostFunctions,
1817	offchain::HostFunctions,
1818	crypto::HostFunctions,
1819	hashing::HostFunctions,
1820	allocator::HostFunctions,
1821	panic_handler::HostFunctions,
1822	logging::HostFunctions,
1823	crate::trie::HostFunctions,
1824	offchain_index::HostFunctions,
1825	transaction_index::HostFunctions,
1829mod tests {
1830	use super::*;
1831	use sp_core::{crypto::UncheckedInto, map, storage::Storage};
1832	use sp_state_machine::BasicExternalities;
1834	#[test]
1835	fn storage_works() {
1836		let mut t = BasicExternalities::default();
1837		t.execute_with(|| {
1838			assert_eq!(storage::get(b"hello"), None);
1839			storage::set(b"hello", b"world");
1840			assert_eq!(storage::get(b"hello"), Some(b"world".to_vec().into()));
1841			assert_eq!(storage::get(b"foo"), None);
1842			storage::set(b"foo", &[1, 2, 3][..]);
1843		});
1845		t = BasicExternalities::new(Storage {
1846			top: map![b"foo".to_vec() => b"bar".to_vec()],
1847			children_default: map![],
1848		});
1850		t.execute_with(|| {
1851			assert_eq!(storage::get(b"hello"), None);
1852			assert_eq!(storage::get(b"foo"), Some(b"bar".to_vec().into()));
1853		});
1855		let value = vec![7u8; 35];
1856		let storage =
1857			Storage { top: map![b"foo00".to_vec() => value.clone()], children_default: map![] };
1858		t = BasicExternalities::new(storage);
1860		t.execute_with(|| {
1861			assert_eq!(storage::get(b"hello"), None);
1862			assert_eq!(storage::get(b"foo00"), Some(value.clone().into()));
1863		});
1864	}
1866	#[test]
1867	fn read_storage_works() {
1868		let value = b"\x0b\0\0\0Hello world".to_vec();
1869		let mut t = BasicExternalities::new(Storage {
1870			top: map![b":test".to_vec() => value.clone()],
1871			children_default: map![],
1872		});
1874		t.execute_with(|| {
1875			let mut v = [0u8; 4];
1876			assert_eq!(storage::read(b":test", &mut v[..], 0).unwrap(), value.len() as u32);
1877			assert_eq!(v, [11u8, 0, 0, 0]);
1878			let mut w = [0u8; 11];
1879			assert_eq!(storage::read(b":test", &mut w[..], 4).unwrap(), value.len() as u32 - 4);
1880			assert_eq!(&w, b"Hello world");
1881		});
1882	}
1884	#[test]
1885	fn clear_prefix_works() {
1886		let mut t = BasicExternalities::new(Storage {
1887			top: map![
1888				b":a".to_vec() => b"\x0b\0\0\0Hello world".to_vec(),
1889				b":abcd".to_vec() => b"\x0b\0\0\0Hello world".to_vec(),
1890				b":abc".to_vec() => b"\x0b\0\0\0Hello world".to_vec(),
1891				b":abdd".to_vec() => b"\x0b\0\0\0Hello world".to_vec()
1892			],
1893			children_default: map![],
1894		});
1896		t.execute_with(|| {
1897			// We can switch to this once we enable v3 of the `clear_prefix`.
1898			//assert!(matches!(
1899			//	storage::clear_prefix(b":abc", None),
1900			//	MultiRemovalResults::NoneLeft { db: 2, total: 2 }
1901			//));
1902			assert!(matches!(
1903				storage::clear_prefix(b":abc", None),
1904				KillStorageResult::AllRemoved(2),
1905			));
1907			assert!(storage::get(b":a").is_some());
1908			assert!(storage::get(b":abdd").is_some());
1909			assert!(storage::get(b":abcd").is_none());
1910			assert!(storage::get(b":abc").is_none());
1912			// We can switch to this once we enable v3 of the `clear_prefix`.
1913			//assert!(matches!(
1914			//	storage::clear_prefix(b":abc", None),
1915			//	MultiRemovalResults::NoneLeft { db: 0, total: 0 }
1916			//));
1917			assert!(matches!(
1918				storage::clear_prefix(b":abc", None),
1919				KillStorageResult::AllRemoved(0),
1920			));
1921		});
1922	}
1924	fn zero_ed_pub() -> ed25519::Public {
1925		[0u8; 32].unchecked_into()
1926	}
1928	fn zero_ed_sig() -> ed25519::Signature {
1929		ed25519::Signature::from_raw([0u8; 64])
1930	}
1932	#[test]
1933	fn use_dalek_ext_works() {
1934		let mut ext = BasicExternalities::default();
1935		ext.register_extension(UseDalekExt::default());
1937		// With dalek the zero signature should fail to verify.
1938		ext.execute_with(|| {
1939			assert!(!crypto::ed25519_verify(&zero_ed_sig(), &Vec::new(), &zero_ed_pub()));
1940		});
1942		// But with zebra it should work.
1943		BasicExternalities::default().execute_with(|| {
1944			assert!(crypto::ed25519_verify(&zero_ed_sig(), &Vec::new(), &zero_ed_pub()));
1945		})
1946	}
1948	#[test]
1949	fn dalek_should_not_panic_on_invalid_signature() {
1950		let mut ext = BasicExternalities::default();
1951		ext.register_extension(UseDalekExt::default());
1953		ext.execute_with(|| {
1954			let mut bytes = [0u8; 64];
1955			// Make it invalid
1956			bytes[63] = 0b1110_0000;
1958			assert!(!crypto::ed25519_verify(
1959				&ed25519::Signature::from_raw(bytes),
1960				&Vec::new(),
1961				&zero_ed_pub()
1962			));
1963		});
1964	}