[−][src]Crate sp_runtime
Runtime Modules shared primitive types.
pub use random_number_generator::RandomNumberGenerator; |
biguint | Re-export big_uint stuff. Infinite precision unsigned integer for substrate runtime. |
curve | Provides some utilities to define a piecewise linear function. |
generic | Generic implementations of Extrinsic/Header/Block. |
helpers_128bit | Re-export 128 bit helpers. Some helper functions to work with 128bit numbers. Note that the functionality provided here is only sensible to use with 128bit numbers because for smaller sizes, you can always rely on assumptions of a bigger type (u128) being available, or simply create a per-thing and use the multiplication implementation provided there. |
key_types | Re-export this since it's part of the API of this crate. Known key types; this also functions as a global registry of key types for projects wishing to avoid collisions with each other. |
offchain | A collection of higher lever helpers for offchain calls. |
random_number_generator | A simple pseudo random number generator that allows a stream of random numbers to be efficiently created from a single initial seed hash. |
testing | Testing utilities. |
traits | Primitives for the runtime modules. |
transaction_validity | Transaction validity interface. |
__impl_outer_config_types | Helper macro for |
assert_eq_error_rate | Checks that |
count | Calls a given macro a number of times with a set of fixed params and an incrementing numeral. e.g. |
create_runtime_str | Create a const |
impl_opaque_keys | Implement |
impl_outer_config | Implement the output "meta" module configuration struct,
which is basically:
pub struct GenesisConfig {
rust_module_one: Option |
AccountId32 | Re-export this since it's part of the API of this crate. An opaque 32-byte cryptographic identifier. |
AnySignature | Signature verify that can work with any known signature types.. |
CryptoTypeId | Re-export this since it's part of the API of this crate. An identifier for a specific cryptographic algorithm used by a key pair |
Digest | Generic header digest. |
DispatchErrorWithPostInfo | Result of a |
Fixed64 | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. An unsigned fixed point number. Can hold any value in the range [-9_223_372_036, 9_223_372_036] with fixed point accuracy of one billion. |
Fixed128 | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. A signed fixed-point number. Can hold any value in the range [-170_141_183_460_469_231_731, 170_141_183_460_469_231_731] with fixed-point accuracy of 10 ** 18. |
KeyTypeId | Re-export this since it's part of the API of this crate. An identifier for a type of cryptographic key. |
ModuleId | A module identifier. These are per module and should be stored in a registry somewhere. |
OpaqueExtrinsic | Simple blob to hold an extrinsic without committing to its format and ensure it is serialized correctly. |
PerU16 | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. A fixed point representation of a number in the range [0, 1]. |
Perbill | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. A fixed point representation of a number in the range [0, 1]. |
Percent | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. A fixed point representation of a number in the range [0, 1]. |
Permill | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. A fixed point representation of a number in the range [0, 1]. |
Perquintill | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. A fixed point representation of a number in the range [0, 1]. |
Rational128 | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff. A wrapper for any rational number with a 128 bit numerator and denominator. |
SignatureBatching | Batching session. |
Storage | Struct containing data needed for a storage. |
StorageChild | Child trie storage data. |
DigestItem | Digest item that is able to encode/decode 'system' digest items and provide opaque access to other items. |
DispatchError | Reason why a dispatch call failed. |
MultiSignature | Signature verify that can work with any known signature types.. |
MultiSigner | Public key for any known crypto algorithm. |
RuntimeString | A string that wraps a |
BoundToRuntimeAppPublic | Something that bound to a fixed |
BuildModuleGenesisStorage | Something that can build the genesis storage of a module. |
BuildStorage | Complex storage builder stuff. |
CryptoType | Re-export this since it's part of the API of this crate. Type which has a particular kind of crypto associated with it. |
Deserialize | A data structure that can be deserialized from any data format supported by Serde. |
DeserializeOwned | A data structure that can be deserialized without borrowing any data from the deserializer. |
PerThing | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff.
Something that implements a fixed point ration with an arbitrary granularity |
RuntimeAppPublic | A runtime interface for an application's public key. |
SaturatedConversion | Re-export top-level arithmetic stuff.
Convenience type to work around the highly unergonomic syntax needed
to invoke the functions of overloaded generic traits, in this case
Serialize | A data structure that can be serialized into any data format supported by Serde. |
TypeId | Re-export this since it's part of the API of this crate. Provide a simple 4 byte identifier for a type. |
Print something that implements | |
verify_encoded_lazy | Verify a signature on an encoded value in a lazy manner. This can be an optimization if the signature scheme has an "unsigned" escape hash. |
Type Definitions
ApplyExtrinsicResult | The result of applying of an extrinsic. |
ConsensusEngineId | Consensus engine unique ID. |
DispatchOutcome | This type specifies the outcome of dispatching a call to a module. |
DispatchResult | This is the legacy return type of |
DispatchResultWithInfo | Return type of a |
Justification | An abstraction over justification for a block's validity under a consensus algorithm. |
Derive Macros
Deserialize | |
RuntimeDebug | Re-export |
Serialize |