[−][src]Module sp_runtime::traits
Primitives for the runtime modules.
AppendZerosInput | Input that adds infinite number of zero after wrapped input. |
BadOrigin | An error type that indicates that the origin is invalid. |
BlakeTwo256 | Blake2-256 Hash implementation. |
ConvertInto | A structure that performs standard conversion using the standard Rust conversion traits. |
Identity | A structure that performs identity conversion. |
IdentityLookup | A lookup implementation returning the input value. |
LookupError | An error that indicates that a lookup failed. |
TrailingZeroInput | Input that adds infinite number of zero after wrapped input. |
AccountIdConversion | This type can be converted into and possibly from an AccountId (which itself is generic). |
AppVerify | Means of signature verification of an application key. |
Applyable | An "executable" piece of information, used by the standard Substrate Executive in order to enact a piece of extrinsic information by marshalling and dispatching to a named function call. |
AtLeast32Bit | A meta trait for arithmetic. |
BlindCheckable | A "checkable" piece of information, used by the standard Substrate Executive in order to check the validity of a piece of extrinsic information, usually by verifying the signature. Implement for pieces of information that don't require additional context in order to be checked. |
Block | Something which fulfills the abstract idea of a Substrate block. It has types for
BlockIdTo | Something that can convert a |
Bounded | Numbers which have upper and lower bounds |
CheckEqual | Something that can be checked for equality and printed out to a debug channel if bad. |
Checkable | A "checkable" piece of information, used by the standard Substrate Executive in order to
check the validity of a piece of extrinsic information, usually by verifying the signature.
Implement for pieces of information that require some additional context |
CheckedAdd | Performs addition that returns |
CheckedConversion | Convenience type to work around the highly unergonomic syntax needed
to invoke the functions of overloaded generic traits, in this case
CheckedDiv | Performs division that returns |
CheckedMul | Performs multiplication that returns |
CheckedShl | Performs a left shift that returns |
CheckedShr | Performs a right shift that returns |
CheckedSub | Performs subtraction that returns |
Clear | Trait for things that can be clear (have no bits set). For numeric types, essentially the same
as |
Convert | Extensible conversion trait. Generic over both source and destination types. |
Dispatchable | A lazy call (module function and argument values) that can be executed via its |
Extrinsic | Something that acts like an |
ExtrinsicMetadata | Implementor is an |
GetNodeBlockType | A marker trait for something that knows the type of the node block. |
GetRuntimeBlockType | A marker trait for something that knows the type of the runtime block. |
Hash | Abstraction around hashing |
Header | Something which fulfills the abstract idea of a Substrate header. It has types for a |
IdentifyAccount | Some type that is able to be collapsed into an account ID. It is not possible to recreate the original value from the account ID. |
IntegerSquareRoot | A trait implementing integer square root. |
IsMember | Determine if a |
Lazy | A lazy value. |
Lookup | Means of changing one type into another in a manner dependent on the source type. |
MaybeDisplay | A type that implements Display when in std environment. |
MaybeFromStr | A type that implements FromStr when in std environment. |
MaybeHash | A type that implements Hash when in std environment. |
MaybeMallocSizeOf | A type that implements MallocSizeOf. |
MaybeSerialize | A type that implements Serialize when in std environment. |
MaybeSerializeDeserialize | A type that implements Serialize, DeserializeOwned and Debug when in std environment. |
Member | A type that can be used in runtime structures. |
One | Defines a multiplicative identity element for |
OpaqueKeys | Opaque data type that may be destructured into a series of raw byte slices (which represent individual keys). |
Printable | Trait for things which can be printed from the runtime. |
SaturatedConversion | Convenience type to work around the highly unergonomic syntax needed
to invoke the functions of overloaded generic traits, in this case
Saturating | Saturating arithmetic operations, returning maximum or minimum values instead of overflowing. |
Scale | Multiply and divide by a number that isn't necessarily the same type. Basically just the same
as |
SignedExtension | Means by which a transaction may be extended. This type embodies both the data and the logic that should be additionally associated with the transaction. It should be plain old data. |
SimpleBitOps | A meta trait for all bit ops. |
StaticLookup | Means of changing one type into another in a manner dependent on the source type.
This variant is different to |
UniqueSaturatedFrom | Just like |
UniqueSaturatedInto | Just like |
ValidateUnsigned | Something that can validate unsigned extrinsics for the transaction pool. |
Verify | Means of signature verification. |
Zero | Defines an additive identity element for |
Type Definitions
DigestFor | Extract the digest type for a block. |
DigestItemFor | Extract the digest item type for a block. |
DispatchInfoOf | Shortcut to reference the |
HashFor | Extract the hashing type for a block. |
NumberFor | Extract the number type for a block. |
PostDispatchInfoOf | Shortcut to reference the |