1.0.0[][src]Function sp_std::sync::atomic::fence

pub fn fence(order: Ordering)

An atomic fence.

Depending on the specified order, a fence prevents the compiler and CPU from reordering certain types of memory operations around it. That creates synchronizes-with relationships between it and atomic operations or fences in other threads.

A fence 'A' which has (at least) Release ordering semantics, synchronizes with a fence 'B' with (at least) Acquire semantics, if and only if there exist operations X and Y, both operating on some atomic object 'M' such that A is sequenced before X, Y is synchronized before B and Y observes the change to M. This provides a happens-before dependence between A and B.

    Thread 1                                          Thread 2

fence(Release);      A --------------
x.store(3, Relaxed); X ---------    |
                               |    |
                               |    |
                               -------------> Y  if x.load(Relaxed) == 3 {
                                    |-------> B      fence(Acquire);

Atomic operations with Release or Acquire semantics can also synchronize with a fence.

A fence which has SeqCst ordering, in addition to having both Acquire and Release semantics, participates in the global program order of the other SeqCst operations and/or fences.

Accepts Acquire, Release, AcqRel and SeqCst orderings.


Panics if order is Relaxed.


use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
use std::sync::atomic::fence;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;

// A mutual exclusion primitive based on spinlock.
pub struct Mutex {
    flag: AtomicBool,

impl Mutex {
    pub fn new() -> Mutex {
        Mutex {
            flag: AtomicBool::new(false),

    pub fn lock(&self) {
        while !self.flag.compare_and_swap(false, true, Ordering::Relaxed) {}
        // This fence synchronizes-with store in `unlock`.

    pub fn unlock(&self) {
        self.flag.store(false, Ordering::Release);