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/* Copyright 2022-2023 Danny McClanahan */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) */
//! Rust wrappers for [`spack`]. For use in [build scripts].
//! [`spack`]:
//! [build scripts]:
// Turn all warnings into errors!
// #![deny(warnings)]
// Warn for missing docs in general, and hard require crate-level docs.
// #![warn(missing_docs)]
/* Make all doctests fail if they produce any warnings. */
pub mod commands;
mod lock;
pub mod metadata_spec;
pub mod subprocess;
pub mod summoning;
pub mod utils;
pub use subprocess::spack::SpackInvocation;
use displaydoc::Display;
use thiserror::Error;
/// Constants defining available versions of spack.
/// Currently, this crate avoids maintaining a git repository (the typical way
/// spack is distributed) in favor of a checksummed directory corresponding to a
/// precise spack release. The main reason for this is to enable experimental
/// support for wasm compilation via emscripten (see the
/// [`wasm`](crate::utils::wasm) module). Until upstream support for emscripten
/// is merged, the cached build output in `opt/` may refer to packages which are
/// unavailable in spack proper, causing an exception when spack is invoked.
/// Figuring out a nicer way to select a compatible spack version (which also
/// works across the entire cargo build graph, which may invoke this crate
/// multiple times) is on the horizon, but until then hardcoding this
/// information is slightly easier to work with.
pub mod versions {
use hex_literal::hex;
pub mod patches {
use super::hex;
pub const PATCHES_SPACK_URL: &str =
pub const PATCHES_SHA256SUM: [u8; 32] =
pub const PATCHES_TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT: &str = "spack-cargo-patches-v2";
/// The most recently released version of spack.
pub mod develop {
use super::hex;
pub const MOST_RECENT_HARDCODED_URL_SHA256SUM: [u8; 32] =
/// A spack branch with support for emscripten as a compiler, enabling
/// compilation to wasm.
pub mod emcc {
use super::hex;
pub const EMCC_CAPABLE_SPACK_URL: &str =
pub const EMCC_URL_SHA256SUM: [u8; 32] =
pub const EMCC_SPACK_ARCHIVE_TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT: &str = "spack-0.20.0.dev0-emcc";
/// Errors that can occur.
#[derive(Debug, Display, Error)]
pub enum Error {
/// spack summoning error: {0}
/// This will occur if spack itself cannot be set up.
Summoning(#[from] subprocess::spack::InvocationSummoningError),
/// spack command failed: {0}
SpackCommand(#[from] commands::CommandError),