Expand description
A domain for letting clients substitute browser’s network layer with client code.
- Auth
Challenge - Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407. AuthChallenge
- Auth
Challenge Builder - Auth
Challenge Response - Response to an AuthChallenge. AuthChallengeResponse
- Auth
Challenge Response Builder - Continue
Request Params - Continues the request, optionally modifying some of its parameters. continueRequest
- Continue
Request Params Builder - Continue
Request Returns - Continues the request, optionally modifying some of its parameters. continueRequest
- Continue
Response Params - Continues loading of the paused response, optionally modifying the response headers. If either responseCode or headers are modified, all of them must be present. continueResponse
- Continue
Response Params Builder - Continue
Response Returns - Continues loading of the paused response, optionally modifying the response headers. If either responseCode or headers are modified, all of them must be present. continueResponse
- Continue
With Auth Params - Continues a request supplying authChallengeResponse following authRequired event. continueWithAuth
- Continue
With Auth Params Builder - Continue
With Auth Returns - Continues a request supplying authChallengeResponse following authRequired event. continueWithAuth
- Disable
Params - Disables the fetch domain. disable
- Disable
Returns - Disables the fetch domain. disable
- Enable
Params - Enables issuing of requestPaused events. A request will be paused until client calls one of failRequest, fulfillRequest or continueRequest/continueWithAuth. enable
- Enable
Params Builder - Enable
Returns - Enables issuing of requestPaused events. A request will be paused until client calls one of failRequest, fulfillRequest or continueRequest/continueWithAuth. enable
- Event
Auth Required - Issued when the domain is enabled with handleAuthRequests set to true. The request is paused until client responds with continueWithAuth. authRequired
- Event
Request Paused - Issued when the domain is enabled and the request URL matches the
specified filter. The request is paused until the client responds
with one of continueRequest, failRequest or fulfillRequest.
The stage of the request can be determined by presence of responseErrorReason
and responseStatusCode – the request is at the response stage if either
of these fields is present and in the request stage otherwise.
Redirect responses and subsequent requests are reported similarly to regular
responses and requests. Redirect responses may be distinguished by the value
(which is one of 301, 302, 303, 307, 308) along with presence of thelocation
header. Requests resulting from a redirect will haveredirectedRequestId
field set. requestPaused - Fail
Request Params - Causes the request to fail with specified reason. failRequest
- Fail
Request Params Builder - Fail
Request Returns - Causes the request to fail with specified reason. failRequest
- Fulfill
Request Params - Provides response to the request. fulfillRequest
- Fulfill
Request Params Builder - Fulfill
Request Returns - Provides response to the request. fulfillRequest
- GetResponse
Body Params - Causes the body of the response to be received from the server and
returned as a single string. May only be issued for a request that
is paused in the Response stage and is mutually exclusive with
takeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream. Calling other methods that
affect the request or disabling fetch domain before body is received
results in an undefined behavior.
Note that the response body is not available for redirects. Requests
paused in the redirect received state may be differentiated by
and presence oflocation
response header, see comments torequestPaused
for details. getResponseBody - GetResponse
Body Params Builder - GetResponse
Body Returns - Causes the body of the response to be received from the server and
returned as a single string. May only be issued for a request that
is paused in the Response stage and is mutually exclusive with
takeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream. Calling other methods that
affect the request or disabling fetch domain before body is received
results in an undefined behavior.
Note that the response body is not available for redirects. Requests
paused in the redirect received state may be differentiated by
and presence oflocation
response header, see comments torequestPaused
for details. getResponseBody - GetResponse
Body Returns Builder - Header
Entry - Response HTTP header entry HeaderEntry
- Header
Entry Builder - Request
Id - Unique request identifier. RequestId
- Request
Pattern - Request
Pattern Builder - Take
Response Body AsStream Params - Returns a handle to the stream representing the response body. The request must be paused in the HeadersReceived stage. Note that after this command the request can’t be continued as is – client either needs to cancel it or to provide the response body. The stream only supports sequential read, IO.read will fail if the position is specified. This method is mutually exclusive with getResponseBody. Calling other methods that affect the request or disabling fetch domain before body is received results in an undefined behavior. takeResponseBodyAsStream
- Take
Response Body AsStream Params Builder - Take
Response Body AsStream Returns - Returns a handle to the stream representing the response body. The request must be paused in the HeadersReceived stage. Note that after this command the request can’t be continued as is – client either needs to cancel it or to provide the response body. The stream only supports sequential read, IO.read will fail if the position is specified. This method is mutually exclusive with getResponseBody. Calling other methods that affect the request or disabling fetch domain before body is received results in an undefined behavior. takeResponseBodyAsStream
- Take
Response Body AsStream Returns Builder
- Auth
Challenge Response Response - The decision on what to do in response to the authorization challenge. Default means deferring to the default behavior of the net stack, which will likely either the Cancel authentication or display a popup dialog box.
- Auth
Challenge Source - Source of the authentication challenge.
- Request
Stage - Stages of the request to handle. Request will intercept before the request is sent. Response will intercept after the response is received (but before response body is received).