- optimizer_
create ⚠ - optimizer_
destroy ⚠ - optimizer_
options_ ⚠create - Creates an optimizer options object with default options. Returns a valid options object. The object remains valid until it is passed into |spvOptimizerOptionsDestroy|.
- optimizer_
options_ ⚠destroy - Destroys the given optimizer options object.
- optimizer_
options_ ⚠preserve_ bindings - Records whether all bindings within the module should be preserved.
- optimizer_
options_ ⚠preserve_ spec_ constants - Records whether all specialization constants within the module should be preserved.
- optimizer_
options_ ⚠run_ validator - Records whether or not the optimizer should run the validator before optimizing. If |val| is true, the validator will be run.
- optimizer_
options_ ⚠set_ max_ id_ bound - Records the maximum possible value for the id bound.
- optimizer_
options_ ⚠set_ validator_ options - Records the validator options that should be passed to the validator if it is run.
- optimizer_
register_ ⚠hlsl_ legalization_ passes - Registers passes that attempt to legalize the generated code.
- optimizer_
register_ ⚠pass - optimizer_
register_ ⚠performance_ passes - Registers passes that attempt to improve performance of generated code. This sequence of passes is subject to constant review and will change from time to time.
- optimizer_
register_ ⚠size_ passes - Registers passes that attempt to improve the size of generated code. This sequence of passes is subject to constant review and will change from time to time.
- optimizer_
register_ ⚠vulkan_ to_ webgpu_ passes - Registers passes that have been prescribed for converting from Vulkan to WebGPU. This sequence of passes is subject to constant review and will change from time to time.
- optimizer_
register_ ⚠webgpu_ to_ vulkan_ passes - Registers passes that have been prescribed for converting from WebGPU to Vulkan. This sequence of passes is subject to constant review and will change from time to time.
- optimizer_
run ⚠