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Confidential Transfer Extension instructions



Data expected by ConfidentialTransferInstruction::ApplyPendingBalance

This struct includes the cryptographic proof and the account data information needed to verify the proof

Data expected by ConfidentialTransferInstruction::ConfigureAccount

Data expected by ConfidentialTransferInstruction::Deposit

Data expected by ConfidentialTransferInstruction::EmptyAccount

Data expected by ConfidentialTransferInstruction::Transfer and ConfidentialTransferInstruction::TransferWithFee

This struct includes the cryptographic proof and the account data information needed to verify the proof

Data expected by ConfidentialTransferInstruction::Withdraw

This struct includes the cryptographic proof and the account data information needed to verify the proof

Data expected by ConfidentialTransferInstruction::WithdrawWithheldTokensFromAccounts

Data expected by ConfidentialTransferInstruction::WithdrawWithheldTokensFromMint


Confidential Transfer extension instructions



Create a ApplyPendingBalance instruction

Create an ApproveAccount instruction

Create a ConfigureAccount instruction

Create a Deposit instruction

Create a DisableBalanceCredits instruction

Create a EmptyAccount instruction

Create a EnableBalanceCredits instruction

Creates a HarvestWithheldTokensToMint instruction

Create a InitializeMint instruction

Create a inner ApplyPendingBalance instruction

Create an inner EmptyAccount instruction

Create a inner Transfer instruction

Create a inner TransferWithFee instruction

Create a inner Withdraw instruction

Create a inner WithdrawWithheldTokensFromMint instruction

Create a inner WithdrawWithheldTokensFromMint instruction

Takes in a 64-bit number amount and a bit length bit_length. It returns:

Create a Transfer instruction

Create a Transfer instruction

Create a UpdateMint instruction

Create a Withdraw instruction

Create a WithdrawWithheldTokensFromAccounts instruction

Create a WithdrawWithheldTokensFromMint instruction