
1use crate::database::Database;
2use crate::describe::Describe;
3use crate::error::{BoxDynError, Error};
5use either::Either;
6use futures_core::future::BoxFuture;
7use futures_core::stream::BoxStream;
8use futures_util::{future, FutureExt, StreamExt, TryFutureExt, TryStreamExt};
9use std::fmt::Debug;
11/// A type that contains or can provide a database
12/// connection to use for executing queries against the database.
14/// No guarantees are provided that successive queries run on the same
15/// physical database connection.
17/// A [`Connection`](crate::connection::Connection) is an `Executor` that guarantees that
18/// successive queries are ran on the same physical database connection.
20/// Implemented for the following:
22///  * [`&Pool`](super::pool::Pool)
23///  * [`&mut Connection`](super::connection::Connection)
25/// The [`Executor`] impls for [`Transaction`](crate::transaction::Transaction)
26/// and [`PoolConnection`](crate::pool::PoolConnection) have been deleted because they
27/// cannot exist in the new crate architecture without rewriting the Executor trait entirely.
28/// To fix this breakage, simply add a dereference where an impl [`Executor`] is expected, as
29/// they both dereference to the inner connection type which will still implement it:
30/// * `&mut transaction` -> `&mut *transaction`
31/// * `&mut connection` -> `&mut *connection`
33pub trait Executor<'c>: Send + Debug + Sized {
34    type Database: Database;
36    /// Execute the query and return the total number of rows affected.
37    fn execute<'e, 'q: 'e, E>(
38        self,
39        query: E,
40    ) -> BoxFuture<'e, Result<<Self::Database as Database>::QueryResult, Error>>
41    where
42        'c: 'e,
43        E: 'q + Execute<'q, Self::Database>,
44    {
45        self.execute_many(query).try_collect().boxed()
46    }
48    /// Execute multiple queries and return the rows affected from each query, in a stream.
49    fn execute_many<'e, 'q: 'e, E>(
50        self,
51        query: E,
52    ) -> BoxStream<'e, Result<<Self::Database as Database>::QueryResult, Error>>
53    where
54        'c: 'e,
55        E: 'q + Execute<'q, Self::Database>,
56    {
57        self.fetch_many(query)
58            .try_filter_map(|step| async move {
59                Ok(match step {
60                    Either::Left(rows) => Some(rows),
61                    Either::Right(_) => None,
62                })
63            })
64            .boxed()
65    }
67    /// Execute the query and return the generated results as a stream.
68    fn fetch<'e, 'q: 'e, E>(
69        self,
70        query: E,
71    ) -> BoxStream<'e, Result<<Self::Database as Database>::Row, Error>>
72    where
73        'c: 'e,
74        E: 'q + Execute<'q, Self::Database>,
75    {
76        self.fetch_many(query)
77            .try_filter_map(|step| async move {
78                Ok(match step {
79                    Either::Left(_) => None,
80                    Either::Right(row) => Some(row),
81                })
82            })
83            .boxed()
84    }
86    /// Execute multiple queries and return the generated results as a stream
87    /// from each query, in a stream.
88    fn fetch_many<'e, 'q: 'e, E>(
89        self,
90        query: E,
91    ) -> BoxStream<
92        'e,
93        Result<
94            Either<<Self::Database as Database>::QueryResult, <Self::Database as Database>::Row>,
95            Error,
96        >,
97    >
98    where
99        'c: 'e,
100        E: 'q + Execute<'q, Self::Database>;
102    /// Execute the query and return all the generated results, collected into a [`Vec`].
103    fn fetch_all<'e, 'q: 'e, E>(
104        self,
105        query: E,
106    ) -> BoxFuture<'e, Result<Vec<<Self::Database as Database>::Row>, Error>>
107    where
108        'c: 'e,
109        E: 'q + Execute<'q, Self::Database>,
110    {
111        self.fetch(query).try_collect().boxed()
112    }
114    /// Execute the query and returns exactly one row.
115    fn fetch_one<'e, 'q: 'e, E>(
116        self,
117        query: E,
118    ) -> BoxFuture<'e, Result<<Self::Database as Database>::Row, Error>>
119    where
120        'c: 'e,
121        E: 'q + Execute<'q, Self::Database>,
122    {
123        self.fetch_optional(query)
124            .and_then(|row| match row {
125                Some(row) => future::ok(row),
126                None => future::err(Error::RowNotFound),
127            })
128            .boxed()
129    }
131    /// Execute the query and returns at most one row.
132    fn fetch_optional<'e, 'q: 'e, E>(
133        self,
134        query: E,
135    ) -> BoxFuture<'e, Result<Option<<Self::Database as Database>::Row>, Error>>
136    where
137        'c: 'e,
138        E: 'q + Execute<'q, Self::Database>;
140    /// Prepare the SQL query to inspect the type information of its parameters
141    /// and results.
142    ///
143    /// Be advised that when using the `query`, `query_as`, or `query_scalar` functions, the query
144    /// is transparently prepared and executed.
145    ///
146    /// This explicit API is provided to allow access to the statement metadata available after
147    /// it prepared but before the first row is returned.
148    #[inline]
149    fn prepare<'e, 'q: 'e>(
150        self,
151        query: &'q str,
152    ) -> BoxFuture<'e, Result<<Self::Database as Database>::Statement<'q>, Error>>
153    where
154        'c: 'e,
155    {
156        self.prepare_with(query, &[])
157    }
159    /// Prepare the SQL query, with parameter type information, to inspect the
160    /// type information about its parameters and results.
161    ///
162    /// Only some database drivers (PostgreSQL, MSSQL) can take advantage of
163    /// this extra information to influence parameter type inference.
164    fn prepare_with<'e, 'q: 'e>(
165        self,
166        sql: &'q str,
167        parameters: &'e [<Self::Database as Database>::TypeInfo],
168    ) -> BoxFuture<'e, Result<<Self::Database as Database>::Statement<'q>, Error>>
169    where
170        'c: 'e;
172    /// Describe the SQL query and return type information about its parameters
173    /// and results.
174    ///
175    /// This is used by compile-time verification in the query macros to
176    /// power their type inference.
177    #[doc(hidden)]
178    fn describe<'e, 'q: 'e>(
179        self,
180        sql: &'q str,
181    ) -> BoxFuture<'e, Result<Describe<Self::Database>, Error>>
182    where
183        'c: 'e;
186/// A type that may be executed against a database connection.
188/// Implemented for the following:
190///  * [`&str`](std::str)
191///  * [`Query`](super::query::Query)
193pub trait Execute<'q, DB: Database>: Send + Sized {
194    /// Gets the SQL that will be executed.
195    fn sql(&self) -> &'q str;
197    /// Gets the previously cached statement, if available.
198    fn statement(&self) -> Option<&DB::Statement<'q>>;
200    /// Returns the arguments to be bound against the query string.
201    ///
202    /// Returning `Ok(None)` for `Arguments` indicates to use a "simple" query protocol and to not
203    /// prepare the query. Returning `Ok(Some(Default::default()))` is an empty arguments object that
204    /// will be prepared (and cached) before execution.
205    ///
206    /// Returns `Err` if encoding any of the arguments failed.
207    fn take_arguments(&mut self) -> Result<Option<<DB as Database>::Arguments<'q>>, BoxDynError>;
209    /// Returns `true` if the statement should be cached.
210    fn persistent(&self) -> bool;
213// NOTE: `Execute` is explicitly not implemented for String and &String to make it slightly more
214//       involved to write `conn.execute(format!("SELECT {val}"))`
215impl<'q, DB: Database> Execute<'q, DB> for &'q str {
216    #[inline]
217    fn sql(&self) -> &'q str {
218        self
219    }
221    #[inline]
222    fn statement(&self) -> Option<&DB::Statement<'q>> {
223        None
224    }
226    #[inline]
227    fn take_arguments(&mut self) -> Result<Option<<DB as Database>::Arguments<'q>>, BoxDynError> {
228        Ok(None)
229    }
231    #[inline]
232    fn persistent(&self) -> bool {
233        true
234    }
237impl<'q, DB: Database> Execute<'q, DB> for (&'q str, Option<<DB as Database>::Arguments<'q>>) {
238    #[inline]
239    fn sql(&self) -> &'q str {
240        self.0
241    }
243    #[inline]
244    fn statement(&self) -> Option<&DB::Statement<'q>> {
245        None
246    }
248    #[inline]
249    fn take_arguments(&mut self) -> Result<Option<<DB as Database>::Arguments<'q>>, BoxDynError> {
250        Ok(self.1.take())
251    }
253    #[inline]
254    fn persistent(&self) -> bool {
255        true
256    }