1use crate::connection::Connection;
2use crate::database::Database;
3use crate::error::Error;
4use crate::pool::inner::PoolInner;
5use crate::pool::Pool;
6use futures_core::future::BoxFuture;
7use log::LevelFilter;
8use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
9use std::sync::Arc;
10use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
12/// Configuration options for [`Pool`][super::Pool].
14/// ### Callback Functions: Why Do I Need `Box::pin()`?
15/// Essentially, because it's impossible to write generic bounds that describe a closure
16/// with a higher-ranked lifetime parameter, returning a future with that same lifetime.
18/// Ideally, you could define it like this:
19/// ```rust,ignore
20/// async fn takes_foo_callback(f: impl for<'a> Fn(&'a mut Foo) -> impl Future<'a, Output = ()>)
21/// ```
23/// However, the compiler does not allow using `impl Trait` in the return type of an `impl Fn`.
25/// And if you try to do it like this:
26/// ```rust,ignore
27/// async fn takes_foo_callback<F, Fut>(f: F)
28/// where
29/// F: for<'a> Fn(&'a mut Foo) -> Fut,
30/// Fut: for<'a> Future<Output = ()> + 'a
31/// ```
33/// There's no way to tell the compiler that those two `'a`s should be the same lifetime.
35/// It's possible to make this work with a custom trait, but it's fiddly and requires naming
36/// the type of the closure parameter.
38/// Having the closure return `BoxFuture` allows us to work around this, as all the type information
39/// fits into a single generic parameter.
41/// We still need to `Box` the future internally to give it a concrete type to avoid leaking a type
42/// parameter everywhere, and `Box` is in the prelude so it doesn't need to be manually imported,
43/// so having the closure return `Pin<Box<dyn Future>` directly is the path of least resistance from
44/// the perspectives of both API designer and consumer.
45pub struct PoolOptions<DB: Database> {
46 pub(crate) test_before_acquire: bool,
47 pub(crate) after_connect: Option<
48 Arc<
49 dyn Fn(&mut DB::Connection, PoolConnectionMetadata) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<(), Error>>
50 + 'static
51 + Send
52 + Sync,
53 >,
54 >,
55 pub(crate) before_acquire: Option<
56 Arc<
57 dyn Fn(
58 &mut DB::Connection,
59 PoolConnectionMetadata,
60 ) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<bool, Error>>
61 + 'static
62 + Send
63 + Sync,
64 >,
65 >,
66 pub(crate) after_release: Option<
67 Arc<
68 dyn Fn(
69 &mut DB::Connection,
70 PoolConnectionMetadata,
71 ) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<bool, Error>>
72 + 'static
73 + Send
74 + Sync,
75 >,
76 >,
77 pub(crate) max_connections: u32,
78 pub(crate) acquire_time_level: LevelFilter,
79 pub(crate) acquire_slow_level: LevelFilter,
80 pub(crate) acquire_slow_threshold: Duration,
81 pub(crate) acquire_timeout: Duration,
82 pub(crate) min_connections: u32,
83 pub(crate) max_lifetime: Option<Duration>,
84 pub(crate) idle_timeout: Option<Duration>,
85 pub(crate) fair: bool,
87 pub(crate) parent_pool: Option<Pool<DB>>,
90// Manually implement `Clone` to avoid a trait bound issue.
92// See: https://github.com/launchbadge/sqlx/issues/2548
93impl<DB: Database> Clone for PoolOptions<DB> {
94 fn clone(&self) -> Self {
95 PoolOptions {
96 test_before_acquire: self.test_before_acquire,
97 after_connect: self.after_connect.clone(),
98 before_acquire: self.before_acquire.clone(),
99 after_release: self.after_release.clone(),
100 max_connections: self.max_connections,
101 acquire_time_level: self.acquire_time_level,
102 acquire_slow_threshold: self.acquire_slow_threshold,
103 acquire_slow_level: self.acquire_slow_level,
104 acquire_timeout: self.acquire_timeout,
105 min_connections: self.min_connections,
106 max_lifetime: self.max_lifetime,
107 idle_timeout: self.idle_timeout,
108 fair: self.fair,
109 parent_pool: self.parent_pool.clone(),
110 }
111 }
114/// Metadata for the connection being processed by a [`PoolOptions`] callback.
115#[derive(Debug)] // Don't want to commit to any other trait impls yet.
116#[non_exhaustive] // So we can safely add fields in the future.
117pub struct PoolConnectionMetadata {
118 /// The duration since the connection was first opened.
119 ///
120 /// For [`after_connect`][PoolOptions::after_connect], this is [`Duration::ZERO`].
121 pub age: Duration,
123 /// The duration that the connection spent in the idle queue.
124 ///
125 /// Only relevant for [`before_acquire`][PoolOptions::before_acquire].
126 /// For other callbacks, this is [`Duration::ZERO`].
127 pub idle_for: Duration,
130impl<DB: Database> Default for PoolOptions<DB> {
131 fn default() -> Self {
132 Self::new()
133 }
136impl<DB: Database> PoolOptions<DB> {
137 /// Returns a default "sane" configuration, suitable for testing or light-duty applications.
138 ///
139 /// Production applications will likely want to at least modify
140 /// [`max_connections`][Self::max_connections].
141 ///
142 /// See the source of this method for the current default values.
143 pub fn new() -> Self {
144 Self {
145 // User-specifiable routines
146 after_connect: None,
147 before_acquire: None,
148 after_release: None,
149 test_before_acquire: true,
150 // A production application will want to set a higher limit than this.
151 max_connections: 10,
152 min_connections: 0,
153 // Logging all acquires is opt-in
154 acquire_time_level: LevelFilter::Off,
155 // Default to warning, because an acquire timeout will be an error
156 acquire_slow_level: LevelFilter::Warn,
157 // Fast enough to catch problems (e.g. a full pool); slow enough
158 // to not flag typical time to add a new connection to a pool.
159 acquire_slow_threshold: Duration::from_secs(2),
160 acquire_timeout: Duration::from_secs(30),
161 idle_timeout: Some(Duration::from_secs(10 * 60)),
162 max_lifetime: Some(Duration::from_secs(30 * 60)),
163 fair: true,
164 parent_pool: None,
165 }
166 }
168 /// Set the maximum number of connections that this pool should maintain.
169 ///
170 /// Be mindful of the connection limits for your database as well as other applications
171 /// which may want to connect to the same database (or even multiple instances of the same
172 /// application in high-availability deployments).
173 pub fn max_connections(mut self, max: u32) -> Self {
174 self.max_connections = max;
175 self
176 }
178 /// Get the maximum number of connections that this pool should maintain
179 pub fn get_max_connections(&self) -> u32 {
180 self.max_connections
181 }
183 /// Set the minimum number of connections to maintain at all times.
184 ///
185 /// When the pool is built, this many connections will be automatically spun up.
186 ///
187 /// If any connection is reaped by [`max_lifetime`] or [`idle_timeout`], or explicitly closed,
188 /// and it brings the connection count below this amount, a new connection will be opened to
189 /// replace it.
190 ///
191 /// This is only done on a best-effort basis, however. The routine that maintains this value
192 /// has a deadline so it doesn't wait forever if the database is being slow or returning errors.
193 ///
194 /// This value is clamped internally to not exceed [`max_connections`].
195 ///
196 /// We've chosen not to assert `min_connections <= max_connections` anywhere
197 /// because it shouldn't break anything internally if the condition doesn't hold,
198 /// and if the application allows either value to be dynamically set
199 /// then it should be checking this condition itself and returning
200 /// a nicer error than a panic anyway.
201 ///
202 /// [`max_lifetime`]: Self::max_lifetime
203 /// [`idle_timeout`]: Self::idle_timeout
204 /// [`max_connections`]: Self::max_connections
205 pub fn min_connections(mut self, min: u32) -> Self {
206 self.min_connections = min;
207 self
208 }
210 /// Get the minimum number of connections to maintain at all times.
211 pub fn get_min_connections(&self) -> u32 {
212 self.min_connections
213 }
215 /// Enable logging of time taken to acquire a connection from the connection pool via
216 /// [`Pool::acquire()`].
217 ///
218 /// If slow acquire logging is also enabled, this level is used for acquires that are not
219 /// considered slow.
220 pub fn acquire_time_level(mut self, level: LevelFilter) -> Self {
221 self.acquire_time_level = level;
222 self
223 }
225 /// Log excessive time taken to acquire a connection at a different log level than time taken
226 /// for faster connection acquires via [`Pool::acquire()`].
227 pub fn acquire_slow_level(mut self, level: LevelFilter) -> Self {
228 self.acquire_slow_level = level;
229 self
230 }
232 /// Set a threshold for reporting excessive time taken to acquire a connection from
233 /// the connection pool via [`Pool::acquire()`]. When the threshold is exceeded, a warning is logged.
234 ///
235 /// Defaults to a value that should not typically be exceeded by the pool enlarging
236 /// itself with an additional new connection.
237 pub fn acquire_slow_threshold(mut self, threshold: Duration) -> Self {
238 self.acquire_slow_threshold = threshold;
239 self
240 }
242 /// Get the threshold for reporting excessive time taken to acquire a connection via
243 /// [`Pool::acquire()`].
244 pub fn get_acquire_slow_threshold(&self) -> Duration {
245 self.acquire_slow_threshold
246 }
248 /// Set the maximum amount of time to spend waiting for a connection in [`Pool::acquire()`].
249 ///
250 /// Caps the total amount of time `Pool::acquire()` can spend waiting across multiple phases:
251 ///
252 /// * First, it may need to wait for a permit from the semaphore, which grants it the privilege
253 /// of opening a connection or popping one from the idle queue.
254 /// * If an existing idle connection is acquired, by default it will be checked for liveness
255 /// and integrity before being returned, which may require executing a command on the
256 /// connection. This can be disabled with [`test_before_acquire(false)`][Self::test_before_acquire].
257 /// * If [`before_acquire`][Self::before_acquire] is set, that will also be executed.
258 /// * If a new connection needs to be opened, that will obviously require I/O, handshaking,
259 /// and initialization commands.
260 /// * If [`after_connect`][Self::after_connect] is set, that will also be executed.
261 pub fn acquire_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
262 self.acquire_timeout = timeout;
263 self
264 }
266 /// Get the maximum amount of time to spend waiting for a connection in [`Pool::acquire()`].
267 pub fn get_acquire_timeout(&self) -> Duration {
268 self.acquire_timeout
269 }
271 /// Set the maximum lifetime of individual connections.
272 ///
273 /// Any connection with a lifetime greater than this will be closed.
274 ///
275 /// When set to `None`, all connections live until either reaped by [`idle_timeout`]
276 /// or explicitly disconnected.
277 ///
278 /// Infinite connections are not recommended due to the unfortunate reality of memory/resource
279 /// leaks on the database-side. It is better to retire connections periodically
280 /// (even if only once daily) to allow the database the opportunity to clean up data structures
281 /// (parse trees, query metadata caches, thread-local storage, etc.) that are associated with a
282 /// session.
283 ///
284 /// [`idle_timeout`]: Self::idle_timeout
285 pub fn max_lifetime(mut self, lifetime: impl Into<Option<Duration>>) -> Self {
286 self.max_lifetime = lifetime.into();
287 self
288 }
290 /// Get the maximum lifetime of individual connections.
291 pub fn get_max_lifetime(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
292 self.max_lifetime
293 }
295 /// Set a maximum idle duration for individual connections.
296 ///
297 /// Any connection that remains in the idle queue longer than this will be closed.
298 ///
299 /// For usage-based database server billing, this can be a cost saver.
300 pub fn idle_timeout(mut self, timeout: impl Into<Option<Duration>>) -> Self {
301 self.idle_timeout = timeout.into();
302 self
303 }
305 /// Get the maximum idle duration for individual connections.
306 pub fn get_idle_timeout(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
307 self.idle_timeout
308 }
310 /// If true, the health of a connection will be verified by a call to [`Connection::ping`]
311 /// before returning the connection.
312 ///
313 /// Defaults to `true`.
314 pub fn test_before_acquire(mut self, test: bool) -> Self {
315 self.test_before_acquire = test;
316 self
317 }
319 /// Get whether `test_before_acquire` is currently set.
320 pub fn get_test_before_acquire(&self) -> bool {
321 self.test_before_acquire
322 }
324 /// If set to `true`, calls to `acquire()` are fair and connections are issued
325 /// in first-come-first-serve order. If `false`, "drive-by" tasks may steal idle connections
326 /// ahead of tasks that have been waiting.
327 ///
328 /// According to `sqlx-bench/benches/pg_pool` this may slightly increase time
329 /// to `acquire()` at low pool contention but at very high contention it helps
330 /// avoid tasks at the head of the waiter queue getting repeatedly preempted by
331 /// these "drive-by" tasks and tasks further back in the queue timing out because
332 /// the queue isn't moving.
333 ///
334 /// Currently only exposed for benchmarking; `fair = true` seems to be the superior option
335 /// in most cases.
336 #[doc(hidden)]
337 pub fn __fair(mut self, fair: bool) -> Self {
338 self.fair = fair;
339 self
340 }
342 /// Perform an asynchronous action after connecting to the database.
343 ///
344 /// If the operation returns with an error then the error is logged, the connection is closed
345 /// and a new one is opened in its place and the callback is invoked again.
346 ///
347 /// This occurs in a backoff loop to avoid high CPU usage and spamming logs during a transient
348 /// error condition.
349 ///
350 /// Note that this may be called for internally opened connections, such as when maintaining
351 /// [`min_connections`][Self::min_connections], that are then immediately returned to the pool
352 /// without invoking [`after_release`][Self::after_release].
353 ///
354 /// # Example: Additional Parameters
355 /// This callback may be used to set additional configuration parameters
356 /// that are not exposed by the database's `ConnectOptions`.
357 ///
358 /// This example is written for PostgreSQL but can likely be adapted to other databases.
359 ///
360 /// ```no_run
361 /// # async fn f() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
362 /// use sqlx::Executor;
363 /// use sqlx::postgres::PgPoolOptions;
364 ///
365 /// let pool = PgPoolOptions::new()
366 /// .after_connect(|conn, _meta| Box::pin(async move {
367 /// // When directly invoking `Executor` methods,
368 /// // it is possible to execute multiple statements with one call.
369 /// conn.execute("SET application_name = 'your_app'; SET search_path = 'my_schema';")
370 /// .await?;
371 ///
372 /// Ok(())
373 /// }))
374 /// .connect("postgres:// …").await?;
375 /// # Ok(())
376 /// # }
377 /// ```
378 ///
379 /// For a discussion on why `Box::pin()` is required, see [the type-level docs][Self].
380 pub fn after_connect<F>(mut self, callback: F) -> Self
381 where
382 // We're passing the `PoolConnectionMetadata` here mostly for future-proofing.
383 // `age` and `idle_for` are obviously not useful for fresh connections.
384 for<'c> F: Fn(&'c mut DB::Connection, PoolConnectionMetadata) -> BoxFuture<'c, Result<(), Error>>
385 + 'static
386 + Send
387 + Sync,
388 {
389 self.after_connect = Some(Arc::new(callback));
390 self
391 }
393 /// Perform an asynchronous action on a previously idle connection before giving it out.
394 ///
395 /// Alongside the connection, the closure gets [`PoolConnectionMetadata`] which contains
396 /// potentially useful information such as the connection's age and the duration it was
397 /// idle.
398 ///
399 /// If the operation returns `Ok(true)`, the connection is returned to the task that called
400 /// [`Pool::acquire`].
401 ///
402 /// If the operation returns `Ok(false)` or an error, the error is logged (if applicable)
403 /// and then the connection is closed and [`Pool::acquire`] tries again with another idle
404 /// connection. If it runs out of idle connections, it opens a new connection instead.
405 ///
406 /// This is *not* invoked for new connections. Use [`after_connect`][Self::after_connect]
407 /// for those.
408 ///
409 /// # Example: Custom `test_before_acquire` Logic
410 /// If you only want to ping connections if they've been idle a certain amount of time,
411 /// you can implement your own logic here:
412 ///
413 /// This example is written for Postgres but should be trivially adaptable to other databases.
414 /// ```no_run
415 /// # async fn f() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
416 /// use sqlx::{Connection, Executor};
417 /// use sqlx::postgres::PgPoolOptions;
418 ///
419 /// let pool = PgPoolOptions::new()
420 /// .test_before_acquire(false)
421 /// .before_acquire(|conn, meta| Box::pin(async move {
422 /// // One minute
423 /// if meta.idle_for.as_secs() > 60 {
424 /// conn.ping().await?;
425 /// }
426 ///
427 /// Ok(true)
428 /// }))
429 /// .connect("postgres:// …").await?;
430 /// # Ok(())
431 /// # }
432 ///```
433 ///
434 /// For a discussion on why `Box::pin()` is required, see [the type-level docs][Self].
435 pub fn before_acquire<F>(mut self, callback: F) -> Self
436 where
437 for<'c> F: Fn(&'c mut DB::Connection, PoolConnectionMetadata) -> BoxFuture<'c, Result<bool, Error>>
438 + 'static
439 + Send
440 + Sync,
441 {
442 self.before_acquire = Some(Arc::new(callback));
443 self
444 }
446 /// Perform an asynchronous action on a connection before it is returned to the pool.
447 ///
448 /// Alongside the connection, the closure gets [`PoolConnectionMetadata`] which contains
449 /// potentially useful information such as the connection's age.
450 ///
451 /// If the operation returns `Ok(true)`, the connection is returned to the pool's idle queue.
452 /// If the operation returns `Ok(false)` or an error, the error is logged (if applicable)
453 /// and the connection is closed, allowing a task waiting on [`Pool::acquire`] to
454 /// open a new one in its place.
455 ///
456 /// # Example (Postgres): Close Memory-Hungry Connections
457 /// Instead of relying on [`max_lifetime`][Self::max_lifetime] to close connections,
458 /// we can monitor their memory usage directly and close any that have allocated too much.
459 ///
460 /// Note that this is purely an example showcasing a possible use for this callback
461 /// and may be flawed as it has not been tested.
462 ///
463 /// This example queries [`pg_backend_memory_contexts`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/view-pg-backend-memory-contexts.html)
464 /// which is only allowed for superusers.
465 ///
466 /// ```no_run
467 /// # async fn f() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
468 /// use sqlx::{Connection, Executor};
469 /// use sqlx::postgres::PgPoolOptions;
470 ///
471 /// let pool = PgPoolOptions::new()
472 /// // Let connections live as long as they want.
473 /// .max_lifetime(None)
474 /// .after_release(|conn, meta| Box::pin(async move {
475 /// // Only check connections older than 6 hours.
476 /// if meta.age.as_secs() < 6 * 60 * 60 {
477 /// return Ok(true);
478 /// }
479 ///
480 /// let total_memory_usage: i64 = sqlx::query_scalar(
481 /// "select sum(used_bytes) from pg_backend_memory_contexts"
482 /// )
483 /// .fetch_one(conn)
484 /// .await?;
485 ///
486 /// // Close the connection if the backend memory usage exceeds 256 MiB.
487 /// Ok(total_memory_usage <= (2 << 28))
488 /// }))
489 /// .connect("postgres:// …").await?;
490 /// # Ok(())
491 /// # }
492 pub fn after_release<F>(mut self, callback: F) -> Self
493 where
494 for<'c> F: Fn(&'c mut DB::Connection, PoolConnectionMetadata) -> BoxFuture<'c, Result<bool, Error>>
495 + 'static
496 + Send
497 + Sync,
498 {
499 self.after_release = Some(Arc::new(callback));
500 self
501 }
503 /// Set the parent `Pool` from which the new pool will inherit its semaphore.
504 ///
505 /// This is currently an internal-only API.
506 ///
507 /// ### Panics
508 /// If `self.max_connections` is greater than the setting the given pool was created with,
509 /// or `self.fair` differs from the setting the given pool was created with.
510 #[doc(hidden)]
511 pub fn parent(mut self, pool: Pool<DB>) -> Self {
512 self.parent_pool = Some(pool);
513 self
514 }
516 /// Create a new pool from this `PoolOptions` and immediately open at least one connection.
517 ///
518 /// This ensures the configuration is correct.
519 ///
520 /// The total number of connections opened is <code>max(1, [min_connections][Self::min_connections])</code>.
521 ///
522 /// Refer to the relevant `ConnectOptions` impl for your database for the expected URL format:
523 ///
524 /// * Postgres: [`PgConnectOptions`][crate::postgres::PgConnectOptions]
525 /// * MySQL: [`MySqlConnectOptions`][crate::mysql::MySqlConnectOptions]
526 /// * SQLite: [`SqliteConnectOptions`][crate::sqlite::SqliteConnectOptions]
527 /// * MSSQL: [`MssqlConnectOptions`][crate::mssql::MssqlConnectOptions]
528 pub async fn connect(self, url: &str) -> Result<Pool<DB>, Error> {
529 self.connect_with(url.parse()?).await
530 }
532 /// Create a new pool from this `PoolOptions` and immediately open at least one connection.
533 ///
534 /// This ensures the configuration is correct.
535 ///
536 /// The total number of connections opened is <code>max(1, [min_connections][Self::min_connections])</code>.
537 pub async fn connect_with(
538 self,
539 options: <DB::Connection as Connection>::Options,
540 ) -> Result<Pool<DB>, Error> {
541 // Don't take longer than `acquire_timeout` starting from when this is called.
542 let deadline = Instant::now() + self.acquire_timeout;
544 let inner = PoolInner::new_arc(self, options);
546 if inner.options.min_connections > 0 {
547 // If the idle reaper is spawned then this will race with the call from that task
548 // and may not report any connection errors.
549 inner.try_min_connections(deadline).await?;
550 }
552 // If `min_connections` is nonzero then we'll likely just pull a connection
553 // from the idle queue here, but it should at least get tested first.
554 let conn = inner.acquire().await?;
555 inner.release(conn);
557 Ok(Pool(inner))
558 }
560 /// Create a new pool from this `PoolOptions`, but don't open any connections right now.
561 ///
562 /// If [`min_connections`][Self::min_connections] is set, a background task will be spawned to
563 /// optimistically establish that many connections for the pool.
564 ///
565 /// Refer to the relevant `ConnectOptions` impl for your database for the expected URL format:
566 ///
567 /// * Postgres: [`PgConnectOptions`][crate::postgres::PgConnectOptions]
568 /// * MySQL: [`MySqlConnectOptions`][crate::mysql::MySqlConnectOptions]
569 /// * SQLite: [`SqliteConnectOptions`][crate::sqlite::SqliteConnectOptions]
570 /// * MSSQL: [`MssqlConnectOptions`][crate::mssql::MssqlConnectOptions]
571 pub fn connect_lazy(self, url: &str) -> Result<Pool<DB>, Error> {
572 Ok(self.connect_lazy_with(url.parse()?))
573 }
575 /// Create a new pool from this `PoolOptions`, but don't open any connections right now.
576 ///
577 /// If [`min_connections`][Self::min_connections] is set, a background task will be spawned to
578 /// optimistically establish that many connections for the pool.
579 pub fn connect_lazy_with(self, options: <DB::Connection as Connection>::Options) -> Pool<DB> {
580 // `min_connections` is guaranteed by the idle reaper now.
581 Pool(PoolInner::new_arc(self, options))
582 }
585impl<DB: Database> Debug for PoolOptions<DB> {
586 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
587 f.debug_struct("PoolOptions")
588 .field("max_connections", &self.max_connections)
589 .field("min_connections", &self.min_connections)
590 .field("connect_timeout", &self.acquire_timeout)
591 .field("max_lifetime", &self.max_lifetime)
592 .field("idle_timeout", &self.idle_timeout)
593 .field("test_before_acquire", &self.test_before_acquire)
594 .finish()
595 }