Function query_as

pub fn query_as<'q, DB, O>(
    sql: &'q str,
) -> QueryAs<'q, DB, O, <DB as Database>::Arguments<'q>>
where DB: Database, O: for<'r> FromRow<'r, DB::Row>,
Expand description

Execute a single SQL query as a prepared statement (transparently cached). Maps rows to Rust types using FromRow.

For details about prepared statements and allowed SQL syntax, see query().

§Example: Map Rows using Tuples

FromRow is implemented for tuples of up to 16 elements1. Using a tuple of N elements will extract the first N columns from each row using Decode. Any extra columns are ignored.

See sqlx::types for the types that can be used.

The FromRow implementation will check Type::compatible() for each column to ensure a compatible type mapping is used. If an incompatible mapping is detected, an error is returned. To statically assert compatible types at compile time, see the query!() family of macros.

NOTE: SELECT * is not recommended with this approach because the ordering of returned columns may be different than expected, especially when using joins.

use sqlx::Connection;
use sqlx::PgConnection;

// This example can be applied to any database as it only uses standard types and syntax.
let mut conn: PgConnection = PgConnection::connect("<Database URL>").await?;

    .execute(&mut conn)

sqlx::query("INSERT INTO users(id, username) VALUES (1, 'alice'), (2, 'bob');")
    .execute(&mut conn)

// Get the first row of the result (note the `LIMIT 1` for efficiency)
// This assumes the `time` feature of SQLx is enabled.
let oldest_user: (i32, String, time::OffsetDateTime) = sqlx::query_as(
    "SELECT id, username, created_at FROM users ORDER BY created_at LIMIT 1"
    .fetch_one(&mut conn)

assert_eq!(oldest_user.0, 1);
assert_eq!(oldest_user.1, "alice");

// Get at most one row
let maybe_charlie: Option<(i32, String, time::OffsetDateTime)> = sqlx::query_as(
    "SELECT id, username, created_at FROM users WHERE username = 'charlie'"
    .fetch_optional(&mut conn)

assert_eq!(maybe_charlie, None);

// Get all rows in result (Beware of the size of the result set! Consider using `LIMIT`)
let users: Vec<(i32, String, time::OffsetDateTime)> = sqlx::query_as(
    "SELECT id, username, created_at FROM users ORDER BY id"
    .fetch_all(&mut conn)


1: It’s impossible in Rust to implement a trait for tuples of arbitrary size. For larger result sets, either use an explicit struct (see below) or use query() instead and extract columns dynamically.

§Example: Map Rows using #[derive(FromRow)]

Using #[derive(FromRow)], we can create a Rust struct to represent our row type so we can look up fields by name instead of tuple index.

When querying this way, columns will be matched up to the corresponding fields by name, so SELECT * is safe to use. However, you will still want to be aware of duplicate column names in your query when using joins.

The derived FromRow implementation will check Type::compatible() for each column to ensure a compatible type mapping is used. If an incompatible mapping is detected, an error is returned. To statically assert compatible types at compile time, see the query!() family of macros.

An error will also be returned if an expected column is missing from the result set.

#[derive(FromRow)] supports several control attributes which can be used to change how column names and types are mapped. See FromRow for details.

Using our previous table definition, we can convert our queries like so:

use sqlx::Connection;
use sqlx::PgConnection;

use time::OffsetDateTime;

#[derive(sqlx::FromRow, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct User {
    id: i64,
    username: String,
    // Note: the derive won't compile if the `time` feature of SQLx is not enabled.
    created_at: OffsetDateTime,

let mut conn: PgConnection = PgConnection::connect("<Database URL>").await?;

// Get the first row of the result (note the `LIMIT 1` for efficiency)
let oldest_user: User = sqlx::query_as(
    "SELECT id, username, created_at FROM users ORDER BY created_at LIMIT 1"
    .fetch_one(&mut conn)

assert_eq!(, 1);
assert_eq!(oldest_user.username, "alice");

// Get at most one row
let maybe_charlie: Option<User> = sqlx::query_as(
    "SELECT id, username, created_at FROM users WHERE username = 'charlie'"
    .fetch_optional(&mut conn)

assert_eq!(maybe_charlie, None);

// Get all rows in result (Beware of the size of the result set! Consider using `LIMIT`)
let users: Vec<User> = sqlx::query_as(
    "SELECT id, username, created_at FROM users ORDER BY id"
    .fetch_all(&mut conn)

assert_eq!(users[1].id, 2);
assert_eq!(users[1].username, "bob");