
1//! Runtime query-builder API.
3use std::fmt::Display;
4use std::fmt::Write;
5use std::marker::PhantomData;
7use crate::arguments::{Arguments, IntoArguments};
8use crate::database::Database;
9use crate::encode::Encode;
10use crate::from_row::FromRow;
11use crate::query::Query;
12use crate::query_as::QueryAs;
13use crate::query_scalar::QueryScalar;
14use crate::types::Type;
15use crate::Either;
17/// A builder type for constructing queries at runtime.
19/// See [`.push_values()`][Self::push_values] for an example of building a bulk `INSERT` statement.
20/// Note, however, that with Postgres you can get much better performance by using arrays
21/// and `UNNEST()`. [See our FAQ] for details.
23/// [See our FAQ]: https://github.com/launchbadge/sqlx/blob/master/FAQ.md#how-can-i-bind-an-array-to-a-values-clause-how-can-i-do-bulk-inserts
24pub struct QueryBuilder<'args, DB>
26    DB: Database,
28    query: String,
29    init_len: usize,
30    arguments: Option<<DB as Database>::Arguments<'args>>,
33impl<'args, DB: Database> Default for QueryBuilder<'args, DB> {
34    fn default() -> Self {
35        QueryBuilder {
36            init_len: 0,
37            query: String::default(),
38            arguments: Some(Default::default()),
39        }
40    }
43impl<'args, DB: Database> QueryBuilder<'args, DB>
45    DB: Database,
47    // `init` is provided because a query will almost always start with a constant fragment
48    // such as `INSERT INTO ...` or `SELECT ...`, etc.
49    /// Start building a query with an initial SQL fragment, which may be an empty string.
50    pub fn new(init: impl Into<String>) -> Self
51    where
52        <DB as Database>::Arguments<'args>: Default,
53    {
54        let init = init.into();
56        QueryBuilder {
57            init_len: init.len(),
58            query: init,
59            arguments: Some(Default::default()),
60        }
61    }
63    /// Construct a `QueryBuilder` with existing SQL and arguments.
64    ///
65    /// ### Note
66    /// This does *not* check if `arguments` is valid for the given SQL.
67    pub fn with_arguments<A>(init: impl Into<String>, arguments: A) -> Self
68    where
69        DB: Database,
70        A: IntoArguments<'args, DB>,
71    {
72        let init = init.into();
74        QueryBuilder {
75            init_len: init.len(),
76            query: init,
77            arguments: Some(arguments.into_arguments()),
78        }
79    }
81    #[inline]
82    fn sanity_check(&self) {
83        assert!(
84            self.arguments.is_some(),
85            "QueryBuilder must be reset before reuse after `.build()`"
86        );
87    }
89    /// Append a SQL fragment to the query.
90    ///
91    /// May be a string or anything that implements `Display`.
92    /// You can also use `format_args!()` here to push a formatted string without an intermediate
93    /// allocation.
94    ///
95    /// ### Warning: Beware SQL Injection Vulnerabilities and Untrusted Input!
96    /// You should *not* use this to insert input directly into the query from an untrusted user as
97    /// this can be used by an attacker to extract sensitive data or take over your database.
98    ///
99    /// Security breaches due to SQL injection can cost your organization a lot of money from
100    /// damage control and lost clients, betray the trust of your users in your system, and are just
101    /// plain embarrassing. If you are unfamiliar with the threat that SQL injection imposes, you
102    /// should take some time to learn more about it before proceeding:
103    ///
104    /// * [SQL Injection on OWASP.org](https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/SQL_Injection)
105    /// * [SQL Injection on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection)
106    ///     * See "Examples" for notable instances of security breaches due to SQL injection.
107    ///
108    /// This method does *not* perform sanitization. Instead, you should use
109    /// [`.push_bind()`][Self::push_bind] which inserts a placeholder into the query and then
110    /// sends the possibly untrustworthy value separately (called a "bind argument") so that it
111    /// cannot be misinterpreted by the database server.
112    ///
113    /// Note that you should still at least have some sort of sanity checks on the values you're
114    /// sending as that's just good practice and prevent other types of attacks against your system,
115    /// e.g. check that strings aren't too long, numbers are within expected ranges, etc.
116    pub fn push(&mut self, sql: impl Display) -> &mut Self {
117        self.sanity_check();
119        write!(self.query, "{sql}").expect("error formatting `sql`");
121        self
122    }
124    /// Push a bind argument placeholder (`?` or `$N` for Postgres) and bind a value to it.
125    ///
126    /// ### Note: Database-specific Limits
127    /// Note that every database has a practical limit on the number of bind parameters
128    /// you can add to a single query. This varies by database.
129    ///
130    /// While you should consult the manual of your specific database version and/or current
131    /// configuration for the exact value as it may be different than listed here,
132    /// the defaults for supported databases as of writing are as follows:
133    ///
134    /// * Postgres and MySQL: 65535
135    ///     * You may find sources that state that Postgres has a limit of 32767,
136    ///       but that is a misinterpretation of the specification by the JDBC driver implementation
137    ///       as discussed in [this Github issue][postgres-limit-issue]. Postgres itself
138    ///       asserts that the number of parameters is in the range `[0, 65535)`.
139    /// * SQLite: 32766 (configurable by [`SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER`])
140    ///     * SQLite prior to 3.32.0: 999
141    /// * MSSQL: 2100
142    ///
143    /// Exceeding these limits may panic (as a sanity check) or trigger a database error at runtime
144    /// depending on the implementation.
145    ///
146    /// [`SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER`]: https://www.sqlite.org/limits.html#max_variable_number
147    /// [postgres-limit-issue]: https://github.com/launchbadge/sqlx/issues/671#issuecomment-687043510
148    pub fn push_bind<T>(&mut self, value: T) -> &mut Self
149    where
150        T: 'args + Encode<'args, DB> + Type<DB>,
151    {
152        self.sanity_check();
154        let arguments = self
155            .arguments
156            .as_mut()
157            .expect("BUG: Arguments taken already");
158        arguments.add(value).expect("Failed to add argument");
160        arguments
161            .format_placeholder(&mut self.query)
162            .expect("error in format_placeholder");
164        self
165    }
167    /// Start a list separated by `separator`.
168    ///
169    /// The returned type exposes identical [`.push()`][Separated::push] and
170    /// [`.push_bind()`][Separated::push_bind] methods which push `separator` to the query
171    /// before their normal behavior. [`.push_unseparated()`][Separated::push_unseparated] and [`.push_bind_unseparated()`][Separated::push_bind_unseparated] are also
172    /// provided to push a SQL fragment without the separator.
173    ///
174    /// ```rust
175    /// # #[cfg(feature = "mysql")] {
176    /// use sqlx::{Execute, MySql, QueryBuilder};
177    /// let foods = vec!["pizza".to_string(), "chips".to_string()];
178    /// let mut query_builder: QueryBuilder<MySql> = QueryBuilder::new(
179    ///     "SELECT * from food where name in ("
180    /// );
181    /// // One element vector is handled correctly but an empty vector
182    /// // would cause a sql syntax error
183    /// let mut separated = query_builder.separated(", ");
184    /// for value_type in foods.iter() {
185    ///   separated.push_bind(value_type);
186    /// }
187    /// separated.push_unseparated(") ");
188    ///
189    /// let mut query = query_builder.build();
190    /// let sql = query.sql();
191    /// assert!(sql.ends_with("in (?, ?) "));
192    /// # }
193    /// ```
195    pub fn separated<'qb, Sep>(&'qb mut self, separator: Sep) -> Separated<'qb, 'args, DB, Sep>
196    where
197        'args: 'qb,
198        Sep: Display,
199    {
200        self.sanity_check();
202        Separated {
203            query_builder: self,
204            separator,
205            push_separator: false,
206        }
207    }
209    // Most of the `QueryBuilder` API is purposefully very low-level but this was a commonly
210    // requested use-case so it made sense to support.
211    /// Push a `VALUES` clause where each item in `tuples` represents a tuple/row in the clause.
212    ///
213    /// This can be used to construct a bulk `INSERT` statement, although keep in mind that all
214    /// databases have some practical limit on the number of bind arguments in a single query.
215    /// See [`.push_bind()`][Self::push_bind] for details.
216    ///
217    /// To be safe, you can do `tuples.into_iter().take(N)` where `N` is the limit for your database
218    /// divided by the number of fields in each tuple; since integer division always rounds down,
219    /// this will ensure that you don't exceed the limit.
220    ///
221    /// ### Notes
222    ///
223    /// If `tuples` is empty, this will likely produce a syntactically invalid query as `VALUES`
224    /// generally expects to be followed by at least 1 tuple.
225    ///
226    /// If `tuples` can have many different lengths, you may want to call
227    /// [`.persistent(false)`][Query::persistent] after [`.build()`][Self::build] to avoid
228    /// filling up the connection's prepared statement cache.
229    ///
230    /// Because the `Arguments` API has a lifetime that must live longer than `Self`, you cannot
231    /// bind by-reference from an iterator unless that iterator yields references that live
232    /// longer than `Self`, even if the specific `Arguments` implementation doesn't actually
233    /// borrow the values (like `MySqlArguments` and `PgArguments` immediately encode the arguments
234    /// and don't borrow them past the `.add()` call).
235    ///
236    /// So basically, if you want to bind by-reference you need an iterator that yields references,
237    /// e.g. if you have values in a `Vec` you can do `.iter()` instead of `.into_iter()`. The
238    /// example below uses an iterator that creates values on the fly
239    /// and so cannot bind by-reference.
240    ///
241    /// ### Example (MySQL)
242    ///
243    /// ```rust
244    /// # #[cfg(feature = "mysql")]
245    /// # {
246    /// use sqlx::{Execute, MySql, QueryBuilder};
247    ///
248    /// struct User {
249    ///     id: i32,
250    ///     username: String,
251    ///     email: String,
252    ///     password: String,
253    /// }
254    ///
255    /// // The number of parameters in MySQL must fit in a `u16`.
256    /// const BIND_LIMIT: usize = 65535;
257    ///
258    /// // This would normally produce values forever!
259    /// let users = (0..).map(|i| User {
260    ///     id: i,
261    ///     username: format!("test_user_{i}"),
262    ///     email: format!("test-user-{i}@example.com"),
263    ///     password: format!("Test!User@Password#{i}"),
264    /// });
265    ///
266    /// let mut query_builder: QueryBuilder<MySql> = QueryBuilder::new(
267    ///     // Note the trailing space; most calls to `QueryBuilder` don't automatically insert
268    ///     // spaces as that might interfere with identifiers or quoted strings where exact
269    ///     // values may matter.
270    ///     "INSERT INTO users(id, username, email, password) "
271    /// );
272    ///
273    /// // Note that `.into_iter()` wasn't needed here since `users` is already an iterator.
274    /// query_builder.push_values(users.take(BIND_LIMIT / 4), |mut b, user| {
275    ///     // If you wanted to bind these by-reference instead of by-value,
276    ///     // you'd need an iterator that yields references that live as long as `query_builder`,
277    ///     // e.g. collect it to a `Vec` first.
278    ///     b.push_bind(user.id)
279    ///         .push_bind(user.username)
280    ///         .push_bind(user.email)
281    ///         .push_bind(user.password);
282    /// });
283    ///
284    /// let mut query = query_builder.build();
285    ///
286    /// // You can then call `query.execute()`, `.fetch_one()`, `.fetch_all()`, etc.
287    /// // For the sake of demonstration though, we're just going to assert the contents
288    /// // of the query.
289    ///
290    /// // These are methods of the `Execute` trait, not normally meant to be called in user code.
291    /// let sql = query.sql();
292    /// let arguments = query.take_arguments().unwrap();
293    ///
294    /// assert!(sql.starts_with(
295    ///     "INSERT INTO users(id, username, email, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?)"
296    /// ));
297    ///
298    /// assert!(sql.ends_with("(?, ?, ?, ?)"));
299    ///
300    /// // Not a normally exposed function, only used for this doctest.
301    /// // 65535 / 4 = 16383 (rounded down)
302    /// // 16383 * 4 = 65532
303    /// assert_eq!(arguments.len(), 65532);
304    /// # }
305    /// ```
306    pub fn push_values<I, F>(&mut self, tuples: I, mut push_tuple: F) -> &mut Self
307    where
308        I: IntoIterator,
309        F: FnMut(Separated<'_, 'args, DB, &'static str>, I::Item),
310    {
311        self.sanity_check();
313        self.push("VALUES ");
315        let mut separated = self.separated(", ");
317        for tuple in tuples {
318            separated.push("(");
320            // use a `Separated` with a separate (hah) internal state
321            push_tuple(separated.query_builder.separated(", "), tuple);
323            separated.push_unseparated(")");
324        }
326        separated.query_builder
327    }
329    /// Creates `((a, b), (..)` statements, from `tuples`.
330    ///
331    /// This can be used to construct a bulk `SELECT` statement like this:
332    /// ```sql
333    /// SELECT * FROM users WHERE (id, username) IN ((1, "test_user_1"), (2, "test_user_2"))
334    /// ```
335    ///
336    /// Although keep in mind that all
337    /// databases have some practical limit on the number of bind arguments in a single query.
338    /// See [`.push_bind()`][Self::push_bind] for details.
339    ///
340    /// To be safe, you can do `tuples.into_iter().take(N)` where `N` is the limit for your database
341    /// divided by the number of fields in each tuple; since integer division always rounds down,
342    /// this will ensure that you don't exceed the limit.
343    ///
344    /// ### Notes
345    ///
346    /// If `tuples` is empty, this will likely produce a syntactically invalid query
347    ///
348    /// ### Example (MySQL)
349    ///
350    /// ```rust
351    /// # #[cfg(feature = "mysql")]
352    /// # {
353    /// use sqlx::{Execute, MySql, QueryBuilder};
354    ///
355    /// struct User {
356    ///     id: i32,
357    ///     username: String,
358    ///     email: String,
359    ///     password: String,
360    /// }
361    ///
362    /// // The number of parameters in MySQL must fit in a `u16`.
363    /// const BIND_LIMIT: usize = 65535;
364    ///
365    /// // This would normally produce values forever!
366    /// let users = (0..).map(|i| User {
367    ///     id: i,
368    ///     username: format!("test_user_{i}"),
369    ///     email: format!("test-user-{i}@example.com"),
370    ///     password: format!("Test!User@Password#{i}"),
371    /// });
372    ///
373    /// let mut query_builder: QueryBuilder<MySql> = QueryBuilder::new(
374    ///     // Note the trailing space; most calls to `QueryBuilder` don't automatically insert
375    ///     // spaces as that might interfere with identifiers or quoted strings where exact
376    ///     // values may matter.
377    ///     "SELECT * FROM users WHERE (id, username, email, password) in"
378    /// );
379    ///
380    /// // Note that `.into_iter()` wasn't needed here since `users` is already an iterator.
381    /// query_builder.push_tuples(users.take(BIND_LIMIT / 4), |mut b, user| {
382    ///     // If you wanted to bind these by-reference instead of by-value,
383    ///     // you'd need an iterator that yields references that live as long as `query_builder`,
384    ///     // e.g. collect it to a `Vec` first.
385    ///     b.push_bind(user.id)
386    ///         .push_bind(user.username)
387    ///         .push_bind(user.email)
388    ///         .push_bind(user.password);
389    /// });
390    ///
391    /// let mut query = query_builder.build();
392    ///
393    /// // You can then call `query.execute()`, `.fetch_one()`, `.fetch_all()`, etc.
394    /// // For the sake of demonstration though, we're just going to assert the contents
395    /// // of the query.
396    ///
397    /// // These are methods of the `Execute` trait, not normally meant to be called in user code.
398    /// let sql = query.sql();
399    /// let arguments = query.take_arguments().unwrap();
400    ///
401    /// assert!(sql.starts_with(
402    ///     "SELECT * FROM users WHERE (id, username, email, password) in ((?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?), "
403    /// ));
404    ///
405    /// assert!(sql.ends_with("(?, ?, ?, ?)) "));
406    ///
407    /// // Not a normally exposed function, only used for this doctest.
408    /// // 65535 / 4 = 16383 (rounded down)
409    /// // 16383 * 4 = 65532
410    /// assert_eq!(arguments.len(), 65532);
411    /// }
412    /// ```
413    pub fn push_tuples<I, F>(&mut self, tuples: I, mut push_tuple: F) -> &mut Self
414    where
415        I: IntoIterator,
416        F: FnMut(Separated<'_, 'args, DB, &'static str>, I::Item),
417    {
418        self.sanity_check();
420        self.push(" (");
422        let mut separated = self.separated(", ");
424        for tuple in tuples {
425            separated.push("(");
427            push_tuple(separated.query_builder.separated(", "), tuple);
429            separated.push_unseparated(")");
430        }
431        separated.push_unseparated(") ");
433        separated.query_builder
434    }
436    /// Produce an executable query from this builder.
437    ///
438    /// ### Note: Query is not Checked
439    /// It is your responsibility to ensure that you produce a syntactically correct query here,
440    /// this API has no way to check it for you.
441    ///
442    /// ### Note: Reuse
443    /// You can reuse this builder afterwards to amortize the allocation overhead of the query
444    /// string, however you must call [`.reset()`][Self::reset] first, which returns `Self`
445    /// to the state it was in immediately after [`new()`][Self::new].
446    ///
447    /// Calling any other method but `.reset()` after `.build()` will panic for sanity reasons.
448    pub fn build(&mut self) -> Query<'_, DB, <DB as Database>::Arguments<'args>> {
449        self.sanity_check();
451        Query {
452            statement: Either::Left(&self.query),
453            arguments: self.arguments.take().map(Ok),
454            database: PhantomData,
455            persistent: true,
456        }
457    }
459    /// Produce an executable query from this builder.
460    ///
461    /// ### Note: Query is not Checked
462    /// It is your responsibility to ensure that you produce a syntactically correct query here,
463    /// this API has no way to check it for you.
464    ///
465    /// ### Note: Reuse
466    /// You can reuse this builder afterwards to amortize the allocation overhead of the query
467    /// string, however you must call [`.reset()`][Self::reset] first, which returns `Self`
468    /// to the state it was in immediately after [`new()`][Self::new].
469    ///
470    /// Calling any other method but `.reset()` after `.build()` will panic for sanity reasons.
471    pub fn build_query_as<'q, T: FromRow<'q, DB::Row>>(
472        &'q mut self,
473    ) -> QueryAs<'q, DB, T, <DB as Database>::Arguments<'args>> {
474        QueryAs {
475            inner: self.build(),
476            output: PhantomData,
477        }
478    }
480    /// Produce an executable query from this builder.
481    ///
482    /// ### Note: Query is not Checked
483    /// It is your responsibility to ensure that you produce a syntactically correct query here,
484    /// this API has no way to check it for you.
485    ///
486    /// ### Note: Reuse
487    /// You can reuse this builder afterwards to amortize the allocation overhead of the query
488    /// string, however you must call [`.reset()`][Self::reset] first, which returns `Self`
489    /// to the state it was in immediately after [`new()`][Self::new].
490    ///
491    /// Calling any other method but `.reset()` after `.build()` will panic for sanity reasons.
492    pub fn build_query_scalar<'q, T>(
493        &'q mut self,
494    ) -> QueryScalar<'q, DB, T, <DB as Database>::Arguments<'args>>
495    where
496        DB: Database,
497        (T,): for<'r> FromRow<'r, DB::Row>,
498    {
499        QueryScalar {
500            inner: self.build_query_as(),
501        }
502    }
504    /// Reset this `QueryBuilder` back to its initial state.
505    ///
506    /// The query is truncated to the initial fragment provided to [`new()`][Self::new] and
507    /// the bind arguments are reset.
508    pub fn reset(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
509        self.query.truncate(self.init_len);
510        self.arguments = Some(Default::default());
512        self
513    }
515    /// Get the current build SQL; **note**: may not be syntactically correct.
516    pub fn sql(&self) -> &str {
517        &self.query
518    }
520    /// Deconstruct this `QueryBuilder`, returning the built SQL. May not be syntactically correct.
521    pub fn into_sql(self) -> String {
522        self.query
523    }
526/// A wrapper around `QueryBuilder` for creating comma(or other token)-separated lists.
528/// See [`QueryBuilder::separated()`] for details.
530pub struct Separated<'qb, 'args: 'qb, DB, Sep>
532    DB: Database,
534    query_builder: &'qb mut QueryBuilder<'args, DB>,
535    separator: Sep,
536    push_separator: bool,
539impl<'qb, 'args: 'qb, DB, Sep> Separated<'qb, 'args, DB, Sep>
541    DB: Database,
542    Sep: Display,
544    /// Push the separator if applicable, and then the given SQL fragment.
545    ///
546    /// See [`QueryBuilder::push()`] for details.
547    pub fn push(&mut self, sql: impl Display) -> &mut Self {
548        if self.push_separator {
549            self.query_builder
550                .push(format_args!("{}{}", self.separator, sql));
551        } else {
552            self.query_builder.push(sql);
553            self.push_separator = true;
554        }
556        self
557    }
559    /// Push a SQL fragment without a separator.
560    ///
561    /// Simply calls [`QueryBuilder::push()`] directly.
562    pub fn push_unseparated(&mut self, sql: impl Display) -> &mut Self {
563        self.query_builder.push(sql);
564        self
565    }
567    /// Push the separator if applicable, then append a bind argument.
568    ///
569    /// See [`QueryBuilder::push_bind()`] for details.
570    pub fn push_bind<T>(&mut self, value: T) -> &mut Self
571    where
572        T: 'args + Encode<'args, DB> + Type<DB>,
573    {
574        if self.push_separator {
575            self.query_builder.push(&self.separator);
576        }
578        self.query_builder.push_bind(value);
579        self.push_separator = true;
581        self
582    }
584    /// Push a bind argument placeholder (`?` or `$N` for Postgres) and bind a value to it
585    /// without a separator.
586    ///
587    /// Simply calls [`QueryBuilder::push_bind()`] directly.
588    pub fn push_bind_unseparated<T>(&mut self, value: T) -> &mut Self
589    where
590        T: 'args + Encode<'args, DB> + Type<DB>,
591    {
592        self.query_builder.push_bind(value);
593        self
594    }