
1use std::ops::Range;
3use crate::core::rules::noqa::IgnoreMask;
4use itertools::Itertools;
5use rustc_hash::FxHashSet;
6use sqruff_lib_core::errors::{SQLBaseError, SqlError};
7use sqruff_lib_core::parser::segments::fix::FixPatch;
8use sqruff_lib_core::templaters::base::{RawFileSlice, TemplatedFile};
10#[derive(Debug, Default)]
11pub struct LintedFile {
12    pub path: String,
13    pub patches: Vec<FixPatch>,
14    pub templated_file: TemplatedFile,
15    pub violations: Vec<SQLBaseError>,
16    pub ignore_mask: Option<IgnoreMask>,
19impl LintedFile {
20    pub fn get_violations(&self, is_fixable: Option<bool>) -> Vec<SQLBaseError> {
21        if let Some(is_fixable) = is_fixable {
22            self.violations
23                .iter()
24                .filter(|v| v.fixable() == is_fixable)
25                .cloned()
26                .collect_vec()
27        } else {
28            self.violations.clone().into_iter().map_into().collect_vec()
29        }
30    }
32    ///  Use patches and raw file to fix the source file.
33    ///
34    ///  This assumes that patches and slices have already
35    ///  been coordinated. If they haven't then this will
36    ///  fail because we rely on patches having a corresponding
37    ///  slice of exactly the right file in the list of file
38    ///  slices.
39    pub fn build_up_fixed_source_string(
40        source_file_slices: &[Range<usize>],
41        source_patches: &[FixPatch],
42        raw_source_string: &str,
43    ) -> String {
44        // Iterate through the patches, building up the new string.
45        let mut str_buff = String::new();
46        for source_slice in source_file_slices.iter() {
47            // Is it one in the patch buffer:
48            let mut is_patched = false;
49            for patch in source_patches.iter() {
50                if patch.source_slice == *source_slice {
51                    str_buff.push_str(&patch.fixed_raw);
52                    is_patched = true;
53                    break;
54                }
55            }
56            if !is_patched {
57                // Use the raw string
58                str_buff.push_str(&raw_source_string[source_slice.start..source_slice.end]);
59            }
60        }
61        str_buff
62    }
64    pub fn fix_string(self) -> String {
65        // Generate patches from the fixed tree. In the process we sort
66        // and deduplicate them so that the resultant list is in the
67        //  right order for the source file without any duplicates.
68        let filtered_source_patches =
69            Self::generate_source_patches(self.patches, &self.templated_file);
71        // Any Template tags in the source file are off limits, unless we're explicitly
72        // fixing the source file.
73        let source_only_slices = self.templated_file.source_only_slices();
75        // We now slice up the file using the patches and any source only slices.
76        // This gives us regions to apply changes to.
77        let slice_buff = Self::slice_source_file_using_patches(
78            filtered_source_patches.clone(),
79            source_only_slices,
80            &self.templated_file.source_str,
81        );
83        Self::build_up_fixed_source_string(
84            &slice_buff,
85            &filtered_source_patches,
86            &self.templated_file.source_str,
87        )
88    }
90    fn generate_source_patches(
91        patches: Vec<FixPatch>,
92        _templated_file: &TemplatedFile,
93    ) -> Vec<FixPatch> {
94        let mut filtered_source_patches = Vec::new();
95        let mut dedupe_buffer = FxHashSet::default();
97        for patch in patches {
98            if dedupe_buffer.insert(patch.dedupe_tuple()) {
99                filtered_source_patches.push(patch);
100            }
101        }
103        filtered_source_patches.sort_by_key(|x| x.source_slice.start);
104        filtered_source_patches
105    }
107    ///  Use patches to safely slice up the file before fixing.
108    ///
109    ///  This uses source only slices to avoid overwriting sections
110    ///  of templated code in the source file (when we don't want to).
111    ///
112    ///  We assume that the source patches have already been
113    ///  sorted and deduplicated. Sorting is important. If the slices
114    ///  aren't sorted then this function will miss chunks.
115    ///  If there are overlaps or duplicates then this function
116    ///  may produce strange results.
117    fn slice_source_file_using_patches(
118        source_patches: Vec<FixPatch>,
119        mut source_only_slices: Vec<RawFileSlice>,
120        raw_source_string: &str,
121    ) -> Vec<Range<usize>> {
122        // We now slice up the file using the patches and any source only slices.
123        // This gives us regions to apply changes to.
124        let mut slice_buff: Vec<Range<usize>> = Vec::new();
125        let mut source_idx = 0;
127        for patch in &source_patches {
128            // Are there templated slices at or before the start of this patch?
129            // TODO: We'll need to explicit handling for template fixes here, because
130            // they ARE source only slices. If we can get handling to work properly
131            // here then this is the last hurdle and it will flow through
132            // smoothly from here.
133            while source_only_slices
134                .first()
135                .is_some_and(|s| s.source_idx < patch.source_slice.start)
136            {
137                let next_so_slice = source_only_slices.remove(0).source_slice();
138                // Add a pre-slice before the next templated slices if needed.
139                if next_so_slice.end > source_idx {
140                    slice_buff.push(source_idx..next_so_slice.start);
141                }
142                // Add the templated slice.
143                slice_buff.push(next_so_slice.clone());
144                source_idx = next_so_slice.end;
145            }
147            // Does this patch cover the next source-only slice directly?
148            if source_only_slices
149                .first()
150                .is_some_and(|s| patch.source_slice == s.source_slice())
151            {
152                // Log information here if needed
153                // Removing next source only slice from the stack because it
154                // covers the same area of source file as the current patch.
155                source_only_slices.remove(0);
156            }
158            // Is there a gap between current position and this patch?
159            if patch.source_slice.start > source_idx {
160                // Add a slice up to this patch.
161                slice_buff.push(source_idx..patch.source_slice.start);
162            }
164            // Is this patch covering an area we've already covered?
165            if patch.source_slice.start < source_idx {
166                // NOTE: This shouldn't happen. With more detailed templating
167                // this shouldn't happen - but in the off-chance that this does
168                // happen - then this code path remains.
169                // Log information here if needed
170                // Skipping overlapping patch at Index.
171                continue;
172            }
174            // Add this patch.
175            slice_buff.push(patch.source_slice.clone());
176            source_idx = patch.source_slice.end;
177        }
178        // Add a tail slice.
179        if source_idx < raw_source_string.len() {
180            slice_buff.push(source_idx..raw_source_string.len());
181        }
183        slice_buff
184    }
188mod test {
189    use sqruff_lib_core::templaters::base::TemplatedFileSlice;
191    use super::*;
193    /// Test _build_up_fixed_source_string. This is part of fix_string().
194    #[test]
195    fn test_linted_file_build_up_fixed_source_string() {
196        let tests = [
197            // Trivial example
198            (vec![0..1], vec![], "a", "a"),
199            // Simple replacement
200            (
201                vec![0..1, 1..2, 2..3],
202                vec![FixPatch::new(
203                    1..2,
204                    "d".into(),
205                    1..2,
206                    "b".into(),
207                    "b".into(),
208                )],
209                "abc",
210                "adc",
211            ),
212            // Simple insertion
213            (
214                vec![0..1, 1..1, 1..2],
215                vec![FixPatch::new(1..1, "b".into(), 1..1, "".into(), "".into())],
216                "ac",
217                "abc",
218            ),
219            // Simple deletion
220            (
221                vec![0..1, 1..2, 2..3],
222                vec![FixPatch::new(1..2, "".into(), 1..2, "b".into(), "b".into())],
223                "abc",
224                "ac",
225            ),
226            // Illustrative templated example (although practically at this step, the routine
227            // shouldn't care if it's templated).
228            (
229                vec![0..2, 2..7, 7..9],
230                vec![FixPatch::new(
231                    2..3,
232                    "{{ b }}".into(),
233                    2..7,
234                    "b".into(),
235                    "{{b}}".into(),
236                )],
237                "a {{b}} c",
238                "a {{ b }} c",
239            ),
240        ];
242        for (source_file_slices, source_patches, raw_source_string, expected_result) in tests {
243            let result = LintedFile::build_up_fixed_source_string(
244                &source_file_slices,
245                &source_patches,
246                raw_source_string,
247            );
249            assert_eq!(result, expected_result)
250        }
251    }
253    /// Test _slice_source_file_using_patches.
254    ///
255    ///     This is part of fix_string().
256    #[test]
257    fn test_slice_source_file_using_patches() {
258        let test_cases = [
259            (
260                // Trivial example.
261                // No edits in a single character file. Slice should be one
262                // character long.
263                vec![],
264                vec![],
265                "a",
266                vec![0..1],
267            ),
268            (
269                // Simple replacement.
270                // We've yielded a patch to change a single character. This means
271                // we should get only slices for that character, and for the
272                // unchanged file around it.
273                vec![FixPatch::new(
274                    1..2,
275                    "d".into(),
276                    1..2,
277                    "b".into(),
278                    "b".into(),
279                )],
280                vec![],
281                "abc",
282                vec![0..1, 1..2, 2..3],
283            ),
284            (
285                // Templated no fixes.
286                // A templated file, but with no fixes, so no subdivision of the
287                // file is required, and we should just get a single slice.
288                vec![],
289                vec![],
290                "a {{ b }} c",
291                vec![0..11],
292            ),
293            (
294                // Templated example with a source-only slice.
295                // A templated file, but with no fixes, so no subdivision of the
296                // file is required and we should just get a single slice. While
297                // there is handling for "source only" slices like template
298                // comments, in this case no additional slicing is required
299                // because no edits have been made.
300                vec![],
301                vec![RawFileSlice::new(
302                    "{# b #}".into(),
303                    "comment".into(),
304                    2,
305                    None,
306                    None,
307                )],
308                "a {# b #} c",
309                vec![0..11],
310            ),
311            (
312                // Templated fix example with a source-only slice.
313                // We're making an edit adjacent to a source only slice. Edits
314                // _before_ source only slices currently don't trigger additional
315                // slicing. This is fine.
316                vec![FixPatch::new(
317                    0..1,
318                    "a ".into(),
319                    0..1,
320                    "a".into(),
321                    "a".into(),
322                )],
323                vec![RawFileSlice::new(
324                    "{# b #}".into(),
325                    "comment".into(),
326                    1,
327                    None,
328                    None,
329                )],
330                "a{# b #}c",
331                vec![0..1, 1..9],
332            ),
333            (
334                // Templated fix example with a source-only slice.
335                // We've made an edit directly _after_ a source only slice
336                // which should trigger the logic to ensure that the source
337                // only slice isn't included in the source mapping of the
338                // edit.
339                vec![FixPatch::new(
340                    1..2,
341                    " c".into(),
342                    8..9,
343                    "c".into(),
344                    "c".into(),
345                )],
346                vec![RawFileSlice::new(
347                    "{# b #}".into(),
348                    "comment".into(),
349                    1,
350                    None,
351                    None,
352                )],
353                "a{# b #}cc",
354                vec![0..1, 1..8, 8..9, 9..10],
355            ),
356            (
357                // Templated example with a source-only slice.
358                // Here we're making the fix to the templated slice. This
359                // checks that we don't duplicate or fumble the slice
360                // generation when we're explicitly trying to edit the source.
361                vec![FixPatch::new(
362                    2..2,
363                    "{# fixed #}".into(),
364                    // "".into(),
365                    2..9,
366                    "".into(),
367                    "".into(),
368                )],
369                vec![RawFileSlice::new(
370                    "{# b #}".into(),
371                    "comment".into(),
372                    2,
373                    None,
374                    None,
375                )],
376                "a {# b #} c",
377                vec![0..2, 2..9, 9..11],
378            ),
379            (
380                // Illustrate potential templating bug (case from JJ01).
381                // In this case we have fixes for all our tempolated sections
382                // and they are all close to each other and so may be either
383                // skipped or duplicated if the logic is not precise.
384                vec![
385                    FixPatch::new(
386                        14..14,
387                        "{%+ if true -%}".into(),
388                        // "source".into(),
389                        14..27,
390                        "".into(),
391                        "{%+if true-%}".into(),
392                    ),
393                    FixPatch::new(
394                        14..14,
395                        "{{ ref('foo') }}".into(),
396                        // "source".into(),
397                        28..42,
398                        "".into(),
399                        "{{ref('foo')}}".into(),
400                    ),
401                    FixPatch::new(
402                        17..17,
403                        "{%- endif %}".into(),
404                        // "source".into(),
405                        43..53,
406                        "".into(),
407                        "{%-endif%}".into(),
408                    ),
409                ],
410                vec![
411                    RawFileSlice::new("{%+if true-%}".into(), "block_start".into(), 14, None, None),
412                    RawFileSlice::new("{%-endif%}".into(), "block_end".into(), 43, None, None),
413                ],
414                "SELECT 1 from {%+if true-%} {{ref('foo')}} {%-endif%}",
415                vec![0..14, 14..27, 27..28, 28..42, 42..43, 43..53],
416            ),
417        ];
419        for (source_patches, source_only_slices, raw_source_string, expected_result) in test_cases {
420            let result = LintedFile::slice_source_file_using_patches(
421                source_patches,
422                source_only_slices,
423                raw_source_string,
424            );
425            assert_eq!(result, expected_result);
426        }
427    }
429    #[allow(dead_code)]
430    fn templated_file_1() -> TemplatedFile {
431        "abc".into()
432    }
434    #[allow(dead_code)]
435    fn templated_file_2() -> TemplatedFile {
436        TemplatedFile::new(
437            "{# blah #}{{ foo }}bc".into(),
438            "<testing>".into(),
439            Some("abc".into()),
440            Some(vec![
441                TemplatedFileSlice::new("comment", 0..10, 0..0),
442                TemplatedFileSlice::new("templated", 10..19, 0..1),
443                TemplatedFileSlice::new("literal", 19..21, 1..3),
444            ]),
445            Some(vec![
446                RawFileSlice::new("{# blah #}".into(), "comment".into(), 0, None, None),
447                RawFileSlice::new("{{ foo }}".into(), "templated".into(), 10, None, None),
448                RawFileSlice::new("bc".into(), "literal".into(), 19, None, None),
449            ]),
450        )
451        .unwrap()
452    }