
1use std::borrow::Cow;
2use std::fs::File;
3use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
4use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
5use std::sync::{Arc, OnceLock};
7use super::linted_dir::LintedDir;
8use crate::cli::formatters::Formatter;
9use crate::core::config::FluffConfig;
10use crate::core::linter::common::{ParsedString, RenderedFile};
11use crate::core::linter::linted_file::LintedFile;
12use crate::core::linter::linting_result::LintingResult;
13use crate::core::rules::base::{ErasedRule, LintPhase, RulePack};
14use crate::core::rules::noqa::IgnoreMask;
15use crate::rules::get_ruleset;
16use crate::templaters::raw::RawTemplater;
17use crate::templaters::{TEMPLATERS, Templater};
18use ahash::{AHashMap, AHashSet};
19use itertools::Itertools;
20use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelRefIterator as _, ParallelIterator as _};
21use smol_str::{SmolStr, ToSmolStr};
22use sqruff_lib_core::dialects::base::Dialect;
23use sqruff_lib_core::dialects::syntax::{SyntaxKind, SyntaxSet};
24use sqruff_lib_core::errors::{
25    SQLBaseError, SQLFluffUserError, SQLLexError, SQLLintError, SQLParseError, SqlError,
27use sqruff_lib_core::helpers;
28use sqruff_lib_core::lint_fix::LintFix;
29use sqruff_lib_core::linter::compute_anchor_edit_info;
30use sqruff_lib_core::parser::lexer::StringOrTemplate;
31use sqruff_lib_core::parser::parser::Parser;
32use sqruff_lib_core::parser::segments::base::{ErasedSegment, Tables};
33use sqruff_lib_core::parser::segments::fix::SourceFix;
34use sqruff_lib_core::templaters::base::TemplatedFile;
35use walkdir::WalkDir;
37pub struct Linter {
38    config: FluffConfig,
39    formatter: Option<Arc<dyn Formatter>>,
40    templater: &'static dyn Templater,
41    rules: OnceLock<Vec<ErasedRule>>,
43    /// include_parse_errors is a flag to indicate whether to include parse errors in the output
44    include_parse_errors: bool,
47impl Linter {
48    pub fn new(
49        config: FluffConfig,
50        formatter: Option<Arc<dyn Formatter>>,
51        templater: Option<&'static dyn Templater>,
52        include_parse_errors: bool,
53    ) -> Linter {
54        let templater: &'static dyn Templater = match templater {
55            Some(templater) => templater,
56            None => Linter::get_templater(&config),
57        };
58        Linter {
59            config,
60            formatter,
61            templater,
62            rules: OnceLock::new(),
63            include_parse_errors,
64        }
65    }
67    pub fn get_templater(config: &FluffConfig) -> &'static dyn Templater {
68        let templater_name = config.get("templater", "core").as_string();
69        match templater_name {
70            Some(name) => match TEMPLATERS.into_iter().find(|t| t.name() == name) {
71                Some(t) => t,
72                None => panic!("Unknown templater: {}", name),
73            },
74            None => &RawTemplater,
75        }
76    }
78    /// Lint strings directly.
79    pub fn lint_string_wrapped(
80        &mut self,
81        sql: &str,
82        filename: Option<String>,
83        fix: bool,
84    ) -> LintingResult {
85        let filename = filename.unwrap_or_else(|| "<string input>".into());
87        let linted_path = LintedDir::new(filename.clone());
88        linted_path.add(self.lint_string(sql, Some(filename), fix));
90        let mut result = LintingResult::new();
91        result.add(linted_path);
92        result.stop_timer();
93        result
94    }
96    /// Parse a string.
97    pub fn parse_string(
98        &self,
99        tables: &Tables,
100        sql: &str,
101        filename: Option<String>,
102    ) -> Result<ParsedString, SQLFluffUserError> {
103        let f_name = filename.unwrap_or_else(|| "<string>".to_string());
105        let mut violations: Vec<Box<dyn SqlError>> = vec![];
107        // Scan the raw file for config commands.
108        self.config.process_raw_file_for_config(sql);
109        let rendered = self.render_string(sql, f_name.clone(), &self.config)?;
111        for violation in &rendered.templater_violations {
112            violations.push(Box::new(violation.clone()));
113        }
115        // Dispatch the output for the parse header
116        if let Some(formatter) = &self.formatter {
117            formatter.dispatch_parse_header(f_name.clone());
118        }
120        Ok(self.parse_rendered(tables, rendered))
121    }
123    /// Lint a string.
124    pub fn lint_string(&self, sql: &str, filename: Option<String>, fix: bool) -> LintedFile {
125        let tables = Tables::default();
126        let parsed = self.parse_string(&tables, sql, filename).unwrap();
128        // Lint the file and return the LintedFile
129        self.lint_parsed(&tables, parsed, fix)
130    }
132    /// ignorer is an optional argument that takes in a function that returns a bool based on the
133    /// path passed to it. If the function returns true, the path is ignored.
134    pub fn lint_paths(
135        &mut self,
136        mut paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
137        fix: bool,
138        ignorer: &(dyn Fn(&Path) -> bool + Send + Sync),
139    ) -> LintingResult {
140        let mut result = LintingResult::new();
142        if paths.is_empty() {
143            paths.push(std::env::current_dir().unwrap());
144        }
146        let mut expanded_paths = Vec::new();
147        let mut expanded_path_to_linted_dir = AHashMap::default();
149        for path in paths {
150            let linted_dir = LintedDir::new(path.display().to_string());
151            let key = result.add(linted_dir);
153            let paths = if path.is_file() {
154                vec![path.to_string_lossy().to_string()]
155            } else {
156                self.paths_from_path(path, None, None, None, None)
157            };
159            expanded_paths.reserve(paths.len());
160            expanded_path_to_linted_dir.reserve(paths.len());
162            for path in paths {
163                expanded_paths.push(path.clone());
164                expanded_path_to_linted_dir.insert(path, key);
165            }
166        }
168        expanded_paths
169            .par_iter()
170            .filter(|path| !ignorer(Path::new(path)))
171            .map(|path| {
172                let rendered = self.render_file(path.clone());
173                self.lint_rendered(rendered, fix)
174            })
175            .for_each(|linted_file| {
176                let path = expanded_path_to_linted_dir[&linted_file.path];
177                result.paths[path].add(linted_file);
178            });
180        result
181    }
183    pub fn get_rulepack(&self) -> RulePack {
184        let rs = get_ruleset();
185        rs.get_rulepack(&self.config)
186    }
188    pub fn render_file(&self, fname: String) -> RenderedFile {
189        let in_str = std::fs::read_to_string(&fname).unwrap();
190        self.render_string(&in_str, fname, &self.config).unwrap()
191    }
193    pub fn lint_rendered(&self, rendered: RenderedFile, fix: bool) -> LintedFile {
194        let tables = Tables::default();
195        let parsed = self.parse_rendered(&tables, rendered);
196        self.lint_parsed(&tables, parsed, fix)
197    }
199    pub fn lint_parsed(
200        &self,
201        tables: &Tables,
202        parsed_string: ParsedString,
203        fix: bool,
204    ) -> LintedFile {
205        let mut violations = parsed_string.violations;
207        let (patches, ignore_mask, initial_linting_errors) =
208            parsed_string
209                .tree
210                .map_or((Vec::new(), None, Vec::new()), |erased_segment| {
211                    let (tree, ignore_mask, initial_linting_errors) = self.lint_fix_parsed(
212                        tables,
213                        erased_segment,
214                        &parsed_string.templated_file,
215                        fix,
216                    );
217                    let patches = tree.iter_patches(&parsed_string.templated_file);
218                    (patches, ignore_mask, initial_linting_errors)
219                });
220        violations.extend(initial_linting_errors.into_iter().map_into());
222        // Filter violations with ignore mask
223        let violations = violations
224            .into_iter()
225            .filter(|violation| {
226                ignore_mask
227                    .as_ref()
228                    .is_none_or(|ignore_mask| !ignore_mask.is_masked(violation))
229            })
230            .collect();
232        // TODO Need to error out unused noqas
233        let linted_file = LintedFile {
234            path: parsed_string.filename,
235            patches,
236            templated_file: parsed_string.templated_file,
237            violations,
238            ignore_mask,
239        };
241        if let Some(formatter) = &self.formatter {
242            formatter.dispatch_file_violations(&linted_file, false);
243        }
245        linted_file
246    }
248    pub fn lint_fix_parsed(
249        &self,
250        tables: &Tables,
251        mut tree: ErasedSegment,
252        templated_file: &TemplatedFile,
253        fix: bool,
254    ) -> (ErasedSegment, Option<IgnoreMask>, Vec<SQLLintError>) {
255        let mut tmp;
256        let mut initial_linting_errors = Vec::new();
257        let phases: &[_] = if fix {
258            &[LintPhase::Main, LintPhase::Post]
259        } else {
260            &[LintPhase::Main]
261        };
262        let mut previous_versions: AHashSet<(SmolStr, Vec<SourceFix>)> =
263            [(tree.raw().to_smolstr(), vec![])].into_iter().collect();
265        // If we are fixing then we want to loop up to the runaway_limit, otherwise just
266        // once for linting.
267        let loop_limit = if fix { 10 } else { 1 };
268        // Look for comment segments which might indicate lines to ignore.
269        let (ignore_mask, violations): (Option<IgnoreMask>, Vec<SQLBaseError>) = {
270            let disable_noqa = self
271                .config
272                .get("disable_noqa", "core")
273                .as_bool()
274                .unwrap_or(false);
275            if disable_noqa {
276                (None, Vec::new())
277            } else {
278                let (ignore_mask, errors) = IgnoreMask::from_tree(&tree);
279                (Some(ignore_mask), errors)
280            }
281        };
282        initial_linting_errors.extend(violations.into_iter().map_into());
284        for phase in phases {
285            let mut rules_this_phase = if phases.len() > 1 {
286                tmp = self
287                    .rules()
288                    .iter()
289                    .filter(|rule| rule.lint_phase() == *phase)
290                    .cloned()
291                    .collect_vec();
293                &tmp
294            } else {
295                self.rules()
296            };
298            for loop_ in 0..(if *phase == LintPhase::Main {
299                loop_limit
300            } else {
301                2
302            }) {
303                let is_first_linter_pass = *phase == phases[0] && loop_ == 0;
304                let mut changed = false;
306                if is_first_linter_pass {
307                    rules_this_phase = self.rules();
308                }
310                let last_fixes = Vec::new();
311                for rule in rules_this_phase {
312                    // Performance: After first loop pass, skip rules that don't do fixes. Any
313                    // results returned won't be seen by the user anyway (linting errors ADDED by
314                    // rules changing SQL, are not reported back to the user - only initial linting
315                    // errors), so there's absolutely no reason to run them.
316                    if fix && !is_first_linter_pass && !rule.is_fix_compatible() {
317                        continue;
318                    }
320                    let linting_errors = rule.crawl(
321                        tables,
322                        &self.config.dialect,
323                        templated_file,
324                        tree.clone(),
325                        &self.config,
326                    );
327                    let linting_errors: Vec<SQLLintError> = linting_errors
328                        .into_iter()
329                        .filter(|error| {
330                            !ignore_mask
331                                .clone()
332                                .is_some_and(|ignore_mask: IgnoreMask| ignore_mask.is_masked(error))
333                        })
334                        .collect();
336                    if is_first_linter_pass {
337                        initial_linting_errors.extend(linting_errors.clone());
338                    }
340                    let fixes: Vec<LintFix> = linting_errors
341                        .into_iter()
342                        .flat_map(|linting_error| linting_error.clone().fixes.clone())
343                        .collect();
345                    if fix && !fixes.is_empty() {
346                        // Do some sanity checks on the fixes before applying.
347                        // let anchor_info = BaseSegment.compute_anchor_edit_info(fixes);
349                        // This is the happy path. We have fixes, now we want to apply them.
351                        if fixes == last_fixes {
352                            eprintln!(
353                                "One fix for {} not applied, it would re-cause the same error.",
354                                rule.code()
355                            );
356                            continue;
357                        }
359                        let mut anchor_info = compute_anchor_edit_info(fixes.into_iter());
360                        let (new_tree, _, _, _valid) = tree.apply_fixes(&mut anchor_info);
362                        if false {
363                            println!(
364                                "Fixes for {rule:?} not applied, as it would result in an \
365                                 unparsable file. Please report this as a bug with a minimal \
366                                 query which demonstrates this warning.",
367                            );
368                        }
370                        let loop_check_tuple =
371                            (new_tree.raw().to_smolstr(), new_tree.get_source_fixes());
373                        if previous_versions.insert(loop_check_tuple) {
374                            tree = new_tree;
375                            changed = true;
376                            continue;
377                        }
378                    }
379                }
381                if fix && !changed {
382                    break;
383                }
384            }
385        }
387        (tree, ignore_mask, initial_linting_errors)
388    }
390    /// Template the file.
391    pub fn render_string(
392        &self,
393        sql: &str,
394        filename: String,
395        config: &FluffConfig,
396    ) -> Result<RenderedFile, SQLFluffUserError> {
397        let sql = Self::normalise_newlines(sql);
399        if let Some(error) = config.verify_dialect_specified() {
400            return Err(error);
401        }
403        let templater_violations = vec![];
404        match self
405            .templater
406            .process(sql.as_ref(), filename.as_str(), config, &self.formatter)
407        {
408            Ok(templated_file) => Ok(RenderedFile {
409                templated_file,
410                templater_violations,
411                filename,
412                source_str: sql.to_string(),
413            }),
414            Err(err) => Err(SQLFluffUserError::new(format!(
415                "Failed to template file {} with error {:?}",
416                filename, err
417            ))),
418        }
419    }
421    /// Parse a rendered file.
422    pub fn parse_rendered(&self, tables: &Tables, rendered: RenderedFile) -> ParsedString {
423        let violations = rendered.templater_violations.clone();
424        if !violations.is_empty() {
425            unimplemented!()
426        }
428        let mut violations = Vec::new();
429        let tokens = if rendered.templated_file.is_templated() {
430            let (t, lvs) = Self::lex_templated_file(
431                tables,
432                rendered.templated_file.clone(),
433                &self.config.dialect,
434            );
435            if !lvs.is_empty() {
436                unimplemented!("violations.extend(lvs);")
437            }
438            t
439        } else {
440            None
441        };
443        let parsed: Option<ErasedSegment>;
444        if let Some(token_list) = tokens {
445            let (p, pvs) = Self::parse_tokens(
446                tables,
447                &token_list,
448                &self.config,
449                Some(rendered.filename.to_string()),
450                self.include_parse_errors,
451            );
452            parsed = p;
453            violations.extend(pvs.into_iter().map_into());
454        } else {
455            parsed = None;
456        };
458        ParsedString {
459            tree: parsed,
460            violations,
461            templated_file: rendered.templated_file,
462            filename: rendered.filename,
463            source_str: rendered.source_str,
464        }
465    }
467    fn parse_tokens(
468        tables: &Tables,
469        tokens: &[ErasedSegment],
470        config: &FluffConfig,
471        filename: Option<String>,
472        include_parse_errors: bool,
473    ) -> (Option<ErasedSegment>, Vec<SQLParseError>) {
474        let parser: Parser = config.into();
475        let mut violations: Vec<SQLParseError> = Vec::new();
477        let parsed = match parser.parse(tables, tokens, filename) {
478            Ok(parsed) => parsed,
479            Err(error) => {
480                violations.push(error);
481                None
482            }
483        };
485        if include_parse_errors {
486            if let Some(parsed) = &parsed {
487                let unparsables = parsed.recursive_crawl(
488                    &SyntaxSet::single(SyntaxKind::Unparsable),
489                    true,
490                    &SyntaxSet::EMPTY,
491                    true,
492                );
494                violations.extend(unparsables.into_iter().map(|segment| SQLParseError {
495                    description: "Unparsable section".into(),
496                    segment: segment.into(),
497                }));
498            }
499        };
501        (parsed, violations)
502    }
504    /// Lex a templated file.
505    pub fn lex_templated_file(
506        tables: &Tables,
507        templated_file: TemplatedFile,
508        dialect: &Dialect,
509    ) -> (Option<Vec<ErasedSegment>>, Vec<SQLLexError>) {
510        let mut violations: Vec<SQLLexError> = vec![];
511        // linter_logger.info("LEXING RAW ({})", templated_file.fname);
512        // Get the lexer
513        let lexer = dialect.lexer();
514        // Lex the file and log any problems
515        let result = lexer.lex(tables, StringOrTemplate::Template(templated_file));
516        match result {
517            Err(_err) => {
518                unimplemented!("violations.push(_err)");
519                // return (None, violations, config.clone());
520            }
521            Ok((tokens, lex_vs)) => {
522                violations.extend(lex_vs);
524                if tokens.is_empty() {
525                    return (None, violations);
526                }
528                (tokens.into(), violations)
529            }
530        }
531    }
533    /// Normalise newlines to unix-style line endings.
534    fn normalise_newlines(string: &str) -> Cow<str> {
535        lazy_regex::regex!("\r\n|\r").replace_all(string, "\n")
536    }
538    // Return a set of sql file paths from a potentially more ambiguous path string.
539    // Here we also deal with the .sqlfluffignore file if present.
540    // When a path to a file to be linted is explicitly passed
541    // we look for ignore files in all directories that are parents of the file,
542    // up to the current directory.
543    // If the current directory is not a parent of the file we only
544    // look for an ignore file in the direct parent of the file.
545    fn paths_from_path(
546        &self,
547        path: PathBuf,
548        ignore_file_name: Option<String>,
549        ignore_non_existent_files: Option<bool>,
550        ignore_files: Option<bool>,
551        working_path: Option<String>,
552    ) -> Vec<String> {
553        let ignore_file_name = ignore_file_name.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from(".sqlfluffignore"));
554        let ignore_non_existent_files = ignore_non_existent_files.unwrap_or(false);
555        let ignore_files = ignore_files.unwrap_or(true);
556        let _working_path =
557            working_path.unwrap_or_else(|| std::env::current_dir().unwrap().display().to_string());
559        let Ok(metadata) = std::fs::metadata(&path) else {
560            if ignore_non_existent_files {
561                return Vec::new();
562            } else {
563                panic!(
564                    "Specified path does not exist. Check it/they exist(s): {:?}",
565                    path
566                );
567            }
568        };
570        // Files referred to exactly are also ignored if
571        // matched, but we warn the users when that happens
572        let is_exact_file = metadata.is_file();
574        let mut path_walk = if is_exact_file {
575            let path = Path::new(&path);
576            let dirpath = path.parent().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string();
577            let files = vec![path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string()];
578            vec![(dirpath, None, files)]
579        } else {
580            WalkDir::new(&path)
581                .into_iter()
582                .filter_map(Result::ok) // Filter out the Result and get DirEntry
583                .map(|entry| {
584                    let dirpath = entry.path().parent().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string();
585                    let files = vec![entry.file_name().to_str().unwrap().to_string()];
586                    (dirpath, None, files)
587                })
588                .collect_vec()
589        };
591        // TODO:
592        // let ignore_file_paths = ConfigLoader.find_ignore_config_files(
593        //     path=path, working_path=working_path, ignore_file_name=ignore_file_name
594        // );
595        let ignore_file_paths: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
597        // Add paths that could contain "ignore files"
598        // to the path_walk list
599        let path_walk_ignore_file: Vec<(String, Option<()>, Vec<String>)> = ignore_file_paths
600            .iter()
601            .map(|ignore_file_path| {
602                let ignore_file_path = Path::new(ignore_file_path);
604                // Extracting the directory name from the ignore file path
605                let dir_name = ignore_file_path
606                    .parent()
607                    .unwrap()
608                    .to_str()
609                    .unwrap()
610                    .to_string();
612                // Only one possible file, since we only
613                // have one "ignore file name"
614                let file_name = vec![
615                    ignore_file_path
616                        .file_name()
617                        .unwrap()
618                        .to_str()
619                        .unwrap()
620                        .to_string(),
621                ];
623                (dir_name, None, file_name)
624            })
625            .collect();
627        path_walk.extend(path_walk_ignore_file);
629        let mut buffer = Vec::new();
630        let mut ignores = AHashMap::new();
631        let sql_file_exts = self.config.sql_file_exts();
633        for (dirpath, _, filenames) in path_walk {
634            for fname in filenames {
635                let fpath = Path::new(&dirpath).join(&fname);
637                // Handle potential .sqlfluffignore files
638                if ignore_files && fname == ignore_file_name {
639                    let file = File::open(&fpath).unwrap();
640                    let lines = BufReader::new(file).lines();
641                    let spec = lines.map_while(Result::ok); // Simple placeholder for pathspec logic
642                    ignores.insert(dirpath.clone(), spec.collect::<Vec<String>>());
644                    // We don't need to process the ignore file any further
645                    continue;
646                }
648                // We won't purge files *here* because there's an edge case
649                // that the ignore file is processed after the sql file.
651                // Scan for remaining files
652                for ext in sql_file_exts {
653                    // is it a sql file?
654                    if fname.to_lowercase().ends_with(ext) {
655                        buffer.push(fpath.clone());
656                    }
657                }
658            }
659        }
661        let mut filtered_buffer = AHashSet::new();
663        for fpath in buffer {
664            let npath = helpers::normalize(&fpath).to_str().unwrap().to_string();
665            filtered_buffer.insert(npath);
666        }
668        let mut files = filtered_buffer.into_iter().collect_vec();
669        files.sort();
670        files
671    }
673    pub fn config(&self) -> &FluffConfig {
674        &self.config
675    }
677    pub fn config_mut(&mut self) -> &mut FluffConfig {
678        self.rules = OnceLock::new();
679        &mut self.config
680    }
682    pub fn rules(&self) -> &[ErasedRule] {
683        self.rules.get_or_init(|| self.get_rulepack().rules)
684    }
686    pub fn formatter(&self) -> Option<&Arc<dyn Formatter>> {
687        self.formatter.as_ref()
688    }
690    pub fn formatter_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Arc<dyn Formatter>> {
691        self.formatter.as_mut()
692    }
696mod tests {
697    use sqruff_lib_core::parser::segments::base::Tables;
699    use crate::core::config::FluffConfig;
700    use crate::core::linter::core::Linter;
702    fn normalise_paths(paths: Vec<String>) -> Vec<String> {
703        paths
704            .into_iter()
705            .map(|path| path.replace(['/', '\\'], "."))
706            .collect()
707    }
709    #[test]
710    fn test_linter_path_from_paths_dir() {
711        // Test extracting paths from directories.
712        let lntr = Linter::new(
713            FluffConfig::new(<_>::default(), None, None),
714            None,
715            None,
716            false,
717        ); // Assuming Linter has a new() method for initialization
718        let paths = lntr.paths_from_path("test/fixtures/lexer".into(), None, None, None, None);
719        let expected = vec![
720            "test.fixtures.lexer.basic.sql",
721            "test.fixtures.lexer.block_comment.sql",
722            "test.fixtures.lexer.inline_comment.sql",
723        ];
724        assert_eq!(normalise_paths(paths), expected);
725    }
727    #[test]
728    fn test_linter_path_from_paths_default() {
729        // Test .sql files are found by default.
730        let lntr = Linter::new(
731            FluffConfig::new(<_>::default(), None, None),
732            None,
733            None,
734            false,
735        ); // Assuming Linter has a new() method for initialization
736        let paths = normalise_paths(lntr.paths_from_path(
737            "test/fixtures/linter".into(),
738            None,
739            None,
740            None,
741            None,
742        ));
743        assert!(paths.contains(&"test.fixtures.linter.passing.sql".to_string()));
744        assert!(paths.contains(&"test.fixtures.linter.passing_cap_extension.SQL".to_string()));
745        assert!(!paths.contains(&"test.fixtures.linter.discovery_file.txt".to_string()));
746    }
748    #[test]
749    fn test_linter_path_from_paths_exts() {
750        // Assuming Linter is initialized with a configuration similar to Python's
751        // FluffConfig
752        let config =
753            FluffConfig::new(<_>::default(), None, None).with_sql_file_exts(vec![".txt".into()]);
754        let lntr = Linter::new(config, None, None, false); // Assuming Linter has a new() method for initialization
756        let paths = lntr.paths_from_path("test/fixtures/linter".into(), None, None, None, None);
758        // Normalizing paths as in the Python version
759        let normalized_paths = normalise_paths(paths);
761        // Assertions as per the Python test
762        assert!(!normalized_paths.contains(&"test.fixtures.linter.passing.sql".into()));
763        assert!(
764            !normalized_paths.contains(&"test.fixtures.linter.passing_cap_extension.SQL".into())
765        );
766        assert!(normalized_paths.contains(&"test.fixtures.linter.discovery_file.txt".into()));
767    }
769    #[test]
770    fn test_linter_path_from_paths_file() {
771        let lntr = Linter::new(
772            FluffConfig::new(<_>::default(), None, None),
773            None,
774            None,
775            false,
776        ); // Assuming Linter has a new() method for initialization
777        let paths = lntr.paths_from_path(
778            "test/fixtures/linter/indentation_errors.sql".into(),
779            None,
780            None,
781            None,
782            None,
783        );
785        assert_eq!(
786            normalise_paths(paths),
787            &["test.fixtures.linter.indentation_errors.sql"]
788        );
789    }
791    // test__linter__skip_large_bytes
792    // test__linter__path_from_paths__not_exist
793    // test__linter__path_from_paths__not_exist_ignore
794    // test__linter__path_from_paths__explicit_ignore
795    // test__linter__path_from_paths__sqlfluffignore_current_directory
796    // test__linter__path_from_paths__dot
797    // test__linter__path_from_paths__ignore
798    // test__linter__lint_string_vs_file
799    // test__linter__get_violations_filter_rules
800    // test__linter__linting_result__sum_dicts
801    // test__linter__linting_result__combine_dicts
802    // test__linter__linting_result_check_tuples_by_path
803    // test__linter__linting_result_get_violations
804    // test__linter__linting_parallel_thread
805    // test_lint_path_parallel_wrapper_exception
806    // test__linter__get_runner_processes
807    // test__linter__linting_unexpected_error_handled_gracefully
808    #[test]
809    fn test_linter_empty_file() {
810        let linter = Linter::new(
811            FluffConfig::new(<_>::default(), None, None),
812            None,
813            None,
814            false,
815        );
816        let tables = Tables::default();
817        let parsed = linter.parse_string(&tables, "", None).unwrap();
819        assert!(parsed.violations.is_empty());
820    }
822    // test__linter__mask_templated_violations
823    // test__linter__encoding
824    // test_delayed_exception
825    // test__attempt_to_change_templater_warning
827    #[test]
828    #[ignore = "The implementation of Lexer::lex_templated_file is required"]
829    fn test_advanced_api_methods() {
830        let sql = "
831        WITH cte AS (
832            SELECT * FROM tab_a
833        )
834        SELECT
835            cte.col_a,
836            tab_b.col_b
837        FROM cte
838        INNER JOIN tab_b;
839        "
840        .to_string();
842        let linter = Linter::new(
843            FluffConfig::new(<_>::default(), None, None),
844            None,
845            None,
846            false,
847        );
848        let tables = Tables::default();
849        let _parsed = linter.parse_string(&tables, &sql, None).unwrap();
850    }
852    #[test]
853    fn test_normalise_newlines() {
854        let in_str = "SELECT\r\n foo\n FROM \r \n\r bar;";
855        let out_str = "SELECT\n foo\n FROM \n \n\n bar;";
857        assert_eq!(Linter::normalise_newlines(in_str), out_str);
858    }