
Function srtp_install_log_handler

pub unsafe extern "C" fn srtp_install_log_handler(
    func: srtp_log_handler_func_t,
    data: *mut c_void,
) -> srtp_err_status_t
Expand description

@brief sets the log handler to the function supplied by the caller.

The function call srtp_install_log_handler(func) sets the log handler function to the value func. The value NULL is acceptable as an argument; in this case, log messages will be ignored. This function can be called before srtp_init() inorder to capture any logging during start up.

@param func is a pointer to a fuction of type srtp_log_handler_func_t. This function will be used by libSRTP to output log messages. @param data is a user pointer that will be returned as the data argument in func.