1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
//! [![Banner](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvzqz/static-assertions-rs/assets/Banner.png)](https://github.com/nvzqz/static-assertions-rs)
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//! Assertions to ensure correct assumptions about constants, types, and more.
//! _All_ checks provided by this crate are performed at [compile-time]. This
//! allows for finding errors quickly and early when it comes to ensuring
//! certain features or aspects of a codebase. These macros are especially
//! important when exposing a public API that requires types to be the same size
//! or implement certain traits.
//! # Usage
//! This crate is available [on crates.io][crate] and can be used by adding the
//! following to your project's [`Cargo.toml`]:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! static_assertions = "1.1.0"
//! ```
//! and this to your crate root (`main.rs` or `lib.rs`):
//! ```
//! # #[allow(unused_imports)]
//! #[macro_use]
//! extern crate static_assertions;
//! # fn main() {}
//! ```
//! When using [Rust 2018 edition][2018], the following shorthand can help if
//! having `#[macro_use]` is undesirable.
//! ```edition2018
//! extern crate static_assertions as sa;
//! sa::const_assert!(true);
//! ```
//! ## Procedural Extensions
//! As an extension crate [`proc_static_assertions`] adds a number of new
//! assertions to this. These are implemented as [procedural macros], hence the
//! "proc" prefix. As a result, they have a bit more visibility over what's
//! being asserted over than normal macros would.
//! It can be enabled via the `proc` feature flag in your [`Cargo.toml`]:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! static_assertions = { version = "1.1.0", features = ["proc"] }
//! ```
//! # Examples
//! Very thorough examples are provided in the docs for
//! [each individual macro](#macros). Failure case examples are also documented.
//! # Changes
//! See [`CHANGELOG.md`](https://github.com/nvzqz/static-assertions-rs/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
//! for an exhaustive list of what has changed from one version to another.
//! # Donate
//! This project is made freely available (as in free beer), but unfortunately
//! not all beer is free! So, if you would like to buy me a beer (or coffee or
//! *more*), then consider supporting my work that's benefited your project
//! and thousands of others.
//! <a href="https://www.patreon.com/nvzqz">
//! <img src="https://c5.patreon.com/external/logo/become_a_patron_button.png" alt="Become a Patron!" height="35">
//! </a>
//! <a href="https://www.paypal.me/nvzqz">
//! <img src="https://buymecoffee.intm.org/img/button-paypal-white.png" alt="Buy me a coffee" height="35">
//! </a>
//! [`proc_static_assertions`]: https://docs.rs/proc_static_assertions
//! [procedural macros]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch19-06-macros.html#procedural-macros-for-generating-code-from-attributes
//! [Rust 1.37]: https://blog.rust-lang.org/2019/08/15/Rust-1.37.0.html
//! [2018]: https://blog.rust-lang.org/2018/12/06/Rust-1.31-and-rust-2018.html#rust-2018
//! [crate]: https://crates.io/crates/static_assertions
//! [compile-time]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compile_time
//! [`Cargo.toml`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
#![deny(missing_docs, unused_macros)]
html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/static_assertions/1.1.0",
html_logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvzqz/static-assertions-rs/assets/Icon.png",
test(attr(deny(warnings), allow(dead_code)))
#[cfg(feature = "proc_static_assertions")]
extern crate proc_static_assertions;
#[cfg(feature = "proc_static_assertions")]
pub use proc_static_assertions::assert;
// This module should never be used publicly and is not part of this crate's
// semver requirements.
pub extern crate core as _core;
mod assert_align;
mod assert_cfg;
mod assert_fields;
mod assert_impl;
mod assert_obj_safe;
mod assert_size;
mod assert_trait;
mod assert_type;
mod const_assert;
mod does_impl;
// Utility macros.
// These macros should also never be used publicly and are not part of this
// crate's semver requirements.
mod util;
// Type-level booleans.
// This module should never be used publicly and is not part of this crate's
// semver requirements.
#[path = "bool.rs"]
pub mod _bool;
// These types should also never be used publicly and are not part of this
// crate's semver requirements.
pub use _bool::{False, True};