Crate stencila_schema
Source - ArrayValidator
- A validator specifying constraints on an array node.
- Article
- An article, including news and scholarly articles.
- AudioObject
- An audio file
- AudioObjectSimple
- An audio file
- BooleanValidator
- A schema specifying that a node must be a boolean value.
- Brand
- A brand used by an organization or person for labeling a product, product group, or similar.
- Cite
- A reference to a CreativeWork that is cited in another CreativeWork.
- CiteGroup
- A group of Cite nodes.
- Claim
- A claim represents specific reviewable facts or statements.
- ClaimSimple
- A claim represents specific reviewable facts or statements.
- Code
- Base type for non-executable (e.g.
) and executable (e.g. CodeExpression
) code nodes. - CodeBlock
- A code block.
- CodeChunk
- A executable chunk of code.
- CodeError
- An error that occurred when parsing, compiling or executing a Code node.
- CodeExecutable
- Base type for executable code nodes (i.e.
and CodeExpression
). - CodeExpression
- An executable programming code expression.
- CodeFragment
- Inline code.
- Collection
- A collection of CreativeWorks or other artifacts.
- CollectionSimple
- A collection of CreativeWorks or other artifacts.
- Comment
- A comment on an item, e.g on a Article, or SoftwareSourceCode.
- ConstantValidator
- A validator specifying a constant value that a node must have.
- ContactPoint
- A contact point, usually within an organization.
- Cord
- A newtype derived from
- CreativeWork
- A creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc.
- Datatable
- A table of data.
- DatatableColumn
- A column of data within a Datatable.
- Date
- A date encoded as a ISO 8601 string.
- DefinedTerm
- A word, name, acronym, phrase, etc. with a formal definition.
- Delete
- Content that is marked for deletion
- Emphasis
- Emphasised content.
- Entity
- The most simple compound (ie. non-atomic like
, string
etc) type. - EnumValidator
- A schema specifying that a node must be one of several values.
- Enumeration
- Lists or enumerations, for example, a list of cuisines or music genres, etc.
- Figure
- Encapsulates one or more images, videos, tables, etc, and provides captions and labels for them.
- FigureSimple
- Encapsulates one or more images, videos, tables, etc, and provides captions and labels for them.
- Function
- A function with a name, which might take Parameters and return a value of a certain type.
- Grant
- A grant, typically financial or otherwise quantifiable, of resources.
- Heading
- A heading.
- ImageObject
- An image file.
- ImageObjectSimple
- An image file.
- Include
- Include content from an external source (e.g. file, URL).
- IntegerValidator
- A validator specifying the constraints on an integer node.
- Link
- A hyperlink to other pages, sections within the same document, resources, or any URL.
- List
- A list of items.
- ListItem
- A single item in a list.
- Mark
- A base class for nodes that mark some other inline content in some way (e.g. as being emphasised, or quoted).
- Math
- A mathematical variable or equation.
- MathBlock
- A block of math, e.g an equation, to be treated as block content.
- MathFragment
- A fragment of math, e.g a variable name, to be treated as inline content.
- MediaObject
- A media object, such as an image, video, or audio object embedded in a web page or a downloadable dataset.
- MonetaryGrant
- A monetary grant.
- NontextualAnnotation
- Inline text that has a non-textual annotation.
- Note
- Additional content which is not part of the main content of a document.
- Null
- A null value
- NumberValidator
- A validator specifying the constraints on a numeric node.
- Organization
- An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc.
- Paragraph
- Paragraph
- Parameter
- A parameter of a document or function.
- Periodical
- A periodical publication.
- Person
- A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).
- PostalAddress
- A physical mailing address.
- Product
- Any offered product or service. For example, a pair of shoes; a haircut; or an episode of a TV show streamed online.
- PropertyValue
- A property-value pair.
- PublicationIssue
- A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or publication volume, often numbered.
- PublicationVolume
- A part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or multi-volume work.
- Quote
- Inline, quoted content.
- QuoteBlock
- A section quoted from somewhere else.
- Review
- A review of an item, e.g of an Article, or SoftwareSourceCode.
- SoftwareApplication
- A software application.
- SoftwareEnvironment
- A computational environment.
- SoftwareSession
- Definition of a compute session, including its software and compute resource requirements and status.
- SoftwareSourceCode
- Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready) solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates.
- StringValidator
- A schema specifying constraints on a string node.
- Strong
- Strongly emphasised content.
- Subscript
- Subscripted content.
- Superscript
- Superscripted content.
- Table
- A table.
- TableCell
- A cell within a
. - TableRow
- A row within a Table.
- TableSimple
- A table.
- ThematicBreak
- A thematic break, such as a scene change in a story, a transition to another topic, or a new document.
- Thing
- The most generic type of item.
- TupleValidator
- A validator specifying constraints on an array of heterogeneous items.
- Validator
- A base for all validator types.
- Variable
- A variable representing a name / value pair.
- VideoObject
- A video file.
- VideoObjectSimple
- A video file.
- VolumeMount
- Describes a volume mount from a host to container.
- ArrayValidator_
- ArticlePageEnd
- Types permitted for the
property of a Article
node. - ArticlePageStart
- Types permitted for the
property of a Article
node. - Article_
- AudioObjectSimple_
- AudioObject_
- BlockContent
- Union type for valid block content.
- BooleanValidator_
- BrandLogo
- Types permitted for the
property of a Brand
node. - Brand_
- CitationIntentEnumeration
- The type or nature of a citation, both factually and rhetorically.
- CiteCitationMode
- CiteGroup_
- CitePageEnd
- Types permitted for the
property of a Cite
node. - CitePageStart
- Types permitted for the
property of a Cite
node. - Cite_
- ClaimClaimType
- ClaimSimple_
- Claim_
- CodeBlock_
- CodeChunkCaption
- Types permitted for the
property of a CodeChunk
node. - CodeChunkExecuteAuto
- CodeChunk_
- CodeError_
- CodeExecutableCodeDependencies
- Types permitted for the
property of a CodeExecutable
node. - CodeExecutableCodeDependents
- Types permitted for the
property of a CodeExecutable
node. - CodeExecutableExecuteRequired
- CodeExecutableExecuteStatus
- CodeExecutableTypes
- All type schemas that are derived from CodeExecutable
- CodeExecutable_
- CodeExpression_
- CodeFragment_
- CodeTypes
- All type schemas that are derived from Code
- Code_
- CollectionSimple_
- Collection_
- Comment_
- ConstantValidator_
- ContactPointTypes
- All type schemas that are derived from ContactPoint
- ContactPoint_
- CreativeWorkAuthors
- Types permitted for the
property of a CreativeWork
node. - CreativeWorkContent
- Types permitted for the
property of a CreativeWork
node. - CreativeWorkFundedBy
- Types permitted for the
property of a CreativeWork
node. - CreativeWorkFunders
- Types permitted for the
property of a CreativeWork
node. - CreativeWorkLicenses
- Types permitted for the
property of a CreativeWork
node. - CreativeWorkMaintainers
- Types permitted for the
property of a CreativeWork
node. - CreativeWorkPublisher
- Types permitted for the
property of a CreativeWork
node. - CreativeWorkReferences
- Types permitted for the
property of a CreativeWork
node. - CreativeWorkTitle
- Types permitted for the
property of a CreativeWork
node. - CreativeWorkTypes
- All type schemas that are derived from CreativeWork
- CreativeWorkVersion
- Types permitted for the
property of a CreativeWork
node. - CreativeWork_
- DatatableColumn_
- Datatable_
- Date_
- DefinedTerm_
- Delete_
- Emphasis_
- EntityTypes
- All type schemas that are derived from Entity
- Entity_
- EnumValidator_
- EnumerationTypes
- All type schemas that are derived from Enumeration
- Enumeration_
- FigureCaption
- Types permitted for the
property of a Figure
node. - FigureSimple_
- Figure_
- Function_
- GrantSponsors
- Types permitted for the
property of a Grant
node. - GrantTypes
- All type schemas that are derived from Grant
- Grant_
- Heading_
- ImageObjectSimple_
- ImageObject_
- Include_
- InlineContent
- Union type for valid inline content.
- IntegerValidator_
- Link_
- ListItemContent
- Types permitted for the
property of a ListItem
node. - ListItem_
- ListOrder
- List_
- MarkTypes
- All type schemas that are derived from Mark
- Mark_
- MathBlock_
- MathFragment_
- MathTypes
- All type schemas that are derived from Math
- Math_
- MediaObjectTypes
- All type schemas that are derived from MediaObject
- MediaObject_
- MonetaryGrantFunders
- Types permitted for the
property of a MonetaryGrant
node. - MonetaryGrant_
- Node
- Union type for all schema nodes, including primitives and entities
- NontextualAnnotation_
- NoteNoteType
- Note_
- NumberValidator_
- OrganizationAddress
- Types permitted for the
property of a Organization
node. - OrganizationFunders
- Types permitted for the
property of a Organization
node. - OrganizationLogo
- Types permitted for the
property of a Organization
node. - OrganizationMembers
- Types permitted for the
property of a Organization
node. - Organization_
- Paragraph_
- Parameter_
- Periodical_
- PersonAddress
- Types permitted for the
property of a Person
node. - PersonFunders
- Types permitted for the
property of a Person
node. - Person_
- PostalAddress_
- Primitive
- The set of primitive (non-Entity) node types
- ProductLogo
- Types permitted for the
property of a Product
node. - Product_
- PropertyValueValue
- Types permitted for the
property of a PropertyValue
node. - PropertyValue_
- PublicationIssueIssueNumber
- Types permitted for the
property of a PublicationIssue
node. - PublicationIssuePageEnd
- Types permitted for the
property of a PublicationIssue
node. - PublicationIssuePageStart
- Types permitted for the
property of a PublicationIssue
node. - PublicationIssue_
- PublicationVolumePageEnd
- Types permitted for the
property of a PublicationVolume
node. - PublicationVolumePageStart
- Types permitted for the
property of a PublicationVolume
node. - PublicationVolumeVolumeNumber
- Types permitted for the
property of a PublicationVolume
node. - PublicationVolume_
- QuoteBlockCite
- Types permitted for the
property of a QuoteBlock
node. - QuoteBlock_
- QuoteCite
- Types permitted for the
property of a Quote
node. - Quote_
- Review_
- SoftwareApplication_
- SoftwareEnvironment_
- SoftwareSessionStatus
- SoftwareSession_
- SoftwareSourceCodeSoftwareRequirements
- Types permitted for the
property of a SoftwareSourceCode
node. - SoftwareSourceCode_
- StringValidator_
- Strong_
- Subscript_
- Superscript_
- TableCaption
- Types permitted for the
property of a Table
node. - TableCellCellType
- TableCellContent
- Types permitted for the
property of a TableCell
node. - TableCell_
- TableRowRowType
- TableRow_
- TableSimple_
- Table_
- ThematicBreak_
- ThingDescription
- Types permitted for the
property of a Thing
node. - ThingIdentifiers
- Types permitted for the
property of a Thing
node. - ThingImages
- Types permitted for the
property of a Thing
node. - ThingTypes
- All type schemas that are derived from Thing
- Thing_
- TupleValidator_
- ValidatorTypes
- All type schemas that are derived from Validator
- Validator_
- Variable_
- VideoObjectSimple_
- VideoObject_
- VolumeMount_
- Array
- An array value (a.k.a. vector)
- Boolean
- A boolean value
- Integer
- An integer value
- Number
- A floating point value (a.k.a real number)
- Object
- An object value (a.k.a map, dictionary)