use std::{collections::BTreeMap, net::SocketAddr, str::FromStr, sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
use axum::{body::{Body, Bytes}, extract::{Path, Query, State}, http::{header::CONTENT_TYPE, HeaderMap, HeaderName, Method, StatusCode}, response::{IntoResponse, Response}, routing::get, Router};
use stof::{IntoDataRef, SData, SDataRef, SDoc, SField, SFunc, SVal};
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use tower_governor::{governor::GovernorConfig, GovernorLayer};
use tower_http::cors::CorsLayer;
pub fn serve(doc: SDoc) {
.block_on(async {
pub struct ServerState {
pub doc: Arc<Mutex<SDoc>>,
pub opaque_errors: bool,
pub get_handlers: Arc<BTreeMap<String, SDataRef>>,
pub put_handlers: Arc<BTreeMap<String, SDataRef>>,
pub post_handlers: Arc<BTreeMap<String, SDataRef>>,
pub delete_handlers: Arc<BTreeMap<String, SDataRef>>,
pub head_handlers: Arc<BTreeMap<String, SDataRef>>,
pub patch_handlers: Arc<BTreeMap<String, SDataRef>>,
impl ServerState {
pub fn handler(&self, method: Method, path: &str) -> Result<SDataRef> {
let handlers;
match method {
Method::PUT => handlers = self.put_handlers.clone(),
Method::DELETE => handlers = self.delete_handlers.clone(),
Method::PATCH => handlers = self.patch_handlers.clone(),
Method::POST => handlers = self.post_handlers.clone(),
Method::HEAD => handlers = self.head_handlers.clone(),
_ => handlers = self.get_handlers.clone(),
if let Some(value) = handlers.get(path) {
return Ok(value.clone());
async fn internal_serve(mut doc: SDoc) {
let mut ip = [127, 0, 0, 1];
let mut port = 3030;
if let Some(ip_field) = SField::field(&doc.graph, "Server.Config.Address.ip", '.', None) {
let string = ip_field.to_string();
let path = string.split('.').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
if path.len() == 4 {
for i in 0..4 {
let val: Result<u8, _> = path[i].parse();
match val {
Ok(v) => {
ip[i] = v;
Err(_) => {
ip = [127, 0, 0, 1];
println!("Error starting server at the requested IP: {}, using instead...", string);
if let Some(port_field) = SField::field(&doc.graph, "Server.Config.Address.port", '.', None) {
let val: Result<u16, _> = port_field.to_string().parse();
match val {
Ok(v) => {
port = v;
Err(_) => {
println!("Error listening on port {}, using port 3030 instead...", port_field.to_string());
let address = SocketAddr::from((ip, port));
let mut opaque_server_errors = true;
if let Some(opaque_field) = SField::field(&doc.graph, "Server.Config.opaque_errors", '.', None) {
opaque_server_errors = opaque_field.value.truthy();
let governor_conf = Arc::new(GovernorConfig::default());
let governor_limiter = governor_conf.limiter().clone();
let interval = Duration::from_secs(60);
std::thread::spawn(move || {
loop {
let cors = CorsLayer::permissive();
if let Some(node_ref) = doc.graph.root_by_name("Server") {
let mut get_handlers = BTreeMap::new();
let mut put_handlers = BTreeMap::new();
let mut post_handlers = BTreeMap::new();
let mut delete_handlers = BTreeMap::new();
let mut head_handlers = BTreeMap::new();
let mut patch_handlers = BTreeMap::new();
for (_, dref) in & {
if let Some(func) = dref.get_data::<SFunc>() {
if let Some(path) = func.attributes.get("GET") {
get_handlers.insert(path.to_string(), dref.data_ref());
} else if let Some(path) = func.attributes.get("PUT") {
put_handlers.insert(path.to_string(), dref.data_ref());
} else if let Some(path) = func.attributes.get("PATCH") {
patch_handlers.insert(path.to_string(), dref.data_ref());
} else if let Some(path) = func.attributes.get("DELETE") {
delete_handlers.insert(path.to_string(), dref.data_ref());
} else if let Some(path) = func.attributes.get("POST") {
post_handlers.insert(path.to_string(), dref.data_ref());
} else if let Some(path) = func.attributes.get("HEAD") {
head_handlers.insert(path.to_string(), dref.data_ref());
let state = ServerState {
doc: Arc::new(Mutex::new(doc)),
opaque_errors: opaque_server_errors,
get_handlers: Arc::new(get_handlers),
put_handlers: Arc::new(put_handlers),
post_handlers: Arc::new(post_handlers),
delete_handlers: Arc::new(delete_handlers),
head_handlers: Arc::new(head_handlers),
patch_handlers: Arc::new(patch_handlers),
let app = Router::new()
.route("/{*path}", get(get_request_handler)
.layer(GovernorLayer {
config: governor_conf
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(address)
println!("listening on {}", listener.local_addr().unwrap());
axum::serve(listener, app.into_make_service_with_connect_info::<SocketAddr>())
pub struct StofResponse {
pub headers: HeaderMap,
pub status: StatusCode,
pub str_body: String,
pub bytes_body: Option<Bytes>, }
impl IntoResponse for StofResponse {
fn into_response(self) -> axum::response::Response {
let mut builder = Response::builder().status(self.status);
for (k, v) in &self.headers {
builder = builder.header(k, v);
let response;
if let Some(bytes) = self.bytes_body {
if !self.headers.contains_key(CONTENT_TYPE) {
builder = builder.header(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream");
response = builder.body(Body::from(bytes));
} else {
if !self.headers.contains_key(CONTENT_TYPE) {
builder = builder.header(CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
response = builder.body(Body::from(self.str_body));
impl StofResponse {
pub fn val_response(doc: &SDoc, value: SVal) -> Self {
let mut status = StatusCode::OK;
let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
let mut str_body = String::default();
let mut bytes_body = None;
let match_val = value.unbox();
match match_val {
SVal::Blob(blob) => {
headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream".parse().unwrap());
bytes_body = Some(Bytes::from(blob));
SVal::String(value) => {
headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain".parse().unwrap());
str_body = value;
SVal::Map(map) => {
if let Some(format_val) = map.get(&SVal::String("format".into())) {
if let Some(format) = doc.formats.get(&format_val.to_string()) {
headers.insert("format", format.format().parse().unwrap());
headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, format.content_type().parse().unwrap());
if let Some(headers_val) = map.get(&SVal::String("headers".into())) {
match headers_val {
SVal::Map(headers_map) => {
for (k, v) in headers_map {
let key = k.to_string();
headers.insert(HeaderName::from_str(&key).unwrap(), v.to_string().parse().unwrap());
SVal::Array(values) => {
for tup in values {
match tup {
SVal::Tuple(tup) => {
if tup.len() == 2 {
let key = tup[0].to_string();
headers.insert(HeaderName::from_str(&key).unwrap(), tup[1].to_string().parse().unwrap());
_ => {}
_ => {}
if let Some(body_val) = map.get(&SVal::String("body".into())) {
let content_type = headers.get(CONTENT_TYPE);
match body_val {
SVal::String(value) => {
if content_type.is_none() { headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain".parse().unwrap());
str_body = value.clone();
SVal::Blob(blob) => {
if content_type.is_none() { headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream".parse().unwrap());
bytes_body = Some(Bytes::from(blob.clone()));
SVal::Object(nref) => {
let format;
if let Some(value) = headers.get("format") {
format = value.to_str().unwrap().to_owned();
} else if let Some(ctype) = content_type {
format = ctype.to_str().unwrap().to_owned();
} else {
format = "json".to_owned();
if let Ok(result) = doc.export_string("main", &format, Some(nref)) {
str_body = result;
if let Some(format) = doc.formats.get(&format) {
headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, format.content_type().parse().unwrap());
} else if let Ok(result) = doc.export_bytes("main", &format, Some(nref)) {
bytes_body = Some(result);
if let Some(format) = doc.formats.get(&format) {
headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, format.content_type().parse().unwrap());
} else if let Ok(result) = doc.export_bytes("main", "bytes", Some(nref)) {
bytes_body = Some(result);
if let Some(format) = doc.formats.get("bytes") {
headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, format.content_type().parse().unwrap());
_ => {}
if let Some(status_val) = map.get(&SVal::String("status".into())) {
let status_res = StatusCode::from_str(&status_val.to_string());
match status_res {
Ok(code) => status = code,
Err(_inv) => status = StatusCode::MULTI_STATUS,
_ => {}
Self {
pub fn error(code: StatusCode, message: &str) -> Self {
Self {
headers: HeaderMap::new(),
status: code,
str_body: message.to_owned(),
bytes_body: None,
async fn request_handler(state: ServerState, path: String, query: BTreeMap<String, String>, headers: HeaderMap, mut body: Bytes, method: Method) -> impl IntoResponse {
let dref = state.handler(method, &path);
let mut doc;
let function;
let func_ref;
match dref {
Ok(dref) => {
let tmp = state.doc.lock().await;
if let Some(func) = SData::get::<SFunc>(&tmp.graph, &dref) {
function = func.clone();
func_ref = dref;
doc = tmp.clone();
} else {
return StofResponse::error(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, &format!("request handler not found at the path: {}", path));
Err(error) => {
return StofResponse::error(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, &format!("request handler not found at the path: {}: {}", path, error.to_string()));
let parse_body_res;
if let Some(content_type) = headers.get(CONTENT_TYPE) {
let ctype = content_type.to_str().unwrap();
parse_body_res = doc.header_import("main", ctype, ctype, &mut body, "Request");
} else {
parse_body_res = doc.header_import("main", "bytes", "bytes", &mut body, "Request");
match parse_body_res {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(_) => return StofResponse::error(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "failed to parse request body into the document")
let req;
if let Some(obj) = doc.graph.root_by_name("Request") {
req = obj;
} else {
return StofResponse::error(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "failed to parse request body into the document");
let query: BTreeMap<SVal, SVal> = query.into_iter().map(|(key, value)| (SVal::String(key), SVal::String(value))).collect();
let mut header_map: BTreeMap<SVal, SVal> = BTreeMap::new();
for (key, value) in &headers {
header_map.insert(SVal::String(key.as_str().to_owned()), SVal::String(value.to_str().unwrap().to_owned()));
let mut parameters = Vec::new();
let mut added_headers = false;
for param in &function.params {
if param.ptype.is_object() {
} else if param.ptype.is_map() {
if != "query" && ( == "headers" || !added_headers) {
added_headers = true;
} else if != "headers" && ( == "query" || added_headers) {
let response = SFunc::call_internal(&func_ref, "main", &mut doc, parameters, true, &function.params, &function.statements, &function.rtype);
match response {
Ok(response) => {
StofResponse::val_response(&doc, response)
Err(error) => {
if state.opaque_errors {
StofResponse::error(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "internal server error")
} else {
StofResponse::error(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, &error.to_string(&doc.graph))
async fn post_request_handler(State(state): State<ServerState>, Path(path): Path<String>, Query(query): Query<BTreeMap<String, String>>, headers: HeaderMap, body: Bytes) -> impl IntoResponse {
request_handler(state, path, query, headers, body, Method::POST).await
async fn put_request_handler(State(state): State<ServerState>, Path(path): Path<String>, Query(query): Query<BTreeMap<String, String>>, headers: HeaderMap, body: Bytes) -> impl IntoResponse {
request_handler(state, path, query, headers, body, Method::PUT).await
async fn patch_request_handler(State(state): State<ServerState>, Path(path): Path<String>, Query(query): Query<BTreeMap<String, String>>, headers: HeaderMap, body: Bytes) -> impl IntoResponse {
request_handler(state, path, query, headers, body, Method::PATCH).await
async fn delete_request_handler(State(state): State<ServerState>, Path(path): Path<String>, Query(query): Query<BTreeMap<String, String>>, headers: HeaderMap, body: Bytes) -> impl IntoResponse {
request_handler(state, path, query, headers, body, Method::DELETE).await
async fn get_request_handler(State(state): State<ServerState>, Path(path): Path<String>, Query(query): Query<BTreeMap<String, String>>, headers: HeaderMap, body: Bytes) -> impl IntoResponse {
request_handler(state, path, query, headers, body, Method::GET).await
async fn head_request_handler(State(state): State<ServerState>, Path(path): Path<String>, Query(query): Query<BTreeMap<String, String>>, headers: HeaderMap, body: Bytes) -> impl IntoResponse {
request_handler(state, path, query, headers, body, Method::HEAD).await
mod tests {
use stof::SDoc;
use super::serve;
fn test_serve() {
let doc = SDoc::file("src/server/test/server.stof", "stof").unwrap();