Crate string_interner

Expand description

Caches strings efficiently, with minimal memory footprint and associates them with unique symbols. These symbols allow constant time comparisons and look-ups to the underlying interned strings.

§Example: Interning & Symbols

use string_interner::StringInterner;

let mut interner = StringInterner::default();
let sym0 = interner.get_or_intern("Elephant");
let sym1 = interner.get_or_intern("Tiger");
let sym2 = interner.get_or_intern("Horse");
let sym3 = interner.get_or_intern("Tiger");
assert_ne!(sym0, sym1);
assert_ne!(sym0, sym2);
assert_ne!(sym1, sym2);
assert_eq!(sym1, sym3); // same!

§Example: Creation by FromIterator

let interner = ["Elephant", "Tiger", "Horse", "Tiger"]

§Example: Look-up

let mut interner = StringInterner::default();
let sym = interner.get_or_intern("Banana");
assert_eq!(interner.resolve(sym), Some("Banana"));

§Example: Iteration

let interner = <DefaultStringInterner>::from_iter(["Earth", "Water", "Fire", "Air"]);
for (sym, str) in &interner {
    println!("{} = {}", sym.to_usize(), str);

§Example: Use Different Backend

use string_interner::backend::BufferBackend;
type Interner = StringInterner<BufferBackend>;
let mut interner = Interner::new();
let sym1 = interner.get_or_intern("Tiger");
let sym2 = interner.get_or_intern("Horse");
let sym3 = interner.get_or_intern("Tiger");
assert_ne!(sym1, sym2);
assert_eq!(sym1, sym3); // same!

§Example: Use Different Backend & Symbol

use string_interner::{backend::BucketBackend, symbol::SymbolU16};
type Interner = StringInterner<BucketBackend<SymbolU16>>;
let mut interner = Interner::new();
let sym1 = interner.get_or_intern("Tiger");
let sym2 = interner.get_or_intern("Horse");
let sym3 = interner.get_or_intern("Tiger");
assert_ne!(sym1, sym2);
assert_eq!(sym1, sym3); // same!


The string_interner crate provides different backends with different strengths. The table below compactly shows when to use which backend according to the following performance characteristics and properties.

Fill🤷👍Efficiency of filling an empty string interner.
Fill Duplicates1)1)1)Efficiency of filling a string interner with strings that are already interned.
Resolve👍👎Efficiency of resolving a symbol of an interned string.
Allocations🤷👍The number of allocations performed by the backend.
Footprint🤷👍The total heap memory consumed by the backend.
Iteration👍👎Efficiency of iterating over the interned strings.
ContiguousThe returned symbols have contiguous values.
Stable RefsThe interned strings have stable references.
Static StringsAllows to intern &'static str without heap allocations.
  1. Performance of interning pre-interned string is the same for all backends since this is implemented in the StringInterner front-end via a HashMap query for all StringInterner instances.


best performance👍good performance🤷okay performance👎bad performance

§When to use which backend?

§Bucket Backend

Given the table above the BucketBackend might seem inferior to the other backends. However, it allows to efficiently intern &'static str and avoids deallocations.

§String Backend

Overall the StringBackend performs really well and therefore is the backend that the StringInterner uses by default.

§Buffer Backend

The BufferBackend is in some sense similar to the StringBackend on steroids. Some operations are even slightly more efficient and it consumes less memory. However, all this is at the costs of a less efficient resolution of symbols. Note that the symbols generated by the BufferBackend are not contiguous.


Backends for the StringInterner.
Interfaces and types to be used as symbols for the StringInterner.


Data structure to intern and resolve strings.


Types implementing this trait can be used as symbols for string interners.

Type Aliases§

The default backend recommended for general use.
Default hasher for HashMap and HashSet.
A convenience StringInterner type based on the DefaultBackend.
The symbol type that is used by default.