
1// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6// You may obtain a copy of the License at
10// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14// limitations under the License.
16#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
18#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
19extern crate alloc;
20#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
21use alloc::string::String;
23use hmac::Hmac;
24use pbkdf2::pbkdf2;
25use schnorrkel::keys::MiniSecretKey;
26use sha2::Sha512;
27use zeroize::Zeroize;
29#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
30pub enum Error {
31	InvalidEntropy,
34/// `entropy` should be a byte array from a correctly recovered and checksumed BIP39.
36/// This function accepts slices of different length for different word lengths:
38/// + 16 bytes for 12 words.
39/// + 20 bytes for 15 words.
40/// + 24 bytes for 18 words.
41/// + 28 bytes for 21 words.
42/// + 32 bytes for 24 words.
44/// Any other length will return an error.
46/// `password` is analog to BIP39 seed generation itself, with an empty string being default.
47pub fn mini_secret_from_entropy(entropy: &[u8], password: &str) -> Result<MiniSecretKey, Error> {
48	let seed = seed_from_entropy(entropy, password)?;
49	Ok(MiniSecretKey::from_bytes(&seed[..32]).expect("Length is always correct; qed"))
52/// Similar to `mini_secret_from_entropy`, except that it provides the 64-byte seed directly.
53pub fn seed_from_entropy(entropy: &[u8], password: &str) -> Result<[u8; 64], Error> {
54	if entropy.len() < 16 || entropy.len() > 32 || entropy.len() % 4 != 0 {
55		return Err(Error::InvalidEntropy);
56	}
58	let mut salt = String::with_capacity(8 + password.len());
59	salt.push_str("mnemonic");
60	salt.push_str(password);
62	let mut seed = [0u8; 64];
64	pbkdf2::<Hmac<Sha512>>(entropy, salt.as_bytes(), 2048, &mut seed)
65		.map_err(|_| Error::InvalidEntropy)?;
67	salt.zeroize();
69	Ok(seed)
73mod test {
74	use super::*;
76	#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
77	use alloc::vec::Vec;
79	use bip39::{Language, Mnemonic};
80	use rustc_hex::FromHex;
82	// phrase, entropy, seed, expanded secret_key
83	//
85	static VECTORS: &[[&str; 3]] = &[
86        [
87            "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about",
88            "00000000000000000000000000000000",
89            "44e9d125f037ac1d51f0a7d3649689d422c2af8b1ec8e00d71db4d7bf6d127e33f50c3d5c84fa3e5399c72d6cbbbbc4a49bf76f76d952f479d74655a2ef2d453",
90        ],
91        [
92            "legal winner thank year wave sausage worth useful legal winner thank yellow",
93            "7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f",
94            "4313249608fe8ac10fd5886c92c4579007272cb77c21551ee5b8d60b780416850f1e26c1f4b8d88ece681cb058ab66d6182bc2ce5a03181f7b74c27576b5c8bf",
95        ],
96        [
97            "letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage above",
98            "80808080808080808080808080808080",
99            "27f3eb595928c60d5bc91a4d747da40ed236328183046892ed6cd5aa9ae38122acd1183adf09a89839acb1e6eaa7fb563cc958a3f9161248d5a036e0d0af533d",
100        ],
101        [
102            "zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo wrong",
103            "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
104            "227d6256fd4f9ccaf06c45eaa4b2345969640462bbb00c5f51f43cb43418c7a753265f9b1e0c0822c155a9cabc769413ecc14553e135fe140fc50b6722c6b9df",
105        ],
106        [
107            "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon agent",
108            "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
109            "44e9d125f037ac1d51f0a7d3649689d422c2af8b1ec8e00d71db4d7bf6d127e33f50c3d5c84fa3e5399c72d6cbbbbc4a49bf76f76d952f479d74655a2ef2d453",
110        ],
111        [
112            "legal winner thank year wave sausage worth useful legal winner thank year wave sausage worth useful legal will",
113            "7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f",
114            "cb1d50e14101024a88905a098feb1553d4306d072d7460e167a60ccb3439a6817a0afc59060f45d999ddebc05308714733c9e1e84f30feccddd4ad6f95c8a445",
115        ],
116        [
117            "letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter always",
118            "808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080",
119            "9ddecf32ce6bee77f867f3c4bb842d1f0151826a145cb4489598fe71ac29e3551b724f01052d1bc3f6d9514d6df6aa6d0291cfdf997a5afdb7b6a614c88ab36a",
120        ],
121        [
122            "zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo when",
123            "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
124            "8971cb290e7117c64b63379c97ed3b5c6da488841bd9f95cdc2a5651ac89571e2c64d391d46e2475e8b043911885457cd23e99a28b5a18535fe53294dc8e1693",
125        ],
126        [
127            "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon art",
128            "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
129            "44e9d125f037ac1d51f0a7d3649689d422c2af8b1ec8e00d71db4d7bf6d127e33f50c3d5c84fa3e5399c72d6cbbbbc4a49bf76f76d952f479d74655a2ef2d453",
130        ],
131        [
132            "legal winner thank year wave sausage worth useful legal winner thank year wave sausage worth useful legal winner thank year wave sausage worth title",
133            "7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f",
134            "3037276a5d05fcd7edf51869eb841bdde27c574dae01ac8cfb1ea476f6bea6ef57ab9afe14aea1df8a48f97ae25b37d7c8326e49289efb25af92ba5a25d09ed3",
135        ],
136        [
137            "letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic avoid letter advice cage absurd amount doctor acoustic bless",
138            "8080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080",
139            "2c9c6144a06ae5a855453d98c3dea470e2a8ffb78179c2e9eb15208ccca7d831c97ddafe844ab933131e6eb895f675ede2f4e39837bb5769d4e2bc11df58ac42",
140        ],
141        [
142            "zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo vote",
143            "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
144            "047e89ef7739cbfe30da0ad32eb1720d8f62441dd4f139b981b8e2d0bd412ed4eb14b89b5098c49db2301d4e7df4e89c21e53f345138e56a5e7d63fae21c5939",
145        ],
146        [
147            "ozone drill grab fiber curtain grace pudding thank cruise elder eight picnic",
148            "9e885d952ad362caeb4efe34a8e91bd2",
149            "f4956be6960bc145cdab782e649a5056598fd07cd3f32ceb73421c3da27833241324dc2c8b0a4d847eee457e6d4c5429f5e625ece22abaa6a976e82f1ec5531d",
150        ],
151        [
152            "gravity machine north sort system female filter attitude volume fold club stay feature office ecology stable narrow fog",
153            "6610b25967cdcca9d59875f5cb50b0ea75433311869e930b",
154            "fbcc5229ade0c0ff018cb7a329c5459f91876e4dde2a97ddf03c832eab7f26124366a543f1485479c31a9db0d421bda82d7e1fe562e57f3533cb1733b001d84d",
155        ],
156        [
157            "hamster diagram private dutch cause delay private meat slide toddler razor book happy fancy gospel tennis maple dilemma loan word shrug inflict delay length",
158            "68a79eaca2324873eacc50cb9c6eca8cc68ea5d936f98787c60c7ebc74e6ce7c",
159            "7c60c555126c297deddddd59f8cdcdc9e3608944455824dd604897984b5cc369cad749803bb36eb8b786b570c9cdc8db275dbe841486676a6adf389f3be3f076",
160        ],
161        [
162            "scheme spot photo card baby mountain device kick cradle pact join borrow",
163            "c0ba5a8e914111210f2bd131f3d5e08d",
164            "c12157bf2506526c4bd1b79a056453b071361538e9e2c19c28ba2cfa39b5f23034b974e0164a1e8acd30f5b4c4de7d424fdb52c0116bfc6a965ba8205e6cc121",
165        ],
166        [
167            "horn tenant knee talent sponsor spell gate clip pulse soap slush warm silver nephew swap uncle crack brave",
168            "6d9be1ee6ebd27a258115aad99b7317b9c8d28b6d76431c3",
169            "23766723e970e6b79dec4d5e4fdd627fd27d1ee026eb898feb9f653af01ad22080c6f306d1061656d01c4fe9a14c05f991d2c7d8af8730780de4f94cd99bd819",
170        ],
171        [
172            "panda eyebrow bullet gorilla call smoke muffin taste mesh discover soft ostrich alcohol speed nation flash devote level hobby quick inner drive ghost inside",
173            "9f6a2878b2520799a44ef18bc7df394e7061a224d2c33cd015b157d746869863",
174            "f4c83c86617cb014d35cd87d38b5ef1c5d5c3d58a73ab779114438a7b358f457e0462c92bddab5a406fe0e6b97c71905cf19f925f356bc673ceb0e49792f4340",
175        ],
176        [
177            "cat swing flag economy stadium alone churn speed unique patch report train",
178            "23db8160a31d3e0dca3688ed941adbf3",
179            "719d4d4de0638a1705bf5237262458983da76933e718b2d64eb592c470f3c5d222e345cc795337bb3da393b94375ff4a56cfcd68d5ea25b577ee9384d35f4246",
180        ],
181        [
182            "light rule cinnamon wrap drastic word pride squirrel upgrade then income fatal apart sustain crack supply proud access",
183            "8197a4a47f0425faeaa69deebc05ca29c0a5b5cc76ceacc0",
184            "7ae1291db32d16457c248567f2b101e62c5549d2a64cd2b7605d503ec876d58707a8d663641e99663bc4f6cc9746f4852e75e7e54de5bc1bd3c299c9a113409e",
185        ],
186        [
187            "all hour make first leader extend hole alien behind guard gospel lava path output census museum junior mass reopen famous sing advance salt reform",
188            "066dca1a2bb7e8a1db2832148ce9933eea0f3ac9548d793112d9a95c9407efad",
189            "a911a5f4db0940b17ecb79c4dcf9392bf47dd18acaebdd4ef48799909ebb49672947cc15f4ef7e8ef47103a1a91a6732b821bda2c667e5b1d491c54788c69391",
190        ],
191        [
192            "vessel ladder alter error federal sibling chat ability sun glass valve picture",
193            "f30f8c1da665478f49b001d94c5fc452",
194            "4e2314ca7d9eebac6fe5a05a5a8d3546bc891785414d82207ac987926380411e559c885190d641ff7e686ace8c57db6f6e4333c1081e3d88d7141a74cf339c8f",
195        ],
196        [
197            "scissors invite lock maple supreme raw rapid void congress muscle digital elegant little brisk hair mango congress clump",
198            "c10ec20dc3cd9f652c7fac2f1230f7a3c828389a14392f05",
199            "7a83851102849edc5d2a3ca9d8044d0d4f00e5c4a292753ed3952e40808593251b0af1dd3c9ed9932d46e8608eb0b928216a6160bd4fc775a6e6fbd493d7c6b2",
200        ],
201        [
202            "void come effort suffer camp survey warrior heavy shoot primary clutch crush open amazing screen patrol group space point ten exist slush involve unfold",
203            "f585c11aec520db57dd353c69554b21a89b20fb0650966fa0a9d6f74fd989d8f",
204            "938ba18c3f521f19bd4a399c8425b02c716844325b1a65106b9d1593fbafe5e0b85448f523f91c48e331995ff24ae406757cff47d11f240847352b348ff436ed",
205        ]
206    ];
208	#[test]
209	fn vectors_are_correct() {
210		for vector in VECTORS {
211			let phrase = vector[0];
213			let expected_entropy: Vec<u8> = vector[1].from_hex().unwrap();
214			let expected_seed: Vec<u8> = vector[2].from_hex().unwrap();
216			let mnemonic = Mnemonic::parse_in(Language::English, phrase).unwrap();
217			let seed = seed_from_entropy(&mnemonic.to_entropy(), "Substrate").unwrap();
218			let secret = mini_secret_from_entropy(&mnemonic.to_entropy(), "Substrate")
219				.unwrap()
220				.to_bytes();
222			assert_eq!(
223				mnemonic.to_entropy(),
224				&expected_entropy[..],
225				"Entropy is incorrect for {}",
226				phrase
227			);
228			assert_eq!(&seed[..], &expected_seed[..], "Seed is incorrect for {}", phrase);
229			assert_eq!(&secret[..], &expected_seed[..32], "Secret is incorrect for {}", phrase);
230		}
231	}