
1use crate::ctx::Context;
2use crate::dbs::Options;
3use crate::err::Error;
4use crate::sql::fmt::Fmt;
5use crate::sql::idiom::Idiom;
6use crate::sql::operator::Operator;
7use crate::sql::part::Part;
8use crate::sql::paths::ID;
9use crate::sql::value::Value;
10use reblessive::tree::Stk;
11use revision::revisioned;
12use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
13use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
15#[revisioned(revision = 1)]
16#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash)]
17#[cfg_attr(feature = "arbitrary", derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
19pub enum Data {
20	EmptyExpression,
21	SetExpression(Vec<(Idiom, Operator, Value)>),
22	UnsetExpression(Vec<Idiom>),
23	PatchExpression(Value),
24	MergeExpression(Value),
25	ReplaceExpression(Value),
26	ContentExpression(Value),
27	SingleExpression(Value),
28	ValuesExpression(Vec<Vec<(Idiom, Value)>>),
29	UpdateExpression(Vec<(Idiom, Operator, Value)>),
32impl Default for Data {
33	fn default() -> Self {
34		Self::EmptyExpression
35	}
38impl Data {
39	/// Fetch the 'id' field if one has been specified
40	pub(crate) async fn rid(
41		&self,
42		stk: &mut Stk,
43		ctx: &Context,
44		opt: &Options,
45	) -> Result<Option<Value>, Error> {
46		self.pick(stk, ctx, opt, &*ID).await
47	}
48	/// Fetch a field path value if one is specified
49	pub(crate) async fn pick(
50		&self,
51		stk: &mut Stk,
52		ctx: &Context,
53		opt: &Options,
54		path: &[Part],
55	) -> Result<Option<Value>, Error> {
56		match self {
57			Self::MergeExpression(v) => match v {
58				Value::Param(v) => Ok(v.compute(stk, ctx, opt, None).await?.pick(path).some()),
59				Value::Object(_) => Ok(v.pick(path).compute(stk, ctx, opt, None).await?.some()),
60				_ => Ok(None),
61			},
62			Self::ReplaceExpression(v) => match v {
63				Value::Param(v) => Ok(v.compute(stk, ctx, opt, None).await?.pick(path).some()),
64				Value::Object(_) => Ok(v.pick(path).compute(stk, ctx, opt, None).await?.some()),
65				_ => Ok(None),
66			},
67			Self::ContentExpression(v) => match v {
68				Value::Param(v) => Ok(v.compute(stk, ctx, opt, None).await?.pick(path).some()),
69				Value::Object(_) => Ok(v.pick(path).compute(stk, ctx, opt, None).await?.some()),
70				_ => Ok(None),
71			},
72			Self::SetExpression(v) => match v.iter().find(|f| f.0.is_field(path)) {
73				Some((_, _, v)) => {
74					// This SET expression has this field
75					Ok(v.compute(stk, ctx, opt, None).await?.some())
76				}
77				// This SET expression does not have this field
78				_ => Ok(None),
79			},
80			// Return nothing
81			_ => Ok(None),
82		}
83	}
86impl Display for Data {
87	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
88		match self {
89			Self::EmptyExpression => Ok(()),
90			Self::SetExpression(v) => write!(
91				f,
92				"SET {}",
93				Fmt::comma_separated(
94					v.iter().map(|args| Fmt::new(args, |(l, o, r), f| write!(f, "{l} {o} {r}",)))
95				)
96			),
97			Self::UnsetExpression(v) => write!(
98				f,
99				"UNSET {}",
100				Fmt::comma_separated(v.iter().map(|args| Fmt::new(args, |l, f| write!(f, "{l}",))))
101			),
102			Self::PatchExpression(v) => write!(f, "PATCH {v}"),
103			Self::MergeExpression(v) => write!(f, "MERGE {v}"),
104			Self::ReplaceExpression(v) => write!(f, "REPLACE {v}"),
105			Self::ContentExpression(v) => write!(f, "CONTENT {v}"),
106			Self::SingleExpression(v) => Display::fmt(v, f),
107			Self::ValuesExpression(v) => write!(
108				f,
109				"({}) VALUES {}",
110				Fmt::comma_separated(v.first().unwrap().iter().map(|(v, _)| v)),
111				Fmt::comma_separated(v.iter().map(|v| Fmt::new(v, |v, f| write!(
112					f,
113					"({})",
114					Fmt::comma_separated(v.iter().map(|(_, v)| v))
115				))))
116			),
117			Self::UpdateExpression(v) => write!(
118				f,
120				Fmt::comma_separated(
121					v.iter().map(|args| Fmt::new(args, |(l, o, r), f| write!(f, "{l} {o} {r}",)))
122				)
123			),
124		}
125	}