use crate::{context::Context, irtype::Type, pretty::DebugWithContext, value::Value, Padding};
use sway_types::u256::U256;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, DebugWithContext, Hash)]
pub struct Constant {
pub ty: Type,
pub value: ConstantValue,
pub type B256 = U256;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, DebugWithContext, Hash)]
pub enum ConstantValue {
type ConstantWithPadding<'a> = (&'a Constant, Option<Padding>);
impl Constant {
pub fn new_unit(context: &Context) -> Self {
Constant {
ty: Type::get_unit(context),
value: ConstantValue::Unit,
pub fn new_bool(context: &Context, b: bool) -> Self {
Constant {
ty: Type::get_bool(context),
value: ConstantValue::Bool(b),
pub fn new_uint(context: &mut Context, nbits: u16, n: u64) -> Self {
Constant {
ty: Type::new_uint(context, nbits),
value: match nbits {
256 => ConstantValue::U256(n.into()),
_ => ConstantValue::Uint(n),
pub fn new_uint256(context: &mut Context, n: U256) -> Self {
Constant {
ty: Type::new_uint(context, 256),
value: ConstantValue::U256(n),
pub fn new_b256(context: &Context, bytes: [u8; 32]) -> Self {
Constant {
ty: Type::get_b256(context),
value: ConstantValue::B256(B256::from_be_bytes(&bytes)),
pub fn new_string(context: &mut Context, string: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
Constant {
ty: Type::new_string_array(context, string.len() as u64),
value: ConstantValue::String(string),
pub fn new_array(context: &mut Context, elm_ty: Type, elems: Vec<Constant>) -> Self {
Constant {
ty: Type::new_array(context, elm_ty, elems.len() as u64),
value: ConstantValue::Array(elems),
pub fn new_struct(context: &mut Context, field_tys: Vec<Type>, fields: Vec<Constant>) -> Self {
Constant {
ty: Type::new_struct(context, field_tys),
value: ConstantValue::Struct(fields),
pub fn get_undef(ty: Type) -> Self {
Constant {
value: ConstantValue::Undef,
pub fn get_unit(context: &mut Context) -> Value {
let new_const = Constant::new_unit(context);
Value::new_constant(context, new_const)
pub fn get_bool(context: &mut Context, value: bool) -> Value {
let new_const = Constant::new_bool(context, value);
Value::new_constant(context, new_const)
pub fn get_uint(context: &mut Context, nbits: u16, value: u64) -> Value {
let new_const = Constant::new_uint(context, nbits, value);
Value::new_constant(context, new_const)
pub fn get_uint256(context: &mut Context, value: U256) -> Value {
let new_const = Constant::new_uint256(context, value);
Value::new_constant(context, new_const)
pub fn get_b256(context: &mut Context, value: [u8; 32]) -> Value {
let new_const = Constant::new_b256(context, value);
Value::new_constant(context, new_const)
pub fn get_string(context: &mut Context, value: Vec<u8>) -> Value {
let new_const = Constant::new_string(context, value);
Value::new_constant(context, new_const)
pub fn get_array(context: &mut Context, value: Constant) -> Value {
Value::new_constant(context, value)
pub fn get_struct(context: &mut Context, value: Constant) -> Value {
Value::new_constant(context, value)
fn extract_enum_tag_and_value(&self, context: &Context) -> Option<(&Constant, &Constant)> {
if !self.ty.is_enum(context) {
return None;
let elems = match &self.value {
ConstantValue::Struct(elems) if elems.len() == 2 => elems,
_ => return None, };
Some((&elems[0], &elems[1]))
pub fn enum_tag_and_value_with_paddings(
context: &Context,
) -> Option<(ConstantWithPadding, ConstantWithPadding)> {
if !self.ty.is_enum(context) {
return None;
let tag_and_value_with_paddings = self
.expect("Enums are aggregates.");
debug_assert!(tag_and_value_with_paddings.len() == 2, "In case of enums, `elements_of_aggregate_with_padding` must return exactly two elements, the tag and the value.");
let tag = tag_and_value_with_paddings[0].clone();
let value = tag_and_value_with_paddings[1].clone();
Some((tag, value))
pub fn array_elements_with_padding(
context: &Context,
) -> Option<Vec<ConstantWithPadding>> {
if !self.ty.is_array(context) {
return None;
pub fn struct_fields_with_padding(
context: &Context,
) -> Option<Vec<ConstantWithPadding>> {
if !self.ty.is_struct(context) {
return None;
fn elements_of_aggregate_with_padding(
context: &Context,
) -> Option<Vec<(&Constant, Option<Padding>)>> {
if let Some((tag, value)) = self.extract_enum_tag_and_value(context) {
let tag_with_padding = (tag, None);
let target_size = self.ty.get_field_types(context)[1]
.in_bytes_aligned() as usize;
let value_with_padding = (value, Some(Padding::Left { target_size }));
return Some(vec![tag_with_padding, value_with_padding]);
match &self.value {
ConstantValue::Array(elems) => Some(elems.iter().map(|el| (el, None)).collect()),
ConstantValue::Struct(elems) => Some(
.map(|el| {
let target_size = el.ty.size(context).in_bytes_aligned() as usize;
(el, Some(Padding::Right { target_size }))
_ => None,
pub fn eq(&self, context: &Context, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.ty.eq(context, &other.ty)
&& match (&self.value, &other.value) {
(ConstantValue::Undef, _) | (_, ConstantValue::Undef) => false,
(ConstantValue::Unit, ConstantValue::Unit) => true,
(ConstantValue::Bool(l0), ConstantValue::Bool(r0)) => l0 == r0,
(ConstantValue::Uint(l0), ConstantValue::Uint(r0)) => l0 == r0,
(ConstantValue::U256(l0), ConstantValue::U256(r0)) => l0 == r0,
(ConstantValue::B256(l0), ConstantValue::B256(r0)) => l0 == r0,
(ConstantValue::String(l0), ConstantValue::String(r0)) => l0 == r0,
(ConstantValue::Array(l0), ConstantValue::Array(r0))
| (ConstantValue::Struct(l0), ConstantValue::Struct(r0)) => {
l0.iter().zip(r0.iter()).all(|(l0, r0)| l0.eq(context, r0))
_ => false,