Expand description
This module is responsible for implementing handlers for Language Server Protocol. This module specifically handles requests.
- handle_
code_ action - handle_
code_ lens - handle_
completion - handle_
document_ highlight - handle_
document_ symbol - handle_
formatting - handle_
goto_ definition - handle_
hover - handle_
initialize - handle_
inlay_ hints - handle_
on_ enter - This method is triggered when the use hits enter or pastes a newline in the editor.
- handle_
prepare_ rename - handle_
references - handle_
rename - handle_
semantic_ tokens_ full - handle_
semantic_ tokens_ range - handle_
show_ ast - This method is triggered by a command palette request in VScode The 3 commands are: “show lexed ast”, “show parsed ast” or “show typed ast”
- handle_
visualize - Returns a String of the GraphViz DOT representation of a graph.