Module swc_ecma_visit::fields

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This module contains enums representing fields of each types


This enum represents fields of ArrayLitField
This enum represents fields of ArrayPatField
This enum represents fields of ArrowExprField
This enum represents fields of AssignExprField
This enum represents fields of AssignPatField
This enum represents fields of AssignPatPropField
This enum represents fields of AssignPropField
This enum represents fields of AwaitExprField
This enum represents fields of BigIntField
This enum represents fields of BinExprField
This enum represents fields of BindingIdentField
This enum represents fields of BlockStmtField
This enum represents fields of BlockStmtOrExprField
This enum represents fields of BoolField
This enum represents fields of BreakStmtField
This enum represents fields of CallExprField
This enum represents fields of CalleeField
This enum represents fields of CatchClauseField
This enum represents fields of ClassDeclField
This enum represents fields of ClassExprField
This enum represents fields of ClassField
This enum represents fields of ClassMemberField
This enum represents fields of ClassMethodField
This enum represents fields of ClassPropField
This enum represents fields of ComputedPropNameField
This enum represents fields of CondExprField
This enum represents fields of ConstructorField
This enum represents fields of ContinueStmtField
This enum represents fields of DebuggerStmtField
This enum represents fields of DeclField
This enum represents fields of DecoratorField
This enum represents fields of DefaultDeclField
This enum represents fields of DoWhileStmtField
This enum represents fields of EmptyStmtField
This enum represents fields of ExportAllField
This enum represents fields of ExportDeclField
This enum represents fields of ExportDefaultDeclField
This enum represents fields of ExportDefaultExprField
This enum represents fields of ExportSpecifierField
This enum represents fields of ExprField
This enum represents fields of ExprOrSpreadField
This enum represents fields of ExprStmtField
This enum represents fields of FnDeclField
This enum represents fields of FnExprField
This enum represents fields of ForInStmtField
This enum represents fields of ForOfStmtField
This enum represents fields of ForStmtField
This enum represents fields of FunctionField
This enum represents fields of GetterPropField
This enum represents fields of IdentField
This enum represents fields of IfStmtField
This enum represents fields of ImportDeclField
This enum represents fields of ImportField
This enum represents fields of ImportSpecifierField
This enum represents fields of InvalidField
This enum represents fields of JSXAttrField
This enum represents fields of JSXAttrNameField
This enum represents fields of JSXAttrOrSpreadField
This enum represents fields of JSXAttrValueField
This enum represents fields of JSXClosingElementField
This enum represents fields of JSXClosingFragmentField
This enum represents fields of JSXElementChildField
This enum represents fields of JSXElementField
This enum represents fields of JSXElementNameField
This enum represents fields of JSXEmptyExprField
This enum represents fields of JSXExprContainerField
This enum represents fields of JSXExprField
This enum represents fields of JSXFragmentField
This enum represents fields of JSXMemberExprField
This enum represents fields of JSXNamespacedNameField
This enum represents fields of JSXObjectField
This enum represents fields of JSXOpeningElementField
This enum represents fields of JSXOpeningFragmentField
This enum represents fields of JSXSpreadChildField
This enum represents fields of JSXTextField
This enum represents fields of KeyValuePatPropField
This enum represents fields of KeyValuePropField
This enum represents fields of LabeledStmtField
This enum represents fields of LitField
This enum represents fields of MemberExprField
This enum represents fields of MemberPropField
This enum represents fields of MetaPropExprField
This enum represents fields of MethodPropField
This enum represents fields of ModuleDeclField
This enum represents fields of ModuleExportNameField
This enum represents fields of ModuleField
This enum represents fields of ModuleItemField
This enum represents fields of NamedExportField
This enum represents fields of NewExprField
This enum represents fields of NullField
This enum represents fields of NumberField
This enum represents fields of ObjectLitField
This enum represents fields of ObjectPatField
This enum represents fields of ObjectPatPropField
This enum represents fields of OptCallField
This enum represents fields of OptChainBaseField
This enum represents fields of OptChainExprField
This enum represents fields of ParamField
This enum represents fields of ParamOrTsParamPropField
This enum represents fields of ParenExprField
This enum represents fields of PatField
This enum represents fields of PatOrExprField
This enum represents fields of PrivateMethodField
This enum represents fields of PrivateNameField
This enum represents fields of PrivatePropField
This enum represents fields of ProgramField
This enum represents fields of PropField
This enum represents fields of PropNameField
This enum represents fields of PropOrSpreadField
This enum represents fields of RegexField
This enum represents fields of ReservedUnusedField
This enum represents fields of RestPatField
This enum represents fields of ReturnStmtField
This enum represents fields of ScriptField
This enum represents fields of SeqExprField
This enum represents fields of SetterPropField
This enum represents fields of SpreadElementField
This enum represents fields of StaticBlockField
This enum represents fields of StmtField
This enum represents fields of StrField
This enum represents fields of SuperField
This enum represents fields of SuperPropExprField
This enum represents fields of SuperPropField
This enum represents fields of SwitchCaseField
This enum represents fields of SwitchStmtField
This enum represents fields of TaggedTplField
This enum represents fields of ThisExprField
This enum represents fields of ThrowStmtField
This enum represents fields of TplElementField
This enum represents fields of TplField
This enum represents fields of TryStmtField
This enum represents fields of TsArrayTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsAsExprField
This enum represents fields of TsConditionalTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsConstAssertionField
This enum represents fields of TsConstructorTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsEntityNameField
This enum represents fields of TsEnumDeclField
This enum represents fields of TsEnumMemberField
This enum represents fields of TsEnumMemberIdField
This enum represents fields of TsExportAssignmentField
This enum represents fields of TsExprWithTypeArgsField
This enum represents fields of TsFnParamField
This enum represents fields of TsFnTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsGetterSignatureField
This enum represents fields of TsImportEqualsDeclField
This enum represents fields of TsImportTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsIndexSignatureField
This enum represents fields of TsInferTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsInstantiationField
This enum represents fields of TsInterfaceBodyField
This enum represents fields of TsInterfaceDeclField
This enum represents fields of TsIntersectionTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsKeywordTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsLitField
This enum represents fields of TsLitTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsMappedTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsMethodSignatureField
This enum represents fields of TsModuleBlockField
This enum represents fields of TsModuleDeclField
This enum represents fields of TsModuleNameField
This enum represents fields of TsModuleRefField
This enum represents fields of TsNamespaceBodyField
This enum represents fields of TsNamespaceDeclField
This enum represents fields of TsNonNullExprField
This enum represents fields of TsOptionalTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsParamPropField
This enum represents fields of TsParamPropParamField
This enum represents fields of TsQualifiedNameField
This enum represents fields of TsRestTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsSetterSignatureField
This enum represents fields of TsThisTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsThisTypeOrIdentField
This enum represents fields of TsTplLitTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsTupleElementField
This enum represents fields of TsTupleTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsTypeAliasDeclField
This enum represents fields of TsTypeAnnField
This enum represents fields of TsTypeAssertionField
This enum represents fields of TsTypeElementField
This enum represents fields of TsTypeField
This enum represents fields of TsTypeLitField
This enum represents fields of TsTypeOperatorField
This enum represents fields of TsTypeParamDeclField
This enum represents fields of TsTypeParamField
This enum represents fields of TsTypePredicateField
This enum represents fields of TsTypeQueryExprField
This enum represents fields of TsTypeQueryField
This enum represents fields of TsTypeRefField
This enum represents fields of TsUnionTypeField
This enum represents fields of UnaryExprField
This enum represents fields of UpdateExprField
This enum represents fields of VarDeclField
This enum represents fields of VarDeclOrExprField
This enum represents fields of VarDeclOrPatField
This enum represents fields of VarDeclaratorField
This enum represents fields of WhileStmtField
This enum represents fields of WithStmtField
This enum represents fields of YieldExprField