Module wasm

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FeatureDescriptionAlso Enables
atomicsEnable Atomics.
bulk-memoryEnable bulk memory operations.
exception-handlingEnable Wasm exception handling.
multivalueEnable multivalue blocks, instructions, and functions.
mutable-globalsEnable mutable globals.
nontrapping-fptointEnable non-trapping float-to-int conversion operators.
reference-typesEnable reference types.
relaxed-simdEnable relaxed-simd instructions.
sign-extEnable sign extension operators.
simd128Enable 128-bit SIMD.
crt-staticEnables C Run-time Libraries to be statically linked.

This is often empirical, rather than specified in any standard, i.e. all available CPUs with a particular feature also have another feature.


CPUEnabled Features
bleeding-edgeatomics, bulk-memory, mutable-globals, nontrapping-fptoint, sign-ext, simd128
genericmutable-globals, sign-ext