Module tauri_bundler::bundle [−][src]
Expand description
The bundle API.
Bundle | Generated bundle metadata. |
BundleBinary | A binary to bundle. |
BundleSettings | The bundle settings of the BuildArtifact we’re bundling. |
DebianSettings | The Linux debian bundle settings. |
MacOsSettings | The macOS bundle settings. |
PackageSettings | The package settings. |
Settings | The Settings exposed by the module. |
SettingsBuilder | A builder for |
UpdaterSettings | The updater settings. |
WindowsSettings | The Windows bundle settings. |
WixSettings | Settings specific to the WiX implementation. |
AppCategory | The possible app categories.
Corresponds to |
PackageType | The type of the package we’re bundling. |
bundle_project | Bundles the project. Returns the list of paths where the bundles can be found. |
check_icons | Check to see if there are icons in the settings struct |