pub trait WindowBuilder: WindowBuilderBase {
Show 23 methods // Required methods fn new() -> Self; fn with_config(config: WindowConfig) -> Self; fn menu(self, menu: Menu) -> Self; fn center(self) -> Self; fn position(self, x: f64, y: f64) -> Self; fn inner_size(self, width: f64, height: f64) -> Self; fn min_inner_size(self, min_width: f64, min_height: f64) -> Self; fn max_inner_size(self, max_width: f64, max_height: f64) -> Self; fn resizable(self, resizable: bool) -> Self; fn title<S: Into<String>>(self, title: S) -> Self; fn fullscreen(self, fullscreen: bool) -> Self; fn focus(self) -> Self; fn maximized(self, maximized: bool) -> Self; fn visible(self, visible: bool) -> Self; fn transparent(self, transparent: bool) -> Self; fn decorations(self, decorations: bool) -> Self; fn always_on_top(self, always_on_top: bool) -> Self; fn icon(self, icon: Icon) -> Result<Self>; fn skip_taskbar(self, skip: bool) -> Self; fn parent_window(self, parent: *mut c_void) -> Self; fn theme(self, theme: Option<Theme>) -> Self; fn has_icon(&self) -> bool; fn get_menu(&self) -> Option<&Menu>;
Expand description

A builder for all attributes related to a single webview.

This trait is only meant to be implemented by a custom Runtime and not by applications.

Required Methods§


fn new() -> Self

Initializes a new window attributes builder.


fn with_config(config: WindowConfig) -> Self

Initializes a new webview builder from a WindowConfig


fn menu(self, menu: Menu) -> Self

Sets the menu for the window.


fn center(self) -> Self

Show window in the center of the screen.


fn position(self, x: f64, y: f64) -> Self

The initial position of the window’s.


fn inner_size(self, width: f64, height: f64) -> Self

Window size.


fn min_inner_size(self, min_width: f64, min_height: f64) -> Self

Window min inner size.


fn max_inner_size(self, max_width: f64, max_height: f64) -> Self

Window max inner size.


fn resizable(self, resizable: bool) -> Self

Whether the window is resizable or not.


fn title<S: Into<String>>(self, title: S) -> Self

The title of the window in the title bar.


fn fullscreen(self, fullscreen: bool) -> Self

Whether to start the window in fullscreen or not.


fn focus(self) -> Self

Whether the window will be initially hidden or focused.


fn maximized(self, maximized: bool) -> Self

Whether the window should be maximized upon creation.


fn visible(self, visible: bool) -> Self

Whether the window should be immediately visible upon creation.


fn transparent(self, transparent: bool) -> Self

Available on non-macOS or crate feature macos-private-api only.

Whether the window should be transparent. If this is true, writing colors with alpha values different than 1.0 will produce a transparent window.


fn decorations(self, decorations: bool) -> Self

Whether the window should have borders and bars.


fn always_on_top(self, always_on_top: bool) -> Self

Whether the window should always be on top of other windows.


fn icon(self, icon: Icon) -> Result<Self>

Sets the window icon.


fn skip_taskbar(self, skip: bool) -> Self

Sets whether or not the window icon should be added to the taskbar.


fn parent_window(self, parent: *mut c_void) -> Self

Sets a parent to the window to be created.

A child window has the WS_CHILD style and is confined to the client area of its parent window.

For more information, see


fn theme(self, theme: Option<Theme>) -> Self

Forces a theme or uses the system settings if None was provided.


fn has_icon(&self) -> bool

Whether the icon was set or not.


fn get_menu(&self) -> Option<&Menu>

Gets the window menu.
