pub trait WindowBuilder: WindowBuilderBase {
Show 23 methods fn new() -> Self; fn with_config(config: WindowConfig) -> Self; fn menu(self, menu: Menu) -> Self; fn center(self) -> Self; fn position(self, x: f64, y: f64) -> Self; fn inner_size(self, width: f64, height: f64) -> Self; fn min_inner_size(self, min_width: f64, min_height: f64) -> Self; fn max_inner_size(self, max_width: f64, max_height: f64) -> Self; fn resizable(self, resizable: bool) -> Self; fn title<S: Into<String>>(self, title: S) -> Self; fn fullscreen(self, fullscreen: bool) -> Self; fn focus(self) -> Self; fn maximized(self, maximized: bool) -> Self; fn visible(self, visible: bool) -> Self; fn transparent(self, transparent: bool) -> Self; fn decorations(self, decorations: bool) -> Self; fn always_on_top(self, always_on_top: bool) -> Self; fn icon(self, icon: Icon) -> Result<Self>; fn skip_taskbar(self, skip: bool) -> Self; fn parent_window(self, parent: *mut c_void) -> Self; fn theme(self, theme: Option<Theme>) -> Self; fn has_icon(&self) -> bool; fn get_menu(&self) -> Option<&Menu>;
Expand description

A builder for all attributes related to a single webview.

This trait is only meant to be implemented by a custom Runtime and not by applications.

Required Methods

Initializes a new window attributes builder.

Initializes a new webview builder from a WindowConfig

Sets the menu for the window.

Show window in the center of the screen.

The initial position of the window’s.

Window size.

Window min inner size.

Window max inner size.

Whether the window is resizable or not.

The title of the window in the title bar.

Whether to start the window in fullscreen or not.

Whether the window will be initially hidden or focused.

Whether the window should be maximized upon creation.

Whether the window should be immediately visible upon creation.

Available on non-macOS or crate feature macos-private-api only.

Whether the the window should be transparent. If this is true, writing colors with alpha values different than 1.0 will produce a transparent window.

Whether the window should have borders and bars.

Whether the window should always be on top of other windows.

Sets the window icon.

Sets whether or not the window icon should be added to the taskbar.

Sets a parent to the window to be created.

A child window has the WS_CHILD style and is confined to the client area of its parent window.

For more information, see

Forces a theme or uses the system settings if None was provided.

Whether the icon was set or not.

Gets the window menu.
