//! Generated by `codegen_payloads`, do not edit by hand.
use serde::Serialize;
use crate::types::{InputSticker, True, UserId};
impl_payload! {
@[multipart = sticker]
/// Use this method to add a new sticker to a set created by the bot. Emoji sticker sets can have up to 200 stickers. Other sticker sets can have up to 120 stickers. Returns True on success.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)]
pub AddStickerToSet (AddStickerToSetSetters) => True {
required {
/// User identifier of sticker file owner
pub user_id: UserId,
/// Sticker set name
pub name: String [into],
/// A JSON-serialized object with information about the added sticker. If exactly the same sticker had already been added to the set, then the set isn't changed.
pub sticker: InputSticker,