Function fill

pub fn fill<'a, Opt>(text: &str, width_or_options: Opt) -> String
where Opt: Into<Options<'a>>,
Expand description

Fill a line of text at a given width.

The result is a String, complete with newlines between each line. Use wrap() if you need access to the individual lines.

The easiest way to use this function is to pass an integer for width_or_options:

use textwrap::fill;

    fill("Memory safety without garbage collection.", 15),
    "Memory safety\nwithout garbage\ncollection."

If you need to customize the wrapping, you can pass an Options instead of an usize:

use textwrap::{fill, Options};

let options = Options::new(15)
    .initial_indent("- ")
    .subsequent_indent("  ");
    fill("Memory safety without garbage collection.", &options),
    "- Memory safety\n  without\n  garbage\n  collection."