
1// Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
2// Copyright 2020 Yevhenii Reizner
4// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5// found in the LICENSE file.
7// This module is a mix of SkDashPath, SkDashPathEffect, SkContourMeasure and SkPathMeasure.
9use alloc::vec::Vec;
11use arrayref::array_ref;
13use crate::{Path, Point};
15use crate::floating_point::{FiniteF32, NonZeroPositiveF32, NormalizedF32, NormalizedF32Exclusive};
16use crate::path::{PathSegment, PathSegmentsIter, PathVerb};
17use crate::path_builder::PathBuilder;
18use crate::path_geometry;
19use crate::scalar::Scalar;
21#[cfg(all(not(feature = "std"), feature = "no-std-float"))]
22use crate::NoStdFloat;
24/// A stroke dashing properties.
26/// Contains an array of pairs, where the first number indicates an "on" interval
27/// and the second one indicates an "off" interval;
28/// a dash offset value and internal properties.
30/// # Guarantees
32/// - The dash array always have an even number of values.
33/// - All dash array values are finite and >= 0.
34/// - There is at least two dash array values.
35/// - The sum of all dash array values is positive and finite.
36/// - Dash offset is finite.
37#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
38pub struct StrokeDash {
39    array: Vec<f32>,
40    offset: f32,
41    interval_len: NonZeroPositiveF32,
42    first_len: f32, // TODO: PositiveF32
43    first_index: usize,
46impl StrokeDash {
47    /// Creates a new stroke dashing object.
48    pub fn new(dash_array: Vec<f32>, dash_offset: f32) -> Option<Self> {
49        let dash_offset = FiniteF32::new(dash_offset)?;
51        if dash_array.len() < 2 || dash_array.len() % 2 != 0 {
52            return None;
53        }
55        if dash_array.iter().any(|n| *n < 0.0) {
56            return None;
57        }
59        let interval_len: f32 = dash_array.iter().sum();
60        let interval_len = NonZeroPositiveF32::new(interval_len)?;
62        let dash_offset = adjust_dash_offset(dash_offset.get(), interval_len.get());
63        debug_assert!(dash_offset >= 0.0);
64        debug_assert!(dash_offset < interval_len.get());
66        let (first_len, first_index) = find_first_interval(&dash_array, dash_offset);
67        debug_assert!(first_len >= 0.0);
68        debug_assert!(first_index < dash_array.len());
70        Some(StrokeDash {
71            array: dash_array,
72            offset: dash_offset,
73            interval_len,
74            first_len,
75            first_index,
76        })
77    }
81mod tests {
82    use super::*;
83    use alloc::vec;
85    #[test]
86    fn test() {
87        assert_eq!(StrokeDash::new(vec![], 0.0), None);
88        assert_eq!(StrokeDash::new(vec![1.0], 0.0), None);
89        assert_eq!(StrokeDash::new(vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0], 0.0), None);
90        assert_eq!(StrokeDash::new(vec![1.0, -2.0], 0.0), None);
91        assert_eq!(StrokeDash::new(vec![0.0, 0.0], 0.0), None);
92        assert_eq!(StrokeDash::new(vec![1.0, -1.0], 0.0), None);
93        assert_eq!(StrokeDash::new(vec![1.0, 1.0], f32::INFINITY), None);
94        assert_eq!(StrokeDash::new(vec![1.0, f32::INFINITY], 0.0), None);
95    }
97    #[test]
98    fn bug_26() {
99        let mut pb = PathBuilder::new();
100        pb.move_to(665.54, 287.3);
101        pb.line_to(675.67, 273.04);
102        pb.line_to(675.52, 271.32);
103        pb.line_to(674.79, 269.61);
104        pb.line_to(674.05, 268.04);
105        pb.line_to(672.88, 266.47);
106        pb.line_to(671.27, 264.9);
107        let path = pb.finish().unwrap();
109        let stroke_dash = StrokeDash::new(vec![6.0, 4.5], 0.0).unwrap();
111        assert!(path.dash(&stroke_dash, 1.0).is_some());
112    }
115// Adjust phase to be between 0 and len, "flipping" phase if negative.
116// e.g., if len is 100, then phase of -20 (or -120) is equivalent to 80.
117fn adjust_dash_offset(mut offset: f32, len: f32) -> f32 {
118    if offset < 0.0 {
119        offset = -offset;
120        if offset > len {
121            offset %= len;
122        }
124        offset = len - offset;
126        // Due to finite precision, it's possible that phase == len,
127        // even after the subtract (if len >>> phase), so fix that here.
128        debug_assert!(offset <= len);
129        if offset == len {
130            offset = 0.0;
131        }
133        offset
134    } else if offset >= len {
135        offset % len
136    } else {
137        offset
138    }
141fn find_first_interval(dash_array: &[f32], mut dash_offset: f32) -> (f32, usize) {
142    for (i, gap) in dash_array.iter().copied().enumerate() {
143        if dash_offset > gap || (dash_offset == gap && gap != 0.0) {
144            dash_offset -= gap;
145        } else {
146            return (gap - dash_offset, i);
147        }
148    }
150    // If we get here, phase "appears" to be larger than our length. This
151    // shouldn't happen with perfect precision, but we can accumulate errors
152    // during the initial length computation (rounding can make our sum be too
153    // big or too small. In that event, we just have to eat the error here.
154    (dash_array[0], 0)
157impl Path {
158    /// Converts the current path into a dashed one.
159    ///
160    /// `resolution_scale` can be obtained via
161    /// [`compute_resolution_scale`](crate::PathStroker::compute_resolution_scale).
162    ///
163    /// Returns `None` when more than 1_000_000 dashes had to be produced
164    /// or when the final path has an invalid bounding box.
165    pub fn dash(&self, dash: &StrokeDash, resolution_scale: f32) -> Option<Path> {
166        dash_impl(self, dash, resolution_scale)
167    }
170fn dash_impl(src: &Path, dash: &StrokeDash, res_scale: f32) -> Option<Path> {
171    // We do not support the `cull_path` branch here.
172    // Skia has a lot of code for cases when a path contains only a single zero-length line
173    // or when a path is a rect. Not sure why.
174    // We simply ignoring it for the sake of simplicity.
176    // We also doesn't support the `SpecialLineRec` case.
177    // I have no idea what the point in it.
179    fn is_even(x: usize) -> bool {
180        x % 2 == 0
181    }
183    let mut pb = PathBuilder::new();
184    let mut dash_count = 0.0;
185    for contour in ContourMeasureIter::new(src, res_scale) {
186        let mut skip_first_segment = contour.is_closed;
187        let mut added_segment = false;
188        let length = contour.length;
189        let mut index = dash.first_index;
191        // Since the path length / dash length ratio may be arbitrarily large, we can exert
192        // significant memory pressure while attempting to build the filtered path. To avoid this,
193        // we simply give up dashing beyond a certain threshold.
194        //
195        // The original bug report (http://crbug.com/165432) is based on a path yielding more than
196        // 90 million dash segments and crashing the memory allocator. A limit of 1 million
197        // segments seems reasonable: at 2 verbs per segment * 9 bytes per verb, this caps the
198        // maximum dash memory overhead at roughly 17MB per path.
199        const MAX_DASH_COUNT: usize = 1000000;
200        dash_count += length * (dash.array.len() >> 1) as f32 / dash.interval_len.get();
201        if dash_count > MAX_DASH_COUNT as f32 {
202            return None;
203        }
205        // Using double precision to avoid looping indefinitely due to single precision rounding
206        // (for extreme path_length/dash_length ratios). See test_infinite_dash() unittest.
207        let mut distance = 0.0;
208        let mut d_len = dash.first_len;
210        while distance < length {
211            debug_assert!(d_len >= 0.0);
212            added_segment = false;
213            if is_even(index) && !skip_first_segment {
214                added_segment = true;
215                contour.push_segment(distance, distance + d_len, true, &mut pb);
216            }
218            distance += d_len;
220            // clear this so we only respect it the first time around
221            skip_first_segment = false;
223            // wrap around our intervals array if necessary
224            index += 1;
225            debug_assert!(index <= dash.array.len());
226            if index == dash.array.len() {
227                index = 0;
228            }
230            // fetch our next d_len
231            d_len = dash.array[index];
232        }
234        // extend if we ended on a segment and we need to join up with the (skipped) initial segment
235        if contour.is_closed && is_even(dash.first_index) && dash.first_len >= 0.0 {
236            contour.push_segment(0.0, dash.first_len, !added_segment, &mut pb);
237        }
238    }
240    pb.finish()
243const MAX_T_VALUE: u32 = 0x3FFFFFFF;
245struct ContourMeasureIter<'a> {
246    iter: PathSegmentsIter<'a>,
247    tolerance: f32,
250impl<'a> ContourMeasureIter<'a> {
251    fn new(path: &'a Path, res_scale: f32) -> Self {
252        // can't use tangents, since we need [0..1..................2] to be seen
253        // as definitely not a line (it is when drawn, but not parametrically)
254        // so we compare midpoints
255        const CHEAP_DIST_LIMIT: f32 = 0.5; // just made this value up
257        ContourMeasureIter {
258            iter: path.segments(),
259            tolerance: CHEAP_DIST_LIMIT * res_scale.invert(),
260        }
261    }
264impl Iterator for ContourMeasureIter<'_> {
265    type Item = ContourMeasure;
267    // If it encounters a zero-length contour, it is skipped.
268    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
269        // Note:
270        // as we accumulate distance, we have to check that the result of +=
271        // actually made it larger, since a very small delta might be > 0, but
272        // still have no effect on distance (if distance >>> delta).
273        //
274        // We do this check below, and in compute_quad_segs and compute_cubic_segs
276        let mut contour = ContourMeasure::default();
278        let mut point_index = 0;
279        let mut distance = 0.0;
280        let mut have_seen_close = false;
281        let mut prev_p = Point::zero();
282        while let Some(seg) = self.iter.next() {
283            match seg {
284                PathSegment::MoveTo(p0) => {
285                    contour.points.push(p0);
286                    prev_p = p0;
287                }
288                PathSegment::LineTo(p0) => {
289                    let prev_d = distance;
290                    distance = contour.compute_line_seg(prev_p, p0, distance, point_index);
292                    if distance > prev_d {
293                        contour.points.push(p0);
294                        point_index += 1;
295                    }
297                    prev_p = p0;
298                }
299                PathSegment::QuadTo(p0, p1) => {
300                    let prev_d = distance;
301                    distance = contour.compute_quad_segs(
302                        prev_p,
303                        p0,
304                        p1,
305                        distance,
306                        0,
307                        MAX_T_VALUE,
308                        point_index,
309                        self.tolerance,
310                    );
312                    if distance > prev_d {
313                        contour.points.push(p0);
314                        contour.points.push(p1);
315                        point_index += 2;
316                    }
318                    prev_p = p1;
319                }
320                PathSegment::CubicTo(p0, p1, p2) => {
321                    let prev_d = distance;
322                    distance = contour.compute_cubic_segs(
323                        prev_p,
324                        p0,
325                        p1,
326                        p2,
327                        distance,
328                        0,
329                        MAX_T_VALUE,
330                        point_index,
331                        self.tolerance,
332                    );
334                    if distance > prev_d {
335                        contour.points.push(p0);
336                        contour.points.push(p1);
337                        contour.points.push(p2);
338                        point_index += 3;
339                    }
341                    prev_p = p2;
342                }
343                PathSegment::Close => {
344                    have_seen_close = true;
345                }
346            }
348            // TODO: to contour iter?
349            if self.iter.next_verb() == Some(PathVerb::Move) {
350                break;
351            }
352        }
354        if !distance.is_finite() {
355            return None;
356        }
358        if have_seen_close {
359            let prev_d = distance;
360            let first_pt = contour.points[0];
361            distance = contour.compute_line_seg(
362                contour.points[point_index],
363                first_pt,
364                distance,
365                point_index,
366            );
368            if distance > prev_d {
369                contour.points.push(first_pt);
370            }
371        }
373        contour.length = distance;
374        contour.is_closed = have_seen_close;
376        if contour.points.is_empty() {
377            None
378        } else {
379            Some(contour)
380        }
381    }
384#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
385enum SegmentType {
386    Line,
387    Quad,
388    Cubic,
391#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
392struct Segment {
393    distance: f32,      // total distance up to this point
394    point_index: usize, // index into the ContourMeasure::points array
395    t_value: u32,
396    kind: SegmentType,
399impl Segment {
400    fn scalar_t(&self) -> f32 {
401        debug_assert!(self.t_value <= MAX_T_VALUE);
402        // 1/kMaxTValue can't be represented as a float, but it's close and the limits work fine.
403        const MAX_T_RECIPROCAL: f32 = 1.0 / MAX_T_VALUE as f32;
404        self.t_value as f32 * MAX_T_RECIPROCAL
405    }
408#[derive(Default, Debug)]
409struct ContourMeasure {
410    segments: Vec<Segment>,
411    points: Vec<Point>,
412    length: f32,
413    is_closed: bool,
416impl ContourMeasure {
417    fn push_segment(
418        &self,
419        mut start_d: f32,
420        mut stop_d: f32,
421        start_with_move_to: bool,
422        pb: &mut PathBuilder,
423    ) {
424        if start_d < 0.0 {
425            start_d = 0.0;
426        }
428        if stop_d > self.length {
429            stop_d = self.length;
430        }
432        if !(start_d <= stop_d) {
433            // catch NaN values as well
434            return;
435        }
437        if self.segments.is_empty() {
438            return;
439        }
441        let (seg_index, mut start_t) = match self.distance_to_segment(start_d) {
442            Some(v) => v,
443            None => return,
444        };
445        let mut seg = self.segments[seg_index];
447        let (stop_seg_index, stop_t) = match self.distance_to_segment(stop_d) {
448            Some(v) => v,
449            None => return,
450        };
451        let stop_seg = self.segments[stop_seg_index];
453        debug_assert!(stop_seg_index <= stop_seg_index);
454        let mut p = Point::zero();
455        if start_with_move_to {
456            compute_pos_tan(
457                &self.points[seg.point_index..],
458                seg.kind,
459                start_t,
460                Some(&mut p),
461                None,
462            );
463            pb.move_to(p.x, p.y);
464        }
466        if seg.point_index == stop_seg.point_index {
467            segment_to(
468                &self.points[seg.point_index..],
469                seg.kind,
470                start_t,
471                stop_t,
472                pb,
473            );
474        } else {
475            let mut new_seg_index = seg_index;
476            loop {
477                segment_to(
478                    &self.points[seg.point_index..],
479                    seg.kind,
480                    start_t,
481                    NormalizedF32::ONE,
482                    pb,
483                );
485                let old_point_index = seg.point_index;
486                loop {
487                    new_seg_index += 1;
488                    if self.segments[new_seg_index].point_index != old_point_index {
489                        break;
490                    }
491                }
492                seg = self.segments[new_seg_index];
494                start_t = NormalizedF32::ZERO;
496                if seg.point_index >= stop_seg.point_index {
497                    break;
498                }
499            }
501            segment_to(
502                &self.points[seg.point_index..],
503                seg.kind,
504                NormalizedF32::ZERO,
505                stop_t,
506                pb,
507            );
508        }
509    }
511    fn distance_to_segment(&self, distance: f32) -> Option<(usize, NormalizedF32)> {
512        debug_assert!(distance >= 0.0 && distance <= self.length);
514        let mut index = find_segment(&self.segments, distance);
515        // don't care if we hit an exact match or not, so we xor index if it is negative
516        index ^= index >> 31;
517        let index = index as usize;
518        let seg = self.segments[index];
520        // now interpolate t-values with the prev segment (if possible)
521        let mut start_t = 0.0;
522        let mut start_d = 0.0;
523        // check if the prev segment is legal, and references the same set of points
524        if index > 0 {
525            start_d = self.segments[index - 1].distance;
526            if self.segments[index - 1].point_index == seg.point_index {
527                debug_assert!(self.segments[index - 1].kind == seg.kind);
528                start_t = self.segments[index - 1].scalar_t();
529            }
530        }
532        debug_assert!(seg.scalar_t() > start_t);
533        debug_assert!(distance >= start_d);
534        debug_assert!(seg.distance > start_d);
536        let t =
537            start_t + (seg.scalar_t() - start_t) * (distance - start_d) / (seg.distance - start_d);
538        let t = NormalizedF32::new(t)?;
539        Some((index, t))
540    }
542    fn compute_line_seg(
543        &mut self,
544        p0: Point,
545        p1: Point,
546        mut distance: f32,
547        point_index: usize,
548    ) -> f32 {
549        let d = p0.distance(p1);
550        debug_assert!(d >= 0.0);
551        let prev_d = distance;
552        distance += d;
553        if distance > prev_d {
554            debug_assert!(point_index < self.points.len());
555            self.segments.push(Segment {
556                distance,
557                point_index,
558                t_value: MAX_T_VALUE,
559                kind: SegmentType::Line,
560            });
561        }
563        distance
564    }
566    fn compute_quad_segs(
567        &mut self,
568        p0: Point,
569        p1: Point,
570        p2: Point,
571        mut distance: f32,
572        min_t: u32,
573        max_t: u32,
574        point_index: usize,
575        tolerance: f32,
576    ) -> f32 {
577        if t_span_big_enough(max_t - min_t) != 0 && quad_too_curvy(p0, p1, p2, tolerance) {
578            let mut tmp = [Point::zero(); 5];
579            let half_t = (min_t + max_t) >> 1;
581            path_geometry::chop_quad_at(&[p0, p1, p2], NormalizedF32Exclusive::HALF, &mut tmp);
582            distance = self.compute_quad_segs(
583                tmp[0],
584                tmp[1],
585                tmp[2],
586                distance,
587                min_t,
588                half_t,
589                point_index,
590                tolerance,
591            );
592            distance = self.compute_quad_segs(
593                tmp[2],
594                tmp[3],
595                tmp[4],
596                distance,
597                half_t,
598                max_t,
599                point_index,
600                tolerance,
601            );
602        } else {
603            let d = p0.distance(p2);
604            let prev_d = distance;
605            distance += d;
606            if distance > prev_d {
607                debug_assert!(point_index < self.points.len());
608                self.segments.push(Segment {
609                    distance,
610                    point_index,
611                    t_value: max_t,
612                    kind: SegmentType::Quad,
613                });
614            }
615        }
617        distance
618    }
620    fn compute_cubic_segs(
621        &mut self,
622        p0: Point,
623        p1: Point,
624        p2: Point,
625        p3: Point,
626        mut distance: f32,
627        min_t: u32,
628        max_t: u32,
629        point_index: usize,
630        tolerance: f32,
631    ) -> f32 {
632        if t_span_big_enough(max_t - min_t) != 0 && cubic_too_curvy(p0, p1, p2, p3, tolerance) {
633            let mut tmp = [Point::zero(); 7];
634            let half_t = (min_t + max_t) >> 1;
636            path_geometry::chop_cubic_at2(
637                &[p0, p1, p2, p3],
638                NormalizedF32Exclusive::HALF,
639                &mut tmp,
640            );
641            distance = self.compute_cubic_segs(
642                tmp[0],
643                tmp[1],
644                tmp[2],
645                tmp[3],
646                distance,
647                min_t,
648                half_t,
649                point_index,
650                tolerance,
651            );
652            distance = self.compute_cubic_segs(
653                tmp[3],
654                tmp[4],
655                tmp[5],
656                tmp[6],
657                distance,
658                half_t,
659                max_t,
660                point_index,
661                tolerance,
662            );
663        } else {
664            let d = p0.distance(p3);
665            let prev_d = distance;
666            distance += d;
667            if distance > prev_d {
668                debug_assert!(point_index < self.points.len());
669                self.segments.push(Segment {
670                    distance,
671                    point_index,
672                    t_value: max_t,
673                    kind: SegmentType::Cubic,
674                });
675            }
676        }
678        distance
679    }
682fn find_segment(base: &[Segment], key: f32) -> i32 {
683    let mut lo = 0u32;
684    let mut hi = (base.len() - 1) as u32;
686    while lo < hi {
687        let mid = (hi + lo) >> 1;
688        if base[mid as usize].distance < key {
689            lo = mid + 1;
690        } else {
691            hi = mid;
692        }
693    }
695    if base[hi as usize].distance < key {
696        hi += 1;
697        hi = !hi;
698    } else if key < base[hi as usize].distance {
699        hi = !hi;
700    }
702    hi as i32
705fn compute_pos_tan(
706    points: &[Point],
707    seg_kind: SegmentType,
708    t: NormalizedF32,
709    pos: Option<&mut Point>,
710    tangent: Option<&mut Point>,
711) {
712    match seg_kind {
713        SegmentType::Line => {
714            if let Some(pos) = pos {
715                *pos = Point::from_xy(
716                    interp(points[0].x, points[1].x, t),
717                    interp(points[0].y, points[1].y, t),
718                );
719            }
721            if let Some(tangent) = tangent {
722                tangent.set_normalize(points[1].x - points[0].x, points[1].y - points[0].y);
723            }
724        }
725        SegmentType::Quad => {
726            let src = array_ref![points, 0, 3];
727            if let Some(pos) = pos {
728                *pos = path_geometry::eval_quad_at(src, t);
729            }
731            if let Some(tangent) = tangent {
732                *tangent = path_geometry::eval_quad_tangent_at(src, t);
733                tangent.normalize();
734            }
735        }
736        SegmentType::Cubic => {
737            let src = array_ref![points, 0, 4];
738            if let Some(pos) = pos {
739                *pos = path_geometry::eval_cubic_pos_at(src, t);
740            }
742            if let Some(tangent) = tangent {
743                *tangent = path_geometry::eval_cubic_tangent_at(src, t);
744                tangent.normalize();
745            }
746        }
747    }
750fn segment_to(
751    points: &[Point],
752    seg_kind: SegmentType,
753    start_t: NormalizedF32,
754    stop_t: NormalizedF32,
755    pb: &mut PathBuilder,
756) {
757    debug_assert!(start_t <= stop_t);
759    if start_t == stop_t {
760        if let Some(pt) = pb.last_point() {
761            // If the dash as a zero-length on segment, add a corresponding zero-length line.
762            // The stroke code will add end caps to zero length lines as appropriate.
763            pb.line_to(pt.x, pt.y);
764        }
766        return;
767    }
769    match seg_kind {
770        SegmentType::Line => {
771            if stop_t == NormalizedF32::ONE {
772                pb.line_to(points[1].x, points[1].y);
773            } else {
774                pb.line_to(
775                    interp(points[0].x, points[1].x, stop_t),
776                    interp(points[0].y, points[1].y, stop_t),
777                );
778            }
779        }
780        SegmentType::Quad => {
781            let mut tmp0 = [Point::zero(); 5];
782            let mut tmp1 = [Point::zero(); 5];
783            if start_t == NormalizedF32::ZERO {
784                if stop_t == NormalizedF32::ONE {
785                    pb.quad_to_pt(points[1], points[2]);
786                } else {
787                    let stop_t = NormalizedF32Exclusive::new_bounded(stop_t.get());
788                    path_geometry::chop_quad_at(points, stop_t, &mut tmp0);
789                    pb.quad_to_pt(tmp0[1], tmp0[2]);
790                }
791            } else {
792                let start_tt = NormalizedF32Exclusive::new_bounded(start_t.get());
793                path_geometry::chop_quad_at(points, start_tt, &mut tmp0);
794                if stop_t == NormalizedF32::ONE {
795                    pb.quad_to_pt(tmp0[3], tmp0[4]);
796                } else {
797                    let new_t = (stop_t.get() - start_t.get()) / (1.0 - start_t.get());
798                    let new_t = NormalizedF32Exclusive::new_bounded(new_t);
799                    path_geometry::chop_quad_at(&tmp0[2..], new_t, &mut tmp1);
800                    pb.quad_to_pt(tmp1[1], tmp1[2]);
801                }
802            }
803        }
804        SegmentType::Cubic => {
805            let mut tmp0 = [Point::zero(); 7];
806            let mut tmp1 = [Point::zero(); 7];
807            if start_t == NormalizedF32::ZERO {
808                if stop_t == NormalizedF32::ONE {
809                    pb.cubic_to_pt(points[1], points[2], points[3]);
810                } else {
811                    let stop_t = NormalizedF32Exclusive::new_bounded(stop_t.get());
812                    path_geometry::chop_cubic_at2(array_ref![points, 0, 4], stop_t, &mut tmp0);
813                    pb.cubic_to_pt(tmp0[1], tmp0[2], tmp0[3]);
814                }
815            } else {
816                let start_tt = NormalizedF32Exclusive::new_bounded(start_t.get());
817                path_geometry::chop_cubic_at2(array_ref![points, 0, 4], start_tt, &mut tmp0);
818                if stop_t == NormalizedF32::ONE {
819                    pb.cubic_to_pt(tmp0[4], tmp0[5], tmp0[6]);
820                } else {
821                    let new_t = (stop_t.get() - start_t.get()) / (1.0 - start_t.get());
822                    let new_t = NormalizedF32Exclusive::new_bounded(new_t);
823                    path_geometry::chop_cubic_at2(array_ref![tmp0, 3, 4], new_t, &mut tmp1);
824                    pb.cubic_to_pt(tmp1[1], tmp1[2], tmp1[3]);
825                }
826            }
827        }
828    }
831fn t_span_big_enough(t_span: u32) -> u32 {
832    debug_assert!(t_span <= MAX_T_VALUE);
833    t_span >> 10
836fn quad_too_curvy(p0: Point, p1: Point, p2: Point, tolerance: f32) -> bool {
837    // diff = (a/4 + b/2 + c/4) - (a/2 + c/2)
838    // diff = -a/4 + b/2 - c/4
839    let dx = (p1.x).half() - (p0.x + p2.x).half().half();
840    let dy = (p1.y).half() - (p0.y + p2.y).half().half();
842    let dist = dx.abs().max(dy.abs());
843    dist > tolerance
846fn cubic_too_curvy(p0: Point, p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point, tolerance: f32) -> bool {
847    let n0 = cheap_dist_exceeds_limit(
848        p1,
849        interp_safe(p0.x, p3.x, 1.0 / 3.0),
850        interp_safe(p0.y, p3.y, 1.0 / 3.0),
851        tolerance,
852    );
854    let n1 = cheap_dist_exceeds_limit(
855        p2,
856        interp_safe(p0.x, p3.x, 2.0 / 3.0),
857        interp_safe(p0.y, p3.y, 2.0 / 3.0),
858        tolerance,
859    );
861    n0 || n1
864fn cheap_dist_exceeds_limit(pt: Point, x: f32, y: f32, tolerance: f32) -> bool {
865    let dist = (x - pt.x).abs().max((y - pt.y).abs());
866    // just made up the 1/2
867    dist > tolerance
870/// Linearly interpolate between A and B, based on t.
872/// If t is 0, return A. If t is 1, return B else interpolate.
873fn interp(a: f32, b: f32, t: NormalizedF32) -> f32 {
874    a + (b - a) * t.get()
877fn interp_safe(a: f32, b: f32, t: f32) -> f32 {
878    debug_assert!(t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0);
879    a + (b - a) * t