Function serve

pub fn serve<S>(listener: TcpListener, service: S) -> Serve<S>
where S: Service<Request> + Send + Clone + 'static, S::Future: Send, S::Response: Respondable, S::Error: Respondable,
Expand description

Starts a server that listens on the provided TcpListener and handles requests using the given service.

§Type Parameters

  • S: The type of the service that processes incoming requests. It must implement the Service trait for requests of type Request<Box<[u8]>>.


  • listener: A tokio::net::TcpListener instance used to accept incoming TCP connections.
  • service: An implementation of the Service trait to handle the requests.


  • S: The service must:
    • Implement the Service trait for Request<Box<[u8]>>.
    • Be both Send and Clone.
    • Have a 'static lifetime.
  • The associated std::future::Future type of the service must be Send.
  • The associated Response and Error types of the service must implement Respondable.


A Serve instance that drives the server.


use titan_server::{serve};
use titan_core::{Respondable,Service};
use titan_http::Request;
use std::{future::Future, task::Poll, pin::Pin};
use tokio::net::TcpListener;

struct MyService;

impl Service<Request> for MyService {
    type Response = &'static str;
    type Error = ();
    type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send>>;

 fn poll_ready(
  &mut self,
  _cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
 ) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    fn call(&mut self, req: Request) -> Self::Future {
        // Process the request and return a future
        Box::pin(async move {Ok("testing")})

async fn main() {
  let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
  let service = MyService;
  // Uncomment the last part in your app
  serve(listener, service); // .await.unwrap();


Any errors from the underlying network layer or service will be propagated and should be handled appropriately.

§See Also

  • TcpListener: For details on how to set up a TCP listener.
  • Service: For implementing request handling logic.
  • Respondable: For implementing custom response and error types.