
Function clock_to_4digits

pub fn clock_to_4digits(hour: u8, minute: u8, colon: bool) -> [u8; 4]
Expand description

Formats two u8s between 0 and 99, with an optional colon between them.

This will only work for 4-digit displays where there’s a physical colon, and that colon acts as the decimal dot between the 2nd and 3rd digit.


Let’s create a clock displaying 12:34 with a blinking colon:

use tm1637_embedded_hal::{formatters::clock_to_4digits, mock::Noop, TM1637Builder};
use embedded_hal::delay::DelayNs;

let mut delay = Noop;

let mut tm = TM1637Builder::new(Noop, Noop, Noop).build_blocking::<4>();


for hour in 12..24 {
    for minute in 34..60 {
        for second in 0..120 {
            let blink = second % 2 == 0;
            let segs = clock_to_4digits(hour, minute, blink);

            tm.display_slice(0, &segs).ok();
