Module formatters

Available on crate feature formatters only.
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Format numbers into byte arrays.

Functions for converting numbers (i8s, i16s, i32s or f32s) into arrays of bytes that can be sent to a TM1637 display.

There are versions of these functions that are meant for 4-digit displays and for 6-digit displays. The 6-digit versions take into account that the order of the bytes does not drectly correlate with the order of the physical digits.

All numbers are aligned to the right.


tm.write_bytes_raw(0, i16_to_4digits(1234));

This module is only available when the formatters feature of this library is activated.


Formats a i8 clamped between -9 and 99, appending the degrees symbol (°) and an uppercase C, for a 4-digit display.
Formats two u8s between 0 and 99, with an optional colon between them.
Formats a i16 clamped between -99 and 999, appending the degrees symbol (°), for a 4-digit display.
Formats a f32 with the given amount of decimal digits, for a 6-digit display.
Formats a i16 clamped between -999 and 9999, for a 4-digit display.
Formats a i16 clamped between -999 and 9999, for an upside-down 4-digit display.
Formats a i32 clamped between -99999 and 999999, for a 6-digit display.