Function tobj::load_obj_buf_async

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pub async fn load_obj_buf_async<B, ML, MLFut>(
    reader: &mut B,
    load_options: &LoadOptions,
    material_loader: ML
) -> LoadResult
where B: BufRead, ML: Fn(String) -> MLFut, MLFut: Future<Output = MTLLoadResult>,
Expand description

Load the various meshes in an OBJ buffer.

This could e.g. be a text file already in memory, a file loaded asynchronously over the network etc.


You must pass a material_loader function, which will return a future that loads a material given a name.

A trivial material loader may just look at the file name and then call load_mtl_buf with the in-memory MTL file source.

Alternatively it could pass an MTL file in memory to load_mtl_buf to parse materials from some buffer.

  • load_options – Governs on-the-fly processing of the mesh during loading. See LoadOptions for more information.


The test for load_obj_buf includes the OBJ and MTL files as strings and uses a Cursor to provide a BufRead interface on the buffer.

async {
    use std::{env, fs::File, io::BufReader};

    let dir = env::current_dir().unwrap();
    let mut cornell_box_obj = dir.clone();
    let mut cornell_box_file = BufReader::new(File::open(cornell_box_obj.as_path()).unwrap());

    let m =
        tobj::load_obj_buf_async(&mut cornell_box_file, &tobj::GPU_LOAD_OPTIONS, move |p| {
            let dir_clone = dir.clone();
            async move {
                let mut cornell_box_mtl1 = dir_clone.clone();

                let mut cornell_box_mtl2 = dir_clone.clone();

                match p.as_str() {
                    "cornell_box.mtl" => {
                        let f = File::open(cornell_box_mtl1.as_path()).unwrap();
                        tobj::load_mtl_buf(&mut BufReader::new(f))
                    "cornell_box2.mtl" => {
                        let f = File::open(cornell_box_mtl2.as_path()).unwrap();
                        tobj::load_mtl_buf(&mut BufReader::new(f))
                    _ => unreachable!(),