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#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/tokio-executor/0.2.0-alpha.6")]
attr(deny(warnings, rust_2018_idioms), allow(dead_code, unused_variables))
//! Task execution related traits and utilities.
//! In the Tokio execution model, futures are lazy. When a future is created, no
//! work is performed. In order for the work defined by the future to happen,
//! the future must be submitted to an executor. A future that is submitted to
//! an executor is called a "task".
//! The executor is responsible for ensuring that [`Future::poll`] is called
//! whenever the task is notified. Notification happens when the internal
//! state of a task transitions from *not ready* to *ready*. For example, a
//! socket might have received data and a call to `read` will now be able to
//! succeed.
//! This crate provides traits and utilities that are necessary for building an
//! executor, including:
//! * The [`Executor`] trait spawns future object onto an executor.
//! * The [`TypedExecutor`] trait spawns futures of a specific type onto an
//! executor. This is used to be generic over executors that spawn futures
//! that are either `Send` or `!Send` or implement executors that apply to
//! specific futures.
//! * [`enter`] marks that the current thread is entering an execution
//! context. This prevents a second executor from accidentally starting from
//! within the context of one that is already running.
//! * [`DefaultExecutor`] spawns tasks onto the default executor for the current
//! context.
//! * [`Park`] abstracts over blocking and unblocking the current thread.
//! # Implementing an executor
//! Executors should always implement `TypedExecutor`. This usually is the bound
//! that applications and libraries will use when generic over an executor. See
//! the [trait documentation][`TypedExecutor`] for more details.
//! If the executor is able to spawn all futures that are `Send`, then the
//! executor should also implement the `Executor` trait. This trait is rarely
//! used directly by applications and libraries. Instead, `tokio::spawn` is
//! configured to dispatch to type that implements `Executor`.
//! [`Executor`]: trait.Executor.html
//! [`TypedExecutor`]: trait.TypedExecutor.html
//! [`enter`]: fn.enter.html
//! [`DefaultExecutor`]: struct.DefaultExecutor.html
//! [`Park`]: park/index.html
//! [`Future::poll`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/future/trait.Future.html#tymethod.poll
#[cfg(any(feature = "current-thread", feature = "threadpool"))]
mod tracing;
mod enter;
mod error;
mod executor;
mod global;
pub mod park;
mod typed;
#[cfg(feature = "blocking")]
pub mod blocking;
#[cfg(feature = "current-thread")]
pub mod current_thread;
#[cfg(feature = "threadpool")]
pub mod threadpool;
pub use crate::enter::{enter, exit, Enter, EnterError};
pub use crate::error::SpawnError;
pub use crate::executor::Executor;
pub use crate::global::{spawn, with_default, DefaultExecutor};
pub use crate::typed::TypedExecutor;
pub use futures_util::future::RemoteHandle;