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//! Event loop that drives Tokio I/O resources. //! //! This module contains [`Reactor`], which is the event loop that drives all //! Tokio I/O resources. It is the reactor's job to receive events from the //! operating system ([epoll], [kqueue], [IOCP], etc...) and forward them to //! waiting tasks. It is the bridge between operating system and the futures //! model. //! //! # Overview //! //! When using Tokio, all operations are asynchronous and represented by //! futures. These futures, representing the application logic, are scheduled by //! an executor (see [runtime model] for more details). Executors wait for //! notifications before scheduling the future for execution time, i.e., nothing //! happens until an event is received indicating that the task can make //! progress. //! //! The reactor receives events from the operating system and notifies the //! executor. //! //! Let's start with a basic example, establishing a TCP connection. //! //! ``` //! use tokio::net::TcpStream; //! //! # async fn process<T>(_t: T) {} //! # async fn dox() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> { //! let stream = TcpStream::connect("").await?; //! //! println!("successfully connected"); //! //! process(stream).await; //! # Ok(()) //! # } //! ``` //! //! Establishing a TCP connection usually cannot be completed immediately. //! [`TcpStream::connect`] does not block the current thread. Instead, it //! returns a [future][connect-future] that resolves once the TCP connection has //! been established. The connect future itself has no way of knowing when the //! TCP connection has been established. //! //! Before returning the future, [`TcpStream::connect`] registers the socket //! with a reactor. This registration process, handled by [`Registration`], is //! what links the [`TcpStream`] with the [`Reactor`] instance. At this point, //! the reactor starts listening for connection events from the operating system //! for that socket. //! //! Once the connect future is passed to [`tokio::run`], it is spawned onto a //! thread pool. The thread pool waits until it is notified that the connection //! has completed. //! //! When the TCP connection is established, the reactor receives an event from //! the operating system. It then notifies the thread pool, telling it that the //! connect future can complete. At this point, the thread pool will schedule //! the task to run on one of its worker threads. This results in the `and_then` //! closure to get executed. //! //! ## Lazy registration //! //! Notice how the snippet above does not explicitly reference a reactor. When //! [`TcpStream::connect`] is called, it registers the socket with a reactor, //! but no reactor is specified. This works because the registration process //! mentioned above is actually lazy. It doesn't *actually* happen in the //! [`connect`] function. Instead, the registration is established the first //! time that the task is polled (again, see [runtime model]). //! //! A reactor instance is automatically made available when using the Tokio //! [runtime], which is done using [`tokio::run`]. The Tokio runtime's executor //! sets a thread-local variable referencing the associated [`Reactor`] instance //! and [`Handle::current`] (used by [`Registration`]) returns the reference. //! //! ## Implementation //! //! The reactor implementation uses [`mio`] to interface with the operating //! system's event queue. A call to [`Reactor::poll`] results in a single //! call to [`Poll::poll`] which in turn results in a single call to the //! operating system's selector. //! //! The reactor maintains state for each registered I/O resource. This tracks //! the executor task to notify when events are provided by the operating //! system's selector. This state is stored in a `Sync` data structure and //! referenced by [`Registration`]. When the [`Registration`] instance is //! dropped, this state is cleaned up. Because the state is stored in a `Sync` //! data structure, the [`Registration`] instance is able to be moved to other //! threads. //! //! By default, a runtime's default reactor runs on a background thread. This //! ensures that application code cannot significantly impact the reactor's //! responsiveness. //! //! ## Integrating with the reactor //! //! Tokio comes with a number of I/O resources, like TCP and UDP sockets, that //! automatically integrate with the reactor. However, library authors or //! applications may wish to implement their own resources that are also backed //! by the reactor. //! //! There are a couple of ways to do this. //! //! If the custom I/O resource implements [`mio::Evented`] and implements //! [`std::io::Read`] and / or [`std::io::Write`], then [`PollEvented`] is the //! most suited. //! //! Otherwise, [`Registration`] can be used directly. This provides the lowest //! level primitive needed for integrating with the reactor: a stream of //! readiness events. //! //! [`Reactor`]: struct.Reactor.html //! [`Registration`]: struct.Registration.html //! [runtime model]: https://tokio.rs/docs/internals/runtime-model/ //! [epoll]: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/epoll.7.html //! [kqueue]: https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=kqueue&sektion=2 //! [IOCP]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365198(v=vs.85).aspx //! [`TcpStream::connect`]: ../net/struct.TcpStream.html#method.connect //! [`connect`]: ../net/struct.TcpStream.html#method.connect //! [connect-future]: ../net/struct.ConnectFuture.html //! [`tokio::run`]: ../runtime/fn.run.html //! [`TcpStream`]: ../net/struct.TcpStream.html //! [runtime]: ../runtime //! [`Handle::current`]: struct.Handle.html#method.current //! [`mio`]: https://github.com/carllerche/mio //! [`Reactor::poll`]: struct.Reactor.html#method.poll //! [`Poll::poll`]: https://docs.rs/mio/0.6/mio/struct.Poll.html#method.poll //! [`mio::Evented`]: https://docs.rs/mio/0.6/mio/trait.Evented.html //! [`PollEvented`]: struct.PollEvented.html //! [`std::io::Read`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/trait.Read.html //! [`std::io::Write`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/trait.Write.html pub(crate) mod platform; mod reactor; mod registration; mod sharded_rwlock; pub use self::reactor::{set_default, DefaultGuard, Handle, Reactor}; pub use self::registration::Registration;