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//! TCP bindings for `tokio`. //! //! This module contains the TCP networking types, similar to the standard //! library, which can be used to implement networking protocols. //! //! Connecting to an address, via TCP, can be done using [`TcpStream`]'s //! [`connect`] method, which returns a future which returns a `TcpStream`. //! //! To listen on an address [`TcpListener`] can be used. `TcpListener`'s //! [`incoming`][incoming_method] method can be used to accept new connections. //! It return the [`Incoming`] struct, which implements a stream which returns //! `TcpStream`s. //! //! [`TcpStream`]: struct.TcpStream.html //! [`connect`]: struct.TcpStream.html#method.connect //! [`TcpListener`]: struct.TcpListener.html //! [incoming_method]: struct.TcpListener.html#method.incoming //! [`Incoming`]: struct.Incoming.html #[cfg(feature = "async-traits")] mod incoming; mod listener; pub mod split; mod stream; pub use self::listener::TcpListener; pub use self::stream::TcpStream;