1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
//! This library provides extensible asynchronous retry behaviours
//! for use with the ecosystem of [`tokio`]( libraries.
//! There are 4 backoff strategies:
//! - `ExponentialBackoff`: base is considered the initial retry interval, so if defined from 500ms, the next retry will happen at 250000ms.
//! | attempt | delay |
//! |---------|-------|
//! | 1 | 500ms |
//! | 2 | 250000ms|
//! - `ExponentialFactorBackoff`: this is a exponential backoff strategy with a base factor. What is exponentially configured is the factor, while the base retry delay is the same. So if a factor 2 is applied to an initial delay off 500ms, the attempts are as follows:
//! | attempt | delay |
//! |---------|-------|
//! | 1 | 500ms |
//! | 2 | 1000ms|
//! | 3 | 2000ms|
//! | 4 | 4000ms|
//! - `FixedInterval`: in this backoff strategy, a fixed interval is used as constant. so if defined from 500ms, all attempts will happen at 500ms.
//! | attempt | delay |
//! |---------|-------|
//! | 1 | 500ms|
//! | 2 | 500ms|
//! | 3 | 500ms|
//! - `FibonacciBackoff`: a Fibonacci backoff strategy is used. so if defined from 500ms, the next retry will happen at 500ms, and the following will be at 1000ms.
//! | attempt | delay |
//! |---------|-------|
//! | 1 | 500ms|
//! | 2 | 500ms|
//! | 3 | 1000ms|
//! | 4 | 1500ms|
//! > All strategies can be jittered with the `jitter` feature.
//! # Installation
//! Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! tokio-retry2 = "0.5"
//! ```
//! # Example
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use tokio_retry2::{Retry, RetryError};
//! use tokio_retry2::strategy::{ExponentialBackoff, MaxInterval};
//! async fn action() -> Result<u64, RetryError<()>> {
//! // do some real-world stuff here...
//! RetryError::to_permanent(())
//! }
//! # #[tokio::main]
//! # async fn main() -> Result<(), RetryError<()>> {
//! let retry_strategy = ExponentialBackoff::from_millis(10)
//! .factor(1) // multiplication factor applied to deplay
//! .max_delay_millis(100) // set max delay between retries to 500ms
//! .max_interval(1000) // set max interval to 1 second for all retries
//! .take(3); // limit to 3 retries
//! let result = Retry::spawn(retry_strategy, action).await?;
//! // First retry in 10ms, second in 100ms, third in 100ms
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Error Handling
//! One key difference between `tokio-retry2` and `tokio-retry` is the fact that `tokio-retry2`
//! supports early exits from the retry loop based on your error type. This allows you to pattern match
//! your errors and define if you want to continue retrying or not, while `tokio-retry` only supported conditional `RetryIf`.
//! The following functions are helper functions to deal with it:
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use tokio_retry2::{Retry, RetryError};
//! use std::time::Duration;
//! async fn action() -> Result<u64, RetryError<usize>> {
//! // do some real-world stuff here...
//! // get and error named `err`
//! # let err = std::io::ErrorKind::AddrInUse;
//! match err {
//! std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => RetryError::to_permanent(1)?, // equivalent to return Err(RetryError::permanent(2))`;
//! std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => {
//! return Err(RetryError::permanent(2)); // equivalent to `RetryError::to_permanent(2)`
//! }
//! std::io::ErrorKind::ConnectionRefused => {
//! return Err(RetryError::transient(3)); // equivalent to `RetryError::to_transient(3)`
//! }
//! std::io::ErrorKind::ConnectionReset => {
//! return Err(RetryError::retry_after(4, Duration::from_millis(10)));
//! // equivalent to `RetryError::to_retry_after(4, Duration::from_millis(10))`
//! }
//! std::io::ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted =>
//! // equivalent to `RetryError::to_retry_after(5, Duration::from_millis(15))`
//! RetryError::to_retry_after(5, Duration::from_millis(15))?,
//! err => RetryError::to_transient(6)? // equivalent to `return Err(RetryError::transient(6))`
//! };
//! Ok(0)
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Features
//! `[jitter]`
//! - `jitter` ranges between 50% and 150% of the strategy delay.
//! - `jitter_range(min: f64, max: f64)` ranges between `min * Duration` and `max * Duration`.
//! To use jitter, add this to your Cargo.toml
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! tokio-retry2 = { version = "0.5", features = ["jitter"] }
//! ```
//! # Example
//! ## `jitter`
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use tokio_retry2::Retry;
//! use tokio_retry2::strategy::{ExponentialBackoff, jitter, MaxInterval};
//! let retry_strategy = ExponentialBackoff::from_millis(10)
//! .max_interval(10000) // set max interval to 10 seconds
//! .map(jitter) // add jitter to the retry interval
//! .take(3); // limit to 3 retries
//! ## `jitter_range`
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use tokio_retry2::Retry;
//! use tokio_retry2::strategy::{ExponentialFactorBackoff, jitter_range, MaxInterval};
//! let retry_strategy = ExponentialFactorBackoff::from_millis(10, 2.)
//! .max_interval(10000) // set max interval to 10 seconds
//! .map(jitter_range(0.5, 1.2)) // add jitter ranging between 50% and 120% to the retry interval
//! .take(3); // limit to 3 retries
//! ### NOTE:
//! The time spent executing an action does not affect the intervals between
//! retries. Therefore, for long-running functions it's a good idea to set up a deadline,
//! to place an upper bound on the strategy execution time.
mod action;
mod condition;
pub(crate) mod error;
mod future;
mod notify;
/// Assorted retry strategies including fixed interval and exponential back-off.
pub mod strategy;
pub use action::Action;
pub use condition::Condition;
pub use error::{Error as RetryError, MapErr};
pub use future::{Retry, RetryIf};