
1use std::{
2    borrow::Borrow,
3    io,
4    net::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr},
5    ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
6    pin::Pin,
7    task::{Context, Poll},
10use futures_util::stream::{self, Fuse, Stream, StreamExt};
11#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
12use tokio::net::TcpStream;
14#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
15use crate::ToProxyAddrs;
16use crate::{
17    io::{AsyncSocket, AsyncSocketExt},
18    Authentication,
19    Error,
20    IntoTargetAddr,
21    Result,
22    TargetAddr,
26#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
27enum Command {
28    Connect = 0x01,
29    Bind = 0x02,
30    #[allow(dead_code)]
31    Associate = 0x03,
32    #[cfg(feature = "tor")]
33    TorResolve = 0xF0,
34    #[cfg(feature = "tor")]
35    TorResolvePtr = 0xF1,
38/// A SOCKS5 client.
40/// For convenience, it can be dereferenced to it's inner socket.
42pub struct Socks5Stream<S> {
43    socket: S,
44    target: TargetAddr<'static>,
47impl<S> Deref for Socks5Stream<S> {
48    type Target = S;
50    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
51        &self.socket
52    }
55impl<S> DerefMut for Socks5Stream<S> {
56    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
57        &mut self.socket
58    }
61#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
62impl Socks5Stream<TcpStream> {
63    /// Connects to a target server through a SOCKS5 proxy given the proxy
64    /// address.
65    ///
66    /// # Error
67    ///
68    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
69    /// `TargetAddr`.
70    pub async fn connect<'t, P, T>(proxy: P, target: T) -> Result<Socks5Stream<TcpStream>>
71    where
72        P: ToProxyAddrs,
73        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
74    {
75        Self::execute_command(proxy, target, Authentication::None, Command::Connect).await
76    }
78    /// Connects to a target server through a SOCKS5 proxy using given username,
79    /// password and the address of the proxy.
80    ///
81    /// # Error
82    ///
83    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
84    /// `TargetAddr`.
85    pub async fn connect_with_password<'a, 't, P, T>(
86        proxy: P,
87        target: T,
88        username: &'a str,
89        password: &'a str,
90    ) -> Result<Socks5Stream<TcpStream>>
91    where
92        P: ToProxyAddrs,
93        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
94    {
95        Self::execute_command(
96            proxy,
97            target,
98            Authentication::Password { username, password },
99            Command::Connect,
100        )
101        .await
102    }
104    #[cfg(feature = "tor")]
105    /// Resolve the domain name to an ip using special Tor Resolve command, by
106    /// connecting to a Tor compatible proxy given it's address.
107    pub async fn tor_resolve<'t, P, T>(proxy: P, target: T) -> Result<TargetAddr<'static>>
108    where
109        P: ToProxyAddrs,
110        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
111    {
112        let sock = Self::execute_command(proxy, target, Authentication::None, Command::TorResolve).await?;
114        Ok(sock.target_addr().to_owned())
115    }
117    #[cfg(feature = "tor")]
118    /// Perform a reverse DNS query on the given ip using special Tor Resolve
119    /// PTR command, by connecting to a Tor compatible proxy given it's
120    /// address.
121    pub async fn tor_resolve_ptr<'t, P, T>(proxy: P, target: T) -> Result<TargetAddr<'static>>
122    where
123        P: ToProxyAddrs,
124        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
125    {
126        let sock = Self::execute_command(proxy, target, Authentication::None, Command::TorResolvePtr).await?;
128        Ok(sock.target_addr().to_owned())
129    }
131    async fn execute_command<'a, 't, P, T>(
132        proxy: P,
133        target: T,
134        auth: Authentication<'a>,
135        command: Command,
136    ) -> Result<Socks5Stream<TcpStream>>
137    where
138        P: ToProxyAddrs,
139        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
140    {
141        Self::validate_auth(&auth)?;
143        let sock = SocksConnector::new(auth, command, proxy.to_proxy_addrs().fuse(), target.into_target_addr()?)
144            .execute()
145            .await?;
147        Ok(sock)
148    }
151impl<S> Socks5Stream<S>
152where S: AsyncSocket + Unpin
154    /// Connects to a target server through a SOCKS5 proxy given a socket to it.
155    ///
156    /// # Error
157    ///
158    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
159    /// `TargetAddr`.
160    pub async fn connect_with_socket<'t, T>(socket: S, target: T) -> Result<Socks5Stream<S>>
161    where T: IntoTargetAddr<'t> {
162        Self::execute_command_with_socket(socket, target, Authentication::None, Command::Connect).await
163    }
165    /// Connects to a target server through a SOCKS5 proxy using given username,
166    /// password and a socket to the proxy
167    ///
168    /// # Error
169    ///
170    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
171    /// `TargetAddr`.
172    pub async fn connect_with_password_and_socket<'a, 't, T>(
173        socket: S,
174        target: T,
175        username: &'a str,
176        password: &'a str,
177    ) -> Result<Socks5Stream<S>>
178    where
179        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
180    {
181        Self::execute_command_with_socket(
182            socket,
183            target,
184            Authentication::Password { username, password },
185            Command::Connect,
186        )
187        .await
188    }
190    fn validate_auth(auth: &Authentication<'_>) -> Result<()> {
191        match auth {
192            Authentication::Password { username, password } => {
193                let username_len = username.as_bytes().len();
194                if !(1..=255).contains(&username_len) {
195                    Err(Error::InvalidAuthValues("username length should between 1 to 255"))?
196                }
197                let password_len = password.as_bytes().len();
198                if !(1..=255).contains(&password_len) {
199                    Err(Error::InvalidAuthValues("password length should between 1 to 255"))?
200                }
201            },
202            Authentication::None => {},
203        }
204        Ok(())
205    }
207    #[cfg(feature = "tor")]
208    /// Resolve the domain name to an ip using special Tor Resolve command, by
209    /// connecting to a Tor compatible proxy given a socket to it.
210    pub async fn tor_resolve_with_socket<'t, T>(socket: S, target: T) -> Result<TargetAddr<'static>>
211    where T: IntoTargetAddr<'t> {
212        let sock = Self::execute_command_with_socket(socket, target, Authentication::None, Command::TorResolve).await?;
214        Ok(sock.target_addr().to_owned())
215    }
217    #[cfg(feature = "tor")]
218    /// Perform a reverse DNS query on the given ip using special Tor Resolve
219    /// PTR command, by connecting to a Tor compatible proxy given a socket
220    /// to it.
221    pub async fn tor_resolve_ptr_with_socket<'t, T>(socket: S, target: T) -> Result<TargetAddr<'static>>
222    where T: IntoTargetAddr<'t> {
223        let sock =
224            Self::execute_command_with_socket(socket, target, Authentication::None, Command::TorResolvePtr).await?;
226        Ok(sock.target_addr().to_owned())
227    }
229    async fn execute_command_with_socket<'a, 't, T>(
230        socket: S,
231        target: T,
232        auth: Authentication<'a>,
233        command: Command,
234    ) -> Result<Socks5Stream<S>>
235    where
236        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
237    {
238        Self::validate_auth(&auth)?;
240        let sock = SocksConnector::new(auth, command, stream::empty().fuse(), target.into_target_addr()?)
241            .execute_with_socket(socket)
242            .await?;
244        Ok(sock)
245    }
247    /// Consumes the `Socks5Stream`, returning the inner socket.
248    pub fn into_inner(self) -> S {
249        self.socket
250    }
252    /// Returns the target address that the proxy server connects to.
253    pub fn target_addr(&self) -> TargetAddr<'_> {
254        match & {
255            TargetAddr::Ip(addr) => TargetAddr::Ip(*addr),
256            TargetAddr::Domain(domain, port) => {
257                let domain: &str = domain.borrow();
258                TargetAddr::Domain(domain.into(), *port)
259            },
260        }
261    }
264/// A `Future` which resolves to a socket to the target server through proxy.
265pub struct SocksConnector<'a, 't, S> {
266    auth: Authentication<'a>,
267    command: Command,
268    #[allow(dead_code)]
269    proxy: Fuse<S>,
270    target: TargetAddr<'t>,
271    buf: [u8; 513],
272    ptr: usize,
273    len: usize,
276impl<'a, 't, S> SocksConnector<'a, 't, S>
277where S: Stream<Item = Result<SocketAddr>> + Unpin
279    fn new(auth: Authentication<'a>, command: Command, proxy: Fuse<S>, target: TargetAddr<'t>) -> Self {
280        SocksConnector {
281            auth,
282            command,
283            proxy,
284            target,
285            buf: [0; 513],
286            ptr: 0,
287            len: 0,
288        }
289    }
291    #[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
292    /// Connect to the proxy server, authenticate and issue the SOCKS command
293    pub async fn execute(&mut self) -> Result<Socks5Stream<TcpStream>> {
294        let next_addr = self.proxy.select_next_some().await?;
295        let tcp = TcpStream::connect(next_addr)
296            .await
297            .map_err(|_| Error::ProxyServerUnreachable)?;
299        self.execute_with_socket(tcp).await
300    }
302    pub async fn execute_with_socket<T: AsyncSocket + Unpin>(&mut self, mut socket: T) -> Result<Socks5Stream<T>> {
303        self.authenticate(&mut socket).await?;
305        // Send request address that should be proxied
306        self.prepare_send_request();
307        socket.write_all(&self.buf[self.ptr..self.len]).await?;
309        let target = self.receive_reply(&mut socket).await?;
311        Ok(Socks5Stream { socket, target })
312    }
314    fn prepare_send_method_selection(&mut self) {
315        self.ptr = 0;
316        self.buf[0] = 0x05;
317        match self.auth {
318            Authentication::None => {
319                self.buf[1..3].copy_from_slice(&[1, 0x00]);
320                self.len = 3;
321            },
322            Authentication::Password { .. } => {
323                self.buf[1..4].copy_from_slice(&[2, 0x00, 0x02]);
324                self.len = 4;
325            },
326        }
327    }
329    fn prepare_recv_method_selection(&mut self) {
330        self.ptr = 0;
331        self.len = 2;
332    }
334    fn prepare_send_password_auth(&mut self) {
335        if let Authentication::Password { username, password } = self.auth {
336            self.ptr = 0;
337            self.buf[0] = 0x01;
338            let username_bytes = username.as_bytes();
339            let username_len = username_bytes.len();
340            self.buf[1] = username_len as u8;
341            self.buf[2..(2 + username_len)].copy_from_slice(username_bytes);
342            let password_bytes = password.as_bytes();
343            let password_len = password_bytes.len();
344            self.len = 3 + username_len + password_len;
345            self.buf[2 + username_len] = password_len as u8;
346            self.buf[(3 + username_len)..self.len].copy_from_slice(password_bytes);
347        } else {
348            unreachable!()
349        }
350    }
352    fn prepare_recv_password_auth(&mut self) {
353        self.ptr = 0;
354        self.len = 2;
355    }
357    fn prepare_send_request(&mut self) {
358        self.ptr = 0;
359        self.buf[..3].copy_from_slice(&[0x05, self.command as u8, 0x00]);
360        match & {
361            TargetAddr::Ip(SocketAddr::V4(addr)) => {
362                self.buf[3] = 0x01;
363                self.buf[4..8].copy_from_slice(&addr.ip().octets());
364                self.buf[8..10].copy_from_slice(&addr.port().to_be_bytes());
365                self.len = 10;
366            },
367            TargetAddr::Ip(SocketAddr::V6(addr)) => {
368                self.buf[3] = 0x04;
369                self.buf[4..20].copy_from_slice(&addr.ip().octets());
370                self.buf[20..22].copy_from_slice(&addr.port().to_be_bytes());
371                self.len = 22;
372            },
373            TargetAddr::Domain(domain, port) => {
374                self.buf[3] = 0x03;
375                let domain = domain.as_bytes();
376                let len = domain.len();
377                self.buf[4] = len as u8;
378                self.buf[5..5 + len].copy_from_slice(domain);
379                self.buf[(5 + len)..(7 + len)].copy_from_slice(&port.to_be_bytes());
380                self.len = 7 + len;
381            },
382        }
383    }
385    fn prepare_recv_reply(&mut self) {
386        self.ptr = 0;
387        self.len = 4;
388    }
390    async fn password_authentication_protocol<T: AsyncSocket + Unpin>(&mut self, tcp: &mut T) -> Result<()> {
391        if let Authentication::None = self.auth {
392            return Err(Error::AuthorizationRequired);
393        }
395        self.prepare_send_password_auth();
396        tcp.write_all(&self.buf[self.ptr..self.len]).await?;
398        self.prepare_recv_password_auth();
399        tcp.read_exact(&mut self.buf[self.ptr..self.len]).await?;
401        if self.buf[0] != 0x01 {
402            return Err(Error::InvalidResponseVersion);
403        }
404        if self.buf[1] != 0x00 {
405            return Err(Error::PasswordAuthFailure(self.buf[1]));
406        }
408        Ok(())
409    }
411    async fn authenticate<T: AsyncSocket + Unpin>(&mut self, tcp: &mut T) -> Result<()> {
412        // Write request to connect/authenticate
413        self.prepare_send_method_selection();
414        tcp.write_all(&self.buf[self.ptr..self.len]).await?;
416        // Receive authentication method
417        self.prepare_recv_method_selection();
418        tcp.read_exact(&mut self.buf[self.ptr..self.len]).await?;
419        if self.buf[0] != 0x05 {
420            return Err(Error::InvalidResponseVersion);
421        }
422        match self.buf[1] {
423            0x00 => {
424                // No auth
425            },
426            0x02 => {
427                self.password_authentication_protocol(tcp).await?;
428            },
429            0xff => {
430                return Err(Error::NoAcceptableAuthMethods);
431            },
432            m if m != => return Err(Error::UnknownAuthMethod),
433            _ => unimplemented!(),
434        }
436        Ok(())
437    }
439    async fn receive_reply<T: AsyncSocket + Unpin>(&mut self, tcp: &mut T) -> Result<TargetAddr<'static>> {
440        self.prepare_recv_reply();
441        self.ptr += tcp.read_exact(&mut self.buf[self.ptr..self.len]).await?;
442        if self.buf[0] != 0x05 {
443            return Err(Error::InvalidResponseVersion);
444        }
445        if self.buf[2] != 0x00 {
446            return Err(Error::InvalidReservedByte);
447        }
449        match self.buf[1] {
450            0x00 => {}, // succeeded
451            0x01 => Err(Error::GeneralSocksServerFailure)?,
452            0x02 => Err(Error::ConnectionNotAllowedByRuleset)?,
453            0x03 => Err(Error::NetworkUnreachable)?,
454            0x04 => Err(Error::HostUnreachable)?,
455            0x05 => Err(Error::ConnectionRefused)?,
456            0x06 => Err(Error::TtlExpired)?,
457            0x07 => Err(Error::CommandNotSupported)?,
458            0x08 => Err(Error::AddressTypeNotSupported)?,
459            _ => Err(Error::UnknownAuthMethod)?,
460        }
462        match self.buf[3] {
463            // IPv4
464            0x01 => {
465                self.len = 10;
466            },
467            // IPv6
468            0x04 => {
469                self.len = 22;
470            },
471            // Domain
472            0x03 => {
473                self.len = 5;
474                self.ptr += tcp.read_exact(&mut self.buf[self.ptr..self.len]).await?;
475                self.len += self.buf[4] as usize + 2;
476            },
477            _ => Err(Error::UnknownAddressType)?,
478        }
480        self.ptr += tcp.read_exact(&mut self.buf[self.ptr..self.len]).await?;
481        let target: TargetAddr<'static> = match self.buf[3] {
482            // IPv4
483            0x01 => {
484                let mut ip = [0; 4];
485                ip[..].copy_from_slice(&self.buf[4..8]);
486                let ip = Ipv4Addr::from(ip);
487                let port = u16::from_be_bytes([self.buf[8], self.buf[9]]);
488                (ip, port).into_target_addr()?
489            },
490            // IPv6
491            0x04 => {
492                let mut ip = [0; 16];
493                ip[..].copy_from_slice(&self.buf[4..20]);
494                let ip = Ipv6Addr::from(ip);
495                let port = u16::from_be_bytes([self.buf[20], self.buf[21]]);
496                (ip, port).into_target_addr()?
497            },
498            // Domain
499            0x03 => {
500                let domain_bytes = self.buf[5..(self.len - 2)].to_vec();
501                let domain = String::from_utf8(domain_bytes)
502                    .map_err(|_| Error::InvalidTargetAddress("not a valid UTF-8 string"))?;
503                let port = u16::from_be_bytes([self.buf[self.len - 2], self.buf[self.len - 1]]);
504                TargetAddr::Domain(domain.into(), port)
505            },
506            _ => unreachable!(),
507        };
509        Ok(target)
510    }
513/// A SOCKS5 BIND client.
515/// Once you get an instance of `Socks5Listener`, you should send the
516/// `bind_addr` to the remote process via the primary connection. Then, call the
517/// `accept` function and wait for the other end connecting to the rendezvous
518/// address.
519pub struct Socks5Listener<S> {
520    inner: Socks5Stream<S>,
523#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
524impl Socks5Listener<TcpStream> {
525    /// Initiates a BIND request to the specified proxy.
526    ///
527    /// The proxy will filter incoming connections based on the value of
528    /// `target`.
529    ///
530    /// # Error
531    ///
532    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
533    /// `TargetAddr`.
534    pub async fn bind<'t, P, T>(proxy: P, target: T) -> Result<Socks5Listener<TcpStream>>
535    where
536        P: ToProxyAddrs,
537        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
538    {
539        Self::bind_with_auth(Authentication::None, proxy, target).await
540    }
542    /// Initiates a BIND request to the specified proxy using given username
543    /// and password.
544    ///
545    /// The proxy will filter incoming connections based on the value of
546    /// `target`.
547    ///
548    /// # Error
549    ///
550    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
551    /// `TargetAddr`.
552    pub async fn bind_with_password<'a, 't, P, T>(
553        proxy: P,
554        target: T,
555        username: &'a str,
556        password: &'a str,
557    ) -> Result<Socks5Listener<TcpStream>>
558    where
559        P: ToProxyAddrs,
560        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
561    {
562        Self::bind_with_auth(Authentication::Password { username, password }, proxy, target).await
563    }
565    async fn bind_with_auth<'t, P, T>(
566        auth: Authentication<'_>,
567        proxy: P,
568        target: T,
569    ) -> Result<Socks5Listener<TcpStream>>
570    where
571        P: ToProxyAddrs,
572        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
573    {
574        let socket = SocksConnector::new(
575            auth,
576            Command::Bind,
577            proxy.to_proxy_addrs().fuse(),
578            target.into_target_addr()?,
579        )
580        .execute()
581        .await?;
583        Ok(Socks5Listener { inner: socket })
584    }
587impl<S> Socks5Listener<S>
588where S: AsyncSocket + Unpin
590    /// Initiates a BIND request to the specified proxy using the given socket
591    /// to it.
592    ///
593    /// The proxy will filter incoming connections based on the value of
594    /// `target`.
595    ///
596    /// # Error
597    ///
598    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
599    /// `TargetAddr`.
600    pub async fn bind_with_socket<'t, T>(socket: S, target: T) -> Result<Socks5Listener<S>>
601    where T: IntoTargetAddr<'t> {
602        Self::bind_with_auth_and_socket(Authentication::None, socket, target).await
603    }
605    /// Initiates a BIND request to the specified proxy using given username,
606    /// password and socket to the proxy.
607    ///
608    /// The proxy will filter incoming connections based on the value of
609    /// `target`.
610    ///
611    /// # Error
612    ///
613    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
614    /// `TargetAddr`.
615    pub async fn bind_with_password_and_socket<'a, 't, T>(
616        socket: S,
617        target: T,
618        username: &'a str,
619        password: &'a str,
620    ) -> Result<Socks5Listener<S>>
621    where
622        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
623    {
624        Self::bind_with_auth_and_socket(Authentication::Password { username, password }, socket, target).await
625    }
627    async fn bind_with_auth_and_socket<'t, T>(
628        auth: Authentication<'_>,
629        socket: S,
630        target: T,
631    ) -> Result<Socks5Listener<S>>
632    where
633        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
634    {
635        let socket = SocksConnector::new(auth, Command::Bind, stream::empty().fuse(), target.into_target_addr()?)
636            .execute_with_socket(socket)
637            .await?;
639        Ok(Socks5Listener { inner: socket })
640    }
642    /// Returns the address of the proxy-side TCP listener.
643    ///
644    /// This should be forwarded to the remote process, which should open a
645    /// connection to it.
646    pub fn bind_addr(&self) -> TargetAddr {
647        self.inner.target_addr()
648    }
650    /// Consumes this listener, returning a `Future` which resolves to the
651    /// `Socks5Stream` connected to the target server through the proxy.
652    ///
653    /// The value of `bind_addr` should be forwarded to the remote process
654    /// before this method is called.
655    pub async fn accept(mut self) -> Result<Socks5Stream<S>> {
656        let mut connector = SocksConnector {
657            auth: Authentication::None,
658            command: Command::Bind,
659            proxy: stream::empty().fuse(),
660            target:,
661            buf: [0; 513],
662            ptr: 0,
663            len: 0,
664        };
666        let target = connector.receive_reply(&mut self.inner.socket).await?;
668        Ok(Socks5Stream {
669            socket: self.inner.socket,
670            target,
671        })
672    }
675#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
676impl<T> tokio::io::AsyncRead for Socks5Stream<T>
677where T: tokio::io::AsyncRead + Unpin
679    fn poll_read(
680        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
681        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
682        buf: &mut tokio::io::ReadBuf<'_>,
683    ) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
684        tokio::io::AsyncRead::poll_read(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx, buf)
685    }
688#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
689impl<T> tokio::io::AsyncWrite for Socks5Stream<T>
690where T: tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Unpin
692    fn poll_write(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &[u8]) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
693        tokio::io::AsyncWrite::poll_write(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx, buf)
694    }
696    fn poll_flush(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
697        tokio::io::AsyncWrite::poll_flush(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx)
698    }
700    fn poll_shutdown(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
701        tokio::io::AsyncWrite::poll_shutdown(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx)
702    }
705#[cfg(feature = "futures-io")]
706impl<T> futures_io::AsyncRead for Socks5Stream<T>
707where T: futures_io::AsyncRead + Unpin
709    fn poll_read(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
710        futures_io::AsyncRead::poll_read(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx, buf)
711    }
714#[cfg(feature = "futures-io")]
715impl<T> futures_io::AsyncWrite for Socks5Stream<T>
716where T: futures_io::AsyncWrite + Unpin
718    fn poll_write(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &[u8]) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
719        futures_io::AsyncWrite::poll_write(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx, buf)
720    }
722    fn poll_flush(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
723        futures_io::AsyncWrite::poll_flush(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx)
724    }
726    fn poll_close(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
727        futures_io::AsyncWrite::poll_close(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx)
728    }