
1use std::{
2    borrow::Borrow,
3    io,
4    net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr},
5    ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
6    pin::Pin,
7    task::{Context, Poll},
10use futures_util::stream::{self, Fuse, Stream, StreamExt};
11#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
12use tokio::net::TcpStream;
14#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
15use crate::ToProxyAddrs;
16use crate::{
17    io::{AsyncSocket, AsyncSocketExt},
18    Error,
19    IntoTargetAddr,
20    Result,
21    TargetAddr,
25#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
26enum CommandV4 {
27    Connect = 0x01,
28    Bind = 0x02,
31/// A SOCKS4 client.
33/// For convenience, it can be dereferenced to it's inner socket.
35pub struct Socks4Stream<S> {
36    socket: S,
37    target: TargetAddr<'static>,
40impl<S> Deref for Socks4Stream<S> {
41    type Target = S;
43    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
44        &self.socket
45    }
48impl<S> DerefMut for Socks4Stream<S> {
49    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
50        &mut self.socket
51    }
54#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
55impl Socks4Stream<TcpStream> {
56    /// Connects to a target server through a SOCKS4 proxy given the proxy
57    /// address.
58    ///
59    /// # Error
60    ///
61    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
62    /// `TargetAddr`.
63    pub async fn connect<'t, P, T>(proxy: P, target: T) -> Result<Socks4Stream<TcpStream>>
64    where
65        P: ToProxyAddrs,
66        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
67    {
68        Self::execute_command(proxy, target, None, CommandV4::Connect).await
69    }
71    /// Connects to a target server through a SOCKS4 proxy using given username,
72    /// password and the address of the proxy.
73    ///
74    /// # Error
75    ///
76    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
77    /// `TargetAddr`.
78    pub async fn connect_with_userid<'a, 't, P, T>(
79        proxy: P,
80        target: T,
81        user_id: &'a str,
82    ) -> Result<Socks4Stream<TcpStream>>
83    where
84        P: ToProxyAddrs,
85        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
86    {
87        Self::execute_command(proxy, target, Some(user_id), CommandV4::Connect).await
88    }
90    async fn execute_command<'a, 't, P, T>(
91        proxy: P,
92        target: T,
93        user_id: Option<&'a str>,
94        command: CommandV4,
95    ) -> Result<Socks4Stream<TcpStream>>
96    where
97        P: ToProxyAddrs,
98        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
99    {
100        Self::validate_userid(user_id)?;
102        let sock = Socks4Connector::new(
103            user_id,
104            command,
105            proxy.to_proxy_addrs().fuse(),
106            target.into_target_addr()?,
107        )
108        .execute()
109        .await?;
111        Ok(sock)
112    }
115impl<S> Socks4Stream<S>
116where S: AsyncSocket + Unpin
118    /// Connects to a target server through a SOCKS4 proxy given a socket to it.
119    ///
120    /// # Error
121    ///
122    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
123    /// `TargetAddr`.
124    pub async fn connect_with_socket<'t, T>(socket: S, target: T) -> Result<Socks4Stream<S>>
125    where T: IntoTargetAddr<'t> {
126        Self::execute_command_with_socket(socket, target, None, CommandV4::Connect).await
127    }
129    /// Connects to a target server through a SOCKS4 proxy using given username,
130    /// password and a socket to the proxy
131    ///
132    /// # Error
133    ///
134    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
135    /// `TargetAddr`.
136    pub async fn connect_with_userid_and_socket<'a, 't, T>(
137        socket: S,
138        target: T,
139        user_id: &'a str,
140    ) -> Result<Socks4Stream<S>>
141    where
142        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
143    {
144        Self::execute_command_with_socket(socket, target, Some(user_id), CommandV4::Connect).await
145    }
147    fn validate_userid(user_id: Option<&str>) -> Result<()> {
148        // A hardcode limit for length of userid must be enforced to avoid, buffer
149        // overflow.
150        if let Some(user_id) = user_id {
151            let user_id_len = user_id.len();
152            if !(1..=255).contains(&user_id_len) {
153                Err(Error::InvalidAuthValues("userid length should between 1 to 255"))?
154            }
155        }
157        Ok(())
158    }
160    async fn execute_command_with_socket<'a, 't, T>(
161        socket: S,
162        target: T,
163        user_id: Option<&'a str>,
164        command: CommandV4,
165    ) -> Result<Socks4Stream<S>>
166    where
167        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
168    {
169        Self::validate_userid(user_id)?;
171        let sock = Socks4Connector::new(user_id, command, stream::empty().fuse(), target.into_target_addr()?)
172            .execute_with_socket(socket)
173            .await?;
175        Ok(sock)
176    }
178    /// Consumes the `Socks4Stream`, returning the inner socket.
179    pub fn into_inner(self) -> S {
180        self.socket
181    }
183    /// Returns the target address that the proxy server connects to.
184    pub fn target_addr(&self) -> TargetAddr<'_> {
185        match & {
186            TargetAddr::Ip(addr) => TargetAddr::Ip(*addr),
187            TargetAddr::Domain(domain, port) => {
188                let domain: &str = domain.borrow();
189                TargetAddr::Domain(domain.into(), *port)
190            },
191        }
192    }
195/// A `Future` which resolves to a socket to the target server through proxy.
196pub struct Socks4Connector<'a, 't, S> {
197    user_id: Option<&'a str>,
198    command: CommandV4,
199    #[allow(dead_code)]
200    proxy: Fuse<S>,
201    target: TargetAddr<'t>,
202    buf: [u8; 513],
203    ptr: usize,
204    len: usize,
207impl<'a, 't, S> Socks4Connector<'a, 't, S>
208where S: Stream<Item = Result<SocketAddr>> + Unpin
210    fn new(user_id: Option<&'a str>, command: CommandV4, proxy: Fuse<S>, target: TargetAddr<'t>) -> Self {
211        Socks4Connector {
212            user_id,
213            command,
214            proxy,
215            target,
216            buf: [0; 513],
217            ptr: 0,
218            len: 0,
219        }
220    }
222    #[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
223    /// Connect to the proxy server, authenticate and issue the SOCKS command
224    pub async fn execute(&mut self) -> Result<Socks4Stream<TcpStream>> {
225        let next_addr = self.proxy.select_next_some().await?;
226        let tcp = TcpStream::connect(next_addr)
227            .await
228            .map_err(|_| Error::ProxyServerUnreachable)?;
230        self.execute_with_socket(tcp).await
231    }
233    pub async fn execute_with_socket<T: AsyncSocket + Unpin>(&mut self, mut socket: T) -> Result<Socks4Stream<T>> {
234        // Send request address that should be proxied
235        self.prepare_send_request()?;
236        socket.write_all(&self.buf[self.ptr..self.len]).await?;
238        let target = self.receive_reply(&mut socket).await?;
240        Ok(Socks4Stream { socket, target })
241    }
243    fn prepare_send_request(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
244        self.ptr = 0;
245        self.buf[..2].copy_from_slice(&[0x04, self.command as u8]);
246        match & {
247            TargetAddr::Ip(SocketAddr::V4(addr)) => {
248                self.buf[2..4].copy_from_slice(&addr.port().to_be_bytes());
249                self.buf[4..8].copy_from_slice(&addr.ip().octets());
250                self.len = 8;
251                if let Some(user_id) = self.user_id {
252                    let usr_byts = user_id.as_bytes();
253                    let user_id_len = usr_byts.len();
254                    self.len += user_id_len;
255                    self.buf[8..self.len].copy_from_slice(usr_byts);
256                }
257                self.buf[self.len] = 0; // null terminator
258                self.len += 1;
259            },
260            TargetAddr::Ip(SocketAddr::V6(_)) => {
261                return Err(Error::AddressTypeNotSupported);
262            },
263            TargetAddr::Domain(domain, port) => {
264                self.buf[2..4].copy_from_slice(&port.to_be_bytes());
265                self.buf[4..8].copy_from_slice(&[0, 0, 0, 1]);
266                self.len = 8;
267                if let Some(user_id) = self.user_id {
268                    let usr_byts = user_id.as_bytes();
269                    let user_id_len = usr_byts.len();
270                    self.len += user_id_len;
271                    self.buf[8..self.len].copy_from_slice(usr_byts);
272                }
273                self.buf[self.len] = 0; // null terminator
274                self.len += 1;
275                let domain = domain.as_bytes();
276                let domain_len = domain.len();
277                self.buf[self.len..self.len + domain_len].copy_from_slice(domain);
278                self.len += domain_len;
279                self.buf[self.len] = 0;
280                self.len += 1;
281            },
282        };
283        Ok(())
284    }
286    fn prepare_recv_reply(&mut self) {
287        self.ptr = 0;
288        self.len = 8;
289    }
291    async fn receive_reply<T: AsyncSocket + Unpin>(&mut self, tcp: &mut T) -> Result<TargetAddr<'static>> {
292        //
293        // +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
294        // | VN | CD | DSTPORT |      DSTIP        |
295        // +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
296        // # of bytes:	   1    1      2              4
297        //
298        // VN is the version of the reply code and should be 0. CD is the result
299        // code with one of the following values:
300        // 90: request granted
301        // 91: request rejected or failed
302        // 92: request rejected becasue SOCKS server cannot connect to
303        // identd on the client
304        // 93: request rejected because the client program and identd
305        // report different user-ids
307        self.prepare_recv_reply();
308        self.ptr += tcp.read_exact(&mut self.buf[self.ptr..self.len]).await?;
309        if self.buf[0] != 0 {
310            return Err(Error::InvalidResponseVersion);
311        }
313        match self.buf[1] {
314            0x5A => {},                                           // request granted
315            0x5B => return Err(Error::GeneralSocksServerFailure), // connection rejected/failed
316            0x5C => return Err(Error::IdentdAuthFailure),         // cannot connect to identd on the client
317            0x5D => return Err(Error::InvalidUserIdAuthFailure),  // different user-ids
318            _ => return Err(Error::UnknownError),
319        }
321        let port = u16::from_be_bytes([self.buf[2], self.buf[3]]);
323        let target = Ipv4Addr::from([self.buf[4], self.buf[5], self.buf[6], self.buf[7]]);
325        Ok(TargetAddr::Ip(SocketAddr::new(target.into(), port)))
326    }
329/// A SOCKS4 BIND client.
331/// Once you get an instance of `Socks4Listener`, you should send the
332/// `bind_addr` to the remote process via the primary connection. Then, call the
333/// `accept` function and wait for the other end connecting to the rendezvous
334/// address.
335pub struct Socks4Listener<S> {
336    inner: Socks4Stream<S>,
339#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
340impl Socks4Listener<TcpStream> {
341    /// Initiates a BIND request to the specified proxy.
342    ///
343    /// The proxy will filter incoming connections based on the value of
344    /// `target`.
345    ///
346    /// # Error
347    ///
348    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
349    /// `TargetAddr`.
350    pub async fn bind<'t, P, T>(proxy: P, target: T) -> Result<Socks4Listener<TcpStream>>
351    where
352        P: ToProxyAddrs,
353        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
354    {
355        Self::bind_to_target(None, proxy, target).await
356    }
358    /// Initiates a BIND request to the specified proxy using given username
359    /// and password.
360    ///
361    /// The proxy will filter incoming connections based on the value of
362    /// `target`.
363    ///
364    /// # Error
365    ///
366    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
367    /// `TargetAddr`.
368    pub async fn bind_with_userid<'a, 't, P, T>(
369        proxy: P,
370        target: T,
371        user_id: &'a str,
372    ) -> Result<Socks4Listener<TcpStream>>
373    where
374        P: ToProxyAddrs,
375        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
376    {
377        Self::bind_to_target(Some(user_id), proxy, target).await
378    }
380    async fn bind_to_target<'a, 't, P, T>(
381        user_id: Option<&'a str>,
382        proxy: P,
383        target: T,
384    ) -> Result<Socks4Listener<TcpStream>>
385    where
386        P: ToProxyAddrs,
387        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
388    {
389        let socket = Socks4Connector::new(
390            user_id,
391            CommandV4::Bind,
392            proxy.to_proxy_addrs().fuse(),
393            target.into_target_addr()?,
394        )
395        .execute()
396        .await?;
398        Ok(Socks4Listener { inner: socket })
399    }
402impl<S> Socks4Listener<S>
403where S: AsyncSocket + Unpin
405    /// Initiates a BIND request to the specified proxy using the given socket
406    /// to it.
407    ///
408    /// The proxy will filter incoming connections based on the value of
409    /// `target`.
410    ///
411    /// # Error
412    ///
413    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
414    /// `TargetAddr`.
415    pub async fn bind_with_socket<'t, T>(socket: S, target: T) -> Result<Socks4Listener<S>>
416    where T: IntoTargetAddr<'t> {
417        Self::bind_to_target_with_socket(None, socket, target).await
418    }
420    /// Initiates a BIND request to the specified proxy using given username,
421    /// password and socket to the proxy.
422    ///
423    /// The proxy will filter incoming connections based on the value of
424    /// `target`.
425    ///
426    /// # Error
427    ///
428    /// It propagates the error that occurs in the conversion from `T` to
429    /// `TargetAddr`.
430    pub async fn bind_with_user_and_socket<'a, 't, T>(
431        socket: S,
432        target: T,
433        user_id: &'a str,
434    ) -> Result<Socks4Listener<S>>
435    where
436        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
437    {
438        Self::bind_to_target_with_socket(Some(user_id), socket, target).await
439    }
441    async fn bind_to_target_with_socket<'a, 't, T>(
442        auth: Option<&'a str>,
443        socket: S,
444        target: T,
445    ) -> Result<Socks4Listener<S>>
446    where
447        T: IntoTargetAddr<'t>,
448    {
449        let socket = Socks4Connector::new(
450            auth,
451            CommandV4::Bind,
452            stream::empty().fuse(),
453            target.into_target_addr()?,
454        )
455        .execute_with_socket(socket)
456        .await?;
458        Ok(Socks4Listener { inner: socket })
459    }
461    /// Returns the address of the proxy-side TCP listener.
462    ///
463    /// This should be forwarded to the remote process, which should open a
464    /// connection to it.
465    pub fn bind_addr(&self) -> TargetAddr {
466        self.inner.target_addr()
467    }
469    /// Consumes this listener, returning a `Future` which resolves to the
470    /// `Socks4Stream` connected to the target server through the proxy.
471    ///
472    /// The value of `bind_addr` should be forwarded to the remote process
473    /// before this method is called.
474    pub async fn accept(mut self) -> Result<Socks4Stream<S>> {
475        let mut connector = Socks4Connector {
476            user_id: None,
477            command: CommandV4::Bind,
478            proxy: stream::empty().fuse(),
479            target:,
480            buf: [0; 513],
481            ptr: 0,
482            len: 0,
483        };
485        let target = connector.receive_reply(&mut self.inner.socket).await?;
487        Ok(Socks4Stream {
488            socket: self.inner.socket,
489            target,
490        })
491    }
494#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
495impl<T> tokio::io::AsyncRead for Socks4Stream<T>
496where T: tokio::io::AsyncRead + Unpin
498    fn poll_read(
499        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
500        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
501        buf: &mut tokio::io::ReadBuf<'_>,
502    ) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
503        tokio::io::AsyncRead::poll_read(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx, buf)
504    }
507#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
508impl<T> tokio::io::AsyncWrite for Socks4Stream<T>
509where T: tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Unpin
511    fn poll_write(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &[u8]) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
512        tokio::io::AsyncWrite::poll_write(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx, buf)
513    }
515    fn poll_flush(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
516        tokio::io::AsyncWrite::poll_flush(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx)
517    }
519    fn poll_shutdown(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
520        tokio::io::AsyncWrite::poll_shutdown(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx)
521    }
524#[cfg(feature = "futures-io")]
525impl<T> futures_io::AsyncRead for Socks4Stream<T>
526where T: futures_io::AsyncRead + Unpin
528    fn poll_read(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
529        futures_io::AsyncRead::poll_read(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx, buf)
530    }
533#[cfg(feature = "futures-io")]
534impl<T> futures_io::AsyncWrite for Socks4Stream<T>
535where T: futures_io::AsyncWrite + Unpin
537    fn poll_write(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &[u8]) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
538        futures_io::AsyncWrite::poll_write(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx, buf)
539    }
541    fn poll_flush(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
542        futures_io::AsyncWrite::poll_flush(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx)
543    }
545    fn poll_close(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
546        futures_io::AsyncWrite::poll_close(Pin::new(&mut self.socket), cx)
547    }