Module multiplex

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In a multiplexed protocol, the server responds to client requests in the order they complete. Request IDs (TagStore::Tag) are used to match up responses with the request that triggered them. This allows the server to process requests out-of-order, and eliminates the application-level head-of-line blocking that pipelined protocols suffer from. Example multiplexed protocols include SSH, HTTP/2, and AMQP. This page has some further details about how multiplexing protocols operate.

Note: multiplexing with the max number of in-flight requests set to 1 implies that for each request, the response must be received before sending another request on the same connection.


pub use self::client::Client;
pub use self::client::TagStore;
pub use self::server::Server;


Client bindings for a multiplexed protocol.
Server bindings for a multiplexed protocol.


A convenience wrapper that lets you take separate transport and tag store types and use them as a single [client::Transport].