
1use super::{RecvDgram, SendDgram};
3use std::fmt;
4use std::io;
5use std::net::{self, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr};
7use futures::{Async, Poll};
8use mio;
10use tokio_reactor::{Handle, PollEvented};
12/// An I/O object representing a UDP socket.
13pub struct UdpSocket {
14    io: PollEvented<mio::net::UdpSocket>,
17impl UdpSocket {
18    /// This function will create a new UDP socket and attempt to bind it to
19    /// the `addr` provided.
20    pub fn bind(addr: &SocketAddr) -> io::Result<UdpSocket> {
21        mio::net::UdpSocket::bind(addr).map(UdpSocket::new)
22    }
24    fn new(socket: mio::net::UdpSocket) -> UdpSocket {
25        let io = PollEvented::new(socket);
26        UdpSocket { io: io }
27    }
29    /// Creates a new `UdpSocket` from the previously bound socket provided.
30    ///
31    /// The socket given will be registered with the event loop that `handle`
32    /// is associated with. This function requires that `socket` has previously
33    /// been bound to an address to work correctly.
34    ///
35    /// This can be used in conjunction with net2's `UdpBuilder` interface to
36    /// configure a socket before it's handed off, such as setting options like
37    /// `reuse_address` or binding to multiple addresses.
38    ///
39    /// Use `Handle::default()` to lazily bind to an event loop, just like `bind` does.
40    pub fn from_std(socket: net::UdpSocket, handle: &Handle) -> io::Result<UdpSocket> {
41        let io = mio::net::UdpSocket::from_socket(socket)?;
42        let io = PollEvented::new_with_handle(io, handle)?;
43        Ok(UdpSocket { io })
44    }
46    /// Returns the local address that this socket is bound to.
47    pub fn local_addr(&self) -> io::Result<SocketAddr> {
49    }
51    /// Connects the UDP socket setting the default destination for send() and
52    /// limiting packets that are read via recv from the address specified in
53    /// `addr`.
54    pub fn connect(&self, addr: &SocketAddr) -> io::Result<()> {
56    }
58    #[deprecated(since = "0.1.2", note = "use poll_send instead")]
59    #[doc(hidden)]
60    pub fn send(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
61        match self.poll_send(buf)? {
62            Async::Ready(n) => Ok(n),
63            Async::NotReady => Err(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock.into()),
64        }
65    }
67    /// Sends data on the socket to the remote address to which it is connected.
68    ///
69    /// The [`connect`] method will connect this socket to a remote address. This
70    /// method will fail if the socket is not connected.
71    ///
72    /// [`connect`]: #method.connect
73    ///
74    /// # Return
75    ///
76    /// On success, returns `Ok(Async::Ready(num_bytes_written))`.
77    ///
78    /// If the socket is not ready for writing, the method returns
79    /// `Ok(Async::NotReady)` and arranges for the current task to receive a
80    /// notification when the socket becomes writable.
81    ///
82    /// # Panics
83    ///
84    /// This function will panic if called from outside of a task context.
85    pub fn poll_send(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Poll<usize, io::Error> {
86        try_ready!(;
88        match {
89            Ok(n) => Ok(n.into()),
90            Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
91      ;
92                Ok(Async::NotReady)
93            }
94            Err(e) => Err(e),
95        }
96    }
98    #[deprecated(since = "0.1.2", note = "use poll_recv instead")]
99    #[doc(hidden)]
100    pub fn recv(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
101        match self.poll_recv(buf)? {
102            Async::Ready(n) => Ok(n),
103            Async::NotReady => Err(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock.into()),
104        }
105    }
107    /// Receives a single datagram message on the socket from the remote address to
108    /// which it is connected. On success, returns the number of bytes read.
109    ///
110    /// The function must be called with valid byte array `buf` of sufficient size to
111    /// hold the message bytes. If a message is too long to fit in the supplied buffer,
112    /// excess bytes may be discarded.
113    ///
114    /// The [`connect`] method will connect this socket to a remote address. This
115    /// method will fail if the socket is not connected.
116    ///
117    /// [`connect`]: #method.connect
118    ///
119    /// # Return
120    ///
121    /// On success, returns `Ok(Async::Ready(num_bytes_read))`.
122    ///
123    /// If no data is available for reading, the method returns
124    /// `Ok(Async::NotReady)` and arranges for the current task to receive a
125    /// notification when the socket becomes receivable or is closed.
126    ///
127    /// # Panics
128    ///
129    /// This function will panic if called from outside of a task context.
130    pub fn poll_recv(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Poll<usize, io::Error> {
131        try_ready!(;
133        match {
134            Ok(n) => Ok(n.into()),
135            Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
136      ;
137                Ok(Async::NotReady)
138            }
139            Err(e) => Err(e),
140        }
141    }
143    #[deprecated(since = "0.1.2", note = "use poll_send_to instead")]
144    #[doc(hidden)]
145    pub fn send_to(&mut self, buf: &[u8], target: &SocketAddr) -> io::Result<usize> {
146        match self.poll_send_to(buf, target)? {
147            Async::Ready(n) => Ok(n),
148            Async::NotReady => Err(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock.into()),
149        }
150    }
152    /// Sends data on the socket to the given address. On success, returns the
153    /// number of bytes written.
154    ///
155    /// This will return an error when the IP version of the local socket
156    /// does not match that of `target`.
157    ///
158    /// # Return
159    ///
160    /// On success, returns `Ok(Async::Ready(num_bytes_written))`.
161    ///
162    /// If the socket is not ready for writing, the method returns
163    /// `Ok(Async::NotReady)` and arranges for the current task to receive a
164    /// notification when the socket becomes writable.
165    ///
166    /// # Panics
167    ///
168    /// This function will panic if called from outside of a task context.
169    pub fn poll_send_to(&mut self, buf: &[u8], target: &SocketAddr) -> Poll<usize, io::Error> {
170        try_ready!(;
172        match, target) {
173            Ok(n) => Ok(n.into()),
174            Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
175      ;
176                Ok(Async::NotReady)
177            }
178            Err(e) => Err(e),
179        }
180    }
182    /// Creates a future that will write the entire contents of the buffer
183    /// `buf` provided as a datagram to this socket.
184    ///
185    /// The returned future will return after data has been written to the
186    /// outbound socket. The future will resolve to the stream as well as the
187    /// buffer (for reuse if needed).
188    ///
189    /// Any error which happens during writing will cause both the stream and
190    /// the buffer to get destroyed. Note that failure to write the entire
191    /// buffer is considered an error for the purposes of sending a datagram.
192    ///
193    /// The `buf` parameter here only requires the `AsRef<[u8]>` trait, which
194    /// should be broadly applicable to accepting data which can be converted
195    /// to a slice.
196    pub fn send_dgram<T>(self, buf: T, addr: &SocketAddr) -> SendDgram<T>
197    where
198        T: AsRef<[u8]>,
199    {
200        SendDgram::new(self, buf, *addr)
201    }
203    #[deprecated(since = "0.1.2", note = "use poll_recv_from instead")]
204    #[doc(hidden)]
205    pub fn recv_from(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<(usize, SocketAddr)> {
206        match self.poll_recv_from(buf)? {
207            Async::Ready(ret) => Ok(ret),
208            Async::NotReady => Err(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock.into()),
209        }
210    }
212    /// Receives data from the socket. On success, returns the number of bytes
213    /// read and the address from whence the data came.
214    ///
215    /// # Panics
216    ///
217    /// This function will panic if called outside the context of a future's
218    /// task.
219    pub fn poll_recv_from(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Poll<(usize, SocketAddr), io::Error> {
220        try_ready!(;
222        match {
223            Ok(n) => Ok(n.into()),
224            Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
225      ;
226                Ok(Async::NotReady)
227            }
228            Err(e) => Err(e),
229        }
230    }
232    /// Creates a future that receive a datagram to be written to the buffer
233    /// provided.
234    ///
235    /// The returned future will return after a datagram has been received on
236    /// this socket. The future will resolve to the socket, the buffer, the
237    /// amount of data read, and the address the data was received from.
238    ///
239    /// An error during reading will cause the socket and buffer to get
240    /// destroyed.
241    ///
242    /// The `buf` parameter here only requires the `AsMut<[u8]>` trait, which
243    /// should be broadly applicable to accepting data which can be converted
244    /// to a slice.
245    pub fn recv_dgram<T>(self, buf: T) -> RecvDgram<T>
246    where
247        T: AsMut<[u8]>,
248    {
249        RecvDgram::new(self, buf)
250    }
252    /// Check the UDP socket's read readiness state.
253    ///
254    /// The mask argument allows specifying what readiness to notify on. This
255    /// can be any value, including platform specific readiness, **except**
256    /// `writable`.
257    ///
258    /// If the socket is not ready for receiving then `Async::NotReady` is
259    /// returned and the current task is notified once a new event is received.
260    ///
261    /// The socket will remain in a read-ready state until calls to `poll_recv`
262    /// return `NotReady`.
263    ///
264    /// # Panics
265    ///
266    /// This function panics if:
267    ///
268    /// * `ready` includes writable.
269    /// * called from outside of a task context.
270    pub fn poll_read_ready(&self, mask: mio::Ready) -> Poll<mio::Ready, io::Error> {
272    }
274    /// Check the UDP socket's write readiness state.
275    ///
276    /// If the socket is not ready for sending then `Async::NotReady` is
277    /// returned and the current task is notified once a new event is received.
278    ///
279    /// The I/O resource will remain in a write-ready state until calls to
280    /// `poll_send` return `NotReady`.
281    ///
282    /// # Panics
283    ///
284    /// This function panics if called from outside of a task context.
285    pub fn poll_write_ready(&self) -> Poll<mio::Ready, io::Error> {
287    }
289    /// Gets the value of the `SO_BROADCAST` option for this socket.
290    ///
291    /// For more information about this option, see [`set_broadcast`].
292    ///
293    /// [`set_broadcast`]: #method.set_broadcast
294    pub fn broadcast(&self) -> io::Result<bool> {
296    }
298    /// Sets the value of the `SO_BROADCAST` option for this socket.
299    ///
300    /// When enabled, this socket is allowed to send packets to a broadcast
301    /// address.
302    pub fn set_broadcast(&self, on: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
304    }
306    /// Gets the value of the `IP_MULTICAST_LOOP` option for this socket.
307    ///
308    /// For more information about this option, see [`set_multicast_loop_v4`].
309    ///
310    /// [`set_multicast_loop_v4`]: #method.set_multicast_loop_v4
311    pub fn multicast_loop_v4(&self) -> io::Result<bool> {
313    }
315    /// Sets the value of the `IP_MULTICAST_LOOP` option for this socket.
316    ///
317    /// If enabled, multicast packets will be looped back to the local socket.
318    ///
319    /// # Note
320    ///
321    /// This may not have any affect on IPv6 sockets.
322    pub fn set_multicast_loop_v4(&self, on: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
324    }
326    /// Gets the value of the `IP_MULTICAST_TTL` option for this socket.
327    ///
328    /// For more information about this option, see [`set_multicast_ttl_v4`].
329    ///
330    /// [`set_multicast_ttl_v4`]: #method.set_multicast_ttl_v4
331    pub fn multicast_ttl_v4(&self) -> io::Result<u32> {
333    }
335    /// Sets the value of the `IP_MULTICAST_TTL` option for this socket.
336    ///
337    /// Indicates the time-to-live value of outgoing multicast packets for
338    /// this socket. The default value is 1 which means that multicast packets
339    /// don't leave the local network unless explicitly requested.
340    ///
341    /// # Note
342    ///
343    /// This may not have any affect on IPv6 sockets.
344    pub fn set_multicast_ttl_v4(&self, ttl: u32) -> io::Result<()> {
346    }
348    /// Gets the value of the `IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP` option for this socket.
349    ///
350    /// For more information about this option, see [`set_multicast_loop_v6`].
351    ///
352    /// [`set_multicast_loop_v6`]: #method.set_multicast_loop_v6
353    pub fn multicast_loop_v6(&self) -> io::Result<bool> {
355    }
357    /// Sets the value of the `IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP` option for this socket.
358    ///
359    /// Controls whether this socket sees the multicast packets it sends itself.
360    ///
361    /// # Note
362    ///
363    /// This may not have any affect on IPv4 sockets.
364    pub fn set_multicast_loop_v6(&self, on: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
366    }
368    /// Gets the value of the `IP_TTL` option for this socket.
369    ///
370    /// For more information about this option, see [`set_ttl`].
371    ///
372    /// [`set_ttl`]: #method.set_ttl
373    pub fn ttl(&self) -> io::Result<u32> {
375    }
377    /// Sets the value for the `IP_TTL` option on this socket.
378    ///
379    /// This value sets the time-to-live field that is used in every packet sent
380    /// from this socket.
381    pub fn set_ttl(&self, ttl: u32) -> io::Result<()> {
383    }
385    /// Executes an operation of the `IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP` type.
386    ///
387    /// This function specifies a new multicast group for this socket to join.
388    /// The address must be a valid multicast address, and `interface` is the
389    /// address of the local interface with which the system should join the
390    /// multicast group. If it's equal to `INADDR_ANY` then an appropriate
391    /// interface is chosen by the system.
392    pub fn join_multicast_v4(&self, multiaddr: &Ipv4Addr, interface: &Ipv4Addr) -> io::Result<()> {
393, interface)
394    }
396    /// Executes an operation of the `IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP` type.
397    ///
398    /// This function specifies a new multicast group for this socket to join.
399    /// The address must be a valid multicast address, and `interface` is the
400    /// index of the interface to join/leave (or 0 to indicate any interface).
401    pub fn join_multicast_v6(&self, multiaddr: &Ipv6Addr, interface: u32) -> io::Result<()> {
402, interface)
403    }
405    /// Executes an operation of the `IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP` type.
406    ///
407    /// For more information about this option, see [`join_multicast_v4`].
408    ///
409    /// [`join_multicast_v4`]: #method.join_multicast_v4
410    pub fn leave_multicast_v4(&self, multiaddr: &Ipv4Addr, interface: &Ipv4Addr) -> io::Result<()> {
411, interface)
412    }
414    /// Executes an operation of the `IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP` type.
415    ///
416    /// For more information about this option, see [`join_multicast_v6`].
417    ///
418    /// [`join_multicast_v6`]: #method.join_multicast_v6
419    pub fn leave_multicast_v6(&self, multiaddr: &Ipv6Addr, interface: u32) -> io::Result<()> {
420, interface)
421    }
424impl fmt::Debug for UdpSocket {
425    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
427    }
431mod sys {
432    use super::UdpSocket;
433    use std::os::unix::prelude::*;
435    impl AsRawFd for UdpSocket {
436        fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
438        }
439    }
443mod sys {
444    // TODO: let's land these upstream with mio and then we can add them here.
445    //
446    // use std::os::windows::prelude::*;
447    // use super::UdpSocket;
448    //
449    // impl AsRawHandle for UdpSocket {
450    //     fn as_raw_handle(&self) -> RawHandle {
451    //
452    //     }
453    // }