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use std::io; use std::os::unix::net::SocketAddr; use std::path::PathBuf; use futures::{Async, Poll, Stream, Sink, StartSend, AsyncSink}; use UnixDatagram; /// Encoding of frames via buffers. /// /// This trait is used when constructing an instance of `UnixDatagramFramed` and /// provides the `In` and `Out` types which are decoded and encoded from the /// socket, respectively. /// /// Because Unix datagrams are a connectionless protocol, the `decode` method /// receives the address where data came from and the `encode` method is also /// responsible for determining the remote host to which the datagram should be /// sent /// /// The trait itself is implemented on a type that can track state for decoding /// or encoding, which is particularly useful for streaming parsers. In many /// cases, though, this type will simply be a unit struct (e.g. `struct /// HttpCodec`). pub trait UnixDatagramCodec { /// The type of decoded frames. type In; /// The type of frames to be encoded. type Out; /// Attempts to decode a frame from the provided buffer of bytes. /// /// This method is called by `UnixDatagramFramed` on a single datagram which /// has been read from a socket. The `buf` argument contains the data that /// was received from the remote address, and `src` is the address the data /// came from. Note that typically this method should require the entire /// contents of `buf` to be valid or otherwise return an error with /// trailing data. /// /// Finally, if the bytes in the buffer are malformed then an error is /// returned indicating why. This informs `Framed` that the stream is now /// corrupt and should be terminated. fn decode(&mut self, src: &SocketAddr, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<Self::In>; /// Encodes a frame into the buffer provided. /// /// This method will encode `msg` into the byte buffer provided by `buf`. /// The `buf` provided is an internal buffer of the `Framed` instance and /// will be written out when possible. /// /// The encode method also determines the destination to which the buffer /// should be directed, which will be returned as a `SocketAddr`. fn encode(&mut self, msg: Self::Out, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> io::Result<PathBuf>; } /// A unified `Stream` and `Sink` interface to an underlying /// `UnixDatagramSocket`, using the `UnixDatagramCodec` trait to encode and /// decode frames. /// /// You can acquire a `UnixDatagramFramed` instance by using the /// `UnixDatagramSocket::framed` adapter. pub struct UnixDatagramFramed<C> { socket: UnixDatagram, codec: C, rd: Vec<u8>, wr: Vec<u8>, out_addr: PathBuf, } impl<C: UnixDatagramCodec> Stream for UnixDatagramFramed<C> { type Item = C::In; type Error = io::Error; fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<C::In>, io::Error> { let (n, addr) = try_nb!(self.socket.recv_from(&mut self.rd)); trace!("received {} bytes, decoding", n); let frame = try!(self.codec.decode(&addr, &self.rd[..n])); trace!("frame decoded from buffer"); Ok(Async::Ready(Some(frame))) } } impl<C: UnixDatagramCodec> Sink for UnixDatagramFramed<C> { type SinkItem = C::Out; type SinkError = io::Error; fn start_send(&mut self, item: C::Out) -> StartSend<C::Out, io::Error> { if self.wr.len() > 0 { try!(self.poll_complete()); if self.wr.len() > 0 { return Ok(AsyncSink::NotReady(item)); } } self.out_addr = try!(self.codec.encode(item, &mut self.wr)); Ok(AsyncSink::Ready) } fn poll_complete(&mut self) -> Poll<(), io::Error> { trace!("flushing framed transport"); if self.wr.is_empty() { return Ok(Async::Ready(())) } trace!("writing; remaining={}", self.wr.len()); let n = try_nb!(self.socket.send_to(&self.wr, &self.out_addr)); trace!("written {}", n); let wrote_all = n == self.wr.len(); self.wr.clear(); if wrote_all { Ok(Async::Ready(())) } else { Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "failed to write entire datagram to socket")) } } } pub fn new<C: UnixDatagramCodec>(socket: UnixDatagram, codec: C) -> UnixDatagramFramed<C> { UnixDatagramFramed { socket: socket, codec: codec, out_addr: PathBuf::new(), rd: vec![0; 64 * 1024], wr: Vec::with_capacity(8 * 1024), } } impl<C> UnixDatagramFramed<C> { /// Returns a reference to the underlying I/O stream wrapped by `Framed`. /// /// Note that care should be taken to not tamper with the underlying stream /// of data coming in as it may corrupt the stream of frames otherwise being /// worked with. pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &UnixDatagram { &self.socket } /// Returns a mutable reference to the underlying I/O stream wrapped by /// `Framed`. /// /// Note that care should be taken to not tamper with the underlying stream /// of data coming in as it may corrupt the stream of frames otherwise being /// worked with. pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut UnixDatagram { &mut self.socket } /// Consumes the `Framed`, returning its underlying I/O stream. /// /// Note that care should be taken to not tamper with the underlying stream /// of data coming in as it may corrupt the stream of frames otherwise being /// worked with. pub fn into_inner(self) -> UnixDatagram { self.socket } }