
1use futures_sink::Sink;
2use std::pin::Pin;
3use std::task::{Context, Poll};
4use std::{fmt, mem};
5use tokio::sync::mpsc::OwnedPermit;
6use tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender;
8use super::ReusableBoxFuture;
10/// Error returned by the `PollSender` when the channel is closed.
12pub struct PollSendError<T>(Option<T>);
14impl<T> PollSendError<T> {
15    /// Consumes the stored value, if any.
16    ///
17    /// If this error was encountered when calling `start_send`/`send_item`, this will be the item
18    /// that the caller attempted to send.  Otherwise, it will be `None`.
19    pub fn into_inner(self) -> Option<T> {
20        self.0
21    }
24impl<T> fmt::Display for PollSendError<T> {
25    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
26        write!(fmt, "channel closed")
27    }
30impl<T: fmt::Debug> std::error::Error for PollSendError<T> {}
33enum State<T> {
34    Idle(Sender<T>),
35    Acquiring,
36    ReadyToSend(OwnedPermit<T>),
37    Closed,
40/// A wrapper around [`mpsc::Sender`] that can be polled.
42/// [`mpsc::Sender`]: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender
44pub struct PollSender<T> {
45    sender: Option<Sender<T>>,
46    state: State<T>,
47    acquire: PollSenderFuture<T>,
50// Creates a future for acquiring a permit from the underlying channel.  This is used to ensure
51// there's capacity for a send to complete.
53// By reusing the same async fn for both `Some` and `None`, we make sure every future passed to
54// ReusableBoxFuture has the same underlying type, and hence the same size and alignment.
55async fn make_acquire_future<T>(
56    data: Option<Sender<T>>,
57) -> Result<OwnedPermit<T>, PollSendError<T>> {
58    match data {
59        Some(sender) => sender
60            .reserve_owned()
61            .await
62            .map_err(|_| PollSendError(None)),
63        None => unreachable!("this future should not be pollable in this state"),
64    }
67type InnerFuture<'a, T> = ReusableBoxFuture<'a, Result<OwnedPermit<T>, PollSendError<T>>>;
70// TODO: This should be replace with a type_alias_impl_trait to eliminate `'static` and all the transmutes
71struct PollSenderFuture<T>(InnerFuture<'static, T>);
73impl<T> PollSenderFuture<T> {
74    /// Create with an empty inner future with no `Send` bound.
75    fn empty() -> Self {
76        // We don't use `make_acquire_future` here because our relaxed bounds on `T` are not
77        // compatible with the transitive bounds required by `Sender<T>`.
78        Self(ReusableBoxFuture::new(async { unreachable!() }))
79    }
82impl<T: Send> PollSenderFuture<T> {
83    /// Create with an empty inner future.
84    fn new() -> Self {
85        let v = InnerFuture::new(make_acquire_future(None));
86        // This is safe because `make_acquire_future(None)` is actually `'static`
87        Self(unsafe { mem::transmute::<InnerFuture<'_, T>, InnerFuture<'static, T>>(v) })
88    }
90    /// Poll the inner future.
91    fn poll(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<OwnedPermit<T>, PollSendError<T>>> {
92        self.0.poll(cx)
93    }
95    /// Replace the inner future.
96    fn set(&mut self, sender: Option<Sender<T>>) {
97        let inner: *mut InnerFuture<'static, T> = &mut self.0;
98        let inner: *mut InnerFuture<'_, T> = inner.cast();
99        // SAFETY: The `make_acquire_future(sender)` future must not exist after the type `T`
100        // becomes invalid, and this casts away the type-level lifetime check for that. However, the
101        // inner future is never moved out of this `PollSenderFuture<T>`, so the future will not
102        // live longer than the `PollSenderFuture<T>` lives. A `PollSenderFuture<T>` is guaranteed
103        // to not exist after the type `T` becomes invalid, because it is annotated with a `T`, so
104        // this is ok.
105        let inner = unsafe { &mut *inner };
106        inner.set(make_acquire_future(sender));
107    }
110impl<T: Send> PollSender<T> {
111    /// Creates a new `PollSender`.
112    pub fn new(sender: Sender<T>) -> Self {
113        Self {
114            sender: Some(sender.clone()),
115            state: State::Idle(sender),
116            acquire: PollSenderFuture::new(),
117        }
118    }
120    fn take_state(&mut self) -> State<T> {
121        mem::replace(&mut self.state, State::Closed)
122    }
124    /// Attempts to prepare the sender to receive a value.
125    ///
126    /// This method must be called and return `Poll::Ready(Ok(()))` prior to each call to
127    /// `send_item`.
128    ///
129    /// This method returns `Poll::Ready` once the underlying channel is ready to receive a value,
130    /// by reserving a slot in the channel for the item to be sent. If this method returns
131    /// `Poll::Pending`, the current task is registered to be notified (via
132    /// `cx.waker().wake_by_ref()`) when `poll_reserve` should be called again.
133    ///
134    /// # Errors
135    ///
136    /// If the channel is closed, an error will be returned.  This is a permanent state.
137    pub fn poll_reserve(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), PollSendError<T>>> {
138        loop {
139            let (result, next_state) = match self.take_state() {
140                State::Idle(sender) => {
141                    // Start trying to acquire a permit to reserve a slot for our send, and
142                    // immediately loop back around to poll it the first time.
143                    self.acquire.set(Some(sender));
144                    (None, State::Acquiring)
145                }
146                State::Acquiring => match self.acquire.poll(cx) {
147                    // Channel has capacity.
148                    Poll::Ready(Ok(permit)) => {
149                        (Some(Poll::Ready(Ok(()))), State::ReadyToSend(permit))
150                    }
151                    // Channel is closed.
152                    Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => (Some(Poll::Ready(Err(e))), State::Closed),
153                    // Channel doesn't have capacity yet, so we need to wait.
154                    Poll::Pending => (Some(Poll::Pending), State::Acquiring),
155                },
156                // We're closed, either by choice or because the underlying sender was closed.
157                s @ State::Closed => (Some(Poll::Ready(Err(PollSendError(None)))), s),
158                // We're already ready to send an item.
159                s @ State::ReadyToSend(_) => (Some(Poll::Ready(Ok(()))), s),
160            };
162            self.state = next_state;
163            if let Some(result) = result {
164                return result;
165            }
166        }
167    }
169    /// Sends an item to the channel.
170    ///
171    /// Before calling `send_item`, `poll_reserve` must be called with a successful return
172    /// value of `Poll::Ready(Ok(()))`.
173    ///
174    /// # Errors
175    ///
176    /// If the channel is closed, an error will be returned.  This is a permanent state.
177    ///
178    /// # Panics
179    ///
180    /// If `poll_reserve` was not successfully called prior to calling `send_item`, then this method
181    /// will panic.
182    #[track_caller]
183    pub fn send_item(&mut self, value: T) -> Result<(), PollSendError<T>> {
184        let (result, next_state) = match self.take_state() {
185            State::Idle(_) | State::Acquiring => {
186                panic!("`send_item` called without first calling `poll_reserve`")
187            }
188            // We have a permit to send our item, so go ahead, which gets us our sender back.
189            State::ReadyToSend(permit) => (Ok(()), State::Idle(permit.send(value))),
190            // We're closed, either by choice or because the underlying sender was closed.
191            State::Closed => (Err(PollSendError(Some(value))), State::Closed),
192        };
194        // Handle deferred closing if `close` was called between `poll_reserve` and `send_item`.
195        self.state = if self.sender.is_some() {
196            next_state
197        } else {
198            State::Closed
199        };
200        result
201    }
203    /// Checks whether this sender is been closed.
204    ///
205    /// The underlying channel that this sender was wrapping may still be open.
206    pub fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
207        matches!(self.state, State::Closed) || self.sender.is_none()
208    }
210    /// Gets a reference to the `Sender` of the underlying channel.
211    ///
212    /// If `PollSender` has been closed, `None` is returned. The underlying channel that this sender
213    /// was wrapping may still be open.
214    pub fn get_ref(&self) -> Option<&Sender<T>> {
215        self.sender.as_ref()
216    }
218    /// Closes this sender.
219    ///
220    /// No more messages will be able to be sent from this sender, but the underlying channel will
221    /// remain open until all senders have dropped, or until the [`Receiver`] closes the channel.
222    ///
223    /// If a slot was previously reserved by calling `poll_reserve`, then a final call can be made
224    /// to `send_item` in order to consume the reserved slot.  After that, no further sends will be
225    /// possible.  If you do not intend to send another item, you can release the reserved slot back
226    /// to the underlying sender by calling [`abort_send`].
227    ///
228    /// [`abort_send`]: crate::sync::PollSender::abort_send
229    /// [`Receiver`]: tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver
230    pub fn close(&mut self) {
231        // Mark ourselves officially closed by dropping our main sender.
232        self.sender = None;
234        // If we're already idle, closed, or we haven't yet reserved a slot, we can quickly
235        // transition to the closed state.  Otherwise, leave the existing permit in place for the
236        // caller if they want to complete the send.
237        match self.state {
238            State::Idle(_) => self.state = State::Closed,
239            State::Acquiring => {
240                self.acquire.set(None);
241                self.state = State::Closed;
242            }
243            _ => {}
244        }
245    }
247    /// Aborts the current in-progress send, if any.
248    ///
249    /// Returns `true` if a send was aborted.  If the sender was closed prior to calling
250    /// `abort_send`, then the sender will remain in the closed state, otherwise the sender will be
251    /// ready to attempt another send.
252    pub fn abort_send(&mut self) -> bool {
253        // We may have been closed in the meantime, after a call to `poll_reserve` already
254        // succeeded.  We'll check if `self.sender` is `None` to see if we should transition to the
255        // closed state when we actually abort a send, rather than resetting ourselves back to idle.
257        let (result, next_state) = match self.take_state() {
258            // We're currently trying to reserve a slot to send into.
259            State::Acquiring => {
260                // Replacing the future drops the in-flight one.
261                self.acquire.set(None);
263                // If we haven't closed yet, we have to clone our stored sender since we have no way
264                // to get it back from the acquire future we just dropped.
265                let state = match self.sender.clone() {
266                    Some(sender) => State::Idle(sender),
267                    None => State::Closed,
268                };
269                (true, state)
270            }
271            // We got the permit.  If we haven't closed yet, get the sender back.
272            State::ReadyToSend(permit) => {
273                let state = if self.sender.is_some() {
274                    State::Idle(permit.release())
275                } else {
276                    State::Closed
277                };
278                (true, state)
279            }
280            s => (false, s),
281        };
283        self.state = next_state;
284        result
285    }
288impl<T> Clone for PollSender<T> {
289    /// Clones this `PollSender`.
290    ///
291    /// The resulting `PollSender` will have an initial state identical to calling `PollSender::new`.
292    fn clone(&self) -> PollSender<T> {
293        let (sender, state) = match self.sender.clone() {
294            Some(sender) => (Some(sender.clone()), State::Idle(sender)),
295            None => (None, State::Closed),
296        };
298        Self {
299            sender,
300            state,
301            acquire: PollSenderFuture::empty(),
302        }
303    }
306impl<T: Send> Sink<T> for PollSender<T> {
307    type Error = PollSendError<T>;
309    fn poll_ready(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
310        Pin::into_inner(self).poll_reserve(cx)
311    }
313    fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
314        Poll::Ready(Ok(()))
315    }
317    fn start_send(self: Pin<&mut Self>, item: T) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
318        Pin::into_inner(self).send_item(item)
319    }
321    fn poll_close(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
322        Pin::into_inner(self).close();
323        Poll::Ready(Ok(()))
324    }