Module tower_http::auth::async_require_authorization

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Available on crate feature auth only.
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Authorize requests using the Authorization header asynchronously.


use tower_http::auth::{AsyncRequireAuthorizationLayer, AsyncAuthorizeRequest};
use http::{Request, Response, StatusCode, header::AUTHORIZATION};
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt, ServiceBuilder, service_fn, BoxError};
use futures_util::future::BoxFuture;
use bytes::Bytes;
use http_body_util::Full;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct MyAuth;

impl<B> AsyncAuthorizeRequest<B> for MyAuth
    B: Send + Sync + 'static,
    type RequestBody = B;
    type ResponseBody = Full<Bytes>;
    type Future = BoxFuture<'static, Result<Request<B>, Response<Self::ResponseBody>>>;

    fn authorize(&mut self, mut request: Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
        Box::pin(async {
            if let Some(user_id) = check_auth(&request).await {
                // Set `user_id` as a request extension so it can be accessed by other
                // services down the stack.

            } else {
                let unauthorized_response = Response::builder()


async fn check_auth<B>(request: &Request<B>) -> Option<UserId> {
    // ...

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct UserId(String);

async fn handle(request: Request<Full<Bytes>>) -> Result<Response<Full<Bytes>>, BoxError> {
    // Access the `UserId` that was set in `on_authorized`. If `handle` gets called the
    // request was authorized and `UserId` will be present.
    let user_id = request
        .expect("UserId will be there if request was authorized");

    println!("request from {:?}", user_id);


let service = ServiceBuilder::new()
    // Authorize requests using `MyAuth`

Or using a closure:

use tower_http::auth::{AsyncRequireAuthorizationLayer, AsyncAuthorizeRequest};
use http::{Request, Response, StatusCode};
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt, ServiceBuilder, BoxError};
use futures_util::future::BoxFuture;
use http_body_util::Full;
use bytes::Bytes;

async fn check_auth<B>(request: &Request<B>) -> Option<UserId> {
    // ...

struct UserId(String);

async fn handle(request: Request<Full<Bytes>>) -> Result<Response<Full<Bytes>>, BoxError> {
    // ...

let service = ServiceBuilder::new()
    .layer(AsyncRequireAuthorizationLayer::new(|request: Request<Full<Bytes>>| async move {
        if let Some(user_id) = check_auth(&request).await {
        } else {
            let unauthorized_response = Response::builder()


