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Nested message and enum types in FrameTimelineEvent
- Indicates the start of actual timeline slice for DisplayFrames. Also includes the jank information.
- Indicates the start of actual timeline slice for SurfaceFrames. Also includes the jank information.
- Indicates the start of expected timeline slice for DisplayFrames.
- Indicates the start of expected timeline slice for SurfaceFrames.
- FrameEnd just sends the cookie to indicate that the corresponding <display/surface>frame slice’s end.
- Specifies the severity of a jank.
- Specifies the reason(s) most likely to have caused the jank. Used as a bitmask.
- Specifies if the predictions for the frame are still valid, expired or unknown.
- Specifies how a frame was presented on screen w.r.t. timing. Can be different for SurfaceFrame and DisplayFrame.