
1use tracing_core::{metadata::Metadata, span, Dispatch, Event, Interest, LevelFilter, Subscriber};
3use crate::{
4    filter,
5    layer::{Context, Layer},
6    registry::LookupSpan,
8#[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))]
9use crate::{filter::FilterId, registry::Registry};
10use core::{
11    any::{Any, TypeId},
12    cmp, fmt,
13    marker::PhantomData,
16/// A [`Subscriber`] composed of a `Subscriber` wrapped by one or more
17/// [`Layer`]s.
19/// [`Layer`]: crate::Layer
20/// [`Subscriber`]: tracing_core::Subscriber
22pub struct Layered<L, I, S = I> {
23    /// The layer.
24    layer: L,
26    /// The inner value that `self.layer` was layered onto.
27    ///
28    /// If this is also a `Layer`, then this `Layered` will implement `Layer`.
29    /// If this is a `Subscriber`, then this `Layered` will implement
30    /// `Subscriber` instead.
31    inner: I,
33    // These booleans are used to determine how to combine `Interest`s and max
34    // level hints when per-layer filters are in use.
35    /// Is `self.inner` a `Registry`?
36    ///
37    /// If so, when combining `Interest`s, we want to "bubble up" its
38    /// `Interest`.
39    inner_is_registry: bool,
41    /// Does `self.layer` have per-layer filters?
42    ///
43    /// This will be true if:
44    /// - `self.inner` is a `Filtered`.
45    /// - `self.inner` is a tree of `Layered`s where _all_ arms of those
46    ///   `Layered`s have per-layer filters.
47    ///
48    /// Otherwise, if it's a `Layered` with one per-layer filter in one branch,
49    /// but a non-per-layer-filtered layer in the other branch, this will be
50    /// _false_, because the `Layered` is already handling the combining of
51    /// per-layer filter `Interest`s and max level hints with its non-filtered
52    /// `Layer`.
53    has_layer_filter: bool,
55    /// Does `self.inner` have per-layer filters?
56    ///
57    /// This is determined according to the same rules as
58    /// `has_layer_filter` above.
59    inner_has_layer_filter: bool,
60    _s: PhantomData<fn(S)>,
63// === impl Layered ===
65impl<L, S> Layered<L, S>
67    L: Layer<S>,
68    S: Subscriber,
70    /// Returns `true` if this [`Subscriber`] is the same type as `T`.
71    pub fn is<T: Any>(&self) -> bool {
72        self.downcast_ref::<T>().is_some()
73    }
75    /// Returns some reference to this [`Subscriber`] value if it is of type `T`,
76    /// or `None` if it isn't.
77    pub fn downcast_ref<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
78        unsafe {
79            let raw = self.downcast_raw(TypeId::of::<T>())?;
80            if raw.is_null() {
81                None
82            } else {
83                Some(&*(raw as *const T))
84            }
85        }
86    }
89impl<L, S> Subscriber for Layered<L, S>
91    L: Layer<S>,
92    S: Subscriber,
94    fn register_callsite(&self, metadata: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest {
95        self.pick_interest(self.layer.register_callsite(metadata), || {
96            self.inner.register_callsite(metadata)
97        })
98    }
100    fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> bool {
101        if self.layer.enabled(metadata, self.ctx()) {
102            // if the outer layer enables the callsite metadata, ask the subscriber.
103            self.inner.enabled(metadata)
104        } else {
105            // otherwise, the callsite is disabled by the layer
107            // If per-layer filters are in use, and we are short-circuiting
108            // (rather than calling into the inner type), clear the current
109            // per-layer filter `enabled` state.
110            #[cfg(feature = "registry")]
111            filter::FilterState::clear_enabled();
113            false
114        }
115    }
117    fn max_level_hint(&self) -> Option<LevelFilter> {
118        self.pick_level_hint(
119            self.layer.max_level_hint(),
120            self.inner.max_level_hint(),
121            super::subscriber_is_none(&self.inner),
122        )
123    }
125    fn new_span(&self, span: &span::Attributes<'_>) -> span::Id {
126        let id = self.inner.new_span(span);
127        self.layer.on_new_span(span, &id, self.ctx());
128        id
129    }
131    fn record(&self, span: &span::Id, values: &span::Record<'_>) {
132        self.inner.record(span, values);
133        self.layer.on_record(span, values, self.ctx());
134    }
136    fn record_follows_from(&self, span: &span::Id, follows: &span::Id) {
137        self.inner.record_follows_from(span, follows);
138        self.layer.on_follows_from(span, follows, self.ctx());
139    }
141    fn event_enabled(&self, event: &Event<'_>) -> bool {
142        if self.layer.event_enabled(event, self.ctx()) {
143            // if the outer layer enables the event, ask the inner subscriber.
144            self.inner.event_enabled(event)
145        } else {
146            // otherwise, the event is disabled by this layer
147            false
148        }
149    }
151    fn event(&self, event: &Event<'_>) {
152        self.inner.event(event);
153        self.layer.on_event(event, self.ctx());
154    }
156    fn enter(&self, span: &span::Id) {
157        self.inner.enter(span);
158        self.layer.on_enter(span, self.ctx());
159    }
161    fn exit(&self, span: &span::Id) {
162        self.inner.exit(span);
163        self.layer.on_exit(span, self.ctx());
164    }
166    fn clone_span(&self, old: &span::Id) -> span::Id {
167        let new = self.inner.clone_span(old);
168        if &new != old {
169            self.layer.on_id_change(old, &new, self.ctx())
170        };
171        new
172    }
174    #[inline]
175    fn drop_span(&self, id: span::Id) {
176        self.try_close(id);
177    }
179    fn try_close(&self, id: span::Id) -> bool {
180        #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))]
181        let subscriber = &self.inner as &dyn Subscriber;
182        #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))]
183        let mut guard = subscriber
184            .downcast_ref::<Registry>()
185            .map(|registry| registry.start_close(id.clone()));
186        if self.inner.try_close(id.clone()) {
187            // If we have a registry's close guard, indicate that the span is
188            // closing.
189            #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))]
190            {
191                if let Some(g) = guard.as_mut() {
192                    g.set_closing()
193                };
194            }
196            self.layer.on_close(id, self.ctx());
197            true
198        } else {
199            false
200        }
201    }
203    #[inline]
204    fn current_span(&self) -> span::Current {
205        self.inner.current_span()
206    }
208    #[doc(hidden)]
209    unsafe fn downcast_raw(&self, id: TypeId) -> Option<*const ()> {
210        // Unlike the implementation of `Layer` for `Layered`, we don't have to
211        // handle the "magic PLF downcast marker" here. If a `Layered`
212        // implements `Subscriber`, we already know that the `inner` branch is
213        // going to contain something that doesn't have per-layer filters (the
214        // actual root `Subscriber`). Thus, a `Layered` that implements
215        // `Subscriber` will always be propagating the root subscriber's
216        // `Interest`/level hint, even if it includes a `Layer` that has
217        // per-layer filters, because it will only ever contain layers where
218        // _one_ child has per-layer filters.
219        //
220        // The complex per-layer filter detection logic is only relevant to
221        // *trees* of layers, which involve the `Layer` implementation for
222        // `Layered`, not *lists* of layers, where every `Layered` implements
223        // `Subscriber`. Of course, a linked list can be thought of as a
224        // degenerate tree...but luckily, we are able to make a type-level
225        // distinction between individual `Layered`s that are definitely
226        // list-shaped (their inner child implements `Subscriber`), and
227        // `Layered`s that might be tree-shaped (the inner child is also a
228        // `Layer`).
230        // If downcasting to `Self`, return a pointer to `self`.
231        if id == TypeId::of::<Self>() {
232            return Some(self as *const _ as *const ());
233        }
235        self.layer
236            .downcast_raw(id)
237            .or_else(|| self.inner.downcast_raw(id))
238    }
241impl<S, A, B> Layer<S> for Layered<A, B, S>
243    A: Layer<S>,
244    B: Layer<S>,
245    S: Subscriber,
247    fn on_register_dispatch(&self, subscriber: &Dispatch) {
248        self.layer.on_register_dispatch(subscriber);
249        self.inner.on_register_dispatch(subscriber);
250    }
252    fn on_layer(&mut self, subscriber: &mut S) {
253        self.layer.on_layer(subscriber);
254        self.inner.on_layer(subscriber);
255    }
257    fn register_callsite(&self, metadata: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest {
258        self.pick_interest(self.layer.register_callsite(metadata), || {
259            self.inner.register_callsite(metadata)
260        })
261    }
263    fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) -> bool {
264        if self.layer.enabled(metadata, ctx.clone()) {
265            // if the outer subscriber enables the callsite metadata, ask the inner layer.
266            self.inner.enabled(metadata, ctx)
267        } else {
268            // otherwise, the callsite is disabled by this layer
269            false
270        }
271    }
273    fn max_level_hint(&self) -> Option<LevelFilter> {
274        self.pick_level_hint(
275            self.layer.max_level_hint(),
276            self.inner.max_level_hint(),
277            super::layer_is_none(&self.inner),
278        )
279    }
281    #[inline]
282    fn on_new_span(&self, attrs: &span::Attributes<'_>, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
283        self.inner.on_new_span(attrs, id, ctx.clone());
284        self.layer.on_new_span(attrs, id, ctx);
285    }
287    #[inline]
288    fn on_record(&self, span: &span::Id, values: &span::Record<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
289        self.inner.on_record(span, values, ctx.clone());
290        self.layer.on_record(span, values, ctx);
291    }
293    #[inline]
294    fn on_follows_from(&self, span: &span::Id, follows: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
295        self.inner.on_follows_from(span, follows, ctx.clone());
296        self.layer.on_follows_from(span, follows, ctx);
297    }
299    #[inline]
300    fn event_enabled(&self, event: &Event<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) -> bool {
301        if self.layer.event_enabled(event, ctx.clone()) {
302            // if the outer layer enables the event, ask the inner subscriber.
303            self.inner.event_enabled(event, ctx)
304        } else {
305            // otherwise, the event is disabled by this layer
306            false
307        }
308    }
310    #[inline]
311    fn on_event(&self, event: &Event<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
312        self.inner.on_event(event, ctx.clone());
313        self.layer.on_event(event, ctx);
314    }
316    #[inline]
317    fn on_enter(&self, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
318        self.inner.on_enter(id, ctx.clone());
319        self.layer.on_enter(id, ctx);
320    }
322    #[inline]
323    fn on_exit(&self, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
324        self.inner.on_exit(id, ctx.clone());
325        self.layer.on_exit(id, ctx);
326    }
328    #[inline]
329    fn on_close(&self, id: span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
330        self.inner.on_close(id.clone(), ctx.clone());
331        self.layer.on_close(id, ctx);
332    }
334    #[inline]
335    fn on_id_change(&self, old: &span::Id, new: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) {
336        self.inner.on_id_change(old, new, ctx.clone());
337        self.layer.on_id_change(old, new, ctx);
338    }
340    #[doc(hidden)]
341    unsafe fn downcast_raw(&self, id: TypeId) -> Option<*const ()> {
342        match id {
343            // If downcasting to `Self`, return a pointer to `self`.
344            id if id == TypeId::of::<Self>() => Some(self as *const _ as *const ()),
346            // Oh, we're looking for per-layer filters!
347            //
348            // This should only happen if we are inside of another `Layered`,
349            // and it's trying to determine how it should combine `Interest`s
350            // and max level hints.
351            //
352            // In that case, this `Layered` should be considered to be
353            // "per-layer filtered" if *both* the outer layer and the inner
354            // layer/subscriber have per-layer filters. Otherwise, this `Layered
355            // should *not* be considered per-layer filtered (even if one or the
356            // other has per layer filters). If only one `Layer` is per-layer
357            // filtered, *this* `Layered` will handle aggregating the `Interest`
358            // and level hints on behalf of its children, returning the
359            // aggregate (which is the value from the &non-per-layer-filtered*
360            // child).
361            //
362            // Yes, this rule *is* slightly counter-intuitive, but it's
363            // necessary due to a weird edge case that can occur when two
364            // `Layered`s where one side is per-layer filtered and the other
365            // isn't are `Layered` together to form a tree. If we didn't have
366            // this rule, we would actually end up *ignoring* `Interest`s from
367            // the non-per-layer-filtered layers, since both branches would
368            // claim to have PLF.
369            //
370            // If you don't understand this...that's fine, just don't mess with
371            // it. :)
372            id if filter::is_plf_downcast_marker(id) => {
373                self.layer.downcast_raw(id).and(self.inner.downcast_raw(id))
374            }
376            // Otherwise, try to downcast both branches normally...
377            _ => self
378                .layer
379                .downcast_raw(id)
380                .or_else(|| self.inner.downcast_raw(id)),
381        }
382    }
385impl<'a, L, S> LookupSpan<'a> for Layered<L, S>
387    S: Subscriber + LookupSpan<'a>,
389    type Data = S::Data;
391    fn span_data(&'a self, id: &span::Id) -> Option<Self::Data> {
392        self.inner.span_data(id)
393    }
395    #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))]
396    fn register_filter(&mut self) -> FilterId {
397        self.inner.register_filter()
398    }
401impl<L, S> Layered<L, S>
403    S: Subscriber,
405    fn ctx(&self) -> Context<'_, S> {
406        Context::new(&self.inner)
407    }
410impl<A, B, S> Layered<A, B, S>
412    A: Layer<S>,
413    S: Subscriber,
415    pub(super) fn new(layer: A, inner: B, inner_has_layer_filter: bool) -> Self {
416        #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))]
417        let inner_is_registry = TypeId::of::<S>() == TypeId::of::<crate::registry::Registry>();
419        #[cfg(not(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std")))]
420        let inner_is_registry = false;
422        let inner_has_layer_filter = inner_has_layer_filter || inner_is_registry;
423        let has_layer_filter = filter::layer_has_plf(&layer);
424        Self {
425            layer,
426            inner,
427            has_layer_filter,
428            inner_has_layer_filter,
429            inner_is_registry,
430            _s: PhantomData,
431        }
432    }
434    fn pick_interest(&self, outer: Interest, inner: impl FnOnce() -> Interest) -> Interest {
435        if self.has_layer_filter {
436            return inner();
437        }
439        // If the outer layer has disabled the callsite, return now so that
440        // the inner layer/subscriber doesn't get its hopes up.
441        if outer.is_never() {
442            // If per-layer filters are in use, and we are short-circuiting
443            // (rather than calling into the inner type), clear the current
444            // per-layer filter interest state.
445            #[cfg(feature = "registry")]
446            filter::FilterState::take_interest();
448            return outer;
449        }
451        // The `inner` closure will call `inner.register_callsite()`. We do this
452        // before the `if` statement to  ensure that the inner subscriber is
453        // informed that the callsite exists regardless of the outer layer's
454        // filtering decision.
455        let inner = inner();
456        if outer.is_sometimes() {
457            // if this interest is "sometimes", return "sometimes" to ensure that
458            // filters are reevaluated.
459            return outer;
460        }
462        // If there is a per-layer filter in the `inner` stack, and it returns
463        // `never`, change the interest to `sometimes`, because the `outer`
464        // layer didn't return `never`. This means that _some_ layer still wants
465        // to see that callsite, even though the inner stack's per-layer filter
466        // didn't want it. Therefore, returning `sometimes` will ensure
467        // `enabled` is called so that the per-layer filter can skip that
468        // span/event, while the `outer` layer still gets to see it.
469        if inner.is_never() && self.inner_has_layer_filter {
470            return Interest::sometimes();
471        }
473        // otherwise, allow the inner subscriber or subscriber to weigh in.
474        inner
475    }
477    fn pick_level_hint(
478        &self,
479        outer_hint: Option<LevelFilter>,
480        inner_hint: Option<LevelFilter>,
481        inner_is_none: bool,
482    ) -> Option<LevelFilter> {
483        if self.inner_is_registry {
484            return outer_hint;
485        }
487        if self.has_layer_filter && self.inner_has_layer_filter {
488            return Some(cmp::max(outer_hint?, inner_hint?));
489        }
491        if self.has_layer_filter && inner_hint.is_none() {
492            return None;
493        }
495        if self.inner_has_layer_filter && outer_hint.is_none() {
496            return None;
497        }
499        // If the layer is `Option::None`, then we
500        // want to short-circuit the layer underneath, if it
501        // returns `None`, to override the `None` layer returning
502        // `Some(OFF)`, which should ONLY apply when there are
503        // no other layers that return `None`. Note this
504        // `None` does not == `Some(TRACE)`, it means
505        // something more like: "whatever all the other
506        // layers agree on, default to `TRACE` if none
507        // have an opinion". We also choose do this AFTER
508        // we check for per-layer filters, which
509        // have their own logic.
510        //
511        // Also note that this does come at some perf cost, but
512        // this function is only called on initialization and
513        // subscriber reloading.
514        if super::layer_is_none(&self.layer) {
515            return cmp::max(outer_hint, Some(inner_hint?));
516        }
518        // Similarly, if the layer on the inside is `None` and it returned an
519        // `Off` hint, we want to override that with the outer hint.
520        if inner_is_none && inner_hint == Some(LevelFilter::OFF) {
521            return outer_hint;
522        }
524        cmp::max(outer_hint, inner_hint)
525    }
528impl<A, B, S> fmt::Debug for Layered<A, B, S>
530    A: fmt::Debug,
531    B: fmt::Debug,
533    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
534        #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))]
535        let alt = f.alternate();
536        let mut s = f.debug_struct("Layered");
537        // These additional fields are more verbose and usually only necessary
538        // for internal debugging purposes, so only print them if alternate mode
539        // is enabled.
541        #[cfg(all(feature = "registry", feature = "std"))]
542        {
543            if alt {
544                s.field("inner_is_registry", &self.inner_is_registry)
545                    .field("has_layer_filter", &self.has_layer_filter)
546                    .field("inner_has_layer_filter", &self.inner_has_layer_filter);
547            }
548        }
550        s.field("layer", &self.layer)
551            .field("inner", &self.inner)
552            .finish()
553    }